Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
This is the general forum container. New forums can be created only by site referees, but forum topics within those forums are open to everyone. Please keep the site's discussions pleasant and constructive.
| |||
Use this forum to talk about your current games, ask opinions of others about a game you're in, or exchange ideas with other Referees regarding a scenario you're planning. It will help others become encouraged to play by seeing that others are playing it too!
| 1191 | 19668 | 41 weeks 2 days ago by jedion357 |
The internet is a big place, and it's full of wonderful resources we can all use for our games. Whether you come across a site that helps with role-playing in general, or provides map-making or character-generating tools, this is the place to discuss and share and critique.
| 311 | 2735 | 2 years 3 weeks ago by Tchklinxa |
This site is all about collaboration, and specifically for the Star Frontiers game. But we all have diversions and interests beyond this. This forum is a place for open discussion on any manner of non-game and non-sci-fi topics you want.
| 1105 | 14908 | 10 weeks 6 days ago by jedion357 |
Have a Star Frontiers rules question? Since no one person is an established authority on the game, everyone will have an opinion on an answer to your rules question or concern. Post any game-related rules question here, and let the community help address it.
| 150 | 2375 | 3 years 32 weeks ago by JCab747 |
There has been a lot of work put into this website. But the development team is still improving on it regularly. If you have a vision of how something might be handled better or differently, or just have some honest criticism to lay on the feet of the developers, here is the place to do it.
| 103 | 929 | 3 years 18 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
This is a container for the site-specific discussion forums of the site. When new projects are created, a new discussion forum will be created within this container. Please try to keep the discussions on-topic within the project. Off-topic discussions should be handled in the general forums.
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0 | 0 | n/a | |
Project area to work on the 30th Anniversary Porjects
| 10 | 75 | 12 years 37 weeks ago by TerlObar |
200 Years after the current time line ends in Zebulon's Guide. New technologies have emerged that are redifining life in the Frontier. Old threats have have faded into the past and new ones now emerge from the shadows.
| 1 | 7 | 11 years 21 weeks ago by jedion357 |
There is a bounty on death can you collect?
| 2 | 12 | 4 years 45 weeks ago by cmredding |
This project is a board for you to list your biggest SF fleets.
| 1 | 5 | 1 year 22 weeks ago by jedion357 |
A Great Day to Game is a project to collect game reports and stories from the past to the present about great times playing Star Frontiers. Think of it as an oral history project. Saving and preserving the story of the game from being lost.
| 1 | 6 | 6 years 30 weeks ago by jedion357 |
The "A Pirate's Life for Me" project goal is to create a fully featured PSA (Alpha Dawn) / Profession - Arch Type (Zebs) for a character to be a Pirate. This project will introduce new skill combinations, new skills, ship modifications and new equipment (mostly for ships).
| 5 | 37 | 7 years 51 weeks ago by Bluddworth |
Project to examine and discuss issues surrounding yazirian inter-species conflict within the Frontier.
| 16 | 98 | 4 years 38 weeks ago by jedion357 |
This project is for prototype weapons and armor across the Frontier, as well as old weapons that have since been surpassed or forgotten.
| 3 | 21 | 6 years 2 weeks ago by JCab747 |
Provides several random generators to determine an adventure outline, encounters, and descriptions.
| 8 | 25 | 10 years 12 weeks ago by TerlObar |
This a project to encourage and facilitate the writing of Star Frontiers adventures. Create a forum thread and start bouncing an idea around, get feed back and write a rough draft or join into a thread and offer ideas. The ultimate goal is to generate material for the benefit of the community or perhaps lead to an article for the magazine.
| 69 | 453 | 41 weeks 2 days ago by jedion357 |
This is a few adventures for starting characters. They are hired by GVMPI, which is owned by Streel Corporation. This is only a few to begin with. As time goes on, the team gets subcontracted to Streel.
| 3 | 26 | 9 years 43 weeks ago by Jaxon |
Published material for Star Frontiers is "modern age" in nature. These adventures take place during the Age of Exploration, before the foundation of the UPF, before the first sathar war that mandated a Frontier-wide alliance. Stop reading about the history and become a part of it!Don't just read about the Frontier history, become a part of it!
| 13 | 102 | 2 years 25 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
Adventures in time is not what you might think. In actuality this project has been developed as an add on to the Star Frontiers (URS) project to discuss future campaign adventures, and settings based on the alternate timeline developed for the Star Frontiers (URS) universe.
| 5 | 13 | 13 years 38 weeks ago by jedion357 |
Online adventures have one disadvantage -- the varying time zones. So this project is for online "appointments" for EU time zones online games specifically.
| 2 | 10 | 11 years 7 weeks ago by clikkclikk |
This is a project to develop a retro-sci-fi version of Star Frontiers, set in the early years of the Frontier.
| 10 | 78 | 9 years 42 weeks ago by iggy |
The Alien Workshop is a place to work on aliens, get feed back, and polish your work.
| 14 | 137 | 3 years 29 weeks ago by jedion357 |
RE the Lawarence Schick interview from Sci Con here: have been thinking for
months that it might be fun/interesting to "recover" the Alien Worlds
rules, as close as possible, to what Schick and Cook submitted to TSR before it became Star Frontiers Alpha Dawn.
