Frontier Timeline
2000 pf.(Pre-Frontier) Corpse Wars: The twenty-four Human and Yazirian colonies
in the Triad System’s three stars(Faith, Hope and Charity) are overwhelmed by a
massive invasion of cybernetically-enhanced Humans rotting from the inside out
from the effects of antiagathic drugs(Corpses) using the Black Hole of Kel’kar as a
shortcut between Corpse Space and the Triad system, the Corpses initiating a
brutal holocaust wiping out over 70% of the colonies’ population. The survivors stage
the Great Exodus, using newly-developed Void engines to lead a fleet of refugee
spacecraft from the Triad System’s three stars and into space, the Corpses
pursuing the entire time.
515 pf. The Triad refugees fight a final battle with Corpse forces at a desolate
system 594,000 light years from their homeworlds. The Battle Of Dead Star 686
results in the apparent eradication of all Corpse presence.
510 pf. First Vrusk/Dralasite contact occurs when Vrusk traders enter the
Fromeltar system to open new markets.
450 pf. First Vrusk/Human contact achieved via subspace radio between Triad
refugee ships and a Vrusk colony at the rim of the Andromeda Galaxy, 640,000
light years from the Triad system.
400 pf. Vrusk, Dralasites, Humans and Yazirians meet for the first time in the
White Light system, in what is to become known as the Frontier Sector or the
Frontier. The Great Exodus comes to an end, as the Triad refugees begin exploring
and colonizing the Frontier’s worlds. Clarion, in the White Light system, becomes
the Triad refugees’ first colony world, the descendants colonizing Triad in the
Cassidine system later that same year.
399 pf. Theseus system colonized by Humans.
370-4 pf. The Frontier is colonized.
360 pf. Gran Quivera and Gollwin in the Prenglar system both colonized.
356 pf. Rupert's Hole,in the Cassidine system, is colonized.
330 pf. Pan-Galactic Corporation started on Gran Quivera.
320 pf. Dixon's Star system discovered by Humans.
310 pf. Madderly's Star system discovered by Vrusk and Humans.
303-300 pf. Corpse forces strike the Frontier, devastating Laco and Kdikit, forcing
the Frontier worlds to call the first Common Muster, the combined militia and PGC
starships and troops launching a relentless counterattack culminating in the Battle
of Laco, lasting 47 hours and resulting in 70% of the Frontier forces and nearly all of
the Corpse forces being wiped out. The muster is swiftly dismissed.
300 pf. Pale and New Pale discovered in the Truane's Star system, named in honor
of the colony group’s charismatic first leader, Colonel John Henry Truane.
Zuraqquor discovered, enslaved and assimilated by the Human colonists of New
Pale. Amongst the colony’s first leaders is Abraham Streel, founder of a chain of
department stores which is to become the Streel Corporation.
270 pf. Dramune system discovered by Dralasites.
268 pf. Athor system discovered by Yazirians.
261 pf. K'tsa-Kar system discovered by Vrusk.
256 pf. K'aken-Kar ssytem disovered by Vrusk.
255 pf. Gruna Garu system discovered by Yazirians.
252 pf. Timeon system discovered by Humans.
250 pf. The Pan-Galactic language accepted throughout the Frontier as a common
trade tongue.
246 pf. Kizk'-Kar system discovered by Vrusk.
229 pf. Araks system colonized by Yazirians and Humans from Pale and New Pale
fleeing religious persecution from the Truane’s Star government and the Streel
Corporation which has used its economic power to insidiously take control of the
government, the media, the schools and churches system-wide.
225-10 pf. The Age of Adventure. The discovery and exploration of new planets
slows down for the next century while the major races concentrate on mapping the
hazards and boundries of the Frontier. Hundreds of exploration vessels and brave
spacers are lost during this time. Meanwhile, the discovered planets begin to
develop. Thousands of fortunes are made and lost during the Age of Adventure.
