![]() April 16, 2023 - 10:17am | How do we know ... "Are we there yet?" List out the minimum viable parts and pieces needed to build an open replacement. My thought is to use the Index of SFAD as a checklist of what is done and what's left to do. Repeat for SFKH when the time comes ... A Ability Checks Ability Modifiers Ability Scores Aircars Alarms and Defenses Ammunition Anesthetics Anti-Shock Implant Area Fire Automatic Hits and Misses Avoidance Rolls B Battle Rage Bursts Bumping Biosocial Skills Biocort C Careful Aim Character Generation Climbing Collisions Combat aerial combat combat with creatures vehicles Computers Computer Skill Cost of Living Counters, facing Cover Crashes Creating Adventures Creatures Crowds, shooting into Customs, Duties and Taxes D Damage Declarations Defensive Suits and Screens Demolitions Dexterity Dice Disarming Disease Dodging Doors Doze Grenades Dralasites E Encumbrance Envirokit Environmental Skill Exoskeleton Experience Points Explosives F Falling Field of Vision First Aid Flying Freefall Freeze Fields Frontier Sector G Gliding, Yazirians Glijets Gravity, Weight and Mass Grenades Ground Vehicle Movement Guns in Melee Gyrojet Weapons H Heavy Weapons Humans Hypnotism I Improving Characters Infections Infra-Red Goggles Initiative Interfacing Computers Intuition J Jetcopters Jumping K Knockouts L Ladders Languages Leadership Leaping Light and Darkness Line of Sight Locks Logic Losing Control of a Vehicle Loyalty M Magnigoggles Malfunctions Maps Martial Arts Medical Skill Medkit Melee melee weapons Military Skills Monorails Movement ground vehicles N NPCS O Opportunity Shots Orbital Shuttles P Pan-Galactic Parabatteries Pay Personality Picking Up Objects Pivoting Poisons Polyvox Power Generators Powerpacks Projectile Weapons Prone Targets Psycho-Social Skill Public Transportation Punching Score R Random Events Range Ranged Weapons Combat Procedure ranged weapons table Rate of Fire Reaction Speed Reactions, creatures Reactions, NPCs Recovering from Wounds Referee Reloading Remote Weapon Systems Repairing Equipment Robcomkit Robotics Skill Robots S Sample Creatures Sathar Screens Short Corners Slipping Skid Turns Skills Space Travel Special Rules Spotting Distance Stacking Stamina Staydose Stimdose Stopping, emergency Strength Strength Checks Structural Points Stunning Subspace Radio Suits Surgery Surprise Survival Swimming T Target Size Techkit Technician Skill Technological Skills Telescopic Sights Telol Terrain Effects Thrown Weapons Time Toolkits Toxins Tracking Turn Speed Two Weapons V Variable Power Settings Vehicle Breakdowns Vehicle Combat Vehicles Vrusk W Weapons ranges Weapon Skills Weightless Combat Weightless Movement Wounds Wrestling Wrong Hand, firing with Y Yazirians |
![]() April 23, 2023 - 10:09am | And the Index for Knight Hawks A ADF Abandoning ship Academy, Gollwin Agriculture equipment Agriculture ships Airlocks Asteroids Astrogation equipment Astrogation skill Atomic drives B Banks Boarding actions Breakdowns C Cameras Cargo Charters Charting interstellar routes Chemical drives Civilian ships Commodities Communication equipment Computer programs, list agriculture alarm astrogation cargo handling damage control defenses drive exploration life support lockout self-destruct weapons Computers Construction centers Corporations Crews Customizing spaceships D DCR computer program of civilian ships Decks, plans and positions Decompression Decoys Defensive systems Designing ships Detection equipment Docking Doors Drive programs Drives destruction jettisoning overhauling E Economics Emergency Equipment Energy sensors Engineering skill Engineering deck Equipment, general agricultural exploration freight transport mining passenger accommodations scientific research Escape pods Evasion Experience points Exploding ships Exploration equipment Explosives F First Sathar War Freefall Freighters Frontier Deployment Map Fuel G Governments Grappling Gravity Gunnery skill H Hatches Hijacking Hulks Hull Specification Chart Hull points Hulls I Improving weapon accuracy Intercoms Interstellar travel Interstellar distance table Ion drives Ion screening J Jamming Jettisoning drives Jumping through the Void K L Laboratory, onboard Landing drones Landing on planets Launches Life support systems extra for spaceuits Lifeboats Loans Local detectors Locks Long range detectors Lost ships M MR, by engine type Maintenance Masking screens Military ship designs Military space stations Militia ships Mining Misjumping Modifying spaceships Movement, away from exploding ship boarding actions during ship combat in launches in spacesuits in workpods modifications onboard ship through space through asteroid belts N NPCs O Overhauls P Passenger ships Piloting skill Pirates Planetary defenses Portholes Prospecting Punctures Q R Radar Radios Ramming spaceships Raw material chart Refereeing Remote probes Repairs Research ships and equipment Risk jumping Robot ships Rocket pack S Sabotage Salvage laws Sathar Second Sathar War Security Selective targeting Self-destruction Shatter drones Shuttles Skills of NPCs Skin sensors Space stations Spacefleet Spaceliners Spacers Spaceship construction Spaceship equipment availability communications computer detection drives hulls life support Spaceship types Spaceships, breakdowns construction time deck plans design design sequence fuel hulls maintenance and repairs standard designs weapons Spacesuits Subspace radio T Takeoffs Tools Tracer implants U United Planetary Federation V Vacuum Vehicles Videocom radio Void, the W Wages, for spacers Warships Weapons Window Workpods X Y Z |