Humma Physiology


 Average Size
 2.5 meters tall
 Average Mass
 90 kilograms
 Average Lifespan
 210 years
 Reproductive System
 Body Temperature
 38 degrees Celsius

Physical Structure
The body of a humma is pear shaped with a short neck, narrow shoulders, unusually short arms, a stocky trunk, and wide hips with powerful legs. Their heads and face tend toward a scruffy look and a mustached muzzel. The body is covered with matted fur, usually dull brown. Their hands are hairless and have a semi-retractable dew claw that acts as an opposable thumb. Their feet are long and tough.

The humma dew claw is located mid way up the inside of the forarm, between the elbow and palm. This claw functions as an opposable thumb for holding tools. It allows the humma to grasp objects and hold onto them till they decide to release them. It is difficult to break free from the grasp of a humma (-15% to the attempt) and success results in the humma's punch score in damage.

Humma walk on the balls and toes of their feet, which gives them their extra height. They are able to jump an incredible distance. Their short arms can hold a rifle but are not suited to melee weapons. They have evolved with an agile and strong prehensible tail with which they can deliver a sound blow or use melee weapons but not grenades.


Humma hearing and sight are equivalent to human standards. Their sense of smell and touch are not as acute as most other races, while their sense of taste is completely dull. This lack of smell and taste, combined with their tough diestive system, means they can eat almost anything that is vaguely edible.


The Humma language is an ugly one, full of grunts and guttural noises. It is not an easy languagle to learn; vursk and ifshnits, particularly, have a difficult time with it.