124-78 pf. The Greater Morass is mapped.
120-110 pf Laco's War: When the government of Laco refuses to allow Streel to set
up business on their soil, the CEO of Streel, Truane's Star President Jacob Streel,
declares a "war of the righteous to liberate Laco from the forces of Sadam and Her
dark legions," dispatching Streel and Truane's Star warships to invade Laco in
force. Laco's militia, assisted by PGC security forces, the Kdikit Defense Force and
the Clarion Royal Marines, wage a bloody ten-year defense of the Dixon's Star
system against Streel and Truane's Star, the war ending only after a devastating
attack against Pale and New Pale by the combined forces convinces the Streel
board of directors and the Truane's Star government to break off hostilities.
94 pf. Scree Fron system discovered by Yazirians.
61 pf. The Zebulon system is discovered by Professor Alorne Zebulon, the
Frontier's most noted scientist, explorer, and educator. Following the loss of the
exploration ship Serena Dawn, with all hands—including Professor Zebulon—during
the second expidition to the Zebulon system, the Truane’s Star government, now
completely under the thrall of the Streel Corporation, claims the system and closes
off all access to it.
59 pf. Streel announces the complete takeover of all mediacorps on Nexus, the
culmination of an insidious campaign begun with the purchase of commercial spots
two hundred years before. With control of all commecial media and the subspace
computer network(or the SubNet), the Streel family are now positioned to feed their
worldview to the citizens of the Frontier.
The Frontier worlds respond to this by establishing their own mediacorps and
subspace computer networks independent of the SubNet, these independent
computer networks uniting over the next five decades into the Mosaic.
56-40 pf. The White Light Nebulae are mapped.
39-33 pf. The Yreva Nebula is mapped.
32-26 pf. Thirty-two exploration vessels are lost trying to map the Xagyg Dust
Nebulae. Only a small part of the area beyond Fromeltar is ever mapped.
Several hundred more exploration vessels are lost trying to explore the Zebulon
system, to the point where most governments and corporations abandon further
attempts along those lines altogether.
25-2 pf. The Pirate Wars.
25 pf. A remarkably well-equipped and organized pirate fleet under Hatzck Naar—
larger than any of the planetary militias individually—raids the Cassidine and
Prenglar systems, seizing Rupert’s Hole and Triad’s moon of Evergleem in a single
battle. The second Common Muster in nearly three centuries is called, as Streel
and the Truane’s Star government both demand the establishment of a strong,
central interstellar government and military to combat this and other threats.
24 pf. Naar’s fleet ravages the Pale worlds as a diversion, seizing Laco in a
lightning raid, Streel CEO Ezekiel Streel pointing this out as “proof positive that only
a Frontier united under a single directive, under strong, decisive leadership with the
moral superiority to lead, can defeat this threat to our security once and for all.”
24 pf. Later that year, the Frontier forces deals a series of overwhelming,
devastating defeats to Naar’s forces, seizing Laco and Rupert’s Hole in a single
campaign, diverting Naar’s fleet away from his home base on Outer Reach, allowing
forces led by the Lord Commander of the Clarion Royal Marines, Vincent Morgaine,
to launch a massive assault which results in the seizure of Outer Reach and
Darkworld Station by Frontier forces, scattering Naar’s forces throughout the
23 pf. Naar’s attempt to establish a base in the Planrion asteroid belt fails
miserably, the Frontier forces ambushing his remnant fleet, destroying or driving off
most of his ships in a bloody eighteen-hour battle, Naar himself becoming a fugitive.
