![]() February 8, 2017 - 6:08pm | King Arthur, Genghis Khan, Richard the 3rd (oh wait they found him), Krueger's millions etc Who are the lost legends of the Frontier, the King Arthur of the Frontier. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 8, 2017 - 6:10pm | Morgaine is clearly a good candidate but perhaps too obvious. He gave his life defending the frontier in Prengular system. However, in the campaign section we learn that the Battleship in command of Taskforce Cassidine is called Admiral Harsevoort. Previously I've speculated this as a yazirian name. The other battleships are Admiral Morgsine and Admiral Clinton which seem pretty human and Harsevoort just doesn't strike me as vrusk or dralasite. So I would nominate Harsevoort as having been Morgaine's 2nd in command and gave his life at Cassidine. His ship was shot to hell and there was no time to recover it and later it had drifted. Yazirians of his clan and historians have searched but they did not find the wreck of his ship. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 8, 2017 - 6:35pm | Centuries of history on Clarion as per cannon not Zebs so in light of the king Arthur reference there should probably be done one connect to Clarion nobility. Edit: lost treasure: SW1 and sathar activity on Pale or Laco. On Pale let's say that either reps of government moving valuable commodity/items to prevent them falling to the sathar or could even be sathar moving captured commodities. On Laco the obvious is Tetrarch artifact being moved to keep them from enemy by one side or other. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 9, 2017 - 7:52am | Then there is the monuments men angle where some art never gets recovered. -iggy |
![]() February 9, 2017 - 4:24pm | Anyone ever read Mong?ol-un ni?uca tob?iyan or The Secret History of the Mongols? It goes something like this: The work begins with a semi-mythical genealogy of Temüjin's family. The description of Temüjin's life begins with the kidnapping of his mother, Hoelun, by his father Yesügei. It then covers Temüjin's early life; the difficult times after the murder of his father; and the many conflicts against him, wars, and plots before he gains the title of Genghis Khan (Universal Ruler) in 1206. The latter parts of the work deal with the campaigns of conquest of Genghis and his third son Ögedei throughout Eurasia; the text ends with Ögedei's reflections on what he did well and what he did wrong. It relates how the Mongol Empire was created. (Above was cut and pasted from Wkipedia) So this book can give you your Ghengis Khan angle. The characters find a book, computer disk, old spaceship with the information on the ship's database which opens the trail to finding actual proof this person exists. Enter in rival teams looking to beat them to the proof for the credits or the glory or both and adventure commences. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() February 9, 2017 - 4:40pm | Anyone ever read Mong?ol-un ni?uca tob?iyan or The Secret History of the Mongols? It goes something like this: The work begins with a semi-mythical genealogy of Temüjin's family. The description of Temüjin's life begins with the kidnapping of his mother, Hoelun, by his father Yesügei. It then covers Temüjin's early life; the difficult times after the murder of his father; and the many conflicts against him, wars, and plots before he gains the title of Genghis Khan (Universal Ruler) in 1206. The latter parts of the work deal with the campaigns of conquest of Genghis and his third son Ögedei throughout Eurasia; the text ends with Ögedei's reflections on what he did well and what he did wrong. It relates how the Mongol Empire was created. (Above was cut and pasted from Wkipedia) So this book can give you your Ghengis Khan angle. The characters find a book, computer disk, old spaceship with the information on the ship's database which opens the trail to finding actual proof this person exists. Enter in rival teams looking to beat them to the proof for the credits or the glory or both and adventure commences. The legendary vursk that brought vrusk outcasts of the hive planet to the Frontier? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 10, 2017 - 5:13pm | I keep thinking about famous missing people like Amelia A., Dr Livingston, DB Cooper, and Butch Cassedy. Could be dead, but could have survived. They all did something famous where finding them or solving the riddle brings fame and fortune whether through the answer alone or through some treasure. I suppose there could be a story/legend about a lost colony that has become utopia and they are purposely staying lost. They colonized one of the worlds that is the remains of a very advanced society and are now their inheriters. They can beat the Sathar and have saved lost frontier vessels from them every now and then. They appear, do good, and disappear just as quickly. -iggy |
![]() February 10, 2017 - 9:29pm | I suppose there could be a story/legend about a lost colony that has become utopia and they are purposely staying lost. They colonized one of the worlds that is the remains of a very advanced society and are now their inheriters. They can beat the Sathar and have saved lost frontier vessels from them every now and then. They appear, do good, and disappear just as quickly. Meantioning Amiela A. reminded me of something we discussed: With the Star Exodus to save the Yazirian species and the rapid development of interstellar exploration craft by the Yazirians some trade offs were made- ships didn't land on planet- landers were sent down that were a one way trip for the 2 being crew on board. So while the Yazirian colonies of the Frontier were scounted not all of the crews and capsules were located after the fact. The sacrifice made means its important to find them but some have remained mysteries as to what happened to the scouts. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 11, 2017 - 12:11am | What about a planet wandering in one of the nebula? It would be dark and cold save for any of its own volcanism. There could be that one last message from a billionaire celebrity who braved the nebula and crashed on the lost planet. -iggy |
![]() February 11, 2017 - 8:24am | What about a planet wandering in one of the nebula? It would be dark and cold save for any of its own volcanism. There could be that one last message from a billionaire celebrity who braved the nebula and crashed on the lost planet. What powers the volcanism? What if its a wandering gas giant with a moon(s) and one moon is barely habitable and its the squeezing of the gravity of the gas giant that drives the internal volcanism? Rich billioncreditaire lost in space. Nice. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 11, 2017 - 10:56am | Don't forget the wild goose chase stuff... in fantast sci fi usually the monster turns out to be real, but it need not... like in RL it could be just a good yarn or even a ploy to scare people.... But the evidence that it might exist keeps popping up. Michael Rockefeller ended up in stew pots in RL as cannibal dinner for real. There has got to be space cannibals or planet side cannibal tribes... maybe there is a scary story of a Yazarian or Vrusk clan that was suspected of being cannibals, so their ships never made it to where everyone else went... either race would work based on the missing ships idea, either finding famous missing people hook or maybe the goal is to make contact with a known cannibal colony and start the process of recivilizing them while anthropologist types study them. Now there is a mission for the brave... you are hired by a company or government or religious sect that wants that colony back in the fold but they be now savage cannibals with weird culture and you are not allowed to do the conquer them thing... they want peaceful acquisition/assimilation to occur... Ghosts... maybe the ghosts are not ghosts... dimensional beings, ancient technology that gets triggered, strange alien life form that makes you see the dead... like a fungus or plant spore, psionic attacker making people see ghosts... Hidden cultures... forbidden cities that sort of thing, just a spacer or ground hog legend or is it real? "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() February 11, 2017 - 9:05pm | What if its a wandering gas giant with a moon(s) and one moon is barely habitable and its the squeezing of the gravity of the gas giant that drives the internal volcanism? That works. -iggy |
![]() February 12, 2017 - 7:44am | May need to redifine Cannabalism for SF. Generally Humans see Evil as "Things That Are Against Us." For Example the Soviet Union was Good while everyone was fighting the Nazis but then became a worse Evil once the Nazis were defeated. Groups of Cannabals eat other people but not because they are Evil. There is usually a religious reason about taking in the soul of the departed so as not to be separated from them if they were part of the group. If they were enemies, then generally it was to take in the enemies power. Of course you could always go with the idea that the race which is eating other intelligent races do not see them as intelligent or at least on the same level as themselves. Think of PETA, you might see pigs as best used for bacon but PETA has other ideas. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |