![]() April 23, 2016 - 3:45pm |
<!--[if gte mso 9]> A place to stash notes and ideas from TSR sources, my own ideas and other ideas on developing Calendars for the Core 4 and a general Time Line start.
<!--EndFragment--> "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() April 23, 2016 - 3:46pm | Time in My Star Frontiers Campaign: Basic Calendar All time line dates are based on SF Galactic Standard Time (GST) unless otherwise stated: GST Defined: One hour is 60 minutes long, a minute is 60 seconds long. A second is defined as the length of time needed for a beam of light to travel 300,000 km through a vacuum. One year is 8,000 hours long. A standard year is divided into 400 20-hour days. Each day is divided into a 10-hour work period and a 10-hour rest period.(Alpha Dawn – Expanded page 54) The months of the Galactic Standard Year are as follows: Month 1: Primus Month 2: Secundus Month 3: Tera Month 4: Tetra Month 5: Penta Month 6: Hex Month 7: Septa Month 8: Octo Month 9: Nona Month 10: Deca Days of the tenday: Day 1: Prime Day Day 2: Secday Day 3: Terday Day 4: Tetday Day 5: Midpoint Day 6: Hexday Day 7: Sepday Day 8: Ocday Day 9: Nonday Day 10: Decaday Recognized Frontier-wide holidays: Federation Day: Celebration of the founding of the UPF, observed on the first day of Primus(1 Primus). Old Terran Calendar (OTC): One hour is 60 minutes long, a minute is 60 seconds long. A second is defined as the length of time needed for a beam of light to travel 300,000 km through a vacuum. One year is hours long. A standard year is divided into 365.25 24-hour days. One year is 31557600 seconds total or 8,766 hours. An OTC year is 766 hours longer than GST.
"Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() April 23, 2016 - 5:07pm | EC Exodus Calendar is the current Yazarian Calendar and begins with their exodus. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() April 23, 2016 - 5:33pm |
<!--[if gte mso 9]>
2,351 AD OTC Start of the Terran-Moltvrrz Wars. (Star Empires)2,470 AD OTC Collapse of the Molttrvrrz Empire due to wars with Terran Confederacy. (Star Empires) 2,703 AD OTC The Terran Confederacy embarked on the first phase of expansion. (Star Empires) 10500 PF Last remnants of the mysterious Tetrarch Societies die out. (Zebs) [Note this may have occurred at a date later than the SE date, they where concurred not necessarily made extinct] 2,704 AD OTC 19 Month War (OTC months). The military staged a coup and dissolved the Confederacy, at the same time defeating the Holrachian Tetrarch in two months. A period of peace lasting for 30 years (Terran) ensued. (Star Empires) 2,734 AD OTC The Seven Hour Revolt. The junta was replaced by a popular congress, marking the second phase of Terran expansion. (Star Empires) 2,797 AD OTC During Terra’s second expansion Sect of the Hand founded (Star Empires) 3,274 AD OTC Sect of the Hand begins a “holy war” to cleanse the Galaxy and convert all races to the faith. 300 years of total war (Star Empires) 3,575 AD OTC End of war and Foundation of the Golden Empire of Terra and the suppression of all religions. (Star Empires) 3,581 AD OTC Another expansion of the Terran Empire (Star Empires) 4,024 AD OTC Terran War of Rightful Succession which collapsed the Empire and founded the Unitech Polity and a final period of expansion. (Star Empires) 4,125 AD OTC Final Period of Terran expansion. (Star Empires) 6,251 AD OTC Terran Empire and Kolthumnx Swarm discover each other. (Star Empires) 6,582 AD OTC Following repeated border clashes, the War of Extermination took place. (Star Empires) 6,732 AD OTC Period of Shame, during which the remaining forces of each side were automated and programmed to seek out and destroy life. (Star Empires) Note these doomsday machines may be still around. 6,893 AD OTC This results in the Collapse of Galactic Civilization and advent of Three Millennia Dark Age. (Star Empires) The time period between 6,732 t0 6,893 could be when 10500 PF occurs as most advanced civilization wiped out and that might correspond with the last remnants of the mysterious Tetrarch Societies die out. (Zebs) 9,932 AD OTC Foundation of Young Kingdoms has begun. Nothing more is known of Terra and the Kplthumhnx (not even the location of their home systems). (Star Empires) The majority of races are ignorant of the true history of the Galaxy or have confused recollections, myths, legends, and information. Civilization basically had to start over. Also plenty of time for a lot to have happened on Terra, Mars & in the old Solar system, including mutated life escaping. Also note the various Human Empires long ago where colonies as the Solar system was abandoned. 21000 PF Ancient race of aliens (Tetrarchs or another ancient race) responsible for transporting the S’sessu to Frontier. (Dragon Magazine 96) <!--EndFragment--> "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() April 23, 2016 - 5:35pm |
<!--[if gte mso 9]> Gamma World's Original Time Line needs things added... 1945 — First use of atomic weapons in warfare. 1957 — Sputnik I, the first artificial earth satellite, launched 1961 — First manned spacecraft (Vostok I) launched 1969 — First manned lunar landing made by Apollo 11 spacecraft 1981 — American space shuttle service begins (earth orbit). 1988-1990 . World War III, worldwide general conflict between East and West, limited nuclear weapons exchange before ceasefire 1999 . First self-aware “think tank” computer activated 2002 — First manned spaceflights to Mars launched (Ares I/II); primary base established at Mariner Valley 2003-2021 — Ecosystem collapse in Atlantic and Pacific oceans; world-wide food and water shortages, severe civil disturbances; collapse of Japanese and European economies. 2010 — American, Chinese, Indian, and Soviet international conferences lead to establishment of the First World Council. 2013 — Rise of the first commercial business blocks to control countries. 2019 — First commercial spaceport opens (First Texan Space Complex) 2020 — First Earth-orbital commercial space factory assembled. 2034 — American and Canadian governments unify and form United North America. 2046 — Orbital city Atlantis becomesfirst politically independent space colony; moves to Martian orbit 2047 . Columbus, Magellan, and Marco Polo unmanned interstellar probes launched from Earth orbit. 2050 — Brazil establishes SAEU (unified South American government). 2061 . Columbus reaches Alpha Centauri and maps local planetary systems. 2066 — Establishment of Mount Olympus and Mount Arsia colonies on Mars. 2072 . Magellan reaches Tau Ceti; discovers terraformable planet (Gaea). 2076 — All Martian colonies gain politicalindependence through treaties; Federation of Mars established. 2077 — SAEU collapses after civil war. 2078 — Mutiny aboard International Station One (first true space war), arrest and execution of mutineers. 2087-2089 — First Venerean terraforming project attempted, but fails. 2095 — Lunar population reaches 10,000 at Tycho Center moonbase. 2100 — Genesis project (re-terraforming of Earth’s environment) completed. 2101 — Terraforming of larger asteroids begins. 2104 . The Three Suns, the firstmanned interstellar spacecraft, launched toward the Alpha Centauri system. 2104-2111 . Widespread civil disorders in Asia lead to formation of Asian Coalition, collapse of Soviet Union. 2109 . Thorium fusion propulsion system perfected and goes into systemwide use. 2120 . Three Suns arrives at Alpha Centauri, establishes first extra-solar human colonies at Gagarin, Armstrong, Greenwood, and Sorokin. 2120 . Second Venerean terraforming project attempted; project crew lost in satellite collision. 2126 . Start of international conferences to develop a world government. 2131 . Sorokin colony abandoned. 2132 . The Humanity launched for Tau Ceti system. 2138 . Artificial gravity control achieved. 2144 . Martian world population reaches 10,000 (combined colonies). 2145 . World Union established; all national governments subordinated to World Union General Council in London. Uniform currency (the domar) established worldwide. 2163 . Construction of Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards completed. 2182 . Autonomists Society established, a terrorist organization promoting world-wide democratic anarchy. 2200-2300 . General dates for the .Great Migration. of manned and unmanned interstellar spacecraft to worlds within a 10-parsec radius of Sol; 28 colonization missions and 196 exploratory missions dispatched. 2236 . IMT (instantaneous mass transporter) tested and developed. 2261 . Albuquerque accident kills 5 million people in nuclear explosion. 2266 . Breakup of WU General Council; United America, Asian Coalition, India, and other countries develop divergent policies. 2277 . The Warden, the largest interstellar colony ship ever built, laid down at the Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards by the United Western Starship Cartel program. 2282 . League of Free Men established, promoting the rise of pro-worldgovernment factions; terrorism increases world-wide. 2288 . Warden completed; trials and loading begin for 45-year voyage to Xi Ursae Majoris double-star system. 2289 . Work on giant starship Morden begins at Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards. 2290 . Warden leaves Solar System; 1.55 million human colonists and crew aboard. 2302 . Star Voyager II returns on robot drive with crew infected by .Canopus Plague;. ship destroyed after infecting crew of Earth-orbital spaceport. 2302-2309 . Several major outbreaks of .Canopus plague. throughout Solar System; Iapetus colony sealed off and destroyed. 2309-2322 . .The Shadow Years,. So called because of the world-wide destruction of records and archives through terrorist action and government- supported sabotage. 2309 . (Sept 16) Start of Social Wars; initial collapse of Earth civilization begins; rioting and terrorism spread. League of Free Men and Autonomists are major instigators of world-wide conflict. 2314 . Social Wars expand into space with terrorist strikes against Earthorbital colonies, Tycho Center, and other spaceports throughout solar system. 2321 . Ecological warfare causes destruction of ocean plankton and collapse of all coastal economies; introduction of nuclear and dimension-warp warfare into conflict. 2321 . Fragmentary transmissions from the Warden received; ship apparently entered radiation cloud and crew was lost. 2322 . (April 12) .The Ultimatium,. the first appearance of The Apocalypse, a radical group ordering an immediate cease-fire in world-wide conflict. 2322 . (April 17) Radiation strike made against all major national capitals by The Apocalypse. Retaliatory attacks reduce Earth.s civilization to ruins in one week. System-wide trade, transportation, and economic collapse. 2322 . (May 23) Major strikes successfully disable space fleets around Jupiter and Earth. Two of Saturn.s moons vaporized. From here on in, only fragmentary historical records can be found. Most pieces of data were obtained from friendly cybernetic installations and think tanks which were able to link up with the remains of hidden libraries, orbital installations, or earth/space communications systems. All further information is considered questionable at best and can only rarely be confirmed. 2322 . Social Wars produce major world-wide volcanic and earthquake activity; collapse of polar ice-caps; world-wide flooding; ozone layer collapse with heightened exposure to ultraviolet and solar radiation. Extreme alterations and die-offs throughout biosystem of Earth. 2322 . Processed-ice asteroid (guidance circuits sabotaged by terrorists) strikes Mars; eight-year duststorm and climatic disruption result. All colonies on planet isolated; Federation charter suspended for duration. 2323-2340 . Rise of every known Cryptic Alliance takes place from the intact cities and power stations of Earth. 2325-2330 . Satellite Wars change the technological levels of all the terraformed asteroids and moons of all the planets. 2330-2340 . Last known interstellar missions flee solar system from asteroidal and outer satellite colonies; Trans- Plutonian Spaceyards abandoned; all outer colonies except Saturn World Fusion shut down; Mercury mining colonies abandoned and apparently die out. 2331 . Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards assume control of their own programs and generate robotic .life.. 2336-2340 . Occasional reports from space communications systems of transmissions from the Warden; status unknown. 2380 . Saturn World Fusion ceases all Earth-directed transmissions; fate unknown. 2381 . Severe worldwide earthquakes; explosive vulcanism around Pacific basin. 2 3 8 1 - 2 3 8 8 - .Years Without Summer;. blackouts and prolonged winters common. 2385 . Ultrawave transmissions from Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards report open warfare between cybernetic installation there and the presumedly automated starship Morden. Further transmissions cannot be interpreted and may be in code. 2399 . Short period of lasercom contact with Deimos Base at Mars; PCI at Deimos noted to be insane; no information on Martian colonies. 2 4 2 0 . Strange transmissions picked up from Warden.s last known position. 2450 . Approximate start of the GAMMA WORLD .gametime.. <!--EndFragment--> "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() April 24, 2016 - 10:14am | Start on combining time lines: 10034 BCE OTC: Foundation of the Moltrvrrz Empire. (Star Empires page 7) 2425 BCE OTC: Moltrvrrz Empire reaches it’s peak with over 15,321 systems. (Star Empires page 7) 933 to 521 BCE OTC: Moltrvrrz Empire Tri-Mind Wars. At the beginning of the war the Mottvrrz Empire was reduced to half it’s original peak size. Approximately 20% of it’s empire is destroyed; including Home System during the war which was followed by a period of long term stagnation and decay. (Star Empires page 7) 1945 CE OTC: First use of atomic weapons in warfare by Humans planet Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1957 CE OTC: Sputnik I, the first artificial Terran satellite, launched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1961 CE OTC: First manned Terran spacecraft (Vostok I) launched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1969 CE OTC: First manned Terran lunar landing made by Apollo 11 spacecraft. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1981 CE OTC: American Terran space shuttle service begins (Terra orbit). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1988-1990 CE OTC: World War III, worldwide general conflict between East and West, limited nuclear weapons exchange before ceasefire. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1999 CE OTC: First self-aware “think tank” computer activated by Terrans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2002 CE OTC: First manned spaceflights by Terrans to Mars launched (Ares I/II); primary base established at Mariner Valley. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2003-2021 CE OTC: Ecosystem collapse in Atlantic and Pacific oceans of Terra; world-wide food and water shortages, severe civil disturbances; collapse of Japanese and European economies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) Terra begins research into sciences to repair ecosystem. (Implied by (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2010 CE OTC: American, Chinese, Indian, and Soviet international conferences lead to establishment of the First Terran World Council. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2013 CE OTC: Rise of the first commercial business blocks to control countries on Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2019 CE OTC: First commercial spaceport opens on Terra (First Texan Space Complex). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2020 CE OTC: First Terran-orbital commercial space factory assembled. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2034 CE OTC: American and Canadian Terran governments unify and form United North America. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2046 CE OTC: The Terran orbital city Atlantis becomes first politically independent space colony; moves to Martian orbit. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2047 CE OTC: Columbus, Magellan, and Marco Polo unmanned Terran interstellar probes launched from Terra orbit. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2050 CE OTC: The Terran government of Brazil establishes SAEU (Unified South American government). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2061 CE OTC: Terran probe Columbus reaches Alpha Centauri and maps local planetary systems. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2066 CE OTC: Terran establishment of Mount Olympus and Mount Arsia colonies on Mars. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2072 CE OTC: Terran probe Magellan reaches Tau Ceti; discovers terraformable planet (Gaea). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) [Terrans began developing terraforming technology and ideas as a result of damaging their own ecosystem on Terra and continued research on Mars] (Implied by Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2076 CE OTC: All Terran Martian colonies gain political independence through treaties; Federation of Mars established. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2077 CE OTC: Terran SAEU collapses after civil war. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2078 CE OTC: Mutiny aboard Terran International Station One (first true space war), arrest and execution of mutineers. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2087-2089 CE OTC: First Human Venerean terraforming project attempted, but fails. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2095 CE OTC: Lunar Human population reaches 10,000 at Tycho Center moonbase. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2100 CE OTC: Genesis project (re-terraforming of Terra’s environment) completed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2101 CE OTC: Terraforming of larger asteroids begins. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2104 CE OTC: The Three Suns, the first Human manned interstellar spacecraft, launched toward the Alpha Centauri system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2104-2111 CE OTC: Widespread civil disorders in Asia on Terra lead to formation of Asian Coalition, collapse of Soviet Union. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2109 CE OTC: Thorium fusion propulsion system perfected by Humans and goes into system-wide use. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2120 CE OTC: Three Suns arrives at Alpha Centauri, establishes first extra-solar Human colonies at Gagarin, Armstrong, Greenwood, and Sorokin. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2120 CE OTC: Second Human Venerean terraforming project attempted; project crew lost in satellite collision. 2126 CE OTC: Start of international conferences on Terra to develop a world government. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2131 CE OTC: Sorokin colony abandoned by Humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2132 CE OTC: The Humanity launched for Tau Ceti system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2138 CE OTC: Artificial gravity control achieved by Humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2144 CE OTC: Human Martian world population reaches 10,000 (combined colonies). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2145 CE OTC: Terran World Union established; all national governments subordinated to World Union General Council in London. Uniform currency (the domar) established worldwide. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2163 CE OTC: Construction of Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards completed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2182 CE OTC: Autonomists Society established, a terrorist organization promoting world-wide democratic anarchy. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2200-2300 CE OTC: General dates for the Great Migration of human manned and unmanned interstellar spacecraft to worlds within a 10-parsec radius of Sol; 28 colonization missions and 196 exploratory missions dispatched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2236 CE OTC: IMT (instantaneous mass transporter) tested and developed by humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2261 CE OTC: Albuquerque Space Port accident on Terra kills 5 million people in nuclear explosion. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2266 CE OTC: Breakup of Terran WU General Council; United America, Asian Coalition, India, and other countries develop divergent policies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2277 CE OTC: The Warden, the largest interstellar colony ship ever built by Humans, laid down at the Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards by the United Western Starship Cartel program. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2282 CE OTC: League of Free Men established, promoting the rise of pro-world government factions; terrorism increases world-wide. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2288 CE OTC: Warden completed; trials and loading begin for 45-year voyage to Xi Ursae Majoris double-star system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2289 CE OTC: Work on giant starship Morden begins at Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2290 CE OTC: Warden leaves Solar System; 1.55 million human colonists and crew aboard. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2302 CE OTC: Star Voyager II returns to Terra on robot drive with crew infected by Canopus Plague;. ship destroyed after infecting crew of Terra-orbital spaceport. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2302-2309 CE OTC: Several major outbreaks of Canopus plague. throughout Solar System; Iapetus colony sealed off and destroyed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309-2322 CE OTC: The Shadow Years, So called because of the world-wide destruction of records and archives through terrorist action and government supported sabotage. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309 (Sept 16) CE OTC: Start of Social Wars; initial collapse of Terran civilization begins; rioting and terrorism spread. League of Free Men and Autonomists are major instigators of world wide conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309 CE OTC: Extra-solar colonies form Terran Colonial Confederacy for mutual defense, resource sharing, research, and trade as Solar based Terran society begins collapsing. (Implied by Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 and Star Empires) 2314 CE OTC: Social Wars expand into space with terrorist strikes against Terra orbital colonies, Tycho Center, and other spaceports throughout solar system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2321 CE OTC: Ecological warfare causes destruction of ocean plankton and collapse of all coastal economies; introduction of nuclear and dimension-warp warfare into conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2321 CE OTC: Fragmentary transmissions from the Warden received; ship apparently entered radiation cloud and crew was lost. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (April 12) CE OTC: The Ultimatium,. The first appearance of The Apocalypse, a radical group ordering an immediate cease-fire in world-wide conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (April 17) CE OTC: Radiation strike made against all major national capitals by The Apocalypse. Retaliatory attacks reduce Terra’s civilization to ruins in one week. System-wide trade, transportation, and economic collapse. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (May 23) CE OTC: Major strikes successfully disable space fleets around Jupiter and Terra. Two of Saturn’s moons vaporized. From here on in, only fragmentary historical records can be found. Most pieces of data were obtained from friendly cybernetic installations and think tanks which were able to link up with the remains of hidden libraries, orbital installations, or earth/space communications systems. All further information is considered questionable at best and can only rarely be confirmed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 CE OTC: Social Wars produce major world-wide volcanic and earthquake activity; collapse of polar ice-caps; world-wide flooding; ozone layer collapse with heightened exposure to ultraviolet and solar radiation. Extreme alterations and die-offs throughout biosystem of Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 CE OTC: Processed-ice asteroid (guidance circuits sabotaged by terrorists) strikes Mars; eight-year dust storm and climatic disruption result. All colonies on planet isolated; Federation charter suspended for duration. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2323-2340 CE OTC: Rise of every known Cryptic Alliance takes place from the intact cities and power stations of Earth. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2325-2330 CE OTC: Satellite Wars change the technological levels of all the terraformed asteroids and moons of all the planets. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2330-2340 CE OTC: Last known interstellar missions flee solar system from asteroidal and outer satellite colonies; Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards abandoned; all outer colonies except Saturn World Fusion shut down; Mercury mining colonies abandoned and apparently die out. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2331 CE OTC: Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards assume control of their own programs and generate robotic life. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2336-2340 CE OTC: Occasional reports from space communications systems of transmissions from the Warden; status unknown. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2351 CE OTC: Start of the Terran-Moltvrrz Wars. (Star Empires page 7) A conflict between the Terran Colonial Confederacy and the newly discovered Moltrvrrz Empire essculates as fleeing Humans from the Solar System attempt to colonize new worlds or refugee ships are found destroyed by the Colonial Confederacy’s Mutual Defense Fleet. 2380 CE OTC: Saturn World Fusion ceases all Terra-directed transmissions; fate unknown. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2381 CE OTC: Severe worldwide earthquakes; explosive vulcanism around Pacific basin ocurr on Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2381-2388 CE OTC: Years Without Summer on Terra; blackouts and prolonged winters common. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2385 CE OTC: Ultrawave transmissions from Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards report open warfare between cybernetic installation there and the presumedly automated starship Morden. Further transmissions cannot be interpreted and may be in code. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) It is believed the Morden leaves the Solar System fully laden with colonists and Terran bioforms. (Implied) 2399 CE OTC Short period of lasercom contact with Deimos Base at Mars; PCI at Deimos noted to be insane; no information on Martian colonies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2420 CE OTC Strange transmissions picked up from Warden’s last known position. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2450 CE OTC: Approximate start of the GAMMA WORLD, game-time. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2470 CE OTC: Collapse of the Molttrvrrz Empire due to wars with Terran Confederacy. (Star Empires page 7) 2475 CE OTC: Terran Confederacy launches a mission to discover what has happened to Terra and all Solar System based colonies. The mission is never heard from again after confirming arrival in the Solar System. The Terran Confederacy quaratines the whole system and does not attempt a second mission. (Implied by timelines, house timeline) 2703 CE OTC: The Terran Confederacy embarked on the first phase of expansion. (Star Empires page 7) 2704 CE OTC: 19 Month War (OTC months). The military staged a coup and dissolved the Confederacy, at the same time defeating the Holrachian Tetrarch in two months. A period of peace lasting for 30 years (OTC) ensued. (Star Empires page 7) The Holrachian Tetrarch society continues as a subject society to the humans, however several far away colonies continue to operate independently and begin to rebuild away from the danger of Human aggression. (House and Star Frontiers) 2734 CE OTC: The Seven Hour Revolt. The junta was replaced by a popular congress, marking the second phase of Terran expansion, with the new Human colonial Terran government close to 38,000 systems. (Star Empires page 7) 2797 CE OTC: During the Terran Colonial’s second expansion the Sect of the Hand is founded. (Star Empires page 7) 3274 CE OTC: The Sect of the Hand begins a “holy war” to cleanse the Galaxy and convert all known races to the faith. 300 years of total war (Star Empires page 7) 3575 CE OTC: End of war and Foundation of the Golden Empire of Terra and the suppression of all religions with in the Empire. (Star Empires page 7) 3581 CE OTC: Another expansion of the Terran Empire resulting in 43,250 systems under it’s control. (Star Empires page 7) 4024 CE OTC: Terran War of Rightful Succession which collapsed the Empire and founded the Unitech Polity. (Star Empires page 7) 4125 CE OTC: Final Period of Terran expansion resulting in a final period of expansion over 60,000 systems. (Star Empires page 7) 6251 CE OTC: Terran Empire and Kolthumnx Swarm discover each other. The Kolthumnx Swarm was an empire of similar size and strength to the Human run Unitech Polity. (Star Empires page 7) 6582 CE OTC: Following repeated border clashes, the War of Extermination took place. (Star Empires page 7) 6732 CE OTC: Period of Shame, during which the remaining forces of each side were automated and programmed to seek out and destroy life. (Star Empires page 7) Survivors of the Tetrarch civilization attempt to rescue and relocate some races. (Implied Star Frontiers) 6893 CE OTC This results in the Collapse of Galactic Civilization and advent of Three Millennia Dark Age. (Star Empires page 7) 6893 CE OTC and 10500 PF: Advanced civilization wiped out including the last remnants of the mysterious Tetrarch Societies die out. This results in a Three Millenia Dark Age in which civilizations across the Galaxy must rebuild often having forget their own history. (Star Empires page 7 & Zebs Guide to the Frontier). 9932 CE OTC: Foundation of Young Kingdoms has begun. Nothing more is known of Terra and the Kplthumhnx (not even the location of their home systems). (Star Empires page 7) The majority of races are ignorant of the true history of the Galaxy or have confused recollections, myths, legends, and information. Civilization basically had to start over. Also plenty of time for a lot to have happened on Terra, Mars & in the old Solar system, including mutated life escaping. Also note the various Human Empires long ago where colonies as the Solar system had been abandoned.