22 pf. Hatzck Naar's ship, the heavy cruiser King George’s Revenge, is cornered by
Frontier warships off Timeon, Morgaine’s heavy cruiser Oath-Bound hammering the
Revenge into a dead hulk, Naar captured by Morgaine and a Royal Marine boarding
party and ejected into space to slowly boil inside his spacesuit as he falls toward
The muster is dismissed, only to be replaced by the Interstellar Law Enforcement
Organization, created when Gran Quivera, Gollwin, Clarion, Triad, Rupert’s Hole
, Fromeltar, Minotaur, Krataar. Hargut, Hakosoar, Kenzah' Kit and Inner Reach,
along with the Cassidine Development Corporation and PGC, donate ships
, manpower, funds and resources into a common effort to combat the growing threat
of piracy throughout the Frontier worlds.
Morgaine is named the Organization’s first commander, granted the rank of admiral
by the Frontier Security Council, formed to oversee the Organization’s activities,
and the Organization is headquarted on Gollwin in the Prenglar system.
21-10 pf. The Xagyg Dust Nebulae is mapped from Fromeltar to K'aken-Kar.
19-8 pf. The Xagyg Dust Nebula, particularlly in and around the Zebulon system
claims thousands of exploration vessels. Exploration of the area ceases
10 pf. With Streel and the Truane’s Star government continuing to sound the call for
a strong government in the face of continued piracy, the Interstellar Law
Enforcement Organization—now simply known as Star Law—makes significant
inroads against various pirate bands, wiping a dozen of the largest pirate fleets out
completely. Impressed, most of the remaining Frontier worlds begin contributing
resources, personnel and ships to Star Law, securing representation on the
2 pf. Acting on a tip, and over the objections of both Streel and the Truane’s Star
government, Morgaine personally leads Star Law forces into the Zebulon system
In a bloody three-month campaign, the Star Lawmen fight their way through mined
routes, ambushes and a massive pirate fleet in orbit around Volturnus, the Star
Lawmen landing marines on the three largest concentrations of Human life-signs on
Volturnus’ surface at the same time they reduce the enemy forces in planetary
Morgaine learns that the Human settlements on planet are slave-labor camps,
where captives from throughout the Frontier are brutalized and overworked in the
punishing heat alongside native sentients, the Star Lawmen discovering extensive
orbital facilities orbiting both Volturnus and Anker, along with several half-completed
cruiser and heavy cruiser-class hulls, some conforming to known Frontier ship
classes, others of a decidedly alien design.
No useful information can be extracted from the surviving pirates, their captives or
the hulks concerning the half-completed vessels
Content with smashing the largest remaining pirate force operating in Frontier
space, Morgaine and his ships return to Gollwin.
2 pf. The First Sathar War: A massive force of Sathar warships—led by several
gigantic vessels, each five times the size of a heavy cruiser—emerge from the Void
in the Prenglar system, outnumbering both Gran Quivera’s and Gollwin’s planetary
militias, as well as the Star Law Spacefleet forces in system. In spite of this
, Morgaine, personally leading the combined Star Law/militia forces aboard the
Oath-Bound, fight a bloody, 47-hour battle with the Sathar, destroying them utterly,
while suffering 60% casualties, including the destruction of the Oath-Bound with all
1 pf. In honor of Morgaine’s sacrifice and service to the people of the Frontier, the
people of Gollwin vote to rename their planet Morgaine’s World .
1 f.y. (Federation Year) What had begun as an oversight body for Star Law
becomes an interstellar government, the Frontier Security Council and Star Law
transforming into the center of the United Planetary Federation. Streel and Truane’s
Star reluctantly join, in spite of their criticism of the new UPF being too weak to
adjudicate squabbles amongst itself, let alone lead the Frontier against a second
Sathar invasion.
5 f.y.Interstellar Industries develops the first assault scout-class warship for use by
Star Law's Spacefleet, beating out the Streel-built Hatchet-class corvette. The
assault scout proves to be so successful, Star Law orders several hundred more,
the ship becoming the Spacefleet's most common vessel, while the Streel corvette
becomes the chief ship of the resurgent pirate bands.
5 f.y. PGC unveils the first of Star Law's Morgaine-class battleships.
