![]() December 28, 2017 - 7:55pm | Opposing Force had a working title of Wargames originally. Imagined as a plot hook to involve another militia in White Light system and have stuff happen. Then i thought its wargames designed to enhance interservice cooperation. So maybe several militias send ships as well as a Space Fleet patrol group and Fortress Redoubt and a squadron of fighters based off of it. Mix and match of ships from various sourse into opposing forces. Combat is simulated. Computers effect perfomance of craft etc and rule crew members casualties. Inbetween KH scenarios AD style encounters heppen on the station. Since the sathar famously invaded White Light in the clinax of WoWL module that battle is basis for one simulation. The opposing force will be computer adjusted to appear to be sathar vessels. Royal Marines are hosts but bragging rights are on the line. There may be a defector from the Hentz militia looking to flee the oppressive regime of the Fo1. The Religious Officer on that ships crew (think Soviet era Political Officer) will demand his return- maybe its a "wet foot / dry foot" situation that the Cuban refugees faced with the US Coast Guard caught on water- returned to Cuba caught on land stay in america. The defector must get to Clarion surface or be returned to his crew. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 28, 2017 - 7:59pm | Crime: a militia crew member from Outer Reach is found high on Ixiol and claims he bought it on Clarion station - calls for investigation by RM officer(s). Murder: a dabo dancer dralasite is found murdered and a militia or Space Fleet crew member is implicated but he/she/it professes innocence. Another RM officer investigation. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 28, 2017 - 8:37pm | Highly competitive crew snuck a beacon onto the PCs ship's hull and used it to great advantage during the last round of war games. What are the PCs going to do about it? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |