![]() January 26, 2017 - 1:10pm | I've explored this idea in the past. Items that are analogous to magic items but for Star Frontiers. Drugs/medicine/injectables for potions Illegal or quasi legal computer programs for scrolls Master crafted weapons Artifacts are certainly possible The underlying idea is that these items should be special, not readily available and would function as treasure. EDIT Maybe I should have named this thread Cursed Items I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 1:19pm | Category: Potion Reasoning behind 1hr duration is that the game has the table for distance in 1 hour travel time and this would allow a PC to employ it to either catch or evade an opponent other than the obvious uses of fast movement during combat. It does have a down side so a player may not wish to use it but the market on it ought to be easily sold thus making it like a gem in D&D= small, negligible weight, high value Not don't something you could buy or sell to a CFM. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 1:54pm | Category: cursed item Code named: the 3 monkies (reference to see no evil, hear no....Etc). Spy nanites. This nanites solution is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. It must be injected or injected (hypospray). If injested the effects take effect in 1d5 hours. If injected it's effective in 10 minutes. There are 3 different types of nanites. One type attaches to optic nerves, one type attaches to auditory nerves and both record what is seen and heard for 1 GST day (20 hours before recording over old data. The 3 type of nanites collects near the optic and auditory nerves, collects the data wirelessly and will broadcast it to a scanner device when that device is less than 1 meter from the "victim". The scanner is essentially a CAS and is often desguised as something else. These devices are usually handcrafted and thus expensive 800 Cr. One does of 3 Monkey Nanites is 200 Cr. The Nanites will operate for 1 GST week before power reservers are depleted and they go inert. The presence of a nanite network communicating wirelessly in the head of a victim can cause interference with some electronic and communication devices like a helmet with electronics, a viso-com, implanted chronocom, etc and this could be a clue to the presence of the nanites. The purpose of the 3 monky nanites was to covertly steal sensitive data, pass codes and corporate espionage. The are illegal in the UPF but not impossible to come by especially if you're involved in corporate espionage. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 1:57pm | Category: potion Nanite Stalkers (injectable) An effective counter to 3 Monkey nanites. The Nano Stalkers are nanites that remain in the blood and fluids of a being for one GST month and hunt and kill other nanites as they are encountered. 50 Cr/dose I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 2:04pm | Category: new medical equipment Nanites disruption field and scanner. Large piece of equipment found at major hospitals this device allows a character with med skill to scan for and deactivate nanites within a character's body. Cost 5000 Cr. Characters going to a hospital seeking to be "cleared" are usually charged 100 Cr for the specialty treatment whether there are nanites or not. Corporation keep and operate the device as a counter measure against espionage and there is no charge to employees. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 2:13pm | Category: treasure map Schematics & security pass codes 1 facility Public building (hospital, transportation hub like a shuttle terminal etc) 1d10 X 10,000 Cr. Private building (residence): 1d5 X 5000 Mega corporate facility, Space Fleet facility or similar: 1d10 X 10000 Cr. Mega Corp headquarters, Star Law or Space Fleet headquarters or similar: (1d10 X 10000)+ 100,000 Cr Star ship private or commercial: 1d5 X 10,000 Cr Star ship military: 1d10 X 10,000 (+50,000 for a Space Fleet vessel) I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 2:20pm | Category: Potion Dramunidine incense. This incense is a hard packed powdery cone 20 mm tall with a wick. Once the whick is lit upto 5 beings can waft the smoke toward their olfactory sensing organs and enjoy the effects of Dramunidine for the next 5 hours. Dramunidine induces feelings of euphoria and nullifies the effects of 1/2 STS which is a penalty for pain against all skill checks and enforces 1/2 movement. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 2:30pm | Category: Potion Coma rest (injectable) Puts patient into a coma and facilitates triple healing until full STA restored or roused with stim dose. A medic/doctor must monitor the patient while in coma. For each day the patient remains in coma they recover 3X the normal amount it STA from normal healing. If there is an emergency the doctor can rouse the patient with Stim dose. If roused with stim dose there is no healing for that day or the referee may prorate the amount of healing for a partial day. A vrusk in a hospital setting could grow back a severed limb in 1/3 the time with this drug but it will probably require a second application during that time. Cost: 20 Cr. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 2:43pm | Category: treasure map Prospecting scans from the Star Dust belt mining ship. Looks to be 3d100 distinct asteroids prospected. Captain of the Star Dust died suddenly, heirs sold ship and all of filed claims. But is it possible that the old belt miner died before filing claims on his most recent prospecting run? 3 d10 of the prospecting files never had claims staked because they were worthless. 1d5 - 2 other targets with no claim staked ( they could be valuable or have some other mysterious reason he didn't file a claim.) Value? Offered for sale at 1d10 X 1000 Cr. Note this item is a gamble. So it could qualify as cursed and costing PCs money. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 3:02pm | Category : cursed weapon, Laser rifle or pistol with defective power capacitor and hair lin e fracture of the lasing crystal. What starting PC can't wait to trade up to a to a better weapon. Unfortunately these two defects will combine to cause the weapon to blow up while being fired on a roll of 95-00 (optionally it also blows on any roll of double digits that misses example 77 or 88). The effect is the same as a frag grenade going off in the firer's square. Damage is whatever the SEU setting of the weapon was at time of firering. PC gets RS check for 1/2 damage and since this is an internal explosion with the components of the weapon becoming shrapnel albedo defenses are not effective although Skien suits and inertia screens are. Item not sold in stores it's either found or looted. Note PC with appropriate skill doing a field strip and service of weapon can spot the problem with a LOG check with a 20 or penalty. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 3:11pm | Category: cursed item When you absolutely positively need a frag grenade to work and it doesn't go off. Dud grenade. Cost is same as one that works. Found or looted item. Sometimes sold by less reputable sellers and sometimes sold at a discount. Remember, only Wartech ensures the highest quality cintrol. Use only Wartech fragmentation Grenades, available at your authized Wartech dealer. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 4:18pm | Cursed Item Old defective ammo Auto pistol or rifle, needler, gyrojet pistol or rifle ammo jams on first firing and no other rounds may be fired until jam is cleard. Clearing a jammed weapon is a skill check and takes one combat round. subsequent shots will hame 30, 40 or 50% of time (referee's choice). Old defective SEU clip with tarnished bad contacts. Item will not work 50% of time but shaking it may get the contacts to connect. Shaking to make the contacts work is a firing action and a weapon may not be fired that combat round. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 4:56pm | Cursed Item barrel fouled: gyrojet & automatic weapons first round fired blows up in barrel 1d10 damage to firer. Weapon useless afterward. A simple check of the barrel will detect problem and then character can clean the weapon. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 26, 2017 - 5:05pm | Sonic sword or knife with bad sonic emitter housing bracket. the weapon will not keep its emitter head calibration. On a roll of 95-00 the emitter head will misaligned and the weapon becomes excedingly loud. Its deafening to those in the vicinity (LDR check or -5 penalty to skill checks for rest of combat to all within 20 meters) and will draw attention from 100s of meters of way up to even a kilometer in open country. A misaligned emitter head also does one less d10 of damage but no change in SEU usage. requires skill check and tool kit to fix alignment calibration but unless the defective housing bracket is discovered and changed the weapon will suffer the same problem again. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 27, 2017 - 8:25pm | One look at the melee weapons table on page 26 and you can gauge weapons that are "cursed" and "magic" from the onset. For example, the +15 modifier for a sonic sword would make it the D&D /d20 equivalent of "+3" and a club's -5 modifeir makes it a "club -1". Have the hilt of said sonic sword emit an electrical pulse that can serve to help trigger a yazirian's battle rage (then throw in melee weapon skills) and you have a very potent weapon. ![]() |
![]() January 28, 2017 - 9:21pm | So a master crafted laser pistol could add maybe a +5 to the damage per setting then, or just give it a bonus with it's accuracy. And then a gyrojet weapon could have special rounds beyond the explosive, like armor piercing or even incendiary rounds. Apart from master crafted weapons, an engineer might even be able to make heat seeking gyroc ammo, or laser guided. Even air burst ammo. There should be a skill for a technician to craft such things I suppose. In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same. |
![]() January 28, 2017 - 9:43pm | One way I handled Master crafted/ magical sonic swords in the SFman article was to simply reroll low numbers so a sword mark I allowed all "1"s to be rerolled and a sword mark 2 allowed 1s and 2s to be rerolled. This avoided radical changed to the game or even a power creep situation and yet the player gets a sword that consistently does more damage then other sonic swords because it was so well crafted. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 29, 2017 - 10:28am | Imagine what a master crafted sonic sword would do in the hands of a yazirian with melee weapons skill and battle rage... |
![]() January 29, 2017 - 10:52am | Imagine what a master crafted sonic sword would do in the hands of a yazirian with melee weapons skill and battle rage... That is why I didn't opt for an addititve bonus to damage. I figure you will hit if you can hit but the weapon is so well tuned that it does better than normal damage ie throw out low rolls. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 29, 2017 - 11:31am | All great... How about something along the lines of a combat inhancing arm band... pumps players full of drugs/nanonites that increase STR/STA, DEX/RS... this device surgeically fusses itself to the PC sending microtendrils throughout the PC's body, is a self repairing unit, will attempt to repair injuried posseor as well... can be programed to have an over riding mission... (zombie potential if you want, "Bob's dead body begins to twitch as the millions of tendrils and nanonites take over to fullfil the one over ridding command... defend the base from invaders...). It changes the PC's body, making it dependant on the device, meaning a PC will go through very dangerous withdrawls if the arm band is removed with no appropriate medical support (-90 to STA). It also lowers INT/LOG and PER/LDR. +25/-25 PCs. PCs become naturally aggressive, blunt, quick to act first think last, and possiably irrationally driven to fulfill missions they do not understand. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
January 29, 2017 - 12:07pm | How about something along the lines of a combat inhancing arm band... pumps players full of drugs/nanonites that increase STR/STA, DEX/RS... this device surgeically fusses itself to the PC sending microtendrils throughout the PC's body, is a self repairing unit, will attempt to repair injuried posseor as well... can be programed to have an over riding mission... (zombie potential if you want, "Bob's dead body begins to twitch as the millions of tendrils and nanonites take over to fullfil the one over ridding command... defend the base from invaders...). It changes the PC's body, making it dependant on the device, meaning a PC will go through very dangerous withdrawls if the arm band is removed with no appropriate medical support (-90 to STA). It also lowers INT/LOG and PER/LDR. +25/-25 PCs. PCs become naturally aggressive, blunt, quick to act first think last, and possiably irrationally driven to fulfill missions they do not understand. Sounds like something from a Star Gate SG-1 episode. Not bad. And, welcome back Tch!
