![]() May 28, 2016 - 3:50am | The "A Pirate's Life for Me" project goal is to create a fully featured PSA (Alpha Dawn) / Profession - Arch Type (Zebs) for a character to be a Pirate. This project will introduce new skill combinations, new skills, ship modifications and new equipment (mostly for ships). I. Alpha Dawn - Character Generation / Primary Skill Area / New Skills - Gear Section: Gear typically used by Pirates - The Frontier: History of Pirates in Star Frontiers - Referee: Plot Hooks; Mini Encounter Scenarios; Adventures II Knight Hawks - Character Generation / Primary Skill Area / New Skills - Ship skills and modifications / New Systems (Components) on Ships - The Frontier: History of Pirates in Star Frontiers - Referee: Plot Hooks; Mini Encounter Scenarios; Adventures III Zebulon's Guide - Character Conversion from Alpha Dawn - Character Generation / Arch Type: Pirate, New Skills - The Frontier: History of Pirates in Star Frontiers - Referee: Plot Hooks; Mini Encounter Scenarios; Adventures IV Pirate Careers (Campaigns) - Ships: Acquisition, Repair, Resupply - Pirate (friendly) Stations / Systems - Black Market, Trade of Stolen Goods - The Law and Piracy V Fantasic Tales of Piracy and Adventure - Fan Fiction: Tales of Piracy (played out adventures or mini scenarios). |
May 28, 2016 - 9:03am | Good goals. As I noted on the other posting, please check out my Project Joe's Half-Baked Ideas to see if there is anything you can use. I do not "own" the Alpha Dawn-Zebs hybrid system presented there. I found it online back in early 2015 and I don't think it was from this website. (I should post the original under downloads.) I made my own modifications, but you can agreee or disagree with them as you wish. If you have any feedback to what I've presented, I would welcome it. Joe Cabadas |
![]() March 7, 2017 - 10:33am | Reviving this project has become one of my main diversions in the past two weeks and it is coming along well, I think. My intention is to run a campaign, starting with Crash on Vulturnus, but with some minor changes. Then on to the second Alpha Dawn module (also on Vulturnus); then off to the first Knight Hawks module, Dramune Run, also with modifications. Then those three modules will lead the player group into a series of four, campaign adventures (some with multiple parts or mini adventures). The challenging decisions to be made are as follows: Player Group Size? Pre Gen Characters, or a mix of both Pre Gen and Player Gen characters? Solo Player + GM? Google Hangouts vs RollD20? Present campaign exclusive to this group, or extend it to Google + and or FB communities? I'll likely not run the first adventure until April break, so there is plenty of time for me to write and organize play. |