CDC comissions the first five Oath-Bound-class frigates, these ships quickly
becoming the mainstay of Star Law and the militias
Eversafe Enterprises commissions the first four Hargut-class cruisers, while Streel
is given the contract to convert Courageous-class heavy cruisers into Dauntless-
class battle carriers,
Streel is dissatisfied with this, wanting all the Star Law contracts for themselves
,Streel resorting to sabotaging the other corporations' prototypes
Caught in the act by Star Law Special Branch, Streel loses the Dauntless project,
gaining nothing out of it, as all plans were published as open-source documents as
per the contract agreements.
14 f.y. The Sundown system is discovered.
17-25 f.y. The Blue Plague sweeps the Frontier. Scientists believe it was brought to
the Sundown system by an alien vessel that crashed on Starmist. Because of
Starmist's light population, the plague was not immediately detected and had a
chance to mutate. It is believed that vermin from the planet became infected and
somehow gained entry to a ship. The ship makes several stops on the Frontier and
the plague spreads rapidly. It is called the Blue Plague because of its earliest
symptoms -- large blue welts that appear about the face and extremities. These
welts leave horrible black scars even if the victim survives the plague.
20 f.y. Four star systems become so infested with the Blue Plague that the Frontier
Security Council, requests all races to recognize a permanent quarantine of these
four star systems. The systems are designated by Greek letters. A spaceship
seen leaving one of these systems is to be destroyed by Star Law before it has a
chance to spread the plague any further.
22 f.y. Hargut, Clarion and Pale suffer massive population losses due to the Blue
Plague. All three planets are temporarily quarantined.
Streel CEO Samson Streel criticizes the UPF’s handling of the epidemic, using
Streel’s control of the Nexus(and several other Frontier) mediacorps to spread the
opinion that the Plague is a punishment from the One True God(the One)for the
Frontier’s tolerance of sin and the “moral inferiors” who spread it. Streel’s belief,
repeated thousands of times by thousands of beings such as him over the next few
years, results in millions more innocent beings being imprisoned, brutalized and
even murdered.
23 f.y. The Medical Services Organization is founded. Funding pours in from most
of the Frontier worlds, except Pale and New Pale.
Gretl Grohn is named as the MSO Chief Surgeon.
24 f.y. Vaccine for the Blue Plague is discovered at the MSO Center on Morgaine's
World, in spite of Streel agents attempting to sabotage the research, Star Law and
the Clarion Royal Marines being instrumental in discovering that the Plague was, in
fact, engineered by Streel’s pharmecuticals division and seeded on Starmist to
begin the epidemic.Incensed, the people of Clarion launch a series of bloody anti
Streel demonstrations, butchering hundreds of Streel employees on planet and
throughout the White Light system, before Queen Felicia II orders Streel expelled
from White Light system space, revoking the corporation’s operating authority in
Clarion soil.
Samson Streel makes repeated denials, accusing the Council and the moral
inferiors controlling it, the Frontier’s media and Star Law of persecuting him
, claiming the Streel employees responsible for engineering and releasing the
Plague were in fact Sathar agents.
This doesn’t stop the Frontier Criminal Court from fining Streel 500 trillion credits in
damages and reparations.
Star Law—to its infinite regret—is unable to prove Samson Streel, any member of
the Streel board of directors or even the Truane's Star government had anything to
do with the epidemic.
25 f.y. The Blue Plague is eradicated from inhabited planets in the Frontier. In total,
170 million victims fell to the plague, while another 250 million were murdered by
prejudice and panic resulting from the plague.