Joe Cabadas |
![]() January 29, 2017 - 12:50pm | How about something along the lines of a combat inhancing arm band... pumps players full of drugs/nanonites that increase STR/STA, DEX/RS... this device surgeically fusses itself to the PC sending microtendrils throughout the PC's body, is a self repairing unit, will attempt to repair injuried posseor as well... can be programed to have an over riding mission... (zombie potential if you want, "Bob's dead body begins to twitch as the millions of tendrils and nanonites take over to fullfil the one over ridding command... defend the base from invaders...). It changes the PC's body, making it dependant on the device, meaning a PC will go through very dangerous withdrawls if the arm band is removed with no appropriate medical support (-90 to STA). It also lowers INT/LOG and PER/LDR. +25/-25 PCs. PCs become naturally aggressive, blunt, quick to act first think last, and possiably irrationally driven to fulfill missions they do not understand. Sounds like something from a Star Gate SG-1 episode. Not bad. And, welcome back Tch!
Like 'Juicers' from Rifts RPG. Mercenaries that have injectors on them to inject drugs into them to enhance their physical performance. This comes with a price as the drugs take a physical toll on the body which can shorten the life of the Juicer. In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same. |
![]() January 29, 2017 - 12:53pm | How about something along the lines of a combat inhancing arm band... pumps players full of drugs/nanonites that increase STR/STA, DEX/RS... this device surgeically fusses itself to the PC sending microtendrils throughout the PC's body, is a self repairing unit, will attempt to repair injuried posseor as well... can be programed to have an over riding mission... (zombie potential if you want, "Bob's dead body begins to twitch as the millions of tendrils and nanonites take over to fullfil the one over ridding command... defend the base from invaders...). It changes the PC's body, making it dependant on the device, meaning a PC will go through very dangerous withdrawls if the arm band is removed with no appropriate medical support (-90 to STA). It also lowers INT/LOG and PER/LDR. +25/-25 PCs. PCs become naturally aggressive, blunt, quick to act first think last, and possiably irrationally driven to fulfill missions they do not understand. Sounds like something from a Star Gate SG-1 episode. Not bad. And, welcome back Tch!
Thanks... I was thinking of some devices on Far Scape, SG-1 and Bab-5 and maybe Dr. Who... It should be one of those seems like a great alien tech find or tech development but comes with surprise "curse" maybe it gradually takes effect... the more you use it, the more it takes control... in such a way that the PC does not notice at first. Something like that. I know I have not been around much, but RL is being harsh... just got hubby back out of ICU and he is home trying to get recovered from the accident, but a friend died on Friday, and this is a re-test year to keep my job... so I will need to be hitting the books for all the testing. I just finnished the Pesticide Test CA decided every employee working for a school district must take... I swear if there is away for CA Law Makers to muck up a simple thing we where already doing with extra BS they will... suffice it to say my job has nothing to do with pesticide use or mowing lawns (also on the test). ![]() "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
January 29, 2017 - 1:08pm | Thanks... I was thinking of some devices on Far Scape, SG-1 and Bab-5 and maybe Dr. Who... It should be one of those seems like a great alien tech find or tech development but comes with surprise "curse" maybe it gradually takes effect... the more you use it, the more it takes control... in such a way that the PC does not notice at first. Something like that. I know I have not been around much, but RL is being harsh... just got hubby back out of ICU and he is home trying to get recovered from the accident, but a friend died on Friday, and this is a re-test year to keep my job... so I will need to be hitting the books for all the testing. I just finnished the Pesticide Test CA decided every employee working for a school district must take... I swear if there is away for CA Law Makers to muck up a simple thing we where already doing with extra BS they will... suffice it to say my job has nothing to do with pesticide use or mowing lawns (also on the test). ![]() That's a lot to have on your plate to deal with. My sympathies and prayers to you and your family. Joe Cabadas |