| 8 | 49 | 7 years 24 weeks ago by JCab747 |
Bored with their Streel Corp jobs at the local Manufacturing Center, a group of intrepid adventurers spend almost every last Credit they have on the training, a little bit of equipment, and several expensive Employment Agents to get into the "security and problem solving business." At least that is what their sly Employment Agent Arzagan calls his shadowy industry. The first assignment, finally, is a security detail at a distant moon mining base for PGC. The facility is located on a large moon, about twice the size of earth's and denser, called Zeneb. The moon orbits a common gas giant, Tristrion, deep in the Scree Fron star system.
| 12 | 67 | 15 years 44 weeks ago by Imperial Lord |
Alpha Dawn Expanded compliments, explains and expounds the technology in the Alpha Dawn book and will remain true to the AD core rules, in fact it's not a rules discussion, use The House Rules Wiki Project for that. | 6 | 28 | 14 years 26 weeks ago by Anonymous |
This Project will be the place for my scanned documents of Alternity material to use as inspiration for Star Frontiers. Visitors are welcome to discuss how this material may supplement the SF cannon.
| 6 | 44 | 8 years 40 weeks ago by JCab747 |
For the influential (or wannabes), here is a guide to wealth in the galaxy.
| 2 | 4 | 6 years 28 weeks ago by Ravenshade |
0 | 0 | n/a | |
The Office of Architecture and Blueprints, Port Loren, Prengular has ordered a comprehensive documentation of all known architectural styles and blueprints on all frontier worlds. All architects and builders are to submit complete plans of building and blueprints of all their work to OAB storing and safe keeping. (Submit your building plans here.)
| 9 | 31 | 6 years 48 weeks ago by jedion357 |
| 3 | 11 | 16 years 13 weeks ago by Grendel_T_Troll |
Star Frontiers...using Moldvay Basic D&D rules!
| 5 | 12 | 1 year 26 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
AD Basic Rules --- often overlooked and underappreciated. However, the simplicity of Basic has made our first online gaming sessions in the Game Room a streamlined experience, therefore accelerating play with a minimal reference to any actual rules.The Basic Revisited project goal is to create a fun play system that goes beyond the simple "Introduction to Star Frontiers" stepping stone format it was orignally presented in. Not so much something that will be played infinitely, but still something that will be played for more than one or two sessions such as a progressive mini-campaign format.
| 17 | 177 | 14 years 17 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
'Biorg' is currently a working title for an adventure i am currently building for Star Frontiers. There is still a lot of content to be added to this project, but it will give you a (small) insight into what I'm trying to achieve. I've also to adapt the storyline to fit into the SF universe, so ideas are more than welcome!
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
1 | 3 | 7 years 35 weeks ago by JCab747 | |
Creation and dissemination of Celestia Frontier Add-on files.
| 1 | 2 | 8 years 18 weeks ago by iggy |
8 | 28 | 16 years 4 weeks ago by Anonymous | |
A project to hash out the Clarion's Finest. We're expending on the KH boxed set module "Warriors of White Light" here. The ultimate goal of this project is to create a source book as a backdrop to fuel an entire campaign for a Star Frontiers setting, including details on the Royal Marines, the Royal Guard, the Royal Family, Clarion itself, the government and citizens, and any/all aspects pertaining to a backdrop for a series of modules and/or adventures.
| 35 | 349 | 3 years 20 weeks ago by jedion357 |
Clockwork Fusion is one of my latest projects in development using a steam punk genre for Star Frontiers and Frontierspace. This may eventually work into a stand alone product for DWD studios or Frontierspace but I am going to begin testing it in the Star Frontiers setting first. Being new to the steam punk genre and mythos, I am still doing a lot of research into what this all entails. In general the setting for Clockwork Fusion will primarily focus on 1870 - 1915 style victorian gothic, post civil war frontier, and WW1 era themes. The actual location of the setting and physical time is completely unimportant but serve only as guide for theme design, architecture, asthetics, and motif. This project is an extremely experimental WIP and will most likely see many revisions and changes. This project will be a space opera style sci-fantasy project and while I invite some hard sci-fi analysis there are just some technologies we will use here that never existed and are purely plot devices. I Hope to hear more from the community and get some seriously fun discussion and involvement.
| 6 | 27 | 13 years 36 weeks ago by AZ_GAMER |
The Colonization Workshop is for the purpose of discussing what would be important in putting together a colony expedition. The idea is that you are the colony planning committee what decisions do you make in putting the colony expedition together?Goals: 1. Produce a colony check list document for referees using a colony as a backdrop in the setting that will guide them in detailling a realistic colony setting. This doc should be general and non game specific and will be published in SFman.2. Produce a SF specific document that details the setting up of a colony in SF game terms. This doc is also intended to be published in the SFman.
| 16 | 115 | 10 years 18 weeks ago by Tchklinxa |
This is a Project area to work on the settings & cultures of Compact Space for Star Frontiers.This project may include any idea of C.J. Cherryh works.Initial Ideas to ExploreRacesLocationsTechnologyPoliticsBooks of Compact Space:The Chanur NovelsThe Pride of ChanurChanur's VentureThe Kif StrikebackChanur's HomecomingChanur's LegacyThe Chanur Saga & Chanur's EndgameOther works of intrest Allience-Union Universe:Faded Sun TrilogyThe Faded Sun: KesrithThe Faded Sun: Shon'jirThe Faded Sun: KutathMerovingen Nights:Angel With the SwordFestival MoonFever SeasonTroubled WatersSmuggler's GoldDivine RightFlood TideEndgameThe Morgaine StoriesGate of IvrelWell of ShiuanFires of AzerothExile's GateThere are no doubt some short stories as well and other works.
| 3 | 7 | 10 years 7 weeks ago by jedion357 |
This a place for all the creatures designed by you folks. Have a creature stated up for senario? Share it here. Looking for a creature for a senario? Take a look.
| 21 | 82 | 6 years 2 days ago by jedion357 |
We have to hit the Conventions if we want a true revival.Here is where we will coordinate. From here, we go forth to the masses, hosting games and giving away stuff.
| 7 | 29 | 13 years 21 weeks ago by Anonymous |
The D20 Roundtable is about sharing files and ideas for converting and using other rules sets with the Star Frontiers universe.
| 10 | 35 | 5 years 43 weeks ago by jedion357 |
DralasitesHumansVruskYaziriansThey are the Core Four Races of Star Frontiers
| 95 | 867 | 43 weeks 2 days ago by jedion357 |
In 1981 TSR produced a game called Revolt on Antares. Here is my conversion of that game to Star Frontiers.
| 14 | 33 | 5 years 37 weeks ago by JCab747 |
Due To Some Kind Of Computer Error This Project Page Was Created As A Duplicate And Spammers Have Taken It Over. Please Do Not Use This Project Page.
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
This is for providing cross-conversions from and to the d20 Future system and any other d20 materials deemed appropriate. If you wish to be a part of developing a d20 conversion system for the Star Frontiers d100 game system, join up and help build it.
| 13 | 75 | 13 years 11 weeks ago by Ascent |
This is a group for anyone who wants to convert Star Frontiers into WEG's D6 System.
| 2 | 4 | 12 years 36 weeks ago by Malcadon |
13 | 47 | 8 years 5 weeks ago by jedion357 | |
A development and discussion area for the Frontier Space Role Playing Game Dark Tempest Setting and cross-over / conversion for Star Frontiers Gaming as well.
| 2 | 15 | 14 years 33 weeks ago by AZ_GAMER |
A project to host, discuss, and share deck plans for KH ships
| 50 | 394 | 3 years 19 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
0 | 0 | n/a | |
This project is devoted to creating newly formatted, artistically pleasing downloadable PDF files from the previously-published Star Frontiers books. The material will not be modified from its original form, though new artwork, examples, clarifications, and layout will be provided. Any new material will be clearly marked as optional and be fully playtested before inclusion. This project is not about making a new version of the game; the books will play exactly as the original versions of the Alpha Dawn, Knight Hawks, and Zeb's Guide played.
| 14 | 64 | 11 years 22 weeks ago by Jaxon |
Campaign development work space developing adventures that will be prequells to Dramune Run modules. Starting with classic Alpha Dawn beginning characters.
| 12 | 79 | 35 weeks 1 day ago by jedion357 |
1 | 1 | 11 years 18 weeks ago by Jaxon | |
An alternate campaign setting
| 2 | 7 | 12 years 28 weeks ago by AZ_GAMER |
Enter a writing competition for the best single Star
Frontiers encounter and win a “Volturnus Survey Mission II” hat.
Grand Prize is a $20 stone colored embroidered hat with the
ark of a planet and the words, “Volturnus Survey Mission II” arched over that.
| 4 | 21 | 14 years 43 weeks ago by Anonymous |
The Exploration Service Archive is about developing new systems/planets/ecologies and even exotic constructs (bubble worlds, stellar engines, Matrioshka brains, dyson constructs, and etc) for scouting and exploration crews to find and or the odd miss jump of non-exploration ships.Forums can be used as a work space where collaboration is invited and the documents and downloads areas should be for finished work. Emphasis should be on developing what Dragon magazine once called "whole earth ecologies" however in this case the focus can be a "whole star system report" covering everything a referee might need to use it as an adventure setting.
| 4 | 47 | 5 years 45 weeks ago by jedion357 |
STAR FRONTIERS: Fantasy Frontiers uses the rule
framework from the original STAR FRONTIERS game to create a setting
where knights battle each other, mages vie for power, and dangerous monsters
threaten the emerging civilizations.
The rule mechanics of STAR FRONTIERS is a very
flexible platform for role-play. This
is not so much an attempt at redesigning the Star Frontiers rules, but more of
an accessory to the original Alpha Dawn Rule Set. As such, this is written to be as compatible
as possible with the original Alpha Dawn game rules, but at the same
time it is written as a separate campaign setting altogether. A character from a conventional STAR
FRONTIERS campaign should be virtually interchangeable with character from
a Fantasy Frontiers setting. If the
referee creates a campaign with dimensional travel, time travel, or something
similar, then characters from one setting should be able to pick up skills and
abilities from the alternate setting.
Most of the rule changes to follow are continuations,
extrapolations, and only minor modifications to the existing rule framework or
pre-existing optional rules. Some
concepts such as additional skills come from the Zebulon’s Guide, but even
then, those rules have been retrofitted back to Alpha Dawn rule
standards when possible. Other sources
of inspiration such as Gamma Dawn, the mentalist primary skill area, and
armor concepts were also referenced at times.
Visit the Star Frontiersman
site for re-mastered copies of the basic Alpha Dawn rules as well as
other valuable rule references such as Knight Hawks, Gamma Dawn, and the
Star Frontiersman webzine.
Although magic in a variety of forms has been included
in this presentation, a referee could simply limit or remove those aspects to
create a ‘low-tech’ STAR FRONTIERS campaign. Whenever possible, campaign details are only lightly touched on,
and are only presented as options for getting a campaign running quickly. As always, you are free to make this ‘your
own’ and apply whatever changes you feel are necessary for you and your
| 17 | 76 | 4 years 48 weeks ago by jedion357 |
Final Frontiers Is A Star Trek Inspired Campaign Setting For Star Frontiers.
| 1 | 2 | 12 years 33 weeks ago by AZ_GAMER |
This Project will host Modules that Star Frontiers fans like you create.The goal is to have not one but many themes for you to drop your PC's into.Freelance group of PC's.Adventurers for hire!Professional troubleshooters.ect...(Please read the disclaimer)
| 9 | 48 | 14 years 14 weeks ago by Anonymous |
Frontier Battles is a strategy board game where players jump spaceship fleets between star systems vying for control of the frontier. | 8 | 22 | 15 years 47 weeks ago by jedion357 |
Want to know the distance between star systems fast and easily? This is your XLS!
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
This is a place for everyone to put their STAR FRONTIERS™ short stories and to carry on short story games and contests.
| 4 | 22 | 12 years 25 weeks ago by Stelk |
This project is dedicated to noting the riggers of outer space, and ways to deal with hazards that spaces might encounter. This project could also address survival in alien worlds, and well as making contact with newly discovered races.
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
A community project to create a new roleplaying game. It is not being maintained here. If you are interested in participating, just click the link below:- F R O N T I E R S P A C E -
| 21 | 412 | 15 years 10 weeks ago by AZ_GAMER |
The 4th Reich for my FrontierSpace Campaign Setting.
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
This is for the PDSR files for my FrontierSpace Campaign Setting.
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
This is the place for my FS campaign I am proposing.
| 3 | 3 | 13 years 47 weeks ago by Grendel_T_Troll |
A project to discuss the Gamma Dawn supplement by Scott Ireland available at
| 2 | 21 | 8 years 43 weeks ago by Tchklinxa |
Mars in the Gamma World Setting
| 6 | 22 | 10 years 14 weeks ago by Bilygote |
Project forums for members of the Gollwin Academy Allience in the Conquest ~ Resurgence Within online game.
| 51 | 681 | 27 weeks 6 days ago by jedion357 |
Article developed by Corjay for review by select members.
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
A place where I can put some ideas I am working on to get some community feedback. When I get them fleshed out, I will probably move them to other projects they fit within.I am working on creating a sourcebook for weapons / equipment and technological histories for the core races. Plus any other random ideas that I would like to get feedback on.
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
Ground Hawks is a rule set for ground, water and sub-atmo combat from small skirmishes to large scale assaults.
| 8 | 34 | 13 years 19 weeks ago by jedion357 |
15 | 164 | 1 year 34 weeks ago by jedion357 | |
This is a group for fans of the HeroMachine custom character portraits generator. A place to share custom creations, and advice on working with the program.
| 1 | 1 | 10 years 43 weeks ago by Malcadon |
This project is a Fantasy Frontiers inspired, Star Frontiers meets the classic Boot Hill.Really just a place for me to kick around ideas and develop stuff.
| 5 | 13 | 13 years 25 weeks ago by jedion357 |
A project to work on planetary and system brief as well as post finished briefs with a view to compiling an extensive catalog and guide to the Frontier. Maps are welcome in this project as well.The scope is any existing system, alternate systems (same name as original system but with departures form canon material), and totally new systems. The title intentionally suggest a scope that covers any system or planet.
| 38 | 321 | 1 year 35 weeks ago by jedion357 |
"I, AI" is a project for the Star Frontiersman We trust you will enjoy the finished product.NOTE: At this time Gilbert and I are not accepting membership (other than the Frontiersman Editor) because we want you to enjoy the mystery of the finished product.
| 1 | 1 | 12 years 28 weeks ago by Anonymous |
Private corner for me to spitball and work on stuff in an organized manner.
| 10 | 40 | 4 years 16 weeks ago by jedion357 |
This project is so I can keep track of some of my Star Frontiers musings -- half-baked ideas if you will. For topics that are related/relevant to other posts, such as the project for the Dark Side of the Moon adventure, I will submit materials there... with maybe some exceptions.And yes, I welcome any critiques/comments. I promise to be gracious.
| 20 | 171 | 6 years 20 weeks ago by JCab747 |
Introducing Jugger as a (Yazyrian?) sport league to Star Frontiers.
| 1 | 31 | 12 years 21 weeks ago by clikkclikk |
An Ancient Evil Returns To The Frontier...We Were Not Prepared, No One Could Be
| 5 | 24 | 12 years 16 weeks ago by OnceFarOff |
This is a simple XLS that can be used to generate "canon" Knight Hawks ships: canon according to the remastered rules.
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
Place to discuss, debate and play with concepts for a KHs 2.0
| 34 | 284 | 8 years 29 weeks ago by TerlObar |
A Windows-based application that will allow the Knight Hawks board game rules to be played over the Internet.
| 12 | 65 | 11 years 21 weeks ago by TerlObar |
The TV show "Liberator7" gave me an idea for a quick adventure.
| 1 | 3 | 11 years 30 weeks ago by TerlObar |
This is to store different magazines and articles for enjoyment of the game ~ Star Frontiers.
| 1 | 1 | 11 years 11 weeks ago by Jaxon |
This is a living campaign project meant to submitt articles to the Star Frontiersman and also on this site. Mainly this project is meant to advance the storyline of the SF universe in different manners to suit the varying SF fans.
| 1 | 6 | 16 years 41 weeks ago by Will |
A project dedicated to playing Star Frontiers online using MapTool.