<!--EndFragment--> "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() April 24, 2016 - 3:40pm | Combining Time Line notes in progress: 4000000 BCE OTC: The Monolith Builders (The First Born) leave Monoliths on Terra in the African wilderness, on Terra’s moon Luna, in orbit of Jupiter and many other places. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey & 3001: The Final Odyssey) ? BCE OTC: Luntarian Star Empire founded. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) ? BCE OTC: Luntarian Star Empire Civil War starts. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 21550 BCE OTC: Rebel Luntarians colonize Mars and it’s sateliets. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 20000 BCE OTC: Luntarian Empire attacks rebel colony on Mars in Solar System. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 10034 BCE OTC: Foundation of the Moltrvrrz Empire. (Star Empires page 7) 2425 BCE OTC: Moltrvrrz Empire reaches it’s peak with over 15,321 systems. (Star Empires page 7) 933 to 521 BCE OTC: Moltrvrrz Empire Tri-Mind Wars. At the beginning of the war the Mottvrrz Empire was reduced to half it’s original peak size. Approximately 20% of it’s empire is destroyed; including Home System during the war which was followed by a period of long term stagnation and decay. (Star Empires page 7) 1550 CE OTC: Collapse of the Luntarian Star Empire. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 1945 CE OTC: First use of atomic weapons in warfare by Humans planet Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1957 CE OTC: Sputnik I, the first artificial Terran satellite, launched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1961 CE OTC: First manned Terran spacecraft (Vostok I) launched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1969 CE OTC: First manned Terran lunar landing made by Apollo 11 spacecraft. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1981 CE OTC: American Terran space shuttle service begins (Terra orbit). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1988-1990 CE OTC: World War III, worldwide general conflict between East and West, limited nuclear weapons exchange before ceasefire. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1999 CE OTC: First self-aware “think tank” computer activated by Terrans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1999 CE OTC: A large anomaly is discovered on Luna, kept secret to the public. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2001 CE OTC: A Monolith is discovered on Luna by Humans. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey page ) 2002 CE OTC: Discovery launched to investiage an anomly in orbit of Jupiter. 2002 CE OTC: First manned spaceflights by Terrans to Mars launched (Ares I/II); primary base established at Mariner Valley. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2003 CE OTC: A huge Monolith is discovered and all contact with Discovery lost. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2003-2021 CE OTC: Ecosystem collapse in Atlantic and Pacific oceans of Terra; world-wide food and water shortages, severe civil disturbances; collapse of Japanese and European economies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) Terra begins research into sciences to repair ecosystem. (Implied by (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2010 CE OTC: American, Chinese, Indian, and Soviet international conferences lead to establishment of the First Terran World Council. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2010 CE OTC: The Leonov and the Tsien are launched by competing Terran powers to discover what happened to the Discovery, her crew and investigate Jupiter’s Monolith. Jupiter is transformed into a second sun in the Solar System and renamed Lucifer. Jupiter’s Moons become planetoids orbiting it. Mankind is forbidden to colonize Europa by mysterios Monolith builders. “ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS—EXCEPT EUROPA? ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE.” The Tsien is destroyed when it attempts to land on Europa. Terrans attempt to send probes to Europa many times after this date but all are destroyed. (SF2010 2010 Odyssey Two Adventure & 2010 Space Odyssey) 2013 CE OTC: Rise of the first commercial business blocks to control countries on Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2014 CE OTC: Major Lunar Base was built at Tycho Crater. Population reached 50,000 as Luna become major mining operation of high grade ore used to produce Duralloy. Tycho base was also a cover for the research and study of Monolith found at the Tycho Crater. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86). 2019 CE OTC: First commercial spaceport opens on Terra (First Texan Space Complex). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2020 CE OTC: First Terran-orbital commercial space factory assembled. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2034 CE OTC: American and Canadian Terran governments unify and form United North America. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2046 CE OTC: The Terran orbital city Atlantis becomes first politically independent space colony; moves to Martian orbit. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2047 CE OTC: Columbus, Magellan, and Marco Polo unmanned Terran interstellar probes launched from Terra orbit. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2050 CE OTC: The Terran government of Brazil establishes SAEU (Unified South American government). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2061 CE OTC: Terran probe Columbus reaches Alpha Centauri and maps local planetary systems. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2061 CE OTC: Manned ship mission to Europa diverted by external force. (2061: Odyssey Three). 2066 CE OTC: Terran establishment of Mount Olympus and Mount Arsia colonies on Mars. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2072 CE OTC: Terran probe Magellan reaches Tau Ceti; discovers terraformable planet (Gaea). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) [Terrans began developing terraforming technology and ideas as a result of damaging their own ecosystem on Terra and continued research on Mars] (Implied by Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2076 CE OTC: All Terran Martian colonies gain political independence through treaties; Federation of Mars established. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2077 CE OTC: Terran SAEU collapses after civil war. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2078 CE OTC: Mutiny aboard Terran International Station One (first true space war), arrest and execution of mutineers. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2085 CE OTC: Remains of an ancient alien culture of reptiles destroyed by interstellar war, not native to Mars, were discovered not far from the Ares Base. The surviving ancient aliens where revived from suspended-animation by the humans. Humans establish numerous bases in the ruins of the previous culture’s cities across Mars and on the two Martian satellites, Deimos and Phobos, often rebuilding the old cities completely. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2087-2089 CE OTC: First Human Venerean terraforming project attempted, but fails. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2095 CE OTC: Lunar Human population reaches 10,000 at Tycho Center moonbase. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2100 CE OTC: Genesis project (re-terraforming of Terra’s environment) completed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2101 CE OTC: Terraforming of larger asteroids begins. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2104 CE OTC: The Three Suns, the first Human manned interstellar spacecraft, launched toward the Alpha Centauri system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) ? CE OTC: Humans launch two human-crewed starships to the reported location of the Luntarian empire, but neither ship ever returned. 2104-2111 CE OTC: Widespread civil disorders in Asia on Terra lead to formation of Asian Coalition, collapse of Soviet Union. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2109 CE OTC: Thorium fusion propulsion system perfected by Humans and goes into system-wide use. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2120 CE OTC: Three Suns arrives at Alpha Centauri, establishes first extra-solar Human colonies at Gagarin, Armstrong, Greenwood, and Sorokin. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2120 CE OTC: Second Human Venerean terraforming project attempted; project crew lost in satellite collision. 2126 CE OTC: Start of international conferences on Terra to develop a world government. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2131 CE OTC: Sorokin colony abandoned by Humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2132 CE OTC: The Humanity launched for Tau Ceti system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2138 CE OTC: Artificial gravity control achieved by Humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2144 CE OTC: Human Martian world population reaches 10,000 (combined colonies). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2145 CE OTC: Terran World Union established; all national governments subordinated to World Union General Council in London. Uniform currency (the domar) established worldwide. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2163 CE OTC: Construction of Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards completed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2182 CE OTC: Autonomists Society established, a terrorist organization promoting world-wide democratic anarchy. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2200-2300 CE OTC: General dates for the Great Migration of human manned and unmanned interstellar spacecraft to worlds within a 10-parsec radius of Sol; 28 colonization missions and 196 exploratory missions dispatched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2236 CE OTC: IMT (instantaneous mass transporter) tested and developed by humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2261 CE OTC: Albuquerque accident on Terra kills 5 million people in nuclear explosion. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2266 CE OTC: Breakup of Terran WU General Council; United America, Asian Coalition, India, and other countries develop divergent policies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2277 CE OTC: The Warden, the largest interstellar colony ship ever built by Humans, laid down at the Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards by the United Western Starship Cartel program. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2282 CE OTC: League of Free Men established, promoting the rise of pro-world government factions; terrorism increases world-wide. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2288 CE OTC: Warden completed; trials and loading begin for 45-year voyage to Xi Ursae Majoris double-star system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2289 CE OTC: Work on giant starship Morden begins at Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2290 CE OTC: Warden leaves Solar System; 1.55 million human colonists and crew aboard. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2302 CE OTC: Star Voyager II returns to Terra on robot drive with crew infected by Canopus Plague;. ship destroyed after infecting crew of Terra-orbital spaceport. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2302-2309 CE OTC: Several major outbreaks of Canopus plague. throughout Solar System; Iapetus colony sealed off and destroyed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309-2322 CE OTC: The Shadow Years, So called because of the world-wide destruction of records and archives through terrorist action and government supported sabotage. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309 (Sept 16) CE OTC: Start of Social Wars; initial collapse of Terran civilization begins; rioting and terrorism spread. League of Free Men and Autonomists are major instigators of world wide conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309 CE OTC: Extra-solar colonies form Terran Colonial Confederacy for mutual defense, resource sharing, research, and trade as Solar based Terran society begins collapsing. (Implied by Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 and Star Empires) 2314 CE OTC: Social Wars expand into space with terrorist strikes against Terra orbital colonies, Tycho Center, and other spaceports throughout solar system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2321 CE OTC: Ecological warfare causes destruction of ocean plankton and collapse of all coastal economies; introduction of nuclear and dimension-warp warfare into conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2321 CE OTC: Fragmentary transmissions from the Warden received; ship apparently entered radiation cloud and crew was lost. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (April 12) CE OTC: The Ultimatium,. The first appearance of The Apocalypse, a radical group ordering an immediate cease-fire in world-wide conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (April 17) CE OTC: Radiation strike made against all major national capitals by The Apocalypse. Retaliatory attacks reduce Terra’s civilization to ruins in one week. System-wide trade, transportation, and economic collapse. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (May 23) CE OTC: Major strikes successfully disable space fleets around Jupiter/Lucifer and Terra. Two of Saturn’s moons vaporized. From here on in, only fragmentary historical records can be found. Most pieces of data were obtained from friendly cybernetic installations and think tanks which were able to link up with the remains of hidden libraries, orbital installations, or earth/space communications systems. All further information is considered questionable at best and can only rarely be confirmed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 CE OTC: Social Wars produce major world-wide volcanic and earthquake activity; collapse of polar ice-caps; world-wide flooding; ozone layer collapse with heightened exposure to ultraviolet and solar radiation. Extreme alterations and die-offs throughout biosystem of Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 CE OTC: Mars was engaged in a massive terraforming project with the aid of recovered alien technology and the cooperation of the reptilian race. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) One of the processed-ice asteroid (guidance circuits sabotaged by terrorists) strikes Mars; eight Terran year (a little over four Martian years) dust storm and climatic disruption result. All colonies on planet isolated; Federation charter suspended for duration. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 &Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2322 CE OTC: Tycho Base’s population watch as Terra’s civilization is destroyed by the “Social Wars.” Some Lunar colonists returned to Terra to try and find missing loved ones others stayed behind on Luna. Most returning colonists to Terra where never heard from a again once on Terra but a few Lunar colonists did return to Tycho Base infected with plague viruses which spread quickly killing all of the nearly 50,000 inhabitants of Tycho Base. The last to die was Ren Odinson. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2323-2340 CE OTC: Rise of every known Cryptic Alliance takes place from the intact cities and power stations of Earth. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2325-2330 CE OTC: Satellite Wars change the technological levels of all the terraformed asteroids and moons of all the planets. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2330-2340 CE OTC: Last known interstellar missions flee solar system from asteroidal and outer satellite colonies; Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards abandoned; all outer colonies except Saturn World Fusion shut down; Mercury mining colonies abandoned and apparently die out. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2331 CE OTC: Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards assume control of their own programs and generate robotic life. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2336-2340 CE OTC: Occasional reports from space communications systems of transmissions from the Warden; status unknown. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2351 CE OTC: Start of the Terran-Moltvrrz Wars. (Star Empires page 7) A conflict between the Terran Colonial Confederacy and the newly discovered Moltrvrrz Empire essculates as fleeing Humans from the Solar System attempt to colonize new worlds or refugee ships are found destroyed by the Colonial Confederacy’s Mutual Defense Fleet. (House) 2360 CE OTC: Muatated life has evoloved on Luna sufficiently to begin to manipulate the Tycho CI and expand from their original environements on the base. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2380 CE OTC: Saturn World Fusion ceases all Terra-directed transmissions; fate unknown. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2381 CE OTC: Severe worldwide earthquakes; explosive vulcanism around Pacific basin ocurr on Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2381-2388 CE OTC: Years Without Summer on Terra; blackouts and prolonged winters common. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2385 CE OTC: Ultrawave transmissions from Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards report open warfare between cybernetic installation there and the presumedly automated starship Morden. Further transmissions cannot be interpreted and may be in code. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) It is believed the Morden leaves the Solar System fully laden with colonists and Terran bioforms. (Implied) 2399 CE OTC Short period of lasercom contact with Deimos Base at Mars; PCI at Deimos noted to be insane; no information on Martian colonies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2400 CE OTC: Tycho base is damaged as mutated like forms compete for resources. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86). 2420 CE OTC Strange transmissions picked up from Warden’s last known position. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2450 CE OTC: Approximate start of the GAMMA WORLD, game-time. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2450 CE OTC: Surviving Martian colonies have developed into independent city-states, each with it’s own laws, government, and ways of life. Luntarian population is about 10,000. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2452 CE OTC: Competing Cryptic Alliances activate vehicles programmed to return to the Moon. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2450? CE OTC: The Shortel native aboriginal sentient race of Mars attack surviving Human and Luntarian inhabitants of Mars. (Gamma Mars, The Attack! Polyhedron 27) 2470 CE OTC: Collapse of the Molttrvrrz Empire due to wars with Terran Confederacy. (Star Empires page 7) 2471 CE OTC: Survivors from Terra make it to an abandonded Space Station aboard an ancient Spacecraft and come into contact with Canopus Plague. (The Albuquerque Starport A Gamma World Mini-Module) 2475 CE OTC: Terran Confederacy launches a mission to discover what has happened to Terra and all Solar System based colonies. The mission is never heard from again after confirming arrival in the Solar System. The Terran Confederacy quaratines the whole system and does not attempt a second mission. (Implied by timelines, house timeline) 2703 CE OTC: The Terran Confederacy embarked on the first phase of expansion. (Star Empires page 7) 2704 CE OTC: 19 Month War (OTC months). The military staged a coup and dissolved the Confederacy, at the same time defeating the Holrachian Tetrarch in two months. A period of peace lasting for 30 years (OTC) ensued. (Star Empires page 7) The Holrachian Tetrarch society continues as a subject society to the humans, however several far away colonies continue to operate independently and begin to rebuild away from the danger of Human aggression. (House and Star Frontiers) 2734 CE OTC: The Seven Hour Revolt. The junta was replaced by a popular congress, marking the second phase of Terran expansion, with the new Human colonial Terran government close to 38,000 systems. (Star Empires page 7) 2797 CE OTC: During the Terran Colonial’s second expansion the Sect of the Hand is founded. (Star Empires page 7) 3001 CE OTC: Lucifer begins to fade, Europa’s Monolith awakens all unknown to the Humans who had abandoned the Solar System. (2061: Odyssey Three, & 2010: Space Odyssey) 3274 CE OTC: The Sect of the Hand begins a “holy war” to cleanse the Galaxy and convert all known races to the faith. 300 years of total war (Star Empires page 7) 3575 CE OTC: End of war and Foundation of the Golden Empire of Terra and the suppression of all religions with in the Empire. (Star Empires page 7) 3581 CE OTC: Another expansion of the Terran Empire resulting in 43,250 systems under it’s control. (Star Empires page 7) 4024 CE OTC: Terran War of Rightful Succession which collapsed the Empire and founded the Unitech Polity. (Star Empires page 7) 4125 CE OTC: Final Period of Terran expansion resulting in a final period of expansion over 60,000 systems. (Star Empires page 7) 6251 CE OTC: Terran Empire and Kolthumnx Swarm discover each other. The Kolthumnx Swarm was an empire of similar size and strength to the Human run Unitech Polity. (Star Empires page 7) 6582 CE OTC: Following repeated border clashes, the War of Extermination took place. (Star Empires page 7) 6732 CE OTC: Period of Shame, during which the remaining forces of each side were automated and programmed to seek out and destroy life. (Star Empires page 7) Survivors of the Tetrarch civilization attempt to rescue and relocate some races. (Implied Star Frontiers) 6893 CE OTC This results in the Collapse of Galactic Civilization and advent of Three Millennia Dark Age. (Star Empires page 7) 6893 CE OTC and 10500 PF: Advanced civilization wiped out including the last remnants of the mysterious Tetrarch Societies die out. This results in a Three Millenia Dark Age in which civilizations across the Galaxy must rebuild often having forget their own history. (Star Empires page 7 & Zebs Guide to the Frontier). 9932 CE OTC: Foundation of Young Kingdoms has begun. Nothing more is known of Terra and the Kplthumhnx (not even the location of their home systems). (Star Empires page 7) The majority of races are ignorant of the true history of the Galaxy or have confused recollections, myths, legends, and information. Civilization basically had to start over. Also plenty of time for a lot to have happened on Terra, Mars & in the old Solar system, including mutated life escaping. Also note the various Human Empires long ago where colonies as the Solar system had been abandoned. 21000 PF Ancient race of aliens (Tetrarchs or another ancient race) responsible for transporting the S’sessu to Frontier. (Dragon Magazine 96) Zebs Timeline: 10,500PF (Pre-Frontier) Last remnants of the mysterious Tetrach Societies die out. 950PF Heliopes left on starmist by Clikks after a Clikk military exploration vessel is forced to jettison unnecessary cargo. 800PF The evolution of the Mechanon race begins on Volturnus. 410PF First Vrusk/Dralasite contact. 350PF First Vrusk/Human contact 302PF Fromeltar system discovered by Dralasites. 300PF Vrusk, Dralasites, and Humans meet for the first time on the Frontier. 299PF Theseus system discovered by Humans. 270PF Yazirians enter the Frontier. 270-4PF The Frontier is founded. 260PF Gran Quivera discovered in the Prenglar system. 256-248PF Triad and Rupert's Hole found in the Cassidine system. 230PF Pan-Galactic Corporation started on Gran Quivera. 220PF Dixon's Star system discovered by Humans. 210PF Madderly's Star system discovered by Vrusk and Humans. 205PF Madderly's Star system becomes a human system after the freeworld rebellion on Kdikit. 200PF Pale and New Pale discovered in the Truane's Star system. 170PF Dramune system discovered by Dralasites. 168PF Anthor system discovered by Yazirians. 161PF K'tsa-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. 156PF K'aken-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. 155PF Gruna Garu system discovered by Yazirians. 152PF Timeon system discovered by Humans. 150PF The Pan-Galactic language accepted throughout the Frontier as a common trade tongue. 146PF Kizk'-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. 129PF Araks system discovered by Yazirians. 125-10PF The Age of Adventure. The discovery and exploration of new planets slows down for the next century while the major races concentrate on mapping the hazards and boundaries of the Frontier. Hundreds of exploration vessels and brave spacers are lost during this time. Meanwhile, the discovered planets begin to develop. Thousands of fortunes are made and lost during the Age of Adventure. 124-78PF The Greater Morass is mapped. 94PF Scree Fron system discovered by Yazirians. 77-57PF The Xagyg Dust Nebulae is mapped from Zebulon to Fromeltar. 61PF The Zebulon system is discovered by Professor Alorne Zebulon, the Frontier's most noted scientist, explorer, and educator. The planet Volturnus is settled almost immediately. Anker is discovered but not settled until 57PF 60PF White Light system discovered by Humans. 57PF Anker (Zebulon system) is explored and settled. Professor Zebulon founds the University of Zebulon. 56-40PF The White Light Nebulae are mapped. 39-33PF The Yreva Nebula is mapped. 37PF Pan-Galactic becomes the first mega-co 32-26PF Thirty-two exploration vessels are lost trying to map the Lessere Morass. Only the area between Screen Fron and Zebulon is mapped. 25PF A small pirate fleet under Hatzck Naar raids the Cassidine and Prenglar systems. The first Common Muster is called. 22PF Hatzck Naar's pirate fleet is defeated off Timeon. Naar is ejected into space and slowly boils inside his spacesuit as he falls toward Timeon. The muster is dismissed. 21-10PF The Xagyg Dust Nebulae is mapped from Fromeltar to K'aken-Kar. 19-8PF The area beyond the Greater Morass claims hundreds of exploration vessels. Though it is believed that most Frontier races came from beyond the Greater Moras, all information about their origins have been lost. Exploration of the area ceases and it is named the Vast Expanse. 10PF Representatives of the four major races request that all explorations cease while delegates meet to form a unified defense and mutual interest organization. 3-2PF The First Sathar War is fought. 3PF The Sathar first appear. They attack the Truane's Star system. 3PF Pale and New Pale fall. The Great Exodus to Dixon's Star System takes place. 2PF The four races muster a spaceship fleet. The second Common Muster is called and put under the command of Admiral Morgaine, who immediately moves the fleet to the Cassidine system. 2PF The Battle of Triad. Morgaine's fleet performs a surprise attack on the invading Sathar fleet intent on ravaging Traid. The Sathar lose a third of their fleet. 2PF Dixon's Star system is attacked by Sathar fleet. Completely unprotected it is soon ravaged. Meanwhile Morgaine moves his fleet to the Prenglar system. 2PF The Sathar attack Gran Quivera in the Prenglar system. The Battle of the Two Fleets is fought. The Sathar fleet is routed and destroyed. Morgaine's fleet is seriously depleted and Morgaine dies in battle. With this mutual devastation the First Sathar War comes to an end. 1PF Morgaine's World in the Prenglar system is named after the fallen Admiral. 1PF The "Grand Meeting" of leaders of the four races takes place on Morgaine's World. 1FY (Federation Year) The United Planetary Federation, a mutual defense organization, is established. All worlds of the Frontier, expecting another Sathar invasion, immediately join. Under UPF authority, Spacefleet becomes a permanent defensive force. 2FY The Streel Corporation is founded on Pale. 3FY The Brotherhood of Spacers becomes the first cadre on the Frontier. 5FY Star Law is established by the UPF. 5FY The Capellan Free Merchants first appear on the Frontier bringing news of the Rim and their fight with the Sathar, and supplying desperately needed food to the survivors on Laco and Gran Quivera. 6FY The First Dramune War is fought. 8FY Cassidine Development Corporation is founded on Triad. The creation and growth of mega-corps proceeds at an ever- accelerating pace. 11FY The Lynchpin system is discovered by Vrusk. They turn the system over to the UPF for development as a military outpost to protect that sector of the Frontier. The Lynchpin system is a military secret until the middle of SWII. 12FY Frontier ships enter Rim space for the first time. 14FY The Sundown system is discovered. 17-27FY The Blue Plague sweeps the Frontier. Scientists believe it was brought to the Sundown system by an alien vessel that crashed on Starmist. Because of Starmist's light population, the plague was not immediately detected and had a chance to mutate. It is believed that vermin from the planet became infected and somehow gained entry to a ship. The ship makes several stops on the Frontier and the plague spreads rapidly. It is called the Blue Plague because of its earliest symptoms -- large blue welts that appear about the face and extremities. These welts leave horrible black scars even if the victim survives the plague. 20FY Four star systems become so infested with the Blue Plague that the Council of Worlds, the diplomatic organization of the UPF, requests all races to recognize a permanent quarantine of these four star systems. The systems are designated by Greek letters. A spaceship seen leaving one of these systems is to be destroyed by Spacefleet before it has a chance to spread the plague any further. 22FY Hargut, Pale, and Gollywog suffer massive population losses due to the Blue Plague. All three planets are temporarily quarantined. 23FY The Medical Services Organization is founded. Funding pours in from most of the Frontier worlds. Gretl Grohn is named as the MSO Chief Surgeon. 24FY Vaccine for the Blue Plague is discovered at the MSO Center on Morgaine's World. 25FY The Mechanon menace on Volturnus first comes to the UPF's attention, but cannot be dealt with because of the Blue Plague. 27FY The Blue Plague is eradicated from inhabited planets in the Frontier. In total, 17 million victims fell to the plague. 28FY Very tough laws and penalties are laid down by both the UPF and the Council of Worlds concerning the intersystem transportation and handling of flora and fauna. Star Law is given jurisdiction over planetary imports and exports. 30FY Pan-Gal system is discovered by the Pan-Galactic Corporation and becomes the first mega-corp star system. 31FY New Streel system is discovered by the Streel Corporation. 32FY Devco system is discovered by the Cassidine Development Corporation. 36FY The Second Dramune War is fought. 46FY Solar Major system discovered by WarTech Incorporated. 50-60FY Laaco's War. PGC and Streel wage the first Corporate War on Laco. The UPF eventually steps in and empowers an inter- mega-corporate commission to resolve the differences. Other mega-corps study Laco's War as a possible legal precedent for solving disputes. 54FY The Mechanon Revolt. Mechanons on Volturnus revolt. Only through quick action on the part of Star Law is a full-scale war avoided. 57FY The Waller Nexus system is discovered by the UPF survey ship Eleanor Moraes. The only habitable planet, Mahg Mar, is the site of the first UPF mutiny. 57FY Liberty system discovered by the UPF. The planet Snowball is liberated from Sathar tyranny. Tacticians, politicians, and exobiologists are given a chance to study Sathar machinery and methods first hand because of the information gathered by the populace during their occupation. It is feared that many pockets of Sathar tyranny exist all around the Frontier and Rim. 60FY Rhianna system is discovered by the Cassidine Development Corporation, but is kept secret. 61FY The Third Dramune War is fought. 63FY Streel attacks CDC operations on Alcazzar. Star Law intervenes and averts a potential Corporate War. 66FY Solar Minor system discovered by SynthCorp. 67FY Regular trade established with the Rim planets. 70FY The Mechanon civilization on Volturnus undergoes an upheaval. The majority of peaceful Mechanons migrate into the undeveloped space between Screen Fron and Dixon's Star. 77FY Mechanon is discovered by migrating Mechanons. Its entry into the UPF is blocked until the legal status of the Mechanons can be established. 78FY Tough new guidelines for legal ownership of a system or planet are laid down by the UPF and the Council of Worlds. The guidelines are designed to halt mega-corp expansion and to prevent occurrences such as the Mechanon problem. 80-90FY The Second Sathar War. 80FY The Sathar capture a non-UPF system between Solar Major and Solar Minor. They dub it Outpost #1 and enslave its inhabitants. Construction begins on a planet-wide military and industrial complex intended as a permanent base for incoming Sathar supply ships and troops. 80FY Sathar swarm through the Xagyg Nebula and attack Volturnus. New planet-wide battle tactics are used by the Sathar (including the massive use of diversionary, seeded monsters and cybernetically controlled creatures). The attack is a feint to draw Spacefleet to Zebulon. Task Force Cassidine is dispatched to Zebulon. 80FY By going through the White Light Nebulae, Sathar Fleet #1 enters the Frontier undetected. 81FY Sathar Fleet #2 and 3 attack Solar Minor. So overpowering are they that no word of the attack reaches Spacefleet. 81FY Sathar Fleet #1 attacks Madderly's Star. They encounter the new Spacefleet fortress on Kdikit. Its resistance is fierce and buys the needed time for reinforcements to arrive. Dramune sends three frigates and a destroyer from its militia while the UPF dispatches two destroyers and two light cruisers from its non- attached ships roster. 81FY The UPF mines the sector between Cassidine and Madderly's Star. Sathar Fleet #1 is driven from Madderly's Star and pursued as it tries to make its way to Fromeltar. All militia ships in the sector, including half of Task Force Prenglar, are engaged in the pursuit. 81FY Task Force Cassidine crushes the Sathar feint on Zebulon, but with heavy losses. The UPF now realizes how vulnerable it is to land attacks. 81FY The Rim Coalition dispatches the Flight to the other side of Lkaeok in search of Sathar supply vessels. In return they ask the UPF to station Task Force Casidine half way between Zebulon and Capelle to protect the Rim home worlds in case of a Sathar Sneak attack through the Muld Nebula. 81FY Strike Force Nove arrives secretly at White Light. Admiral Niles believes more of the Sathar fleet may attack through the White Light Nebulae. 81FY Sathar Fleet #2 emerges between Timeon and Prenglar, placing itself in front of the remains of Task Force Prenglar. The Battle of Prenglar begins two hours later and results in Sathar Fleet #2 scattering or destroying the reduced Task Force Prenglar. Flush with victory, the Sathar proceed recklessly into the Frontier. Strike Force Nove soon engages Sathar Fleet #2. The remaining Task Force Prenglar ships return and join the battle. This running battle results in the eventual withdrawal of Sathar Fleet #2 into the White Light Nebulae. 81FY Sathar Fleet #3 attempts to circumnavigate the Great Morass. Two weeks later it is engaged by long-range fighters from Moonworld. Without any knowledge of the existence of the Lynchpin system, the Sathar forge ahead expecting to find a lone spaceship. Instead, the Battle of Moonworld is joined. 82FY The Coalition's Flight discovers the Sathar supply route around the Xagyg Nebula. They station themselves in deep space and proceed to destroy all incoming Sathar ships. 82FY The final dregs of Sathar Fleet #1, after slipping into the Xagyg Nebula off Fromeltar, arrive back at Sathar Outpost #1 and prepare to defend to the death. 82FY The Battle of Moonworld ends with three-quarters of Sathar Fleet #3 destroyed. The remaining Sathar vessels are forced to retreat into the Vast Expanse. 82FY Task Force Prenglar regroups off K'aken-Kar. 82FY The UPF establishes the United Planetary Federation Landfleet, the first interplanetary army raised on the Frontier. Thousands of Humma and Osakar arrive from the Rim and enlist, hoping to stop the Sathar menace before it invades their homeworlds. Many die for the Frontier, but still more stay and become citizens after the war. 82FY Strike Force Nova secures the Frontier inward from Theseus. 83FY A Coalition Flight long-distance probe discovers Sathar Outpost #1 and reports its location before it is destroyed. 83FY The remains of Sathar Fleet #2 arrive at Outpost #1. Despite a desperate shortage of supplies caused by the Flight blockade and terrible losses from previous engagements, the Sathar have completed their construction. Outpost #1 is now a formidable fortress. 83FY Three incidents occur that help the Sathar: The Mist Stone, a sacred Capellan icon, is stolen by Sathar agents and smuggled into Outpost #1. The original copy of "Reflections of a Humble Servant" is also stolen and smuggled into Outpost #1. This work is considered by Humans to be the definitive philosophy of Dralasite civilization. Sathar war ships force the populations of Circe and Kir'Kut to evacuate their planets. They are transported to Outpost #1 and enslaved. All three incidents combine to assure that Outpost #1 is not taken by orbital bombardment. 83FY Strike Force Nova retakes Solar Minor. The fighting is fierce and half of the Strike Force and all of the Sathar holding force is destroyed. 83FY The Battle of the Blockade. A reinforcement fleet from Sathar Space is challenged by the Flight. Half of the Sathar Fleet, most of them fighting ships, escape but all troop ships are destroyed. About one half of the Flight is eliminated. 84FY The Flight is greatly increased by reinforcements from the Rim. Wing #1, the original Flight, rendezvous with Task Force Prenglar. Battered and weary, they still insist on joining the siege of Outpost #1 with the Frontier forces. This group of Rim spacers quickly gains notoriety in the Frontier and greatly enhances UPF- Rim relations. They are known as the Raging Rimmers. Wing #2 takes up the blockade position. Wing #3 is charged with the defense of the home worlds. Task Force Cassidine sails for Solar Minor. The Sathar begin mining operations on the moons of Outpost #1. 84FY Dralasites and the Coalitions insist that a diplomatic mission be sent to Outpost #1. The Sathar agree to meet three months later to discuss a possibly treaty. Non-Sathar agents represent Sathar interests at the meetings. Diplomatic talks are held for another 18 months with no results. During that time the Sathar strengthen their defenses and repair their ships. The UPF Landfleet is given time to become a formidable army. 86FY Task Force Cassidine joins Strike Force Nova around Solar Minor. Four months later, Capellan Free Merchantmen transport the Landfleet to the Solar Major and Solar Minor Fleets. Many Ifshnits remain in the Frontier after the war and begin the Free Merchant trade system throughout the UPF planets. They will become so firmly entrenched in Frontier life that the mega-corps will not be able to force them out, and eventually accept them as another mega-corp. 87FY The Battle of Five Fleets. In a pincer action, Task Force Prenglar, Coalition Wing #1, Task Force Cassidine, and the remnants of Strike Force Nova attack the Outpost #1 system. Outpost itself is a mammoth world with two planet-sized moons. The entire year is spent destroying the remnants of the Sathar Fleet, the minefields orbiting the planet, the small fighter squadrons the Sathar captured on the two conquered worlds, and the moon's mining and defensive operations. Lost in the action is the rest of Strike Force Nova, except for the battleship Quasar, half of Task Force Cassidine, and all but two destroyers from Coalition Wing #1. 88-90FY The Siege of Outpost. Task Force Prenglar blockades Outpost #1 while Landfleet is shuttled in under intense fire. The land battles take two years to complete. At the end of hostilities, no Sathar survive and 40% of Landfleet is destroyed. Among the Landfleet dead, 30% are non-Frontier citizens. Most of the Ifshnit, Osakar, and Humma who have served the UPF during the war settle down on the UPF Frontier worlds. 91FY The University of Zebulon receives Frontier. Its facilities on Anker increase over the next 20 years until they are larger than most Frontier cities. 92FY Solar Minor is resettled. 93FY The Frontier worlds decide that a permanent, but scaled down, UPF Landfleet force must be maintained at all times for the defense of the Frontier. 95FY Outpost #1 is established as a UPF military base. The "Hoppin' Hundred and Eighth," a spearhead Humma division, is stationed there permanently. 96FY Galactic Task Force and MercCo fight the first post-SWII Corporate War over settlement rights on a moon orbiting Alcazzar in the Rhianna system. Hostilities quickly spread to include all seven of Alcazzar's moons and over a half dozen mega-corps. The Corporate Wars begin in earnest. 97FY The first Star Law graduating class containing Ifshnits, Humma, and Osakar finish their training. The violent outbursts threatened by a few radical cults never appear. 98FY The Rim and the UPF enter into multiple defense treaties and economic trade agreements, but the Coalition gives severe warnings to all mega-corps that their militancy will not be tolerated in the Rim. Tourism between the UPF and Rim is established and is immediately successful. The Frontier now officially includes the Rim Worlds. 99FY Star Law is invited to the Rim to help the Coalition train their own planetary branches. 100FY The Rim's Age of Adventure begins as hundreds of exploratory vessels are sent out to make the unknown regions surrounding the Rim. 102-106FY The Rim side of the Lesser Morass is mapped. 103FY The first Rim Star Law agents appear. The structure is identical to the UPF Star Law organization. 104-111FY The Rim side of the Xagyg Dust Nebula is mapped. 105 FY. Star Law is given equal powers, rights, and jurisdiction in both the Rim and UPF systems for interplanetary and interstellar crimes. While it works mainly with the local law enforcement agencies, Star Law is recognized as the only law enforcement force with full authority throughout the entire Frontier. 105FY An altered Mechanon assassinates the Governor of Zebulon. The UPF suspects that the Sathar may be establishing an extensive spy and terrorist network. The possible Sathar use of mechanical life forms, such as the Mechanons, as agents becomes a prime investigative goal of Star Law. 106FY The Mechanons are officially informed by the UPF that they are not considered a stable enough society, at this time, to be allowed equal status in the UPF. They are forthwith considered "wards of the Federation." Their protection and supervision are the responsibility of the Council of Worlds. While most Mechanons accept this as a necessary step toward independence, some rebel and go underground, swearing to avenge their race. Many of these are suspected of being Sathar agents. 106-111FY Mapping of the Rim side of the Xagyg Nebula is completely up to the Klaeok system. 107FY The A.I.P.S. is formed. Except for the Capellan Free Merchants, who were introduced into the UPF society under unusual circumstances, it is the first mega-corp voluntarily created by smaller companies in an effort to resist merger or take-over attempts by existing mega-corps. 108FY In an effort to stem the growing numbers of Corporate Wars, the UPF and Coalition worlds grant Star Law the authority to recruit and use mercenaries and to establish the Star Law Psi- Corps, a special branch of Mentalist-disciplined officers. 109FY Mego-corp recruitment doubles in non-enforcer professions. A trend of smaller and cheaper skirmishes or espionage missions to replace the larger, more expensive Corporate Wars begins to show. Over the next two years the term "Corporate War" comes to mean a war of intelligence gathering, tactical enforcement procedures, and industrial sabotage rather than full-scale military operations. 109FY Long-range probe ships are sent into suspected Sathar space away from the Rim and UPF systems on the other side of the Xagyg Dust Nebula. It is hoped these probes can answer the question of where the Sathar come from. 110FY A human assassin fails in his attempt to shoot Queanee Kloonanu, chairman of the Council of Worlds. A small bioform is found attached to the human's back. Scientific studies show it to be some kind of intelligent, parasitic organism with the same genetic make-up as Sathar specimens. Authorities believe it to be a new Sathar method of controlling agents. See-through apparel becomes fashionable almost immediately. 111FY The University of Zebulon publishes the first volume of Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space, a multi-volume collection of confirmed flora, fauna, cultures, devices, customs, and history of the known Frontier. It is considered the definitive work on the Frontier and is immensely popular. 111FY Mapping of the Xagyg Dust Nebula continues from Klaeok and K'aken-Kar. 111FY The Grand Celebration, commemorating 111 years of the UPF treaty is planned for the entire year. Gala social functions, parades, and celebrations are planned on every planet in the UPF and even some in the Rim. The book ends with a brief epilogue, which takes place in AD 20,001. By this time, the Europans have evolved into a species that has developed a primitive civilization, most likely with assistance from a monolith. They are not described in detail, though they are said to have "tendril"-like limbs. They regard the star Lucifer (formerly the planet Jupiter) as their primary sun, referring to Sol as "The Cold Sun". Though their settlements are concentrated primarily in the hemisphere of Europa which is constantly bathed in Lucifer's rays, some Europans have begun in recent generations to explore the Farside, the hemisphere facing away from Lucifer, which is still covered in ice. There they may witness the spectacle of night, unknown on the other side of Europa, when the Cold Sun sets. The Europans who explore the Farside have been carefully observing the night sky and have begun to develop a mythology based on their observations. They correctly believe that Lucifer was not always there. They believe that the Cold Sun was its brother and was condemned to march around the sky for a crime. The Europans also see three other major bodies in the sky. One seems to be constantly engulfed in fire, and the other two have lights on them which are gradually spreading. These three bodies are the moons Io, Callisto, and Ganymede, the latter two of which are presently being colonized by humans. Humans have been attempting to explore Europa ever since Lucifer was created in 2010. However, none of these attempts has been successful. Every probe that has attempted to land on Europa has been destroyed on approach; as it is later shown in 2061 and 3001 manned spacecraft that attempt to land have been instead diverted by an external force. The debris from every probe falls to the surface of the planet, and the debris from some of the first ships to be destroyed is venerated by the Europans. Finally, there is a Monolith on the planet, which is worshipped by the Europans more than anything else. The Europans assume, correctly, that the Monolith is what keeps humans at bay. Dave Bowman and HAL lie dormant in this Monolith. The Monolith is the guardian of Europa, and will continue to prevent contact between humans and Europans for as long as it sees fit.
