![]() October 8, 2007 - 3:43am | Or, to put it another way, do you believe the Alpha Dawn rules can be used in a more "generic" fashion, without being tied specifically to the Frontier? In many discussions, some people have voiced the notion that the "retro-future" feel of the game is absolutely vital to its charms, but on the other hand, projects like Fantasy Frontiers indicate that some folks don't agree. So how about it -- could you see yourself using the Alpha Dawn rules with a flashier, more modern campaign setting, or one that's even more retro than the early 1980s? For myself, I'm sort of in the middle. I believe that the concepts of Alpha Dawn can be left intact while the presentation can be updated. For example, a chronocom doesn't have to be a big, clunky wristband more reminiscent of a pocket calculator stuck to a teleport bracelet from Blake's 7 -- I believe it can be a slender band that uses a holo projector instead of a screen and voice command instead of buttons, but performs exactly the same function. Computer cases don't have to be the size of appliances, and memory certainly doesn't have to be reel-to-reel tape (as seen in the introductory comic in the Alpha Dawn Basic Game book) -- indeed, I believe Alpha Dawn computers don't even have to be built according to the early-80s "hobby kit" model, but can still use the rules as printed! That's what got me excited about the Revival in the first place -- Bill's updated presentation in the Digitally Remastered books. If the books themselves can get a visual update while still containing the same core, I think the game's style can too. If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. -- Carl Sagan |
October 8, 2007 - 9:40am | I go both ways. Don't misread that sentence. :-P I like the naive 80's look at the future that brought us Star Frontiers. But it's the frontier feeling that I love about it moreso than the type of technology available. The developers of the game obviously didn't know the difference between software and hardware on a computer, for example. Or they took such an over-simplified approach that it does insult our current understanding of things. Robots are similarly handled. Even the concept of energy portability is understated. There is a solid argument for making a generic up-to-date star frontiers - and if someone wanted to tackle that project I would definitely get involved. The only thing I'd worry about losing (I guess these are the "sacred cows" to me):
3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our
vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time. |
![]() October 8, 2007 - 12:38pm | <2cents>
I love the Star Frontiers Universe. That being said, when it comes to game design, in general, I believe that game mechanics mostly belong separate from campaign material. This always allows more portability to other styles of gaming than the narrow view that the originators may have conceived of. I think that is one of the great draws of the D20 systems, but don't get me wrong... D20 Star Frontiers is just wrong. Game Mechanics and Campaign material can appear in the same books... but separate them to into the applicable sections. I love how the Alpha Dawn (and Knight Hawks) games does certain things, even if I think some of the material could use a little updating. It really wasn't broke, and I think that is the reason why Zeb's book did not go over well... it did not need fixing. They would have been better received by simply adding material and expanding material, than redesigning the core stuff. So... I agree. I would like a refreshed Star Frontiers game that takes into account a little more modern mentality when it comes to certain concepts (power/SEU, computers/communications, genetics, bionics/cybernetics, physics of space, etc). I don't think much needs changing; just mostly re-explaining or a little updating. Since I am typing this on a decent laptop, connected wirelessly to the Internet... I would expect future-games to at least supersede the tech represented by the real world in those areas. </2cents> <insert witty comment here> |
![]() October 8, 2007 - 2:14pm | To me, Star Frontiers as it stands IS its story AND its mechanics. Change one of those things into something completely different and it destroys Star Frontiers. At the same time, though, you could easily have an updated version that feels fresh and up-to-date. It wouldn't feel like the classic Star Frontiers, but would be a new game that could have an equal appeal. You can apply the Star Frontiers mechanics to a whole new game or apply the story to a whole new system. Either way, it won't be Star Frontiers anymore (not to me any anyway), but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a cool game to play. I have been mulling over an up-to-date version adapting Seawolf's Star Frontiers 4th Edition to update mechanics and bring us into the modern age, but it would contain a lot more sophisticated elements than traditional Star Frontiers, but the goal would still be simplicity. Without ease of play, there would be nothing left to call Star Frontiers. |
October 8, 2007 - 2:36pm | The short answer Corvus is, do what you will. Overall, I would think that the rules would work pretty well in some sort of modern setting - like maybe some sort of TV show taking place now, or, as you say, some 80's retro stuff. While I appreciate purists, I am actually NOT one in this regard. My main objective is to avoid stuff that sucks. If you can overlay Star Frontiers onto some sort of earth-bound situation, like James Bond or something, I would say rock 'n roll. Myself personally, I will explore those kinds of things when I am sick of SF as it stands out of the boxes. As of now, I am not even close to that. |
![]() October 9, 2007 - 4:56am | I love the core descriptions as well. However, I have no qualms about making some streamlined updates. Yes the chronocom does not need to be a bulky thing that weighs your appendages down. A powerbackpack doesn't really have to mass 10kg, especially when five powerclips that store the same amount of energy masses...nothing. But descriptive details aside, I pretty much like to leave it alone when it comes time to roll the dice. |
October 9, 2007 - 6:10am | See... this wide variety of opinions is precisely why a site like this is necessary. All of us have ideas and opinions, and even if your idea isn't my cup o'tea, I enjoy the game well enough that I'd contribute to your ideas. This site is designed to allow all of you to build on your own projects and concepts - and everyone can (if they choose) get involved to help move things along, each providing his/her own expertise. I was accused once of being very "gestapo" - I was even called by that same person "the Borg" -- trying to make everyone do things my way. I hope you all understand that that is the *OPPOSITE* of what I'm trying to do. One big sandbox and lots of lil sandcastles makes one fun sandbox. 3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our
vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time. |
![]() October 9, 2007 - 10:02am | Gestapo and borg? LOL. You must have been getting flack that should have been aimed at me, because you were the popular one and I was trying to generate a unified development ethic that no one liked (and took shortcuts). Bill ain't to blaim. Hail S**tler, you dumkaufs! ![]() |
![]() October 14, 2007 - 2:12pm | Go Heil phfft! Heil phfft! Right in the Führer's face.... "You're everything that's base in humanity," Cochrane continued. "Drawing up strict, senseless rules for the sole reason of putting you at the top and excluding anyone you say doesn't belong or fit in, for no other reason than just because you say so." —Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stephens, Federation |