26 f.y. Very tough laws and penalties are laid down by both the Frontier Security
Council and the member worlds concerning the intersystem transportation and
handling of flora and fauna. Star Law is given jurisdiction over planetary imports and
The Frontier Security Council also requires all genetic expirimentation projects
secure the approval of the Council and to have Star Law and MSO oversight at all
27 f.y. The PGC frigate Omicron, missing since the last Corpse War three hundred
years ago, is discovered drifting and powerless in interstellar space between
Dixon’s Starand Araks. The Star Law frigate Oath-Bound is dispatched to
investigate, only to battle both the ship’s cybernetic intelligence...and a force of two
Sathar heavy cruisers and six destroyers, Strike Force NOVA joining the fray
The Oath-Bound sends a Marine boarding party onto the Omicron, fighting off a
Zuraqquor-led Sathar boarding party and the ship’s cybernetic brain, succeeding, in
spite of heavy casualties, in seizing control of the ship, using its weapons to help
defeat the Sathar force, after it succeeds in dealing a damaging blow to Strike
Force NOVA, destroying its flagship, the heavy cruiser Stalwart with the loss of all
hands, including Star Law Admiral Clinton.
With the intelligence that the Zuraqquor were leading the Sathar in hand, Star Law
attempts to probe further, only to discover that Streel officials have eradicated all
evidence of the Zuraqquor’s history and civilization prior to human colonization of
New Pale.
30 f.y. Pan-Gal system is discovered by the Pan-Galactic Corporation and
becomes the first mega-corp star system.
31 f.y. New Streel system is discovered by the Streel Corporation.
32 f.y. Devco system is discovered by the Cassidine Development Corporation.
36 f.y. The Second Dramune War is fought.
46 f.y. Solar Major system discovered by WarTech Incorporated.
50 f.y. A rebellion flares up on Corpco in reaction to Streel's repressive measures,
Streel sending in troops and ships to "excise the morally inferior from the body of
the planet," as Streel Security Forces head Joshua Streel bluntly puts it.
The Clarion Royal Marines, along with the Triad Militia, PGC and CDC security
forces and Star Law's Strike Force NOVA—under the command of Star Law
Admiral Alannah Red Cloud—come to the aid of Corpco's oppressed populace
, engaging Streel and Truane's Star forces in a series of bloody battles on Corpco
and throughout the New Streel system, culiminating in the Battle of Ten Fleets, Red
Cloud's forces and the Corpco rebels scoring a decisive victory, but at the cost of
Admiral Red Cloud's life and 60% of the UPF forces, Samson Streel claiming
neither Streel nor the Truane's Star government had any involvement in the events
which took place, the Frontier Security Council nevertheless suspending Streel
Corp's and Truane's Star's membership for five years.
68 f.y. Star Law dispataches the battle carrier Dauntless and the whole of Strike
Group NOVA Bravo to the Tristkar system as rioting between human supremacists
and Vrusk extremists overwhelms the civil authorities on Krataar.
Upon emerging from the Void, the Star Law ships are attacked by ships of the
planetary militia, the Dauntless sustaining heavy damage, as the assault scout
Falchion almost singlehandedly destroys or drives off the militia warships—the
Falchion being destroyed in the process—allowing the rest of the strike group to
reach Krataar orbit
The Star Law ships find themselves in the middle of an imminent civil war, which
Kraatar's ruling Commerical Council is powerless to mediate, as even its security
forces have begun taking sides, tensions almost exploding into all-out war upon the
apparent assassination of Trojan Enterprises CEO Jack Legrange by Vrusk
members of the planetary security forces
The subequent Star Law investigation exposes Trojan's insidious takeover of the
largest Vrusk merchant house on planet, Vist'Lat, and the implantation of mind
-control devices—outlawed Corpse technology—by personnel at the Trojan-owned
High Peaks Sanitorium into the cranial carpaces of Vrusk executives and security
personnel. The investigation further reveals that Legrange faked his death and is at
the head of a plot to seize power on Krataar, the investigation culminating in the
Battle of Artemis, as Strike Force NOVA and Task Force K’aken’ Kar engage the
starships of the Krataar Liberation Corps, along with several Streel and Truane's
Star warships in a bloody ten-hour battle, during which the frigate Oath-Bound plays
a prominent part by attacking the KLC base on Artemis, preventing the launch of
several missiles which would have unleashed a strain of the Blue Plague—tailored
to wipe out non-Human species—upon the surface of Krataar
The Oath-Bound then pursues Legrange’s frigate, the Realization Of Destiny, as it
attempts to follow the surviving Streel and Truane’s Star ships into the Void, the
remaining KLC ships abandoned to their fate.
After a six-hour chase and battle in Tristkar orbit, the Oath-Bound grapples the
Destiny, the Oath-Bound’s marines capturing Legrange, transporting him to Clarion
for trial
Star Law is unable to prove any direct link between Streel and Legrange, all the
available evidence leading straight to Legrange, a former Streel Corporation
executive, and a team of rogue operatives recruited personally by him, with just the
slightest implication of Sathar involvement.
To Streel’s dismay, however, the circumstancial evidence is more than enough for
the Commercial Council to revoke the corporation’s operating authority throughout
the Tristkar system, resulting in the loss of nearly half of their interstellar business.
Legrange is convicted of nearly a hundred counts of crimes against sentience and
high treason by the Frontier Criminal Court, and is spaced later that year.
He is unrepentant to the end.
68 f.y. Frontier Expiditionary Force formed at Clarion, with the destroyer Melinda
McCoy designated its flagship.
A joint effort between Star Law and the Royal Marines, the FEF is charged with
scouting for signs of Sathar presence beyond the Frontier's boundaries.
70 f.y. Liberty system discovered by the UPF. Strike Force NOVA and the Frontier
Expitionary Force liberate the planet Snowball and the Mhemne from Sathar
tyranny. Tacticians, politicians, and exobiologists are given a chance to study
Sathar machinery and methods first hand because of the information gathered by
the populace during their occupation. It is feared that many pockets of Sathar
tyranny exist all around the Frontier.
70-75 f.y. The Second Sathar War.
70 f.y. The Sathar seize the Zebulon, Araks, Dixon's Star and Madderly’s Star
systems in a series of lightning assaults, overwhelming and destroying the UPF
forces and the planetary militia forces in those systems. The people of Anker,
Volturnus, Hentz, Laco and Kdikit are swiftly and brutally enslaved.
The Sathar turn Kdikit into a planet-wide military and industrial complex intended as
a permanent advance base for incoming Sathar supply ships and troops.
70 f.y. Strike Force NOVA and the Mhemne Confederation militia are mauled when
Sathar Fleet #4—accompanied by a force of Truane's Star warships—invades the
Liberty system. The combined UPF forces lose 80% of their ships and personnel
while completely annhilating the enemy force.
71 f.y. The UPF mines the sector between White Light and Madderly's Star.
Sathar Fleet #1 is driven from Gruna Garu and pursued as it tries to make its way
to Fromeltar. All militia ships in the sector, including half of Task Force Prenglar,
are engaged in the pursuit.
71 f.y. Joint Reaction Force #1 is formed at Clarion, incorporating Spacefleet and
Royal Marine warships. JRF #1’s commander, Captain Margaurite Dermond
, believes more of the Sathar fleet may attack through the White Light Nebulae.
71 f.y. Sathar Fleet #2 emerges between Timeon and Prenglar, placing itself in front
of Task Force Prenglar. The Battle of Prenglar begins two hours later and results in
Sathar Fleet #2 scattering or destroying the reduced Task Force Prenglar, the Star
Law Admiral, Carrie Nation Bridger, being one of those killed during the battle.
Flush with victory, the Sathar proceed recklessly into the Frontier.
72 f.y. Sathar Fleet #3 attempts to circumnavigate the Great Morass. Two weeks
later it is engaged by gunships and assault scouts from Moonworld. Without any
knowledge of the existence of the Lynchpin system, the Sathar forge ahead, finding
the whole Task Force Liberty waiting in orbit around Moonworld to ambush the
Sathar in a carefully-laid trap, as they emerge from the Void.