| 7 | 14 | 9 years 4 weeks ago by iggy |
A new sandbox project for individual and squad based robot combat, war games, or galdiator style entertainment. I have some ideas I am exploring in both artwork and concept but not sure exactly where its going. Open for use with existing Star Frontiers Alpha Dawn robot rules or possibly a stand alone project for Bare Bones Sci-Fi or Frontierspace.
| 1 | 1 | 12 years 44 weeks ago by Anonymous |
Started as a forum but decided to move it to a project. Looking to flesh out the Megacorps and give them some detail and more personality. Looking for input into each of them and how they deal with each other.
| 35 | 245 | 8 years 19 weeks ago by JCab747 |
This group is intented to discuss, debate, develop and expand the mentalism skillset in the Star Frontiers game, in any version (Alpha Dawn, Knight Hawks, Zebulon's Guide, d20).
| 3 | 25 | 8 years 36 weeks ago by JCab747 |
This project is to develop and explore the militias of the Frontier. The Royal Marines are well covered in their own project and any development of them should be covered there, which seems right since they played such a major role in the published modules. All the other militia organizations can be covered here.
| 9 | 84 | 2 years 25 weeks ago by jedion357 |
Repository of RPG Maps of the Milky Way. For use with Star Frontiers, Alternity and D20 Future
| 1 | 32 | 16 years 47 weeks ago by bioreplica |
This project is meant to relelease new errta on rules (instead of filling up the Frontiersman with them). The mini guides will also explore new tech, skills, and much more that many gamers might not feel will work, but it will give GMs from other games an easier way to make more for their players.
| 3 | 7 | 16 years 47 weeks ago by Gergmaster |
0 | 0 | n/a | |
This Excel spreadsheet creates Alpha Dawn / Knight Hawks (but not Zeb's) characters for teh four basic races and all skills and character equipment (excluding spaceships)
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
The purpose of this project is to be a collaborative effort to create a usable adventure or set of adventures to take place in the New Streel system. This may include a set of Knight Hawks and role playing adventures in space plus adventure ideas/scenarios for a planetside module on Corpco.The intention is to then submit the collaborative adventure(s) to either Frontier Explorer, if is just a short scenario, or Star Frontiersman magazine (if it becomes a whole campaign worth of ideas).Although I will be presenting adventure concepts and ideas that are from my "Joe's Half-Baked Ideas" project here, everything is open to change. That means if you find an idea unplayable, confusing, etc. it will be scrapped. If you have a better idea, or a more interesing scenario that can take place in the New Streel system, please present it.
| 6 | 28 | 7 years 41 weeks ago by TerlObar |
Everyone needs a quick NPC Party once in a while. Feel free to browse the files here and/or add your own for other GMs to utilize. Submitted parties can be as detailed as you wish to make them.
| 1 | 3 | 6 years 4 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
This project is for the collection of data on everything from the escape velocity of Gran Quivera to the temperature of the north pole on snobol. From how fast 1g acceleration is to the air pressure at sea level on Inner Reach.This is for everyone's research and edification. This project was made mostly for providing facts that get used more than most, such as velocities. So that people don't have to look all over the galaxy for the information they need.
| 2 | 14 | 14 years 5 weeks ago by Ascent |
A Project to produce a set of rules under the OGL usable for playing in the Star Frontiers setting.
| 5 | 7 | 11 years 34 weeks ago by Blankbeard |
This project is an attempt to flesh out the robotic world of Star Frontiers. It is an effort to give depth to role playing as well as diversity to the mechanical companions of PCs and GMs alike.
| 7 | 61 | 8 years 27 weeks ago by JCab747 |
This project is used to assist in building a website that will enable Player's and GM's to manage, edit and archive PC's, NPC's and weapons from a web browser.
| 6 | 32 | 17 years 17 weeks ago by Duke |
Online Ship Generator - A place to store / record ships for the Alpha Dawn or Knight Hawks game.
| 24 | 185 | 4 years 42 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
A collection of hosted online games, hosted at various php forums (for Play-by-Post format) and live-action sites (such as OpenRPG or better yet, right here in the GAMEROOM! )Join in on any of the online games within!
| 25 | 401 | 10 years 51 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
The OGL made D&D the 900 lb gorilla in the RPG room. Traveller now has a slue of creators making content for Ceaphus Engine under the OGL. Star Frontiers needs an open license or creative commons license that allows anyone to create for our favorite rule system. No restrictions, no BS just write, create, and publish. This is a call to all starship captains to save the Frontier.
| 9 | 36 | 1 year 34 weeks ago by ExileInParadise |
An article under development.
| 5 | 22 | 17 years 7 weeks ago by Anonymous |
A place to collect original Star Frontiers art not previously published by TSR or WOTC or in any paperbacks. Art for anyone to use in their Star Frontiers projects and documents.
| 17 | 90 | 14 years 27 weeks ago by Scarecrow |
This is just the future setting for the campaign mentioned in the House Rules Wiki.
| 3 | 8 | 16 years 21 weeks ago by Will |
The Plague World Project is for all things dealing with the Star Frontiers plague systems, setting and campaign ideas that involve slavage/ post apocalyptic themes. Any inspiration from the likes of Mad Max, Road Warrior, Gamma World, end of the world setting material.Project is organized as a place to work on material with these themes.
| 9 | 128 | 2 years 34 weeks ago by jedion357 |
This is a place where members can join to playtest the newest material on SF. Now project leaders need to have the material tested to help with playability. This is a great spot to do so. So if you have some things you want playtested either post them in this project's document or upload an electronic version for playtesters to download.
| 5 | 10 | 17 years 3 days ago by Anonymous |
Welcome to the Port Loren Public Library. Our electronic collection is the largest in the Frontier and our bound collections represent the most comprehensive archive of physical books as well. The purpose of this project is to creat the literature of the Frontier: books, poems, magazine titles, articles and stories written form the point of view of Frontier inhabitants with an eye to providing GMs with fluff, background, and adventure seed material.
| 15 | 71 | 12 years 23 weeks ago by Anonymous |
w00t's private sandbox. behind these doors lurks... robow00t! Guardian of the w00t-nots Beeeewwaareeeeeeeee..
