![]() September 1, 2017 - 5:10pm | The original Predator stared Schartzenager and he survived the story. P2 stared Danny Glover and he survived the story. Why haven't we seen either of them in a sequel? Schartzenager, at least seems to love doing sequels. Edit: I think I'd love to see a Schartzenager & Danny Glover team up taking on the Predators. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 1, 2017 - 6:20pm | Simple answer: Arnold just got back into movies after a stint in government and Danny Glover is simply getting too old for that shit. |
![]() September 2, 2017 - 10:04am | Ask Bruce Willis character John McClane. "what are the odds of the same thing happening to the same guy twice?" It's a real serious question. In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same. |
![]() September 4, 2017 - 7:16am | Plus, not even Arnold or Danny could have boosted the AvP flicks, neither flick stacked up to the comic books that inspired cutting the red tape needed to join those two franchises. Granted neither was as bad as the second pair of Alien sequels (3 & 4), and the reboots have only been marginally better but still lacking far behind Aliens 1 & 2. We could use a fresh stand-alone Predator flick though, done right of course. |
![]() September 13, 2017 - 4:21am | I saw a bunch of these again or for the first time... was super ill so hubby brought me a combo of alien, predator movie packages and comedy flicks... I have to say I am a bit confused as to where they are going with it all, who invented the aliens and how the Preditors really fit in along with the now human alien hybrid. How the founder aliens fit in, why they hate humans and if that rock formation at the beginning of one film on Earth is really a ship... did the dude commit suicide and accidentally or purposely seed Earth with the genetics to make humans? So confused on what the heck the movie people were thinking... or going... I enjoyed the films but there seems to be a disconnect between the story lines. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 13, 2017 - 7:45am | @ Tchklinxa: story line continuity problems be damned, just bring back Aar-nauld and blow some sh_t up! American audiences, for the most part won't question continuity or reality issues if there's plenty of action, explosions, special effects and a little skin. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 13, 2017 - 4:11pm | For the audiences that flocked to "The Expendables" you are correct. However given that the Marvel films are doing great because of storyline and character developement while the DC films kept flopping until Wonder Woman I would say it will take a little more than Arnold to get them back. Of course the prequels aren't doing to bad. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() September 13, 2017 - 6:25pm | Prometheus & Covenant would be Scott's version of Lucas' Star Wars prequels. |
![]() September 13, 2017 - 6:46pm | Well all true. I am thinking of borrowing some ideas... some of the alien life is awesome, love the idea of creepy alien bunkers full of urns of life forms and DNA spreading, also ships with sleeping crews, and more. Just thinking maybe finding remnants of an ancient civilization could be a bit of a bummer... especially if your race or races are on a destroy list. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 13, 2017 - 8:23pm | The problem as I see it with Aliens & Predator: > 20th Century Fox held (and still holds to this day) both the Alien and Predator franchises. Despite this, there was a ton of red tape to cut before they were able to merge the two properties...which Dark Horse Comics had been doing for quite some time in their black & white comic book pages. > Dark Horse had some awesome Alien, Predator, and AvP tales during their tenure (along with Terminator, which they acquired from NOW Comics; and Star Wars, which was lost when Disney acquired both Marvel and Lucasfilm). > Unlike the Marvel & DC flicks, 20th Century Fox left out the best creative talent behind their properties when they made their spin-off movies (AvP & Alien prequels, or even Aliens 3 & 4 for that matter): Dark Horse. Even Sony and Warner Brothers learned this lesson via their earlier attempts in the late 80's & early 90's: "Hey, maybe we should bring on some of the comic book talent to ramp up these comic book flicks"...yet here we are two decades later and Fox is dtill choking on their own vomit with these two franchises. ______________________________________________________ > Parallel Problem: the rumor mill is rife that Disney plans to kill off Marvel Comics in favor of Marvel Studios. If this is true, both Sigmund Freud and Unca Walt himself will be rolling in their graves when it happens. Warner is finally showing some promise with DC a la Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad (the latter being most impressive when IIRC it ranks near the top ten of all superhero movies and is based on B-list characters) while Marvel is starting to saturate the market. I used to get excited when a new Marvel flick was announced, now I am so far behind I can't even bring myself to even want to go to the movie house for one, let alone pay attention to when the DVD release date is for each flick (although I may waive that for Thor: Ragnarok, but don't hold your breath). Meanwhile I am pining for the November Justice League movie debut as 2016's Doctor Strange and everything that has followed remains to be seen by my household. Whether the Marvel Comics rumor is true or not, I predict a serious paradigm shift between the popualrity of each franchise. Marvel is heading toward ho-hum while DC is picking up some serious momentum. |
![]() September 24, 2017 - 7:36pm | Ridley Scott's vision of the Alien franchise is not neccesarilly what Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shussett, who wrote the story on which O'Bannon based the screenplay had in mind. Even Aliens, which is quite a good movie, makes some pretty dramatic alterations in the story and the titular organism. |
![]() September 25, 2017 - 2:56pm | There has been rumors that what Ridley Scott is trying to do is edit out Predators from the Alien universe, seems he doesn't want them to share the same universe. This creates a problem as a comics has presented the idea that the Engineers were tinkering with the Xeno DNA trying to create a weapon to use against the Yautja/Predators, only the Predators end up loving to hunt them. They'll hunt anything after all. And Dark Horse has had plenty of crossovers with Predators hunting even Batman, yeah the Pred lost that fight too, but Superman was totally retarded when dealing with the Xenomorphs. He actually tried to talk and reason with them. In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same. |
![]() September 25, 2017 - 3:57pm | Batman has come up against just about everybody but the Sathar! |
![]() September 25, 2017 - 5:18pm | Holy, worm slime Batman! I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 25, 2017 - 11:02pm | The 90's were packed full of inter-company crossovers, Marvel and DC even went so fat to co-publish the "Amalgam" series together where they "merged" one hero from each property into a single character, such as "Kent Parker, the Amazing Super Spider (Superman & Spiderman)" , "Dark Claw" (Batman & Wolverine), "Iron Lantern" (Iron Man & Green Lantern) and such. It was absurdity at best and ushered in the death knell of multi-publisher crossovers. Granted that all started waaay back in the 1970's with the giant sized (easily twice the dimensions of the standard comic book size) hits starting with Superman vs Spiderman "The Battle of the Century" --- which was an awesome book if you can get your hands on a copy these days. The later Batman/Punisher and Batman/Daredevil were some of the best stories that followed. While Dark Horse did conjure up a few tales with DC, they never did get together with Marvel...Amalgam's asininity pretty much sealed that fate. But, yeah...good luck to Scott for trying to separate those two properties, especially after Fox went so far out of their way to merge them. He'll pretty much have to break all ties with Fox in order to do so and they aren't going to let it go cheaply. Granted if they continue to belt out box office turds like the prior pair of AvP flicks it would only serve to help Scott's cause...as mentioned they had better seek out some help from the aforementioned DH AvP creative staff if they really want to make a hit. |
![]() September 27, 2017 - 3:23am | Way Back in the 70s? May I peacefully remind you of Abbott and Costello meet Dracula guest starring Frankenstein, the Werewolf and the Mummy. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() September 27, 2017 - 6:51am |
Way Back in the 70s? May I peacefully remind you of Abbott and Costello meet Dracula guest starring Frankenstein, the Werewolf and the Mummy. On TV and movies, perhaps...but we're talking about comic book company crossovers, of which coincidentally enough, monsters were taking off in the 1970's as well. While they did get mixed together in each respective publisher's pages, they never crossed over from one company to another. |