This begins the Battle of Moonworld, which ends with ends with the destruction of
three-quarters of Sathar Fleet #3. The remaining Sathar vessels are forced to
72 f.y. JRF #1 launches a surprise raid on Kdikit, smashing the Sathar supply line,
stationing themselves at the edge of the system to engage and destroy incoming
Sathar vessels.
72 f.y. The final dregs of Sathar Fleet #1, after slipping into the Xagyg Nebula off
Fromeltar, arrive back at Kdikit and prepare to defend it to the death.
72 f.y. Task Force Prenglar regroups off K'aken-Kar. JRFs #2 and #3 formed at
Triad. Task Force White Light begins forming at Fortress Redoubt from the remains
of the Frontier Expiditionary Force. Commodore Karl Reider assumes command of
Task Force White Light aboard the newly-comissioned battleship Admiral Red
72 f.y. JRFs #1-3, along with Task Forces Cassidine, Liberty, Fromeltar, and
K'aken Kar, secure the Frontier inward from Theseus.
73 f.y. The remains of Sathar Fleet #2 arrive at Kdikit. Despite a desperate shortage
of supplies caused by the Star Law blockade and terrible losses from previous
engagements, the Sathar have completed their construction. Kdikit is now a
formidable fortress. Task Forces Prenglar and White Light prepare to invade Kdikit.
73 f.y. The Battle of the Blockade. A Sathar reinforcement fleet—accompanied by a
Truane's Star heavy cruiser, a Truane’s Star battle carrier, a pair of Streel
Corporation frigates and eight Streel corvettes—is challenged by JRF#1. Half of the
enemy fleet—including all the Streel and Truane's Star ships— escape, the other
half sacrificing themselves to save them, at the cost of half of JRF#1's warships and
74 f.y. JRF#1 is greatly increased by reinforcements from Clarion. Dermond’s ships
rendezvous with Task Forces Prenglar and White Light. Battered and weary, they
still insist on joining the siege of Kdikit , gaining notoriety throughout the Frontier.
74 f.y. A peace faction splits the Frontier Security Council. In spite of its being led
by the ambassador from Truane’s Star—Gestas Streel—and the Streel
represenative—Gestas’ twin brother Dismas—their father, Samson Streel, decries
this development, insisting that this is only one more reason why strong leadership
is needed if the Frontier is to survive “the Dark Lady, her Sathar, and the moral
inferiors amongst us who are their servants.”
In a surprising development, the Star Law commander, Admiral Ironside
Brannecken, orders a diplomatic mission sent to Kdikit, stunning the Council
enough for a majority to agree to this.
The Sathar also agree, the Star Law negotiators sent to talk peace meeting with
non-Sathar agents, who Star Law’s Special Branch covertly confirms are Streel
Corporation management personnel...and, they seem to be the ones in charge on
Kdikit, confirming intelligence dearly bought during several of the war's earlier
Like the Sathar, the Star Lawmen are buying time for their forces to gather all the
strength they can before striking, the Sathar and their Streel handlers using the
six months the negoiations drag on to strengthen defenses around Kdikit.
75 f.y. Task Force Cassidine joins Task Forces Prenglar and White Light at the edge of the Madderly’s Star system, as Samson Streel grows increasingly suspicious of Brannecken's motives.
At the same time JRF #2 and Task Group White Light Charlie 5 engage Sathar and
Streel forces around Plague World Delta. After heavy fighting, the Star Law forces
drive off the surviving Streel and Sathar ships, deploying Marines to secure the
To their horror and anger, the Star Lawmen find the planet had been turned into a
Streel slave-labor camp some fifty years before, Delta's inhabitants forced to build
Sathar weapons and warships. as well as a fleet of Streel warships more powerful
than anything currently in the UPF arsenal.
As further investigation and humanitarian efforts take place on Delta, the initial
findings are relayed to the Frontier Security Council.
75 f.y., 30 Septa. Present
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