History According to Alpha Dawn & Knight Hawks

History According to Alpha Dawn & Knight Hawks 
Note: AD denotes material sourced from Alpha Dawn and KH from Knight Hawks. 

The Pre-Frontier Years 

Near the center of a great spiral galaxy, where stars are much closer together than Earth's sun and its neighbors, a Human race developed. They were not identical to the Humans of Earth, but they were not very different, either. AD 

The Vrusk, a bug like species developed spaceflight and one of their mining ships discovered another species, the shape changing dralasites. Both species coexisted peacefully exchanging information for years. AD 

When humanity discovered that waves of subspace pi-tachyon particles could cross interstellar space faster than light, they realized they had found a link to the stars. A radio message that would have taken years to travel between stars could be sent with subspace communicators in months or even weeks. Humanity began broadcasting news of themselves to the neighboring stars and soon found they were not alone. AD 

Humanity made contact with the Vrusk and the Dralasites. A wealth of scientific exchange occurred and humanity developed interstellar spacecraft. AD 

The three species met in a large area of space known as the Frontier. There they also discovered the Yazirians, a species of tall, maned humanoids. Soon, settled worlds in the Frontier became melting pots for the four species, with dazzling mixtures of architecture and alien cultures. AD 

To supply the needs of these worlds, the first interstellar company, the Pan- Galactic Corporation, was formed. It developed interest everywhere, from scientific research to farming to starship building. PGC even developed it's own language, Pan-Gal, which soon became the trade language of the four species in the Frontier. Many large companies which started later were modeled on PGC, but none approach the size and power of the Pan-Galactic Corporation. AD 

At that time there was no Space Fleet of any sort. A number of starships had been equipped with weapons to battle pirates and members of the other three species. KH 

The Frontier Years 

The Sathar appeared. No one knows where they came from or why. They attacked lonely systems and outposts on the edges of explored space, moving slowly inward. AD 

The inhabitants of the Frontier first became aware of the Sathar when a surprise attack hit the planets of Truane's Star. Pale and New Pale were ravaged and the few survivors fled to Prengular via Dixon's Star. Thus began the Sathar War. KH 

The motley assortment of armed vessels were mustered for the defense of the Frontier. Command of the fleet was given to a human, Vincent Morgaine, who was given the title of admiral. KH 

Morgaine chose to place his ships at Cassidine, following the sacking of the Truane's system. A small outpost at Dixon's Star was to warn him if the Sathar attempted to move toward Prengular: but the Admiral's gambit paid off. The Sathar emerged from the Void in Cassidine system, heading directly toward the huge population center of Triad. KH 

Admiral Morgaine and his rag tag fleet were waiting, however, hidden among the rocks of Cassidine's dense asteroid belt. Their surprise attack on the rear of the Sathar fleetdestroyed nearly a third of the overconfident enemy's ships. Apparently bewildered by the onslaught, the Sathar and there ships accelerated away from Cassidine and disappeared into the Void. KH 

Now Morgaine made his second shrewd estimation of the unknown foe, and moved his fleet to Prengular. While he was en route, word arrived from Dixon's Star that the Sathar were attacking there. The transmission was interrupted, and it was latter learned that the outpost planet of Laco had been ravaged as viciously as the Pale worlds. KH 

Once again, however, as the Sathar emerged at a major population center(Gran Quivera at Prengular) , the Admirl and his "fleet" were waiting. A savage battle developed around a large and, at that time uninhabited ringed planet. During the course of the battle, nearly all of the Frontier's ships were destroyed. Admirl Morgaine's cruiser was lost with all hands. KH 

The Sathar fleet was similarly devastated. The few remaining enemy ships scattered in all directions. Many survivors were never accounted for, but the sathar war fleet had been utterly destroyed. KH 

A grateful population named the ringed planet after the hero of the Battle of Prengular. However, frightened by the savagery of the attack, and determined to never let it happen again, the people's of the Frontier formed the United Planetary Federation to combine the defensive resources of the four species. Since Morgaine's World has become a primary UPF (and later Star Law) base. KH 

The UPF is a loose alliance formed between many planetary governments after the first Sathar attacks. It is not an interstellar government but rather a defense organization devoted to protecting member planets. AD 

In the decades following the Sathar War, the activities of the "worms" were limited to subterfuge and sabotage as they tried to undermine the foundation of the United Planets. KH The Sathar had learned that they could not beat the UPF in battle. Instead, they began hiring Yazirian, Human, Dralasite, and Vrusk agents to sabotage interstellar trade and interfere with local governments. AD 

The UPF created the Star Law Rangers, an interstellar police force, to track the Sather's agents from planet to planet and fight them on their own terms. They also investigate interstellar criminals and pirates. Despite the efforts of the Rangers, the Sathar agents have become the most dangerous threat ever to face the UPF and the Frontier Corporations. AD 

Many huge and multi-faceted corporations are at work in the Frontier, and they are reluctant to let a matter such as the Sathar incursion interrupt their billion credit per day operations. The principle corporations are Pan-Galactic Corporation, Streel Corporation, Greater Vrusk Mutual Prosperity Institution, Cassidine Development Corporation, Capellan Free Merchants, Interplanetary Industries, and Galactic Task Force Incorporated. KH 

Often, competition between these companies has exploded into violence. Privately owned starship fleets have battled each other for the rights to mineral rich worlds, and occasionally large groups of mercenaries will engage rival groups in full scale ground warfare. Laco's World (Dixon's Star) is the scene of a decade long conflict between Streel Corporation on one side and Pan-Galactic Corporation on the oofer. Tens of thousands of casualties have been inflicted on the planet, and more than a dozen spaceships have been destroyed in what has been called "Laco's War". KH

Now the Sathar are appearing in fleets that dwarf the ships of the Sathar War. For the defense of the Frontier, Spacefleet will be called upon to follow in the tradition of its founding Admiral. Spacefleet now has large and modern ships, but they could be severely numbered by a ferocious for. With a Second Sathar War looking to be imminent can the Sathar be stopped again? KH

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