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
This is a source book that is meant to be a massive collection of different races of the Frontier and beyond the Frontier. It will also add new ways of creating PC races. The first version of the introduction is ready for download and two lists of the different races (of the Frontier and Beyond the Frontier) are out for adding new races or modifying existing ones.
| 22 | 144 | 9 years 8 weeks ago by jedion357 |
The Ragnar Anchorage Shipyard is a new set of rules for ship design, to replace the venerable, Knight Hawks rules. No longer will you have generic ships, such as freighters or frigates. Starfighters will no longer be useless. Everything is being completely redesigned, from the ground up, to allow a more modernized and enjoyable play experience. Currently, I am behind on my own deadline, due to personal reasons, but the forums are open to everyone and I will make a conscious effort to post as much information in there, as possible. As soon as the rules are completed and I deem worthy, they will be available for download.
| 7 | 68 | 16 years 45 weeks ago by Will |
A series of tables to create entire star systems, planets and moons.
| 14 | 55 | 13 years 7 weeks ago by jedion357 |
Alpha testing for a rules revision.
| 5 | 21 | 9 years 35 weeks ago by sevanwint |
With the recent release of Starships & Spacemen 2nd Edition from Goblinoid Games I decided to create a sand box project for development resources for both this game and coversion work for Star Frontiers or d100 lite / BBF. The game system is an unappologetic Star Trek clone and a new edition of one of the very first science fiction role playing games ever produced (1978). This edition uses the labrinth lord game mechanics which are pretty close to the original Dungeons & Dragons game system.
| 2 | 4 | 10 years 18 weeks ago by AZ_GAMER |
There are pictures here of:Sathar, brownSathar, yellowS'sessu, greenS'sessu, pinkSathar***varient*** (This is what I thought Sathar looked like as a kid. This is due to "Starspawn of Volturnus")
| 1 | 1 | 9 years 43 weeks ago by Tchklinxa |
is meant to bring to life, a foe that I greatly enjoyed as a child.
| 2 | 2 | 11 years 18 weeks ago by jedion357 |
0 | 0 | n/a | |
A Savage Worlds conversion. This project includes several downloads such as Crash on Volturnus, Quickdeath, Weapons and Vehicles. If you like SW rule set, join the the project to expand more of the SF universe!
| 7 | 61 | 11 years 46 weeks ago by Putraack |
The Second Sathar War from the STAR FRONTIERSTM Knight Hawks game.
| 14 | 127 | 15 years 40 weeks ago by Imperial Lord |
Join the effort to become a Star Frontiers Wiki editor. This wiki houses official and unofficial content. The goal of this project is to make a database into the world of Star Frontiers, for fans and non-fans alike.
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
To produce a wargame for fighting medium to large scale battles in Star frontier system via a fast play system. Have a look over - appreciate suggestions, commentsIdeally, it would be handy to incorporate any of the good stuff from Delta Dawn, as this was primarily doing the same thing as this project. Anyone got a copy?
| 5 | 30 | 16 years 19 weeks ago by elpotof |
This project is the new home for my SFKH inspired space stations I started in conjunction with my starship design project.
| 2 | 5 | 13 years 50 weeks ago by AZ_GAMER |
A Work In Progress. Some classicaly inspired SFKH ship designs using both Canon and Canon based design themes. Since some of the original SFKH ship stats were a little ambiguous I have taken some descriptions litterally and others I have interpret for use with the design materials available at my disposal.
| 7 | 52 | 13 years 5 weeks ago by Rum Rogue |
"Welcome to Shat Rat's Salvage, the largest and most dedicated salvage yard in the Frontier. At Shat Rat's we go out of our way to offer the largest selection of used and salvaged parts so you can build or repair your ship. Shat Rat's keeps you going!"
| 1 | 4 | 4 years 15 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
Ship of the Frontier is a compendium of ship designs for use in the Star Frontiers game. It includes descriptions, statistics and deckplans of the various ships described.
| 7 | 30 | 11 years 28 weeks ago by jedion357 |
Project for collaborative work on a Sol System setting for the Star Frontiers Game.
| 8 | 68 | 9 years 30 weeks ago by jedion357 |
Welcome to the Sovereign Domain Authority (a.k.a. the "Soon Uprising"). We hope you enjoy our stay, if not you could always be made to enjoy it...This project serves to host my own home brewed campaign where the UPF is overtaken by a tyrannical leader and his rise to power. It''s a dark time for the Frontier, and there are very few lights willing to shine in that darkness.
| 1 | 7 | 6 years 36 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
A project dedicated to establishing guidelines for the construction and specifications for space stations in the Star Frontiers campaign setting.
| 4 | 60 | 7 years 16 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
Dedicated to working out the details of space stations in the Frontier and Rimand maybe even ironing out some discrepancies in the rules.
| 9 | 40 | 13 years 3 weeks ago by jedion357 |
The Spacefleet Auxiliary Corps is dedicated to researching and developing combat support spaceships used by the UFP, militia fleets, corporate security forces and even the dreaded Sathar fleets.
| 2 | 4 | 9 years 43 weeks ago by jedion357 |
This is a rewrite of the original Volturnus campaign. There are quite a few differences with the original adventures. The maps, images and later part of the campaign are still works in progress. Hopefully this rewrite (or parts of it) will be useful and/or entertaining.
| 1 | 2 | 6 years 24 weeks ago by JCab747 |
A project to detail out the Star Devil and his organization. This will allow for adventures and material to be developed frommultiple authors with a consistent story line and background.
| 2 | 8 | 3 years 35 weeks ago by jedion357 |
A project I am starting related to my campaign - a merging of Star Drive and Star Frontiers with lots of "re-imagining" and re-fitting of the races, Frontier society and relating it back to the core story arch of Star Drive
| 1 | 2 | 13 years 12 weeks ago by jedion357 |
This project will hopefully serve three purposes, the first being to finish developing a variant of the Star Frontier's rules using the Universal Role playing System that was adapted by me from over 20 years of role playing, and the d20 system (3rd edition). Secondly and more imporantly I hope to provide players with a set of Alternate rules (at no cost) which can be used to create any number of campaign models, of which Star Frontiers is only one of several already created or adapted by me. Lastly and most importantly this project is about having fun while tinkering with our favorite SF roleplaying game.
| 42 | 169 | 13 years 2 weeks ago by Anonymous |
SF2000 is an attempt to fuse the best parts of Alpha Dawn and Zebulon’s Guide into one system for use in the Star Frontiers game. Wherever possible, we have tried to keep the new system close to the old systems and made the changes simple. The major changes that you’ll see in SF2000 are: use of all skills from Zebulon's Guide, including a listing of optional new skills; conversion of all skills to an attribute-based system, a la the Alpha Dawn combat model; conversion of all Knight Hawks skills to mesh with the SF2000 system; overhauling professions to allow for Alpha Dawn/Zebulon’s Guide/unique tailoring of individual characters; and a tier system for determining adventure difficulty and character creation.
| 7 | 20 | 13 years 4 weeks ago by jedion357 |
This project is dedicated to playing RPG's with your kids. Use it to discuss issues, problems, challenges, triumps, and successes. Create campaing journals to chart your campaigns, discuss gaming resources and etc. Basically anything to do with gaming with your kids.
| 13 | 64 | 9 years 3 weeks ago by jedion357 |
Star Frontiers Without Number is project to covert Star Frontiers with the Stars Without Number system.
| 1 | 2 | 10 years 43 weeks ago by jedion357 |
This project is a whole other ball park from the actual Star Frontiers game. It takes place in the same galaxy but actually outside of the Frontier. Other details will be added soon.
| 5 | 35 | 16 years 41 weeks ago by Shadow Shack |
Although the Star Frontiers rules presented a ready-made setting, this is not the only use of these rules. One could easily use the original Star Frontiers rules for other settings, other vistas. This project is for the discussion and dissemination of other settings that use the Star Frontiers rules that are NOT set in the Frontier. From homebrew settings to adaptions of popular TV, movie or literary settings, this is the place. Welcome to Star Frontiers: Vistas!
| 7 | 24 | 14 years 15 weeks ago by Gargoyle2k7 |
A free webzine devoted to expanding the options in Star Frontiers, providing new adventure ideas, new races and creatures, usable material, robots, vehicles, optional rules, stories, and informative articles. This project is open to submissions from everyone.
| 31 | 299 | 11 years 4 weeks ago by Anonymous |
Project to track the status and progress of upcoming issues of the Star Frontiersman magazine.
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
This is a work in progress for individuals who would like to run adventures using Star Law characters. It is currently open for all to playtest.
| 3 | 7 | 15 years 38 weeks ago by Imperial Lord |
Star Law tracks down criminals and brings them to justice. But what constitutes crime in the UPF and beyond? This project is intended to discuss and quantify the laws of the UPF, the Rim Coalition, and beyond the Frontier.
| 10 | 55 | 11 years 4 weeks ago by Ascent |
A science fiction role play setting for use with Star Frontiers rules.
| 3 | 9 | 12 years 22 weeks ago by AZ_GAMER |
This is a project area for my various diverse projects. Conversion projects, recycle projects and various ideas.
| 85 | 505 | 1 year 16 weeks ago by Tchklinxa |
Just a test project while working on the site upgrade
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
A place to store the Bandito Chronicles.
| 2 | 17 | 2 years 7 weeks ago by JuanBandito |
Printable counters to use with Alpha Dawn or Knight Hawks. Various chits used to build deck plans (airlocks, chairs, tables, privy, etc...)
| 13 | 87 | 12 years 24 weeks ago by TerlObar |
2 | 20 | 17 years 7 weeks ago by Anonymous | |
This project is intended as a place to post, discuss and play-test Alpha Dawn and Knight Hawks house rules. For the most part you will not find the Optional Rules presented in the Star Frontiersman Magazine here.
| 24 | 92 | 8 years 27 weeks ago by JCab747 |
Tutorials and advice on everything concerning miniatures: painting, basing, embellishing, and sculpting will all be covered (eventually.)
| 13 | 57 | 12 years 38 weeks ago by jedion357 |
This is a source created to show the different private mega-corporations, intelligence agencies, and much more. You will also be able to get some ideas on specialized equipment and some adventures for adventuring in the private sector of the Frontier.
| 1 | 7 | 16 years 46 weeks ago by Gergmaster |
The Sathar are an important part of Star Frontiers. Let's debate and discuss.
| 50 | 581 | 5 years 48 weeks ago by JCab747 |
| 8 | 30 | 16 years 13 weeks ago by Grendel_T_Troll |
Originally this project was to compare and share fan created timelines but I renamed it from Timeline Alternatives to The Time Line Project.Its now fair game to work on the cannon time lines as well.
| 10 | 80 | 3 years 28 weeks ago by jedion357 |
The structure, ranks, politics, Commands - everything about the United Planetary Federation.I
already have some material to get the ball rolling, and we can take it
from there. Included are new Enlisted Ranks, greater detail about
campaigns within the UPF, and all sorts of new material for referees to
choose from to flesh out their adventures. Dealing with the UPF is
inevitable in all Star Frontiers campaigns, and referees need to be
familiar with this vital Frontier institution.
| 6 | 71 | 10 years 30 weeks ago by jedion357 |
The Dawn of the Mecha has arrived in the frontiers. From simple Exo-frames to Gigantic planet size Battle Machines.
| 7 | 27 | 14 years 24 weeks ago by Anonymous |
1 | 1 | 7 years 13 weeks ago by rattraveller | |
The Timeline Project is for working out the kinks in the timeline.All cannon material is up for consideration and 2 timelines should result. An Alpha Dawn & Zebs Adjusted Timeline. Possibly a Alpha Dawn Plus timeline which would be AD Plus Dragon, Polyhedron and Ares magazines materials.
| 6 | 34 | 42 weeks 1 hour ago by jedion357 |
Titan Rising is a fictional game and comic book universe created from a long running role playing game campaign loosely based on the Star Frontiers game system. This fictional universe is compatible for use as a setting for both Star Frontiers and Frontierspace (tm) roleplaying games.
| 1 | 1 | 11 years 9 weeks ago by AZ_GAMER |
This project is a tie in between the Titan Rising Game Setting and the original Alpha Dawn Game Setting. Embarking on a journey from Earth to the Black Rock colony on Vega using a newly constructed Hyperspace Jump Gate the crew of the Icarus Class Exploration Cruiser C.S.S. William Logan prepares for launch. Designed by the Edon, the Hyperspace Jump Gate will allow ships with or without hyperspace jump drives to transverse the Sol jump point to the Vega jump point in a fraction of the time it would take without the gate. While Several probes and a few manned scouts have successfully tested the Gate this will be the first flight of a fully manned starship through the Gate. The William Logan (Named After the great space pioneer and intrepid website designer) will be carrying 60 colonists, 120 crew, and colony supplies for a future expedition launching from Vega. While the crew is confident, everyone is still hoping in the back of their minds that everything will go right.
| 13 | 167 | 12 years 15 weeks ago by AZ_GAMER |
This Project is for converting Top Secret materials/adventures for use in Star Frontiers. James Bond RPG and other genre RPGs like Gang Busters would certainly be appropriate for this project.
| 5 | 18 | 7 years 48 weeks ago by jedion357 |
This is going to be a massive source book totally dedicated to all sorts of equipment for the Star Frontiers RPG.
| 22 | 127 | 8 years 14 weeks ago by JCab747 |
The Universal Roleplaying system or URS as I like to call it is an attempt by me to create a flexible system of rules that with a little imagination and work can be used to create any Campaign model you can think of. This system was created based on the Star Frontiers (URS) 4.5 Edition rules. It is my hope that this system will spawn many Campaign models that are each 100% compatable with other (URS) projects.
| 9 | 17 | 13 years 45 weeks ago by Deryn_Rys |
Sci-fi gaming wouldn't be complete without some fun little diversions to play with... If you find any free javascript or flash sci-fi games on the 'net - let me know and I'll try to get 'em on this site for us! Just some more 80's nerdy fun for us :)
| 14 | 27 | 17 years 14 weeks ago by Anonymous |
Taking a new look at the Volturnus material.NOTE: This Project Is now Dedicated to Revamping the Volturnus material for greater playability.It is now intended to be a colaboration work space and no longer a private work space for me to tinker with the classic campaign.
| 41 | 261 | 6 years 1 week ago by JCab747 |
This is an adventure designed for those characters with spaceship skills.
| 0 | 0 | n/a |
Original Description: This is a project to expand the Zebulon Guide towards its planned potential that TSR originally planned for it.The project is expanding and elaborating on the existing Zebs setting material to produce a user guide for player and game master alike. Expanding possibilites of adventure and the Frontier itself.To Boldly Go where no Frontiersman has never gone before (I just hope the void jump doesn't take 5 years to get there).
| 52 | 532 | 1 year 34 weeks ago by jedion357 |
A new, online campaign for 4 - 6 players using the Star Frontiers AD, KH core rules, with a few home brew additions. Set in the Cassadine System, aboard a deep space salvage ship, the crew of the S.S. Zydeco seek fortune and adventure "one space wreck at-a-time".
| 1 | 3 | 7 years 24 weeks ago by jedion357 |
I created a SF setting that failed to find an audience, so maybe someone here will get a kick out of where I was trying to go with it...
| 4 | 26 | 1 day 21 hours ago by dcrogers |