w00t's Origin Ideas

I. Detailed Character Background
II. Quick and Dirty Character Background

Detailed Character Background
Basic Summary

Bitter ex-Star Law
Happy go lucky

Important events in the characters past

Father died
Mother died
Father/Mother died
Father wealthy
Mysterious disappearance of Father or Mother

* These are events that could possibly change a character's life.

Characters approach to problem solving / hostile situations

Gun 'a blazing
Run like the dickens
To smart to run
To proud to back off

Motivation (specific or general)

Be the best in my field
Find my parents
Take out my enemy
Strong sense of duty
Strong sense of justice
Find families killer

My character views himself/herself as

Good hearted
The gift to beingkind


Remember character's have families, friends, associates, college buddies, high-school sweethearts, friends for life. Something may have happened to one of these to motivate your character into an adventure.

If your character could do something outstanding during a campaign what would it be. Does your character have special abilities?

Quick and Dirty Character Background

Consider making a very light or non-existant background and discovering your character through role-play. This method offers more flexability during game play whereas a detailed predefined character could be "stuck in a rut". A GM can help you adapt your character to the campaign and offer some insite or a teaser, "You the only son of a high-up executive at PGC."

Father died
Mother died
Father and Mother died
Father became wealthy
parents mysterious disappeared

good hearted
the gift to beingkind

Gun 'a blazing
Run like the dickens
To smart to run
To proud to back off

the best in your field
obessed with finding your parents
obessed with taking out the enemy
aware of a strong sense of duty
aware of a strong sense of justice
obessed with finding the families killer

Gun 'a blazing
Run like the dickens
To smart to run
To proud to back off

a bitter ex-Star Law man angry at the universe
a happy go lucky photon surfer dood
a real card. Some call it Jokester or Trickster but your just downright annoying
look like a depressed Dralasite. "Wheres my bucket." You say.

You grew up {OUTLOOK}. But after your {EVENTS} you became {MOTIVATION}. {APPROACH} your now {PROFESSION}.

Random Roll Result:

You grew up selfish. But after your Father died you became obessed with finding the families killer. Run like the dickens your now a bitter ex-Star Law man angry at the universe.