<!--EndFragment--> "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() April 25, 2016 - 9:44am | Should revise SE data to be more realistic with GW1 timeline, I do not think the humans could expand that quickly after their Home World Government and Home Solar system Industry collapse. Need to list possible Extra-Solar Systems and colonies Human's could have. Nearest Colony is where refugees would logically go first. The First "Empire" encountered, should be equally matched so that must be already in process of collapse and similiar sized? The Tetrarchs: Change war with to First discovery of as this is more in keeping with SF background. Possibilites are skirmishses with but Humans loose bad every time so Humans just avoid Tetrarch space, or ruins found on a dead world, Golden Hand War should be enternal Human Space War. I do not think the humans should expand this quickly so make system control numbers smaller, revise. Maybe have some humans flee and colonize becuase of wars? White Light could be Royal Family Fleeing with loyalists? Swarm: Could go to war with humans or maybe someone else instead? Main thing "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
April 25, 2016 - 2:51pm | Hi Tch, Now this is an interesting timeline too. A bit on the dark side, but so is a lot of human history. You're project gives me a bit of inspiration. Maybe I'll start one of my own and call it Joe's Half-Baked Ideas... since that's what some of them are. If you can, please also look at the topic Robots Rules of Order Revised. While I have it to fill in for the Zeb's promise of eight levels of robots, it can be easily used for Alpha Dawn. I tried to consolidate a bunch of the robot rules, alternative programs, and threw in a few home-ideas. Specifically, I would like some feedback on the prices of programs, robot body styles by level, etc. Some of these I got from various Star Frontiersman issues, though I wonder if some of them a a bit too pricey. I know that advanced level robots are supposed to be pricey, but if a corporation is making them, it will eventually make them in mass quantities, so the prices should drop at some point. Also, I have some alternative rules to allow computer experts and technicians to work on robots -- with a negative modifier. I had read a discussion elsewhere, I think by jedi, that there should be more of a merger of robotics technology with computers because programming is program. Finally, I threw in an idea for how characters collaborating can gain a positive modifier on their success rolls. I think that would make sense because there are not too many people who work out in the field by themselves, there are teams of technicians and engineers, etc. Not everyone is Scotty working alone on the Enterprise's warp engines... even he didn't do that. Best Regards, Joe Cabadas |
![]() April 25, 2016 - 5:30pm | I'll check it out... the additional levels is something the game needs. The combinded time line before really adding SF is dark as heck...and humanity is way aggressive, I am okay with the aggresion but I just don't think humanity is in a postition right away to go kick every empires butt unless those empires are already weakened. In addition I am adding SE's Galactic Federation responsable for the FSS Beagle (they will be one of governments in the time line), need to add the Kir and Rael so the Overseer can exist at some point, along with some ideas from Alternity. I think Clarion will be escaped loyalists and they wanted to stay hidden when they founded their colony... U.P. hunting them all as war criminals at the time is really starting to appeal to me as some dark history to White Light System. This also means I can work on a very different type of government for Clarion in which religion and family lines are important. I am aslo going to have Clarion aka Gollywog already have Dralasite colony on it when they got there, and well the aggressive humans that they are committed genocide of that little outpost colony. Then they hid out and developed that system only till other humans found them many many years latter long after everyone has forgotten about the UP or the old Empire. UP actively hunted them for many years, so I am thinking it took them a while to get to White Light far enough away to even consider settling and maybe by that point they could not run much longer, they had lots of losses and so on... still thinking it out but I just like the idea of Clarion having a dark ancient history, which of course has been sanitizied and made all pretty. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
April 25, 2016 - 5:44pm | I'll check it out... the additional levels is something the game needs. Thanks for looking at the robot rules. My take on Clarion and its monarchy is that some rich, rogue expatriate from the Terran Empire dreamed up the name Leotus, made himself Leotus XI and created a fictional royalty background. With his compatriots, they got a bunch of colonists who were ex-Terran imperialists and founded the monarchy on Clarion. Now, a previous Dralasite colony? Hmm. Not bad. It would be the hidden history of the Frontier. Much like I'm thinking the Yazarians probably wiped out a few fringe Human outposts when they moved into the Frontier and then had an undeclared war on the other Core Three until the Pan-Galactic Corporation ingratiated itself with the Yazarian's leaders. Joe Cabadas |
April 25, 2016 - 5:47pm | P.S. along the Gamma World lines, I've also been working up a half-baked adventure using a Tetrarch Death Machine versus some uprated Clikk battle tanks during an secret incident during Laco's War. It would put the PCs on a "get out of the way 'cause death is coming from either side" quest for survival. Of course, that begins to sound like a bad Alien vs. Predator plot. ... as I said, half-baked... Joe Cabadas |
![]() April 25, 2016 - 7:07pm | I like Death Machines, one can never have enough... dooming the galaxy/planet and making every PC scream "No! Don't turn on the power!" "Remember what happened last time!" when ancient tech is found. Muwahaha. The Kir's Overseer is one such death machine. The Kir are never described in the material I have on them... they seem to have been super advanced when they oppsied the AI computer from hell... which resulted in total genocide before the AI was disabled... enter the archeologists aliens and oopsy again when it get's turned back on. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() April 30, 2016 - 10:59am |
<!--[if gte mso 9]> I am going to make this change: 2704 CE OTC: In a two month period, the Holrachian Tetrarch culture collapses, for reasons unknown. Humans and other races will latter discover ruins of this ancient race. (Star Empires page 7, revised to Star Frontier’s background on the Tetrarchs) 10,500 PF (Pre-Frontier) Last remnants of the mysterious Tetrach Societies die out. (Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space) Also adding: ? BCE OTC: the Holrachian Tetrarch founded. In the distant past an ancient race once ruled the galaxy. They were at once great conquerors and by all accounts benevolent rulers. Little is known about this race, but one thing is known for sure: they are called the Tetrachs. A later race known as the J'vaarians are believed to be descendants of the Tetrachs, but nothing in the historical records ever show a direct connection. Some races claim descendancy, while others claim to have been created or enslaved by the Tetrachs at one time, but no archaeological evidence can be found to support such claims, except elusive references in their culture to their beginnings and ancient trials. These claims lead many to believe that the Tetrachs were masters of creating and manipulating life, forming new races and species. (Star Frontiersman 07 The Tetrarchs) The Tetrarchs are responsible for similar aliens and creatures to being found on many worlds. They were an ancient race that traveled the Frontier long before there were other sentient races. They deposited about 100 various types of animals on many planets. (Frontier Explorer 02 Sci Cons I & II - 1999)
This will allow me to calculate Frontier Time compaired to OTC time. GST Defined:
Old Terran Calendar (OTC) is Earth Time: One hour is 60 minutes long, a minute is 60 seconds long. A second is defined as the length of time needed for a beam of light to travel 300,000 km through a vacuum. A standard year is divided into 365.25 24-hour days. One year is 31557600 seconds total or 8,766 hours. An OTC year is 766 hours longer than GST. Converting the OTC to GST Frontier Calendar Dates: Using the Tetrarch collapse date of 2,704 AD OTC and the corresponding 10,500 PF collapse date for the Tetrarchs should give me a date to calculate from.
"Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() April 30, 2016 - 4:17pm |
<!--[if gte mso 9]>
4000000 BCE OTC: 4,396,450.71800 PF: The Monolith Builders (The First Born) leave Monoliths on Terra and many other places. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey & 3001: The Final Odyssey) ? BCE OTC: the Holrachian Tetrarch founded. In the distant past an ancient race once ruled the galaxy. They were at once great conquerors and by all accounts benevolent rulers. Little is known about this race, but one thing is known for sure: they are called the Tetrachs. A later race known as the J'vaarians are believed to be descendants of the Tetrachs, but nothing in the historical records ever show a direct connection. Some races claim descendancy, while others claim to have been created or enslaved by the Tetrachs at one time, but no archaeological evidence can be found to support such claims, except elusive references in their culture to their beginnings and ancient trials. These claims lead many to believe that the Tetrachs were masters of creating and manipulating life, forming new races and species. (Star Frontiersman 07 The Tetrarchs) The Tetrarchs are responsible for similar aliens and creatures to being found on many worlds. They were an ancient race that traveled the Frontier long before there were other sentient races. They deposited about 100 various types of animals on many planets. (Frontier Explorer 02 Sci Cons I & II - 1999) ? BCE OTC: Luntarian Star Empire founded. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) ? BCE OTC: Luntarian Star Empire Civil War starts. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 21550 BCE OTC: 37,064.12800 PF: Rebel Luntarians colonize Mars and it’s sateliets. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 20000 BCE OTC: 35,365.71550 PF: Luntarian Empire attacks rebel colony on Mars in Solar System. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 10034 BCE OTC: 24,445.47100 PF: Foundation of the Moltrvrrz Empire. (Star Empires page 7) 21000 PF: Ancient race of aliens (Tetrarchs or another ancient race) responsible for transporting the S’sessu to Frontier. (Dragon Magazine 96) 2425 BCE OTC: 16,107.90925 PF: Moltrvrrz Empire reaches it’s peak. (Star Empires page 7) 933 to 521 BCE OTC: 14,473.05025-14,021.60125 PF: Moltrvrrz Empire Tri-Mind Wars. At the beginning of the war the Mottvrrz Empire was reduced to half it’s original peak size. Approximately 20% of it’s empire is destroyed; including Home System during the war which was followed by a period of long term stagnation and decay. (Star Empires page 7) 1471 CE OTC: 11,838.86725 PF: Collapse of the Luntarian Star Empire. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 1945 CE OTC: 11,319.28175 PF: First use of atomic weapons in warfare by Humans planet Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1957 CE OTC: 11,306.33275 PF: Sputnik I, the first artificial Terran satellite, launched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1961 CE OTC: 11,301.94975 PF: First manned Terran spacecraft (Vostok I) launched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1969 CE OTC: 11,293.18375 PF: First manned Terran lunar landing made by Apollo 11 spacecraft. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1981 CE OTC: 11,280.03475 PF: American Terran space shuttle service begins (Terra orbit). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1988-1990 CE OTC: 11,272.36450-11,270.17300 PF: World War III, worldwide general conflict between East and West, limited nuclear weapons exchange before ceasefire. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1999 CE OTC: 11,260.31125 PF: First self-aware “think tank” computer activated by Terrans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1999 CE OTC: 11,260.31125 PF: A large anomaly is discovered on Luna, kept secret to the public. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2001 CE OTC: 11,258.11975 PF: A Monolith is discovered on Luna by Humans. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey page ) 2002 CE OTC: 11,257.02400 PF: Discovery launched to investiage an anomly in orbit of Jupiter. 2002 CE OTC: 11,257.02400 PF: First manned spaceflights by Terrans to Mars launched (Ares I/II); primary base established at Mariner Valley. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2003 CE OTC: 11,255.92825 PF: A huge Monolith is discovered and all contact with Discovery lost. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2003-2021 CE OTC: 11,255.92825-11,236.30575 PF: Ecosystem collapse in Atlantic and Pacific oceans of Terra; world-wide food and water shortages, severe civil disturbances; collapse of Japanese and European economies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) Terra begins research into sciences to repair ecosystem. (Implied by (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2010 CE OTC: 11,248.25900 PF: American, Chinese, Indian, and Soviet international conferences lead to establishment of the First Terran World Council. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2010 CE OTC: 11,248.25900 PF: The Leonov and the Tsien are launched by competing Terran powers to discover what happened to the Discovery, her crew and investigate Jupiter’s Monolith. Jupiter is transformed into a second sun in the Solar System and renamed Lucifer. Jupiter’s Moons become planetoids orbiting it. Mankind is forbidden to colonize Europa by mysterios Monolith builders. “ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS—EXCEPT EUROPA? ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE.” The Tsien is destroyed when it attempts to land on Europa. Terrans attempt to send probes to Europa many times after this date but all are destroyed. (SF2010 2010 Odyssey Two Adventure & 2010 Space Odyssey) 2013 CE OTC: 11,244.97175 PF: Rise of the first commercial business blocks to control countries on Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2014 CE OTC: 11,243.87600 PF: Major Lunar Base was built at Tycho Crater. Population reached 50,000 as Luna become major mining operation of high grade ore used to produce Duralloy. Tycho base was also a cover for the research and study of Monolith found at the Tycho Crater. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86). 2019 CE OTC: 11,238.39725 PF: First commercial spaceport opens on Terra (First Texan Space Complex). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2020 CE OTC: 11,237.30150 PF: First Terran-orbital commercial space factory assembled. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2034 CE OTC: 11,221.96100 PF: American and Canadian Terran governments unify and form United North America. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2046 CE OTC: 11,208.81200 PF: The Terran orbital city Atlantis becomes first politically independent space colony; moves to Martian orbit. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2047 CE OTC: 11,207.71625 PF: Columbus, Magellan, and Marco Polo unmanned Terran interstellar probes launched from Terra orbit. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2050 CE OTC: 11,204.42900 PF: The Terran government of Brazil establishes SAEU (Unified South American government). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2061 CE OTC: 11,194.56725 PF: Terran probe Columbus reaches Alpha Centauri and maps local planetary systems. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2061 CE OTC: 11,194.56725 PF: Manned ship mission to Europa diverted by external force. (2061: Odyssey Three). 2066 CE OTC: 11,189.08850 PF: Terran establishment of Mount Olympus and Mount Arsia colonies on Mars. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2072 CE OTC: 11,182.51400 PF: Terran probe Magellan reaches Tau Ceti; discovers terraformable planet (Gaea). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2076 CE OTC: 11,178.13100 PF: All Terran Martian colonies gain political independence through treaties; Federation of Mars established. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2077 CE OTC: 11,177.03525 PF: Terran SAEU collapses after civil war. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2078 CE OTC: 11,175.93950 PF: Mutiny aboard Terran International Station One (first true space war), arrest and execution of mutineers. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2085 CE OTC: 11,168.26925 PF: Remains of an ancient alien culture of reptiles destroyed by interstellar war, not native to Mars, were discovered not far from the Ares Base. The surviving ancient aliens where revived from suspended-animation by the humans. Humans establish numerous bases in the ruins of the previous culture’s cities across Mars and on the two Martian satellites, Deimos and Phobos, often rebuilding the old cities completely. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2087-2089 CE OTC: 11,166.07775-11,163.88625 PF: First Human Venerean terraforming project attempted, but fails. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2095 CE OTC: 11,157.31175 PF: Lunar Human population reaches 10,000 at Tycho Center moonbase. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2100 CE OTC: 11,151.83300 PF: Genesis project (re-terraforming of Terra’s environment) completed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2101 CE OTC: 11,150.73725 PF: Terraforming of larger asteroids begins. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2104 CE OTC: 11,147.45000 PF: The Three Suns, the first Human manned interstellar spacecraft, launched toward the Alpha Centauri system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) ? CE OTC: ? PF: Humans launch two human-crewed starships to the reported location of the Luntarian empire, but neither ship ever returned. 2104-2111 CE OTC: 11,147.45000-11,139.77975 PF: Widespread civil disorders in Asia on Terra lead to formation of Asian Coalition, collapse of Soviet Union. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2109 CE OTC: 11,141.97125 PF: Thorium fusion propulsion system perfected by Humans and goes into system-wide use. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2120 CE OTC: 11,129.91800 PF: Three Suns arrives at Alpha Centauri, establishes first extra-solar Human colonies at Gagarin, Armstrong, Greenwood, and Sorokin. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2120 CE OTC: 11,129.91800 PF: Second Human Venerean terraforming project attempted; project crew lost in satellite collision. 2124 CE OTC: 11,125.53500 PF: Fraal make successful contact with humans and begin trading information with humans. Note they had previous contact with Terrans (at least 1000 years before and off and on, “alien abduction”.) (Alternity) 2126 CE OTC: 11,123.34350 PF: Start of international conferences on Terra to develop a world government. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2131 CE OTC: 11,117.86475 PF: Sorokin colony abandoned by Humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2132 CE OTC: 11,116.76900 PF: The Humanity launched for Tau Ceti system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2138 CE OTC: 11,110.19450 PF: Artificial gravity control achieved by Humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2144 CE OTC: 11,103.62000 PF: Human Martian world population reaches 10,000 (combined colonies). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2145 CE OTC: 11,102.52425 PF: Terran World Union established; all national governments subordinated to World Union General Council in London. Uniform currency (the domar) established worldwide. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2163 CE OTC: 11,082.80075 PF: Construction of Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards completed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2182 CE OTC: 11,061.98150 PF: Autonomists Society established, a terrorist organization promoting world-wide democratic anarchy. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2200-2300 CE OTC: 11,042.25800-10,942.68300 PF: General dates for the Great Migration of human manned and unmanned interstellar spacecraft to worlds within a 10-parsec radius of Sol; 28 colonization missions and 196 exploratory missions dispatched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 23rd Century: 111 PF Century: By the 23rd Century a great migration wave was spreading from Old Terra to the hundreds of inhabitable worlds which had been discovered in the Milky Way galaxy. During the next hundred years colonization ships of all types and descriptions went out to the stars, bearing seedling colonies seeking a better life. Many found their new homes - for better or for worse - but for one reason or another scores of these starships never reached their destination. (Metamorphosis Alpha 1st edition) 2236 CE OTC: 11,O12.81100 PF: IMT (instantaneous mass transporter) tested and developed by humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2261 CE OTC: 10,985.41725 PF: Albuquerque accident on Terra kills 5 million people in nuclear explosion. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2266 CE OTC: 10,979.93850 PF: Breakup of Terran WU General Council; United America, Asian Coalition, India, and other countries develop divergent policies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2277 CE OTC: 10,967.88525 PF: The Warden, the largest interstellar colony ship ever built by Humans, laid down at the Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards by the United Western Starship Cartel program. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2282 CE OTC: 10,962.40650 PF: League of Free Men established, promoting the rise of pro-world government factions; terrorism increases world-wide. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2288 CE OTC: 10,955.83200 PF: Warden completed; trials and loading begin for 45-year voyage to Xi Ursae Majoris double-star system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2289 CE OTC: 10,954.73625 PF: Work on giant starship Morden begins at Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2290 CE OTC: 10,953.64050 PF: Warden leaves Solar System; 1.55 million human colonists and crew aboard. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2300 CE OTC: 10,942.68300 PF: Morden completed; trials and loading begin. (Implied by time line). 2301 CE OTC: 10,941.58725 PF: Construction of the Warden II started (Implied by C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan) 2302 CE OTC: 10,940.49150 PF: Star Voyager II returns to Terra on robot drive with crew infected by Canopus Plague;. ship destroyed after infecting crew of Terra-orbital spaceport. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2302-2309 CE OTC: 10,940.49150-10,932.82125 PF: Several major outbreaks of Canopus plague. throughout Solar System; Iapetus colony sealed off and destroyed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309-2322 CE OTC: 10,932.82125-10,918.57650 PF: The Shadow Years, So called because of the world-wide destruction of records and archives through terrorist action and government supported sabotage. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309 (Sept 16) CE OTC: 10,932.82125 PF: Start of Social Wars; initial collapse of Terran civilization begins; rioting and terrorism spread. League of Free Men and Autonomists are major instigators of world wide conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309 CE OTC: 10,932.82125 PF: Extra-solar colonies form Terran Colonial Confederacy for mutual defense, resource sharing, research, and trade as Solar based Terran society begins collapsing. (Implied by Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 and Star Empires, House) 2311 CE OTC: 10,930.62975 PF: Warden II completed, trials and loading begin. (Implied by time line). 2314 CE OTC: 10,927.34250 PF: Social Wars expand into space with terrorist strikes against Terra orbital colonies, Tycho Center, and other spaceports throughout solar system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2321 CE OTC: 10,919.67225 PF: Ecological warfare causes destruction of ocean plankton and collapse of all coastal economies; introduction of nuclear and dimension-warp warfare into conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2321 CE OTC: 10,919.67225 PF: Fragmentary transmissions from the Warden received; ship apparently entered radiation cloud and crew was lost. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (April 12) CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: The Ultimatium,. The first appearance of The Apocalypse, a radical group ordering an immediate cease-fire in world-wide conflict. “Peoples of the world – you appear bent upon the destruction of a civilization that has taken centuries to build, and the extinction of life on earth. If that is your will… so be it! We, The Apocalypse, demand an immediate cessation of this insane violence, or we will end it for you… with a force you cannot conceive. We have the power! The choice is yours!” (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 and Gamma World 1st edition rules, page 3) 2322 (April 17) CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: The Apocalypse broadcasted one final message: “People of the world, you have been warned. We have the power! The choice is yours!” It is believed after this message the Apocalypse base was attacked. (Gamma World 1st edition rules page 3) Radiation strike made against all major national capitals by The Apocalypse. Retaliatory attacks reduce Terra’s civilization to ruins in one week. System-wide trade, transportation, and economic collapse. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (May 23) CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Major strikes successfully disable space fleets around Jupiter/Lucifer and Terra. Two of Saturn’s moons vaporized. From here on in, only fragmentary historical records can be found. Most pieces of data were obtained from friendly cybernetic installations and think tanks which were able to link up with the remains of hidden libraries, orbital installations, or earth/space communications systems. All further information is considered questionable at best and can only rarely be confirmed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Social Wars produce major world-wide volcanic and earthquake activity; collapse of polar ice-caps; world-wide flooding; ozone layer collapse with heightened exposure to ultraviolet and solar radiation. Extreme alterations and die-offs throughout biosystem of Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Mars was engaged in a massive terraforming project with the aid of recovered alien technology and the cooperation of the reptilian race. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) One of the processed-ice asteroid (guidance circuits sabotaged by terrorists) strikes Mars; eight Terran year (a little over four Martian years) dust storm and climatic disruption result. All colonies on planet isolated; Federation charter suspended for duration. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 & Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2322 CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Tycho Base’s population watch as Terra’s civilization is destroyed by the “Social Wars.” Some Lunar colonists returned to Terra to try and find missing loved ones others stayed behind on Luna. Most returning colonists to Terra where never heard from a again once on Terra but a few Lunar colonists did return to Tycho Base infected with plague viruses which spread quickly killing all of the nearly 50,000 inhabitants of Tycho Base. The last to die was Ren Odinson. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2323-2340 CE OTC: 10,917.48075-10,898.85300 PF: Rise of every known Cryptic Alliance takes place from the intact cities and power stations of Earth. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2325-2330 CE OTC: 10,915.28925-10,909.81050 PF: Satellite Wars change the technological levels of all the terraformed asteroids and moons of all the planets. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2330-2340 CE OTC: 10,909.81050-10,898.85300 PF: Last known interstellar missions flee solar system from asteroidal and outer satellite colonies; Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards abandoned; all outer colonies except Saturn World Fusion shut down; Mercury mining colonies abandoned and apparently die out. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2331 CE OTC: 10,908.71475 PF: Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards assume control of their own programs and generate robotic life. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2336-2340 CE OTC: 10,903.23600-10,898.85300 PF: Occasional reports from space communications systems of transmissions from the Warden; status unknown. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2351 CE OTC: 10,886.79975 PF: Start of the Terran-Moltvrrz Wars. (Star Empires page 7) A conflict between the Terran Colonial Confederacy and the newly discovered Moltrvrrz Empire escalates as fleeing Humans from the Solar System attempt to colonize new worlds or refugee ships are found destroyed by the Colonial Confederacy’s Mutual Defense Fleet. At the start of this conflict the Moltvrrz Empire had decreased significantly in size. (House) 2360 CE OTC: 10,876.93800 PF: Mutated life has evolved on Luna sufficiently to begin to manipulate the Tycho CI and expand from their original environements on the base. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2380 CE OTC: 10,855.02300 PF: Saturn World Fusion ceases all Terra-directed transmissions; fate unknown. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2381 CE OTC: 10,853.92725 PF: Severe worldwide earthquakes; explosive vulcanism around Pacific basin ocurr on Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2381-2388 CE OTC: 10,853.92725-10,846.25700 PF: Years Without Summer on Terra; blackouts and prolonged winters common. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2385 CE OTC: 10,849.54425 PF: Ultrawave transmissions from Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards report open warfare between cybernetic installation there and the presumedly automated starship Morden. Further transmissions cannot be interpreted and may be in code. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) It is believed the Morden and possibly the Warden II leave the Solar System fully laden with colonists and Terran bioforms. (Implied) 2399 CE OTC: 10,834.20375 PF: Short period of lasercom contact with Deimos Base at Mars; PCI at Deimos noted to be insane; no information on Martian colonies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2400 CE OTC: 10,833.10800 PF: Tycho base is damaged as mutated like forms compete for resources. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86). 2420 CE OTC: 10,811.19300 PF: Strange transmissions picked up from Warden’s last known position. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2450 CE OTC: 10,778.32050 PF: Approximate start of the GAMMA WORLD, game-time. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) ? CE OTC: ? PF: Surviving Martian colonies have developed into independent city-states, each with it’s own laws, government, and ways of life. Luntarian population is about 10,000. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2452 CE OTC: 10,776.12900 PF: Competing Cryptic Alliances activate vehicles programmed to return to the Moon. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) ? CE OTC: ? PF: The Shortel native aboriginal sentient race (Insectoid) of Mars attack surviving Human and Luntarian inhabitants of Mars. (Gamma Mars, The Attack! Polyhedron 27) 2470 CE OTC: 10,756.40550 PF: Collapse of the Molttrvrrz Empire due to wars with Terran Confederacy. (Star Empires page 7) 2471 CE OTC: 10,755.30975 PF: Survivors from Terra make it to an abandoned Space Station aboard an ancient Spacecraft and come into contact with Canopus Plague. (The Albuquerque Starport A Gamma World Mini-Module) 2471 CE OTC: 10,755.30975 PF: Beginning of Gamma World game time. (Gamma World 1st edition page 3) 2475 CE OTC: 10,750.92675 PF: Terran Confederacy launches the first of several mission to discover what has happened to Terra and all Solar System based colonies. The mission is never heard from again after confirming arrival in the Solar System. (Implied by Time Line, House) 2480 CE OTC: 10,745.44800 PF: The Terran Confederacy quarantines the whole Solar system and does not attempt any more missions. (Implied by timelines, House) 2703 CE OTC: 10,501.09575 PF: The Terran Confederacy embarked on the first phase of expansion and exploration. (Star Empires page 7) 2704 CE OTC: 10,500 PF: 19 Month War (OTC months). The military staged a coup and dissolved the Confederacy forming the Colonial Committee. A period of peace lasting for 30 years (OTC) ensued. (Star Empires page 7) 2704 CE OTC: 10,500 PF: In a two month period, the Holrachian Tetrarch culture collapses, for reasons unknown. Humans and other races will latter discover ruins of this ancient race. (Star Empires page 7, revised to Star Frontier’s background on the Tetrarchs) 10,500 PF (Pre-Frontier) Last remnants of the mysterious Tetrach Societies die out. (Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space) 2734 CE OTC: 10,467.1275 PF: The Seven Hour Revolt. The junta was replaced by a popular congress, marking the second phase of Terran expansion. (Star Empires page 7) The Galactic Federation is formed. (Blackmoor D&D) 2797 CE OTC: 10,398.09525 PF: During the Terran second expansion the Sect of the Hand is founded. (Star Empires page 7) Several groups of colonies declare independence forming 2 more Human Space Powers. During this second expansion the various human governments come into contact with five alien empires: ursoid (bears), feline (cats), avian(birds), amoboid (amobas) and icthioid (fish). The FSS Beagle (Galactic Federation Star Ship) crashes on a planet. Avian scout ship crashes on same planet. Several other ships crash from various empires. (Blackmoor History, World of Greyhawk, Mystara & Star Empires play history, House) 3001 CE OTC: 10,174.56225 PF: Jupiter/Lucifer begins to fade, Europa’s Monolith awakens all unknown to the Humans who had abandoned the Solar System. (2061: Odyssey Three, & 2010: Space Odyssey) 3274 CE OTC: 9,875.42250 PF: The Sect of the Hand begins a “holy war” to cleanse the Galaxy and convert all known races to the faith. 300 years of total war. (Star Empires page 7) 3575 CE OTC: 9,545.60175 PF: End of war and Foundation of the Golden Empire of Terra and the suppression of all religions with in the Empire. (Star Empires page 7) 3581 CE OTC: 9,539.O2725 PF: Another expansion of the Terran Empire. (Star Empires page 7) 4024 CE OTC: 9,053.O5625 PF: Terran War of Rightful Succession a 100 year way which collapses the Empire. (Star Empires page 7) The war leads to the near destruction of Sect of the Golden Hand and all known Imperial family lines and the rise of an anti-Imperial family and anti-Golden Hand uprising in 4125 CE OTC: 8,942.38550 PF. (House) 4125 CE OTC: 8,942.38550 PF: Ships with Golden Hand and Golden Imperial family civilian loyalists flee known Human Space to an unknown location, it is rumored that some of the passengers may in fact have been missing Imperial Family members, illegitimate children of the Imperial lines and so on. (House) Some of these fleeing ships refugees became the first human settlers on Gollywog AKA Clarion. (House) 4125 CE OTC: 8,942.38550 PF: The Unitech Polity is formed and the final period of Terran expansion occurs. (Star Empires page 7) 6251 CE OTC: 6,612.82100 PF: Unitech Polity and Kolthumnx Swarm discover each other. The Kolthumnx Swarm was an empire of similar size and strength to the Human run Unitech Polity. (Star Empires page 7) 6582 CE OTC: 6,250.12675 PF: Following repeated border clashes, the War of Extermination took place. (Star Empires page 7) 6732 CE OTC: 6,085.76425 PF: Period of Shame, during which the remaining forces of each side were automated and programmed to seek out and destroy life. (Star Empires page 7) Survivors of the Tetrarch civilization attempt to rescue and relocate some races. (Implied Star Frontiers, House) 6893 CE OTC: 5,809.34850 PF: This results in the Collapse of Galactic Civilization and advent of Three Millennia Dark Age. (Star Empires page 7) 6893 CE OTC: 5,809.34850 PF: Advanced civilization wiped out including the last remnants of the mysterious Tetrarch Societies die out. This results in a Three Millenia Dark Age in which civilizations across the Galaxy must rebuild often having forget their own history. (Star Empires page 7 & Zebs Guide to the Frontier). 9932 CE OTC: 2,479.36425 PF: Foundation of Young Kingdoms has begun. Nothing more is known of Terra and the Kplthumhnx (not even the location of their home systems). (Star Empires page 7) The majority of races are ignorant of the true history of the Galaxy or have confused recollections, myths, legends, and information. Civilization basically had to start over. Also plenty of time for a lot to have happened on Terra, Mars & in the old Solar system, including mutated life escaping. Also note the various Human Empires long ago where colonies as the Solar system had been abandoned. 950PF Heliopes left on Starmist by Clikks after a Clikk military exploration vessel is forced to jettison unnecessary cargo. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 800PF The evolution of the Mechanon race begins on Volturnus. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 410PF First Vrusk/Dralasite contact. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 350PF First Vrusk/Human contact (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 302PF Fromeltar system discovered by Dralasites. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) The Nagana race discovered on the planet Terledrom. (Star Frontiersman 001) 302 PF Dramune System first colonized by the Dralasites, whose race expande into the Frontier from the direction of Fromeltar. After several centuries differences began to separate the two societies, creating one of the most bitter and long-standing conflicts in the Frontier. (SFKH1 Dramune Run) 300PF Vrusk, Dralasites, and Humans meet for the first time on the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 299PF Theseus system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 270PF Yazirians enter the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 270-4PF The Frontier is founded. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 260PF Gran Quivera discovered in the Prenglar system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 250PF Athor System discovered by Yazirians. (Star Frontiersman 03) 256-248PF Pirates first appear in various sectors throughout the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 249PF Triad and Rupert's Hole found in the Cassidine system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 235 PF Colonization of Hentz in the Athor System started by Yazirians (Star Frontiersman 03) 230PF Pan-Galactic Corporation started on Gran Quivera. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 222-203PF terraforming of Exib by Yazirians (Star Frontiersman 03) 220PF Dixon's Star system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 210PF Madderly's Star system discovered by Vrusk and Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 205PF Madderly's Star system becomes a human system after the freeworld rebellion on Kdikit. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 200PF Pale and New Pale discovered in the Truane's Star system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Pan-Galactic Corporation colonizes both planets using Human Colonists (Quest Book) 170PF Dramune system discovered by Dralasites. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 168PF Anthor system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 168 PF The Thirty Cycles War between colonists of the Athor system and the Hierarchy on Hentz (Star Frontiersman03) 161PF K'tsa-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 156PF K'aken-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 155PF Gruna Garu system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 152PF Timeon system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 150PF The Pan-Galactic language accepted throughout the Frontier as a common trade tongue. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 146PF Kizk'-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 129PF Araks system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 125-10PF The Age of Adventure. The discovery and exploration of new planets slows down for the next century while the major races concentrate on mapping the hazards and boundaries of the Frontier. Hundreds of exploration vessels and brave spacers are lost during this time. Meanwhile, the discovered planets begin to develop. Thousands of fortunes are made and lost during the Age of Adventure. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 124-78PF The Greater Morass is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 94PF Scree Fron system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space & Star Frontiersman 04) 77-57PF The Xagyg Dust Nebulae is mapped from Zebulon to Fromeltar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 61PF The Zebulon system is discovered by Professor Alorne Zebulon, the Frontier's most noted scientist, explorer, and educator. The planet Volturnus is settled almost immediately. Anker is discovered but not settled until 57PF. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 60PF White Light system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 51 PF Ifshits found Capellan Free Merchants. (Star Frontiersman 12) 57PF Anker (Zebulon system) is explored and settled. Professor Zebulon founds the University of Zebulon. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 56-40PF The White Light Nebulae are mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 39-33PF The Yreva Nebula is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 37PF Pan-Galactic becomes the first mega-corp in the frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 32-26PF Thirty-two exploration vessels are lost trying to map the Lessere Morass. Only the area between Screen Fron and Zebulon is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 25PF A small pirate fleet under Hatzck Naar raids the Cassidine and Prenglar systems. The first Common Muster is called. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 22PF Hatzck Naar's pirate fleet is defeated off Timeon. Naar is ejected into space and slowly boils inside his spacesuit as he falls toward Timeon. The muster is dismissed. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 21-10PF The Xagyg Dust Nebulae is mapped from Fromeltar to K'aken-Kar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 19-8PF The area beyond the Greater Morass claims hundreds of exploration vessels. Though it is believed that most Frontier races came from beyond the Greater Moras, all information about their origins have been lost. Exploration of the area ceases and it is named the Vast Expanse. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 10PF Representatives of the four major races request that all explorations cease while delegates meet to form a unified defense and mutual interest organization. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 3-2PF The First Sathar War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 3PF The Sathar first appear. They attack the Truane's Star system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 3PF Pale and New Pale fall. The Great Exodus to Dixon's Star System takes place. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2PF The four races muster a spaceship fleet. The second Common Muster is called and put under the command of Admiral Morgaine, who immediately moves the fleet to the Cassidine system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2PF The Battle of Triad. Morgaine's fleet performs a surprise attack on the invading Sathar fleet intent on ravaging Traid. The Sathar lose a third of their fleet. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2PF Dixon's Star system is attacked by Sathar fleet. Completely unprotected it is soon ravaged. Meanwhile Morgaine moves his fleet to the Prenglar system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2PF The Sathar attack Gran Quivera in the Prenglar system. The Battle of the Two Fleets is fought. The Sathar fleet is routed and destroyed. Morgaine's fleet is seriously depleted and Morgaine dies in battle. With this mutual devastation the First Sathar War comes to an end. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2PF CFM ships enter the Frontier. (Star Frontiersman 12) 1PF Morgaine's World in the Prenglar system is named after the fallen Admiral. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 1PF The "Grand Meeting" of leaders of the four races takes place on Morgaine's World. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 1FY (Federation Year) The United Planetary Federation, a mutual defense organization, is established. All worlds of the Frontier, expecting another Sathar invasion, immediately join. Under UPF authority, Spacefleet becomes a permanent defensive force. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2FY The Streel Corporation is founded on Pale. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 3FY The Brotherhood of Spacers becomes the first cadre on the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 5FY Star Law is established by the UPF. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 4FY Rim Coalition sign pact with UPF (Star Frontiersman 12) 5FY Star Law is established by the UPF. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 5FY The Capellan Free Merchants first appear on the Frontier bringing news of the Rim and their fight with the Sathar, and supplying desperately needed food to the survivors on Laco and Gran Quivera. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 6FY The First Dramune War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 8FY Cassidine Development Corporation is founded on Triad. The creation and growth of mega-corps proceeds at an ever- accelerating pace. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 11FY The Lynchpin system is discovered by Vrusk. They turn the system over to the UPF for development as a military outpost to protect that sector of the Frontier. The Lynchpin system is a military secret until the middle of SWII. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 12FY Frontier ships enter Rim space for the first time. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 14FY The Sundown system is discovered. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 17-27FY The Blue Plague sweeps the Frontier. Scientists believe it was brought to the Sundown system by an alien vessel that crashed on Starmist. Because of Starmist's light population, the plague was not immediately detected and had a chance to mutate. It is believed that vermin from the planet became infected and somehow gained entry to a ship. The ship makes several stops on the Frontier and the plague spreads rapidly. It is called the Blue Plague because of its earliest symptoms -- large blue welts that appear about the face and extremities. These welts leave horrible black scars even if the victim survives the plague. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 20FY Four star systems become so infested with the Blue Plague that the Council of Worlds, the diplomatic organization of the UPF, requests all races to recognize a permanent quarantine of these four star systems. The systems are designated by Greek letters. A spaceship seen leaving one of these systems is to be destroyed by Spacefleet before it has a chance to spread the plague any further. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 22FY Hargut, Pale, and Gollywog suffer massive population losses due to the Blue Plague. All three planets are temporarily quarantined. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 23FY The Medical Services Organization is founded. Funding pours in from most of the Frontier worlds. Gretl Grohn is named as the MSO Chief Surgeon. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 24FY Vaccine for the Blue Plague is discovered at the MSO Center on Morgaine's World. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 25FY The Mechanon menace on Volturnus first comes to the UPF's attention, but cannot be dealt with because of the Blue Plague. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 27FY The Blue Plague is eradicated from inhabited planets in the Frontier. In total, 17 million victims fell to the plague. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 28FY Very tough laws and penalties are laid down by both the UPF and the Council of Worlds concerning the intersystem transportation and handling of flora and fauna. Star Law is given jurisdiction over planetary imports and exports. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 30FY Pan-Gal system is discovered by the Pan-Galactic Corporation and becomes the first mega-corp star system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 31FY New Streel system is discovered by the Streel Corporation. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 32FY Devco system is discovered by the Cassidine Development Corporation. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 36FY The Second Dramune War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 46FY Solar Major system discovered by WarTech Incorporated. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 50-60FY Laaco's War. PGC and Streel wage the first Corporate War on Laco. The UPF eventually steps in and empowers an inter- mega-corporate commission to resolve the differences. Other mega-corps study Laco's War as a possible legal precedent for solving disputes. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 54FY The Mechanon Revolt. Mechanons on Volturnus revolt. Only through quick action on the part of Star Law is a full-scale war avoided. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 57FY The Waller Nexus system is discovered by the UPF survey ship Eleanor Moraes. The only habitable planet, Mahg Mar, is the site of the first UPF mutiny. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 57FY Liberty system discovered by the UPF. The planet Snowball is liberated from Sathar tyranny. Tacticians, politicians, and exobiologists are given a chance to study Sathar machinery and methods first hand because of the information gathered by the populace during their occupation. It is feared that many pockets of Sathar tyranny exist all around the Frontier and Rim. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 60FY Rhianna system is discovered by the Cassidine Development Corporation, but is kept secret. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 9/15/61 FY SFKH1 Dramune Run 61FY The Third Dramune War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 63FY Streel attacks CDC operations on Alcazzar. Star Law intervenes and averts a potential Corporate War. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 66FY Solar Minor system discovered by SynthCorp. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 67FY Regular trade established with the Rim planets. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 70FY The Mechanon civilization on Volturnus undergoes an upheaval. The majority of peaceful Mechanons migrate into the undeveloped space between Screen Fron and Dixon's Star. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 77FY Mechanon is discovered by migrating Mechanons. Its entry into the UPF is blocked until the legal status of the Mechanons can be established. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 78FY Tough new guidelines for legal ownership of a system or planet are laid down by the UPF and the Council of Worlds. The guidelines are designed to halt mega-corp expansion and to prevent occurrences such as the Mechanon problem. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80-90FY The Second Sathar War. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80FY The Sathar capture a non-UPF system between Solar Major and Solar Minor. They dub it Outpost #1 and enslave its inhabitants. Construction begins on a planet-wide military and industrial complex intended as a permanent base for incoming Sathar supply ships and troops. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80FY Sathar swarm through the Xagyg Nebula and attack Volturnus. New planet-wide battle tactics are used by the Sathar (including the massive use of diversionary, seeded monsters and cybernetically controlled creatures). The attack is a feint to draw Spacefleet to Zebulon. Task Force Cassidine is dispatched to Zebulon. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80FY By going through the White Light Nebulae, Sathar Fleet #1 enters the Frontier undetected. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #2 and 3 attack Solar Minor. So overpowering are they that no word of the attack reaches Spacefleet. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #1 attacks Madderly's Star. They encounter the new Spacefleet fortress on Kdikit. Its resistance is fierce and buys the needed time for reinforcements to arrive. Dramune sends three frigates and a destroyer from its militia while the UPF dispatches two destroyers and two light cruisers from its non- attached ships roster. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY The UPF mines the sector between Cassidine and Madderly's Star. Sathar Fleet #1 is driven from Madderly's Star and pursued as it tries to make its way to Fromeltar. All militia ships in the sector, including half of Task Force Prenglar, are engaged in the pursuit. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Task Force Cassidine crushes the Sathar feint on Zebulon, but with heavy losses. The UPF now realizes how vulnerable it is to land attacks. 81FY The Rim Coalition dispatches the Flight to the other side of Lkaeok in search of Sathar supply vessels. In return they ask the UPF to station Task Force Casidine half way between Zebulon and Capelle to protect the Rim home worlds in case of a Sathar Sneak attack through the Muld Nebula. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Strike Force Nove arrives secretly at White Light. Admiral Niles believes more of the Sathar fleet may attack through the White Light Nebulae. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #2 emerges between Timeon and Prenglar, placing itself in front of the remains of Task Force Prenglar. The Battle of Prenglar begins two hours later and results in Sathar Fleet #2 scattering or destroying the reduced Task Force Prenglar. Flush with victory, the Sathar proceed recklessly into the Frontier. Strike Force Nove soon engages Sathar Fleet #2. The remaining Task Force Prenglar ships return and join the battle. This running battle results in the eventual withdrawal of Sathar Fleet #2 into the White Light Nebulae. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #3 attempts to circumnavigate the Great Morass. Two weeks later it is engaged by long-range fighters from Moonworld. Without any knowledge of the existence of the Lynchpin system, the Sathar forge ahead expecting to find a lone spaceship. Instead, the Battle of Moonworld is joined. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The Coalition's Flight discovers the Sathar supply route around the Xagyg Nebula. They station themselves in deep space and proceed to destroy all incoming Sathar ships. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The final dregs of Sathar Fleet #1, after slipping into the Xagyg Nebula off Fromeltar, arrive back at Sathar Outpost #1 and prepare to defend to the death. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The Battle of Moonworld ends with three-quarters of Sathar Fleet #3 destroyed. The remaining Sathar vessels are forced to retreat into the Vast Expanse. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY Task Force Prenglar regroups off K'aken-Kar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The UPF establishes the United Planetary Federation Landfleet, the first interplanetary army raised on the Frontier. Thousands of Humma and Osakar arrive from the Rim and enlist, hoping to stop the Sathar menace before it invades their homeworlds. Many die for the Frontier, but still more stay and become citizens after the war. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY Strike Force Nova secures the Frontier inward from Theseus. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY A Coalition Flight long-distance probe discovers Sathar Outpost #1 and reports its location before it is destroyed. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY The remains of Sathar Fleet #2 arrive at Outpost #1. Despite a desperate shortage of supplies caused by the Flight blockade and terrible losses from previous engagements, the Sathar have completed their construction. Outpost #1 is now a formidable fortress. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY Three incidents occur that help the Sathar: The Mist Stone, a sacred Capellan icon, is stolen by Sathar agents and smuggled into Outpost #1. The original copy of "Reflections of a Humble Servant" is also stolen and smuggled into Outpost #1. This work is considered by Humans to be the definitive philosophy of Dralasite civilization. Sathar war ships force the populations of Circe and Kir'Kut to evacuate their planets. They are transported to Outpost #1 and enslaved. All three incidents combine to assure that Outpost #1 is not taken by orbital bombardment. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY Strike Force Nova retakes Solar Minor. The fighting is fierce and half of the Strike Force and all of the Sathar holding force is destroyed. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY The Battle of the Blockade. A reinforcement fleet from Sathar Space is challenged by the Flight. Half of the Sathar Fleet, most of them fighting ships, escape but all troop ships are destroyed. About one half of the Flight is eliminated. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 84FY The Flight is greatly increased by reinforcements from the Rim. Wing #1, the original Flight, rendezvous with Task Force Prenglar. Battered and weary, they still insist on joining the siege of Outpost #1 with the Frontier forces. This group of Rim spacers quickly gains notoriety in the Frontier and greatly enhances UPF- Rim relations. They are known as the Raging Rimmers. Wing #2 takes up the blockade position. Wing #3 is charged with the defense of the home worlds. Task Force Cassidine sails for Solar Minor. The Sathar begin mining operations on the moons of Outpost #1. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 84FY Dralasites and the Coalitions insist that a diplomatic mission be sent to Outpost #1. The Sathar agree to meet three months later to discuss a possibly treaty. Non-Sathar agents represent Sathar interests at the meetings. Diplomatic talks are held for another 18 months with no results. During that time the Sathar strengthen their defenses and repair their ships. The UPF Landfleet is given time to become a formidable army. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 86FY Task Force Cassidine joins Strike Force Nova around Solar Minor. Four months later, Capellan Free Merchantmen transport the Landfleet to the Solar Major and Solar Minor Fleets. Many Ifshnits remain in the Frontier after the war and begin the Free Merchant trade system throughout the UPF planets. They will become so firmly entrenched in Frontier life that the mega-corps will not be able to force them out, and eventually accept them as another mega-corp. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 87FY The Battle of Five Fleets. In a pincer action, Task Force Prenglar, Coalition Wing #1, Task Force Cassidine, and the remnants of Strike Force Nova attack the Outpost #1 system. Outpost itself is a mammoth world with two planet-sized moons. The entire year is spent destroying the remnants of the Sathar Fleet, the minefields orbiting the planet, the small fighter squadrons the Sathar captured on the two conquered worlds, and the moon's mining and defensive operations. Lost in the action is the rest of Strike Force Nova, except for the battleship Quasar, half of Task Force Cassidine, and all but two destroyers from Coalition Wing #1. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) On 87PF during the siege of Sathar Outpost #1 (a fortified space station with its own moons), Strike Force Nova noted two large escape pods that jettisoned. They sent detachments to eliminate the escape vessel but were surprised to find not Sathar inside, but something else entirely. The Bora-kai (Star Frontiersman 02) 88-90FY The Siege of Outpost. Task Force Prenglar blockades Outpost #1 while Landfleet is shuttled in under intense fire. The land battles take two years to complete. At the end of hostilities, no Sathar survive and 40% of Landfleet is destroyed. Among the Landfleet dead, 30% are non-Frontier citizens. Most of the Ifshnit, Osakar, and Humma who have served the UPF during the war settle down on the UPF Frontier worlds. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 91FY The University of Zebulon receives Frontier. Its facilities on Anker increase over the next 20 years until they are larger than most Frontier cities. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 92FY Solar Minor is resettled. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 93FY The Frontier worlds decide that a permanent, but scaled down, UPF Landfleet force must be maintained at all times for the defense of the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 95FY Outpost #1 is established as a UPF military base. The "Hoppin' Hundred and Eighth," a spearhead Humma division, is stationed there permanently. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 96FY Galactic Task Force and MercCo fight the first post-SWII Corporate War over settlement rights on a moon orbiting Alcazzar in the Rhianna system. Hostilities quickly spread to include all seven of Alcazzar's moons and over a half dozen mega-corps. The Corporate Wars begin in earnest. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 97FY The first Star Law graduating class containing Ifshnits, Humma, and Osakar finish their training. The violent outbursts threatened by a few radical cults never appear. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 98FY The Rim and the UPF enter into multiple defense treaties and economic trade agreements, but the Coalition gives severe warnings to all mega-corps that their militancy will not be tolerated in the Rim. Tourism between the UPF and Rim is established and is immediately successful. The Frontier now officially includes the Rim Worlds. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 99FY Star Law is invited to the Rim to help the Coalition train their own planetary branches. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 100FY The Rim's Age of Adventure begins as hundreds of exploratory vessels are sent out to make the unknown regions surrounding the Rim. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 102-106FY The Rim side of the Lesser Morass is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 103FY The first Rim Star Law agents appear. The structure is identical to the UPF Star Law organization. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 104-111FY The Rim side of the Xagyg Dust Nebula is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 105 FY. Star Law is given equal powers, rights, and jurisdiction in both the Rim and UPF systems for interplanetary and interstellar crimes. While it works mainly with the local law enforcement agencies, Star Law is recognized as the only law enforcement force with full authority throughout the entire Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 105FY An altered Mechanon assassinates the Governor of Zebulon. The UPF suspects that the Sathar may be establishing an extensive spy and terrorist network. The possible Sathar use of mechanical life forms, such as the Mechanons, as agents becomes a prime investigative goal of Star Law. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 106FY The Mechanons are officially informed by the UPF that they are not considered a stable enough society, at this time, to be allowed equal status in the UPF. They are forthwith considered "wards of the Federation." Their protection and supervision are the responsibility of the Council of Worlds. While most Mechanons accept this as a necessary step toward independence, some rebel and go underground, swearing to avenge their race. Many of these are suspected of being Sathar agents. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 106-111FY Mapping of the Rim side of the Xagyg Nebula is completely up to the Klaeok system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 107FY The A.I.P.S. is formed. Except for the Capellan Free Merchants, who were introduced into the UPF society under unusual circumstances, it is the first mega-corp voluntarily created by smaller companies in an effort to resist merger or take-over attempts by existing mega-corps. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 108FY In an effort to stem the growing numbers of Corporate Wars, the UPF and Coalition worlds grant Star Law the authority to recruit and use mercenaries and to establish the Star Law Psi- Corps, a special branch of Mentalist-disciplined officers. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 109FY Mego-corp recruitment doubles in non-enforcer professions. A trend of smaller and cheaper skirmishes or espionage missions to replace the larger, more expensive Corporate Wars begins to show. Over the next two years the term "Corporate War" comes to mean a war of intelligence gathering, tactical enforcement procedures, and industrial sabotage rather than full-scale military operations. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 109FY Long-range probe ships are sent into suspected Sathar space away from the Rim and UPF systems on the other side of the Xagyg Dust Nebula. It is hoped these probes can answer the question of where the Sathar come from. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 110FY A human assassin fails in his attempt to shoot Queanee Kloonanu, chairman of the Council of Worlds. A small bioform is found attached to the human's back. Scientific studies show it to be some kind of intelligent, parasitic organism with the same genetic make-up as Sathar specimens. Authorities believe it to be a new Sathar method of controlling agents. See-through apparel becomes fashionable almost immediately. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 111FY The University of Zebulon publishes the first volume of Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space, a multi-volume collection of confirmed flora, fauna, cultures, devices, customs, and history of the known Frontier. It is considered the definitive work on the Frontier and is immensely popular. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 111FY Mapping of the Xagyg Dust Nebula continues from Klaeok and K'aken-Kar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 111FY The Grand Celebration, commemorating 111 years of the UPF treaty is planned for the entire year. Gala social functions, parades, and celebrations are planned on every planet in the UPF and even some in the Rim. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space)
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![]() May 8, 2016 - 8:53am | Current Update on the Timeine Mess: Still working on it... argh. I will eventually try and refine some dates to Months and days in Galactic Time: Alternity Dates will probably be junked... I am trying to source the info. My Time Line For The Star Frontiers Universe: Referee Notes: Terra is an alternate reality Earth so some aspects of it’s history will match Real Life Earth but other aspects will not. Several space craft and alien species became part of various D&D world backgrounds many were Star Probe/Star Empires cross over thus I have made an effort to include this information. 4,000,000 BCE OTC: 4,396,450.71800 PF: The Monolith Builders (The First Born) leave Monoliths on Terra and many other places. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey & 3001: The Final Odyssey) ? BCE OTC: ? PF: the Holrachian Tetrarch founded. In the distant past an ancient race once ruled the galaxy. They were at once great conquerors and by all accounts benevolent rulers. Little is known about this race, but one thing is known for sure: they are called the Tetrachs. A later race known as the J'vaarians are believed to be descendants of the Tetrachs, but nothing in the historical records ever show a direct connection. Some races claim descendancy, while others claim to have been created or enslaved by the Tetrachs at one time, but no archaeological evidence can be found to support such claims, except elusive references in their culture to their beginnings and ancient trials. These claims lead many to believe that the Tetrachs were masters of creating and manipulating life, forming new races and species. (Star Frontiersman 07 The Tetrarchs) The Tetrarchs are responsible for similar aliens and creatures to being found on many worlds. They were an ancient race that traveled the Frontier long before there were other sentient races. They deposited about 100 various types of animals on many planets. (Frontier Explorer 02, Sci Cons I & II - 1999) ? BCE OTC: ? PF: Luntarian Star Empire founded. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) ? BCE OTC: ? PF: Luntarian Star Empire Civil War starts. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 21550 BCE OTC: 37,064.12800 PF: Rebel Luntarians colonize Mars and it’s sateliets. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 20000 BCE OTC: 35,365.71550 PF: Luntarian Empire attacks rebel colony on Mars in Solar System. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 10034 BCE OTC: 24,445.47100 PF: Foundation of the Moltrvrrz Empire.(Star Empires page 7) ? BCE OTC: ? PF: Fraal completely abandon their homeworld traveling in slow moving colony ships, crossing space over many centuries.(Alternity Star*Drive) 7876 BCE OTC: 22,080.84350 PF: Fraal discover Terra and it’s indigenous Humans. Fraal begin to study and observe Humans. Fraals set up a hidden base on Terra. (Alternity Star*Drive) 6889.60484 BCE OTC: 21000 PF: Ancient race of aliens (Tetrarchs or another ancient race) responsible for transporting the S’sessu to Frontier. (Dragon Magazine 96 The Coming of the S’sessu) 2425 BCE OTC: 16,107.90925 PF: Moltrvrrz Empire reaches it’s peak.(Star Empires page 7) 933 to 521 BCE OTC: 14,473.05025-14,021.60125 PF: Moltrvrrz Empire Tri-Mind Wars. At the beginning of the war the Mottvrrz Empire was reduced to half it’s original peak size. Approximately 20% of it’s empire is destroyed; including Home System during the war which was followed by a period of long term stagnation and decay. (Star Empires page 7) 1471 CE OTC: 11,838.86725 PF: Collapse of the Luntarian Star Empire.(Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 1945 CE OTC: 11,319.28175 PF: First use of atomic weapons in warfare by Humans planet Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1957 CE OTC: 11,306.33275 PF: Sputnik I, the first artificial Terran satellite, launched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1961 CE OTC: 11,301.94975 PF: First manned Terran spacecraft (Vostok I) launched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1969 CE OTC: 11,293.18375 PF: First manned Terran lunar landing made by Apollo 11 spacecraft. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1981 CE OTC: 11,280.03475 PF: American Terran space shuttle service begins (Terra orbit). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1988-1990 CE OTC: 11,272.36450-11,270.17300 PF: World War III, worldwide general conflict between East and West, limited nuclear weapons exchange before ceasefire. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1999 CE OTC: 11,260.31125 PF: First self-aware “think tank” computer activated by Terrans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1999 CE OTC: 11,260.31125 PF: A large anomaly is discovered on Luna, kept secret to the public. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2001 CE OTC: 11,258.11975 PF: A Monolith is discovered on Luna (Terra’s Moon) by Humans. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2002 CE OTC: 11,257.02400 PF: Discovery launched to investigate an anomaly in orbit of Jupiter. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2002 CE OTC: 11,257.02400 PF: First manned spaceflights by Terrans to Mars launched (Ares I/II); primary base established at Mariner Valley. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2003 CE OTC: 11,255.92825 PF: A huge Monolith is discovered and all contact with Discovery lost. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2003-2021 CE OTC: 11,255.92825-11,236.30575 PF: Ecosystem collapse in Atlantic and Pacific oceans of Terra; world-wide food and water shortages, severe civil disturbances; collapse of Japanese and European economies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) Terra begins research into sciences to repair ecosystem. (Implied by Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2010 CE OTC: 11,248.25900 PF: American, Chinese, Indian, and Soviet international conferences lead to establishment of the First Terran World Council. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2010 CE OTC: 11,248.25900 PF: The Leonov and the Tsien are launched by competing Terran powers to discover what happened to the Discovery, her crew and investigate Jupiter’s Monolith. Jupiter is transformed into a second sun in the Solar System and renamed Lucifer. Jupiter’s Moons become planetoids orbiting it. Mankind is forbidden to colonize Europa by mysterios Monolith builders. “ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS—EXCEPT EUROPA? ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE.” The Tsien is destroyed when it attempts to land on Europa. Terrans attempt to send probes to Europa many times after this date but all are destroyed. (SF2010 2010 Odyssey Two Adventure & 2010 Space Odyssey) 2013 CE OTC: 11,244.97175 PF: Rise of the first commercial business blocks to control countries on Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2014 CE OTC: 11,243.87600 PF: Major Lunar Base was built at Tycho Crater. Population reached 50,000 as Luna become major mining operation of high grade ore used to produce Duralloy. Tycho base was also a cover for the research and study of Monolith found at the Tycho Crater. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2019 CE OTC: 11,238.39725 PF: First commercial spaceport opens on Terra (First Texan Space Complex). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2020 CE OTC: 11,237.30150 PF: First Terran-orbital commercial space factory assembled. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2034 CE OTC: 11,221.96100 PF: American and Canadian Terran governments unify and form United North America. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2046 CE OTC: 11,208.81200 PF: The Terran orbital city Atlantis becomes first politically independent space colony; moves to Martian orbit. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2047 CE OTC: 11,207.71625 PF: Columbus, Magellan, and Marco Polo unmanned Terran interstellar probes launched from Terra orbit.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2050 CE OTC: 11,204.42900 PF: The Terran government of Brazil establishes SAEU (Unified South American government). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2061 CE OTC: 11,194.56725 PF: Terran probe Columbus reaches Alpha Centauri and maps local planetary systems. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2061 CE OTC: 11,194.56725 PF: Manned ship mission to Europa diverted by external force. (2061: Odyssey Three) 2066 CE OTC: 11,189.08850 PF: Terran establishment of Mount Olympus and Mount Arsia colonies on Mars. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2072 CE OTC: 11,182.51400 PF: Terran probe Magellan reaches Tau Ceti; discovers terraformable planet (Gaea). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2076 CE OTC: 11,178.13100 PF: All Terran Martian colonies gain political independence through treaties; Federation of Mars established.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2077 CE OTC: 11,177.03525 PF: Terran SAEU collapses after civil war.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2078 CE OTC: 11,175.93950 PF: Mutiny aboard Terran International Station One (first true space war), arrest and execution of mutineers. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2085 CE OTC: 11,168.26925 PF: Remains of an ancient alien culture of reptiles destroyed by interstellar war, not native to Mars, were discovered not far from the Ares Base. The surviving ancient aliens where revived from suspended-animation by the humans. Humans establish numerous bases in the ruins of the previous culture’s cities across Mars and on the two Martian satellites, Deimos and Phobos, often rebuilding the old cities completely. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2087-2089 CE OTC: 11,166.07775-11,163.88625 PF: First Human Venerean terraforming project attempted, but fails. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2095 CE OTC: 11,157.31175 PF: Lunar Human population reaches 10,000 at Tycho Center moonbase. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2100 CE OTC: 11,151.83300 PF: Genesis project (re-terraforming of Terra’s environment) completed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2101 CE OTC: 11,150.73725 PF: Terraforming of larger asteroids begins. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2104 CE OTC: 11,147.45000 PF: The Three Suns, the first Human manned interstellar spacecraft, launched toward the Alpha Centauri system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) ? CE OTC: ? PF: Humans launch two human-crewed starships to the reported location of the Luntarian empire, but neither ship ever returned. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2104-2111 CE OTC: 11,147.45000-11,139.77975 PF: Widespread civil disorders in Asia on Terra lead to formation of Asian Coalition, collapse of Soviet Union. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2109 CE OTC: 11,141.97125 PF: Thorium fusion propulsion system perfected by Humans and goes into system-wide use. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2120 CE OTC: 11,129.91800 PF: Three Suns arrives at Alpha Centauri, establishes first extra-solar Human colonies at Gagarin, Armstrong, Greenwood, and Sorokin. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2120 CE OTC: 11,129.91800 PF: Second Human Venerean terraforming project attempted; project crew lost in satellite collision. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2124 CE OTC: 11,125.53500 PF: Fraal make successful contact with humans and begin trading information with humans. (Alternity Star*Drive) 2126 CE OTC: 11,123.34350 PF: Start of international conferences on Terra to develop a world government. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2131 CE OTC: 11,117.86475 PF: Sorokin colony abandoned by Humans.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2132 CE OTC: 11,116.76900 PF: The Humanity launched for Tau Ceti system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2138 CE OTC: 11,110.19450 PF: Artificial gravity control achieved by Humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2144 CE OTC: 11,103.62000 PF: Human Martian world population reaches 10,000 (combined colonies). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2145 CE OTC: 11,102.52425 PF: Terran World Union established; all national governments subordinated to World Union General Council in London. Uniform currency (the Domar) established worldwide. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2163 CE OTC: 11,082.80075 PF: Construction of Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards completed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2182 CE OTC: 11,061.98150 PF: Autonomists Society established, a terrorist organization promoting world-wide democratic anarchy.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2200-2300 CE OTC: 11,042.25800-10,942.68300 PF: General dates for the Great Migration of human manned and unmanned interstellar spacecraft to worlds within a 10-parsec radius of Sol; 28 colonization missions and 196 exploratory missions dispatched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 23rd Century: 111th PF Century: By the 23rd Century a great migration wave was spreading from Old Terra to the hundreds of inhabitable worlds which had been discovered in the Milky Way galaxy. During the next hundred years colonization ships of all types and descriptions went out to the stars, bearing seedling colonies seeking a better life. Many found their new homes - for better or for worse - but for one reason or another scores of these starships never reached their destination.(Metamorphosis Alpha 1st edition) 2236 CE OTC: 11,O12.81100 PF: IMT (instantaneous mass transporter) tested and developed by humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2250 CE OTC: WU Government also sometimes referred to as the First Terran Empire has many different colonies established or in process of being established. (Alternity Star*Drive) 2261 CE OTC: 10,985.41725 PF: Albuquerque accident on Terra kills 5 million people in nuclear explosion. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2266 CE OTC: 10,979.93850 PF: Breakup of Terran WU General Council; United America, Asian Coalition, India, and other countries develop divergent policies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2277 CE OTC: 10,967.88525 PF: The Warden, the largest interstellar colony ship ever built by Humans, laid down at the Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards by the United Western Starship Cartel program. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2282 CE OTC: 10,962.40650 PF: League of Free Men established, promoting the rise of pro-world government factions; terrorism increases world-wide. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2288 CE OTC: 10,955.83200 PF: Warden completed; trials and loading begin for 45-year voyage to Xi Ursae Majoris double-star system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2289 CE OTC: 10,954.73625 PF: Work on giant starship Morden begins at Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2290 CE OTC: 10,953.64050 PF: Warden leaves Solar System; 1.55 million human colonists and crew aboard. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2298 CE OTC: Thuldan colonies seceded and the Thuldan Empire is formed. Many Terran colonies begin declaring independence from the fractured Terran Government with it’s many national governments attempting to maintain or gain control of their colonies after the collapse of the UW Government. (Alternity Star*Drive) 2300 CE OTC: 10,942.68300 PF: Morden completed; trials and loading begin. (Implied by time line) 2301 CE OTC: 10,941.58725 PF: Construction of the Warden II started.(Implied by C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan) 2302 CE OTC: 10,940.49150 PF: Star Voyager II returns to Terra on robot drive with crew infected by Canopus Plague;. ship destroyed after infecting crew of Terra-orbital spaceport. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2302-2309 CE OTC: 10,940.49150-10,932.82125 PF: Several major outbreaks of Canopus plague through out the Solar System; Iapetus colony sealed off and destroyed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309-2322 CE OTC: 10,932.82125-10,918.57650 PF: The Shadow Years, So called because of the world-wide destruction of records and archives through terrorist action and government supported sabotage.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309 (Sept 16) CE OTC: 10,932.82125 PF: Start of Social Wars; initial collapse of Terran civilization begins; rioting and terrorism spread. League of Free Men and Autonomists are major instigators of world wide conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309 CE OTC: 10,932.82125 PF: Extra-solar colonies form Terran Colonial Confederacy for mutual defense, resource sharing, research, and trade as Solar based Terran society begins collapsing. (Implied by Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 and Star Empires, House) 2311 CE OTC: 10,930.62975 PF: Warden II completed, trials and loading begin. (Implied by time line) 2312 CE OTC: Terran Governments too busy with their own problems acknowledges the sovereign rights of all Terra’s colonies with the Treaty of Terra and signs a mutual defense and trade pact with the existing colonies called the Union of Sol. (Alternity Star*Drive) 2314 CE OTC: 10,927.34250 PF: Social Wars expand into space with terrorist strikes against Terra orbital colonies, Tycho Center, and other spaceports throughout solar system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2321 CE OTC: 10,919.67225 PF: Ecological warfare causes destruction of ocean plankton and collapse of all coastal economies; introduction of nuclear and dimension-warp warfare into conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2321 CE OTC: 10,919.67225 PF: Fragmentary transmissions from the Warden received; ship apparently entered radiation cloud and crew was lost. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (April 12) CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: The Ultimatium,. The first appearance of The Apocalypse, a radical group ordering an immediate cease-fire in world-wide conflict. “Peoples of the world – you appear bent upon the destruction of a civilization that has taken centuries to build, and the extinction of life on earth. If that is your will… so be it! We, The Apocalypse, demand an immediate cessation of this insane violence, or we will end it for you… with a force you cannot conceive. We have the power! The choice is yours!” (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 and Gamma World 1st edition rules, page 3) 2322 (April 17) CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: The Apocalypse broadcasted one final message: “People of the world, you have been warned. We have the power! The choice is yours!” It is believed after this message the Apocalypse base was attacked. (Gamma World 1st edition rules page 3)Radiation strike made against all major national capitals by The Apocalypse. Retaliatory attacks reduce Terra’s civilization to ruins in one week. System-wide trade, transportation, and economic collapse.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (May 23) CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Major strikes successfully disable space fleets around Jupiter/Lucifer and Terra. Two of Saturn’s moons vaporized. From here on in, only fragmentary historical records can be found. Most pieces of data were obtained from friendly cybernetic installations and think tanks which were able to link up with the remains of hidden libraries, orbital installations, or earth/space communications systems. All further information is considered questionable at best and can only rarely be confirmed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Social Wars produce major world-wide volcanic and earthquake activity; collapse of polar ice-caps; world-wide flooding; ozone layer collapse with heightened exposure to ultraviolet and solar radiation. Extreme alterations and die-offs throughout biosystem of Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Mars was engaged in a massive terraforming project with the aid of recovered alien technology and the cooperation of the reptilian race. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) One of the processed-ice asteroid (guidance circuits sabotaged by terrorists) strikes Mars; eight Terran year (a little over four Martian years) dust storm and climatic disruption result. All colonies on planet isolated; Federation charter suspended for duration. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 & Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2322 CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Tycho Base’s population watch as Terra’s civilization is destroyed by the “Social Wars.” Some Lunar colonists returned to Terra to try and find missing loved ones others stayed behind on Luna. Most returning colonists to Terra where never heard from a again once on Terra but a few Lunar colonists did return to Tycho Base infected with plague viruses which spread quickly killing all of the nearly 50,000 inhabitants of Tycho Base. The last to die was Ren Odinson. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2323-2340 CE OTC: 10,917.48075-10,898.85300 PF: Rise of every known Cryptic Alliance takes place from the intact cities and power stations of Earth. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2325-2330 CE OTC: 10,915.28925-10,909.81050 PF: Satellite Wars change the technological levels of all the terraformed asteroids and moons of all the planets. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2330-2340 CE OTC: 10,909.81050-10,898.85300 PF: Last known interstellar missions flee solar system from asteroidal and outer satellite colonies; Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards abandoned; all outer colonies except Saturn World Fusion shut down; Mercury mining colonies abandoned and apparently die out. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2331 CE OTC: 10,908.71475 PF: Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards assume control of their own programs and generate robotic life. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2336-2340 CE OTC: 10,903.23600-10,898.85300 PF: Occasional reports from space communications systems of transmissions from the Warden; status unknown. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2346 CE OTC: Uprisings of mutant humans on Tau Ceti. (Alternity Star*Drive) 2351 CE OTC: 10,886.79975 PF: Start of the Terran-Moltvrrz Wars. (Star Empires page 7) A conflict between the Terran Colonial Confederacy and the newly discovered Moltrvrrz Empire escalates as fleeing Humans from the Solar System attempt to colonize new worlds or refugee ships are found destroyed by the Colonial Confederacy’s Mutual Defense Fleet. At the start of this conflict the Moltvrrz Empire had decreased significantly in size. (House) 2360 CE OTC: 10,876.93800 PF: Mutated life has evolved on Luna sufficiently to begin to manipulate the Tycho CI and expand from their original environements on the base. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2380 CE OTC: 10,855.02300 PF: Saturn World Fusion ceases all Terra-directed transmissions; fate unknown. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2381 CE OTC: 10,853.92725 PF: Severe worldwide earthquakes; explosive volcanism around Pacific basin occur on Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2381-2388 CE OTC: 10,853.92725-10,846.25700 PF: Years Without Summer on Terra; blackouts and prolonged winters common. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2385 CE OTC: 10,849.54425 PF: Ultrawave transmissions from Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards report open warfare between cybernetic installation there and the presumably automated starship Morden. Further transmissions cannot be interpreted and may be in code.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) It is believed the Morden and possibly the Warden II leave the Solar System fully laden with colonists and Terran bioforms. (Implied) 2399 CE OTC: 10,834.20375 PF: Short period of lasercom contact with Deimos Base at Mars; PCI at Deimos noted to be insane; no information on Martian colonies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2400 CE OTC: 10,833.10800 PF: Tycho base is damaged as mutated like forms compete for resources. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2420 CE OTC: 10,811.19300 PF: Strange transmissions picked up from Warden’s last known position. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2450 CE OTC: 10,778.32050 PF: Approximate start of the GAMMA WORLD, game-time. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) ? CE OTC: ? PF: Surviving Martian colonies have developed into independent city-states, each with it’s own laws, government, and ways of life. Luntarian population is about 10,000. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2452 CE OTC: 10,776.12900 PF: Competing Cryptic Alliances activate vehicles programmed to return to the Moon. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) ? CE OTC: ? PF: The Shortel native aboriginal sentient race (Insectoid) of Mars attack surviving Human and Luntarian inhabitants of Mars.(Gamma Mars, The Attack! Polyhedron 27) 2470 CE OTC: 10,756.40550 PF: Collapse of the Molttrvrrz Empire due to wars with Terran Confederacy. (Star Empires page 7) 2471 CE OTC: 10,755.30975 PF: Survivors from Terra make it to an abandoned Space Station aboard an ancient Spacecraft and come into contact with Canopus Plague. (The Albuquerque Starport A Gamma World Mini-Module) 2471 CE OTC: 10,755.30975 PF: Beginning of Gamma World game time.(Gamma World 1st edition page 3) 2472 CE OTC: Galactic Concord is formed by 12 stellar nations. (Alternity Star*Drive). 2475 CE OTC: 10,750.92675 PF: Terran Confederacy launches the first of several mission to discover what has happened to Terra and all Solar System based colonies. The mission is never heard from again after confirming arrival in the Solar System. (Implied by Time Line, House) 2480 CE OTC: 10,745.44800 PF: The Terran Confederacy quarantines the whole Solar system and does not attempt any more missions.(Implied by timelines, House) 2703 CE OTC: 10,501.09575 PF: The Terran Confederacy embarked on the first phase of expansion and exploration. (Star Empires page 7) 2704 CE OTC: 10,500 PF: 19 Month War (OTC months). The military staged a coup and dissolved the Confederacy forming the Colonial Committee. A period of peace lasting for 30 years (OTC) ensued. (Star Empires page 7) 2704 CE OTC: 10,500 PF: In a two month period, the Holrachian Tetrarch culture collapses, for reasons unknown. Humans and other races will latter discover ruins of this ancient race. (Star Empires page 7, revised to Star Frontier’s background on the Tetrarchs, Star Empires sites war with humans as cause of collapse) 10,500 PF (Pre-Frontier) Last remnants of the mysterious Tetrach Societies die out. (Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space) 2734 CE OTC: 10,467.1275 PF: The Seven Hour Revolt. The junta was replaced by a popular congress, marking the second phase of Terran expansion. (Star Empires page 7) The Galactic Federation is formed.(Implied from Blackmoor D&D background) 2797 CE OTC: 10,398.09525 PF: During the Terran second expansion the Sect of the Hand is founded. (Star Empires page 7) Several groups of colonies declare independence forming 2 more Human Space Powers. During this second expansion the various human governments come into contact with five alien empires: Ursoid (bears), Feline (cats), Avian(birds), Amoboid (amobas) and Icthioid (fish). The FSS Beagle (Galactic Federation Star Ship) crashes on a planet. Avian scout ship crashes on same planet. Several other ships crash from various empires.(Blackmoor History, World of Greyhawk, Mystara & Star Empires play history, House) 3001 CE OTC: 10,174.56225 PF: Jupiter/Lucifer begins to fade, Europa’s Monolith awakens all unknown to the Humans who had abandoned the Solar System. (2061: Odyssey Three, & 2010: Space Odyssey) 3274 CE OTC: 9,875.42250 PF: The Sect of the Hand begins a “holy war” to cleanse the Galaxy and convert all known races to the faith. 300 years of total war. (Star Empires page 7) 3575 CE OTC: 9,545.60175 PF: End of war and Foundation of the Golden Empire of Terra and the suppression of all religions with in the Empire.(Star Empires page 7) 3581 CE OTC: 9,539.O2725 PF: Another expansion of the Terran Empire.(Star Empires page 7) 4024 CE OTC: 9,053.O5625 PF: Terran War of Rightful Succession a 100 year way which collapses the Empire. (Star Empires page 7) The war leads to the near destruction of Sect of the Hand and all known Imperial family lines and the rise of an anti-Imperial family and anti-Sect of the Hand uprising in 4125 CE OTC: 8,942.38550 PF. (House) 4125 CE OTC: 8,942.38550 PF: Ships with Sect of the Hand and Golden Imperial family civilian loyalists flee known Human Space to an unknown location, it is rumored that some of the passengers may in fact have been missing Imperial Family members, illegitimate children of the Imperial lines and so on. (House) Some of these fleeing ships refugees became the first human settlers on Gollywog AKA Clarion. (House) 4125 CE OTC: 8,942.38550 PF: The Unitech Polity is formed and the final period of Terran expansion occurs. (Star Empires page 7) 8,862 PF: Dralasites first arrive in the Frontier and begin to colonize Gollywog AKA Clarion and Terraforming it. (House) 8,842 PF: Sect of the Hand & Golden Imperial Loyalist surviving refugee fleet arrives in Frontier and discover the White Light System (Lux) and desperate begin colonizing Clarion AKA Gollywog. The technological level of these Humans goes backwards as they try and survive. They completely cannibalized and recycled every part of their ships upon planet fall losing the ability to space travel. Clarion Human Colonists records from this early time period are not complete but seem to indicate no presence of Dralasites but do have references to ruins, the location of which has been lost. What happened to the Gollywog Colony is unknown. (House) 6251 CE OTC: 6,612.82100 PF: Unitech Polity and Kolthumnx Swarm discover each other. The Kolthumnx Swarm was an empire of similar size and strength to the Human run Unitech Polity. (Star Empires page 7) 6582 CE OTC: 6,250.12675 PF: Following repeated border clashes, the War of Extermination took place. (Star Empires page 7) 6732 CE OTC: 6,085.76425 PF: Period of Shame, during which the remaining forces of each side were automated and programmed to seek out and destroy life. (Star Empires page 7) 6893 CE OTC: 5,809.34850 PF: The Period of Shame results in the Collapse of Galactic Civilization and advent of Three Millennia Dark Age. Civilizations across the Galaxy must rebuild often having forget their own history. (Star Empires page 7 & Zebs Guide to the Frontier) 9932 CE OTC: 2,479.36425 PF: Foundation of Young Kingdoms has begun. Nothing more is known of Terra and the Kplthumhnx (not even the location of their home systems). (Star Empires page 7) The majority of races are ignorant of the history of the Galaxy, have confused recollections, myths, legends, and information. Civilization basically has had to start over. Also note the various Human Empires long ago where colonies as the Solar System had been abandoned. Humans have a vague remembrance of a sacred place where life began called many names one of them Terra, most believe it is a myth and have changed in many respects since leaving their homeworld. (Implied and House) Near the center of a great spiral galaxy, where stars are much closer together than Earth’s sun and its neighbors, a Human race developed. They were not identical to the Humans of earth, but they were not very different, either. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) 950 PF: Heliopes left on Starmist by Clikks after a Clikk military exploration vessel is forced to jettison unnecessary cargo. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 800 PF: The evolution of the Mechanon race begins on Volturnus.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 430 PF: The Vrusk, develop limited space travel. (Decades prior to Human contact). Vrusk establish colonies in space. One of these is a mining colony in the Frontier. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover, house date) Vrusk Home System: K’arek-Kar, Homeworld: K’zah-Kit when most Vrusk think of a homeworld, they imagine the honeycombed mountains of K'zah-Kit. In addition to hollowed-out mountains holding city-sized warrens, K'zah-Kit features tremendous surface winds and vast white deserts speckled with bizarre, wind-worn rock formations. However, amongst the Vrusk is the belief in K’oriz-Ka a near mythic world where they say life began (some believe their ancestors on K’zah-Kit came from), if it’s where abouts are known they are kept secret, if it exists. (Star Frontiers/Star Drive In True20, "Alternate frontiers" by Steve Bartell. Dragon Magazine Annual #3, 1998. House interpatation of both sources) 410 PF: First Vrusk/Dralasite contact. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) One of the Vrusks’ mining colonies had already contacted another race, the shaping changing Dralasites. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) Vrusk discover a Dralasite Sleeper Colony Ship in the Fromeltar System that had been severely damaged and had been in the system for a very long time. The Dralasites began awakening due to the Vrusk but had amnesia and the ships records where extremely damaged. The ship was in the system for thousands of years based on the damaged records it probably arrived in the Frontier 8,000 to 7,000 PF but an exact date was impossible to retrieve. (Fan literature, house) 410-350 PF: The two races (Vrusk & Dralasite) had been exchanging information for several years. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover)Vrusk and Dralasites begin working towards an organized co-colonization plan for the Fromeltar System and the revival of all Dralasites in stasis. (House) Vrusks and Dralasites develop a common currency the Credit. (House) 345 PF: When these Humans discovered (rediscovered) that waves of subspace pi-tchyon particles could cross interstellar space faster than light, they realized they had found a link to the stars. A radio message that would have taken years to travel between stars could be sent with subspace communications in months or even weeks. The humans started broadcasting news of themselves to the neighboring stars and soon found they weren’t alone. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover. House date) 350 PF: First Vrusk/Human contact. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) The Humans made contact with an inventive race of insect-like creatures called the Vrusk, who had developed limited space travel decades earlier. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) 350-300 PF: The Vrusk and Dralasites were pleased to learn of another race. They sent a wealth of scientific information to the Humans. Using the new knowledge, the industrious Humans quickly developed interstellar spacehips. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) Prior to 330 PF: Yazirians discover their Home System will be destroyed by a wandering Brown Dwarf. Yazirians had already colonized their Home System with STL ships and had developed Terraforming technology. (House, Fan Literature) 330 PF: Yazirians begin sending Exploration/Supply Ships from Home System to the Frontier. (House, based on fan literature) 302 PF: Fromeltar system colonized by Dralasites. (based on Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space, but I changed discovered to colonize) The Nagana race discovered on the planet Terledrom. (Star Frontiersman 01, Star Frontiers Character Races Nagana) Vrusk co-colonize Terledrom with Dralasites and move their Frontier colony governance to Terledrom. (House) 300 PF: Vrusk, Dralasites, and Humans meet for the first time on the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) The three races met in a large area of space known as the Frontier. There they also discovered the Yazirians, a race of tall, maned humanoids. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) The other three races share scientific information with the Yazirians. Yazirians begin launching Colony Ships toward the Frontier. (House) 299 PF: Theseus system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) (SFman16) (SFman11) 270 PF: 1 YEC (Yazirian Exodus Calendar) Yazirians enter the Frontier.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Yazirians where already scouting the Frontier as early as 300 PF but the Yazirian Exodus Calendar begins with Yazirian FTL colony ships arriving in the Frontier. Ships could only jump 5 Light Years at a time with 1 month to calculate another jump it took them 30 years to reach the Frontier. (implied by Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover & Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space timeline, fan literature, Star Probe, Star Empires and house) 270-4 PF: The Frontier is founded. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space)Soon, settled worlds in the Frontier became melting pots for the four races, with dazzling mixtures of architecture and alien cultures. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) 260 PF: Gran Quivera discovered in the Prenglar system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Prenglar System, one of the first systems found by humans. (SFman06) 250 PF: Athor System discovered by Yazirians. (Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 256-248 PF: Pirates first appear in various sectors throughout the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 249 PF: Triad and Rupert's Hole found in the Cassidine system.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) (SFman17) 235 PF: Colonization of Yast in the Athor System started by Yazirians, eight clans considered disruptive exiled to Yast. (Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 230 PF: Pan-Galactic Corporation started on Gran Quivera. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) To supply the needs of these worlds, the first interstellar company the Pan-Galactic Corporation was formed. It developed interests everywhere, from scientific research to farming to spaceship building. PGC even created its own language. Pan-Galactic which soon became the most common language of all races on Frontier worlds. Many large companies which started later were modeled on PGC, but none approach the size or power of the Pan-Galactic Corporation.(Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) 222-203 PF: Terraforming of Exib by Yazirians to relieve pressure on Hentz’s resources of having to feed the Yast colony. (Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 220 PF: Dixon's Star system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Dixon’s Star, discovered 220 years prior to formation of the UPF, planet Laco sparsely populated 100 years afterwards. (SFman12) 210 PF: Madderly's Star system discovered by Vrusk and Humans.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 205 PF: Madderly's Star system becomes a human system after the freeworld rebellion on Kdikit. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 200 PF: Pale and New Pale discovered in the Truane's Star system.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Pan-Galactic Corporation colonizes both planets using Human Colonists. (Endless Quest Book #17 Captive Planet, Morris Simon) 170 PF: Dramune system discovered by Dralasites. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Dramune System first colonized by the Dralasites, whose race expanded into the Frontier from the direction of Fromeltar. After several centuries differences began to separate the two societies, creating one of the most bitter and long-standing conflicts in the Frontier. (SFKH1 Dramune Run, decided to use Zebulon’s date instead of the 302 PF date in the module) 168 PF: Anthor system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 167 PF: Yazirian Church Elders increased oversight/control over Yast, increasing the presence of Church Controllers and Church Security Forces in and around Yast. (Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 168 PF (mid): The Thirty Cycles War between colonists of the Athor system and the Hierarchy on Hentz, by late 168 PF Athor system wins independence from the Araks system. (Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 161 PF: K'tsa-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 156 PF: K'aken-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 155 PF: Gruna Garu system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 152 PF: Timeon system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 150 PF: The Pan-Galactic language accepted throughout the Frontier as a common trade tongue. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 146 PF: Kizk'-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 129 PF: Araks system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 125-10 PF: The Age of Adventure. The discovery and exploration of new planets slows down for the next century while the major races concentrate on mapping the hazards and boundaries of the Frontier. Hundreds of exploration vessels and brave spacers are lost during this time. Meanwhile, the discovered planets begin to develop. Thousands of fortunes are made and lost during the Age of Adventure. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 124-78 PF: The Greater Morass is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 94 PF: Scree Fron system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space & Star Frontiersman 04) 77-57 PF: The Xagyg Dust Nebulae is mapped from Zebulon to Fromeltar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Gruna-Garu Yazirians, 68 PF colonization began. (SFman06) 61 PF: The Zebulon system is discovered by Professor Alorne Zebulon, the Frontier's most noted scientist, explorer, and educator. The planet Volturnus is settled almost immediately. Anker is discovered but not settled until 57PF. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 60 PF: White Light system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 51 PF: Ifshits found Capellan Free Merchants. (Star Frontiersman 12) 57 PF: Anker (Zebulon system) is explored and settled. Professor Zebulon founds the University of Zebulon. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 56-40 PF: The White Light Nebulae are mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 39-33 PF: The Yreva Nebula is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 37 PF: Pan-Galactic becomes the first mega-corp in the frontier.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 32-26 PF: Thirty-two exploration vessels are lost trying to map the Lessere Morass. Only the area between Screen Fron and Zebulon is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 25 PF: A small pirate fleet under Hatzck Naar raids the Cassidine and Prenglar systems. The first Common Muster is called. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Hatzck Naar’s base was located in the Athor system.(Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 22 PF: Hatzck Naar's pirate fleet is defeated off Timeon. Naar is ejected into space and slowly boils inside his spacesuit as he falls toward Timeon. The muster is dismissed. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 21-10 PF: The Xagyg Dust Nebulae is mapped from Fromeltar to K'aken-Kar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 19-8 PF: The area beyond the Greater Morass claims hundreds of exploration vessels. Though it is believed that most Frontier races came from beyond the Greater Moras, all information about their origins have been lost. Exploration of the area ceases and it is named the Vast Expanse. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 10 PF: Representatives of the four major races request that all explorations cease while delegates meet to form a unified defense and mutual interest organization. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 3-2 PF: The First Sathar War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 3 PF: The Sathar first appear. They attack the Truane's Star system.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 3 PF: Pale and New Pale fall. The Great Exodus to Dixon's Star System takes place. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2 PF: The four races muster a spaceship fleet. The second Common Muster is called and put under the command of Admiral Morgaine, who immediately moves the fleet to the Cassidine system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2 PF: The Battle of Triad. Morgaine's fleet performs a surprise attack on the invading Sathar fleet intent on ravaging Traid. The Sathar lose a third of their fleet. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2 PF: Dixon's Star system is attacked by Sathar fleet. Completely unprotected it is soon ravaged. Meanwhile Morgaine moves his fleet to the Prenglar system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2 PF: The Sathar attack Gran Quivera in the Prenglar system. The Battle of the Two Fleets is fought. The Sathar fleet is routed and destroyed. Morgaine's fleet is seriously depleted and Morgaine dies in battle. With this mutual devastation the First Sathar War comes to an end.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2 PF: CFM ships enter the Frontier. (Star Frontiersman 12) 1 PF: Morgaine's World in the Prenglar system is named after the fallen Admiral. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 1 PF: The "Grand Meeting" of leaders of the four races takes place on Morgaine's World. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 1 FY: (Federation Year) The United Planetary Federation, a mutual defense organization, is established. All worlds of the Frontier, expecting another Sathar invasion, immediately join. Under UPF authority, Spacefleet becomes a permanent defensive force. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2 FY: The Streel Corporation is founded on Pale. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 3 FY: The Brotherhood of Spacers becomes the first cadre on the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 5 FY: Star Law is established by the UPF. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 4 FY: Rim Coalition sign pact with UPF (Star Frontiersman 12) 5 FY: Star Law is established by the UPF. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 5 FY: The Capellan Free Merchants first appear on the Frontier bringing news of the Rim and their fight with the Sathar, and supplying desperately needed food to the survivors on Laco and Gran Quivera.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 6 FY: The First Dramune War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 8FY Cassidine Development Corporation is founded on Triad. The creation and growth of mega-corps proceeds at an ever- accelerating pace. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 11FY The Lynchpin system is discovered by Vrusk. They turn the system over to the UPF for development as a military outpost to protect that sector of the Frontier. The Lynchpin system is a military secret until the middle of SWII. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 12FY Frontier ships enter Rim space for the first time. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 14FY The Sundown system is discovered. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 17-27FY The Blue Plague sweeps the Frontier. Scientists believe it was brought to the Sundown system by an alien vessel that crashed on Starmist. Because of Starmist's light population, the plague was not immediately detected and had a chance to mutate. It is believed that vermin from the planet became infected and somehow gained entry to a ship. The ship makes several stops on the Frontier and the plague spreads rapidly. It is called the Blue Plague because of its earliest symptoms -- large blue welts that appear about the face and extremities. These welts leave horrible black scars even if the victim survives the plague. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 20FY Four star systems become so infested with the Blue Plague that the Council of Worlds, the diplomatic organization of the UPF, requests all races to recognize a permanent quarantine of these four star systems. The systems are designated by Greek letters. A spaceship seen leaving one of these systems is to be destroyed by Spacefleet before it has a chance to spread the plague any further. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 22FY Hargut, Pale, and Gollywog suffer massive population losses due to the Blue Plague. All three planets are temporarily quarantined. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 23FY The Medical Services Organization is founded. Funding pours in from most of the Frontier worlds. Gretl Grohn is named as the MSO Chief Surgeon. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 24FY Vaccine for the Blue Plague is discovered at the MSO Center on Morgaine's World. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 25FY The Mechanon menace on Volturnus first comes to the UPF's attention, but cannot be dealt with because of the Blue Plague. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 27FY The Blue Plague is eradicated from inhabited planets in the Frontier. In total, 17 million victims fell to the plague. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 28FY Very tough laws and penalties are laid down by both the UPF and the Council of Worlds concerning the intersystem transportation and handling of flora and fauna. Star Law is given jurisdiction over planetary imports and exports. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 30FY Pan-Gal system is discovered by the Pan-Galactic Corporation and becomes the first mega-corp star system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 31FY New Streel system is discovered by the Streel Corporation. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 32FY Devco system is discovered by the Cassidine Development Corporation. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 36FY The Second Dramune War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 46FY Solar Major system discovered by WarTech Incorporated. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 50-60FY Laaco's War. PGC and Streel wage the first Corporate War on Laco. The UPF eventually steps in and empowers an inter- mega-corporate commission to resolve the differences. Other mega-corps study Laco's War as a possible legal precedent for solving disputes. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 54FY The Mechanon Revolt. Mechanons on Volturnus revolt. Only through quick action on the part of Star Law is a full-scale war avoided. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 57FY The Waller Nexus system is discovered by the UPF survey ship Eleanor Moraes. The only habitable planet, Mahg Mar, is the site of the first UPF mutiny. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 57FY Liberty system discovered by the UPF. The planet Snowball is liberated from Sathar tyranny. Tacticians, politicians, and exobiologists are given a chance to study Sathar machinery and methods first hand because of the information gathered by the populace during their occupation. It is feared that many pockets of Sathar tyranny exist all around the Frontier and Rim. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 60FY Rhianna system is discovered by the Cassidine Development Corporation, but is kept secret. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 9/15/61 FY SFKH1 Dramune Run 12/21/61 FY Rhianna discovered by the Cassidine Cevelopment Corporation Twilight Moon Expedition: Lokkuku (ape-like) race discovered. SF4 Mission to Alcazzar, 61FY The Third Dramune War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 63FY Streel attacks CDC operations on Alcazzar. Star Law intervenes and averts a potential Corporate War. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 66FY Solar Minor system discovered by SynthCorp. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 67FY Regular trade established with the Rim planets. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 70FY The Mechanon civilization on Volturnus undergoes an upheaval. The majority of peaceful Mechanons migrate into the undeveloped space between Screen Fron and Dixon's Star. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 77FY Mechanon is discovered by migrating Mechanons. Its entry into the UPF is blocked until the legal status of the Mechanons can be established. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 78FY Tough new guidelines for legal ownership of a system or planet are laid down by the UPF and the Council of Worlds. The guidelines are designed to halt mega-corp expansion and to prevent occurrences such as the Mechanon problem. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80-90FY The Second Sathar War. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80FY The Sathar capture a non-UPF system between Solar Major and Solar Minor. They dub it Outpost #1 and enslave its inhabitants. Construction begins on a planet-wide military and industrial complex intended as a permanent base for incoming Sathar supply ships and troops. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80FY Sathar swarm through the Xagyg Nebula and attack Volturnus. New planet-wide battle tactics are used by the Sathar (including the massive use of diversionary, seeded monsters and cybernetically controlled creatures). The attack is a feint to draw Spacefleet to Zebulon. Task Force Cassidine is dispatched to Zebulon. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80FY By going through the White Light Nebulae, Sathar Fleet #1 enters the Frontier undetected. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #2 and 3 attack Solar Minor. So overpowering are they that no word of the attack reaches Spacefleet. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #1 attacks Madderly's Star. They encounter the new Spacefleet fortress on Kdikit. Its resistance is fierce and buys the needed time for reinforcements to arrive. Dramune sends three frigates and a destroyer from its militia while the UPF dispatches two destroyers and two light cruisers from its non- attached ships roster. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY The UPF mines the sector between Cassidine and Madderly's Star. Sathar Fleet #1 is driven from Madderly's Star and pursued as it tries to make its way to Fromeltar. All militia ships in the sector, including half of Task Force Prenglar, are engaged in the pursuit. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Task Force Cassidine crushes the Sathar feint on Zebulon, but with heavy losses. The UPF now realizes how vulnerable it is to land attacks. 81FY The Rim Coalition dispatches the Flight to the other side of Lkaeok in search of Sathar supply vessels. In return they ask the UPF to station Task Force Casidine half way between Zebulon and Capelle to protect the Rim home worlds in case of a Sathar Sneak attack through the Muld Nebula. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Strike Force Nove arrives secretly at White Light. Admiral Niles believes more of the Sathar fleet may attack through the White Light Nebulae. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #2 emerges between Timeon and Prenglar, placing itself in front of the remains of Task Force Prenglar. The Battle of Prenglar begins two hours later and results in Sathar Fleet #2 scattering or destroying the reduced Task Force Prenglar. Flush with victory, the Sathar proceed recklessly into the Frontier. Strike Force Nove soon engages Sathar Fleet #2. The remaining Task Force Prenglar ships return and join the battle. This running battle results in the eventual withdrawal of Sathar Fleet #2 into the White Light Nebulae. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #3 attempts to circumnavigate the Great Morass. Two weeks later it is engaged by long-range fighters from Moonworld. Without any knowledge of the existence of the Lynchpin system, the Sathar forge ahead expecting to find a lone spaceship. Instead, the Battle of Moonworld is joined. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The Coalition's Flight discovers the Sathar supply route around the Xagyg Nebula. They station themselves in deep space and proceed to destroy all incoming Sathar ships. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The final dregs of Sathar Fleet #1, after slipping into the Xagyg Nebula off Fromeltar, arrive back at Sathar Outpost #1 and prepare to defend to the death. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The Battle of Moonworld ends with three-quarters of Sathar Fleet #3 destroyed. The remaining Sathar vessels are forced to retreat into the Vast Expanse. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY Task Force Prenglar regroups off K'aken-Kar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The UPF establishes the United Planetary Federation Landfleet, the first interplanetary army raised on the Frontier. Thousands of Humma and Osakar arrive from the Rim and enlist, hoping to stop the Sathar menace before it invades their homeworlds. Many die for the Frontier, but still more stay and become citizens after the war. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY Strike Force Nova secures the Frontier inward from Theseus. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY A Coalition Flight long-distance probe discovers Sathar Outpost #1 and reports its location before it is destroyed. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY The remains of Sathar Fleet #2 arrive at Outpost #1. Despite a desperate shortage of supplies caused by the Flight blockade and terrible losses from previous engagements, the Sathar have completed their construction. Outpost #1 is now a formidable fortress. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY Three incidents occur that help the Sathar: The Mist Stone, a sacred Capellan icon, is stolen by Sathar agents and smuggled into Outpost #1. The original copy of "Reflections of a Humble Servant" is also stolen and smuggled into Outpost #1. This work is considered by Humans to be the definitive philosophy of Dralasite civilization. Sathar war ships force the populations of Circe and Kir'Kut to evacuate their planets. They are transported to Outpost #1 and enslaved. All three incidents combine to assure that Outpost #1 is not taken by orbital bombardment. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY Strike Force Nova retakes Solar Minor. The fighting is fierce and half of the Strike Force and all of the Sathar holding force is destroyed. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY The Battle of the Blockade. A reinforcement fleet from Sathar Space is challenged by the Flight. Half of the Sathar Fleet, most of them fighting ships, escape but all troop ships are destroyed. About one half of the Flight is eliminated. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 84FY The Flight is greatly increased by reinforcements from the Rim. Wing #1, the original Flight, rendezvous with Task Force Prenglar. Battered and weary, they still insist on joining the siege of Outpost #1 with the Frontier forces. This group of Rim spacers quickly gains notoriety in the Frontier and greatly enhances UPF- Rim relations. They are known as the Raging Rimmers. Wing #2 takes up the blockade position. Wing #3 is charged with the defense of the home worlds. Task Force Cassidine sails for Solar Minor. The Sathar begin mining operations on the moons of Outpost #1. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 84FY Dralasites and the Coalitions insist that a diplomatic mission be sent to Outpost #1. The Sathar agree to meet three months later to discuss a possibly treaty. Non-Sathar agents represent Sathar interests at the meetings. Diplomatic talks are held for another 18 months with no results. During that time the Sathar strengthen their defenses and repair their ships. The UPF Landfleet is given time to become a formidable army. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 86FY Task Force Cassidine joins Strike Force Nova around Solar Minor. Four months later, Capellan Free Merchantmen transport the Landfleet to the Solar Major and Solar Minor Fleets. Many Ifshnits remain in the Frontier after the war and begin the Free Merchant trade system throughout the UPF planets. They will become so firmly entrenched in Frontier life that the mega-corps will not be able to force them out, and eventually accept them as another mega-corp. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 87FY The Battle of Five Fleets. In a pincer action, Task Force Prenglar, Coalition Wing #1, Task Force Cassidine, and the remnants of Strike Force Nova attack the Outpost #1 system. Outpost itself is a mammoth world with two planet-sized moons. The entire year is spent destroying the remnants of the Sathar Fleet, the minefields orbiting the planet, the small fighter squadrons the Sathar captured on the two conquered worlds, and the moon's mining and defensive operations. Lost in the action is the rest of Strike Force Nova, except for the battleship Quasar, half of Task Force Cassidine, and all but two destroyers from Coalition Wing #1. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) On 87PF during the siege of Sathar Outpost #1 (a fortified space station with its own moons), Strike Force Nova noted two large escape pods that jettisoned. They sent detachments to eliminate the escape vessel but were surprised to find not Sathar inside, but something else entirely. The Bora-kai (Star Frontiersman 02) 88-90FY The Siege of Outpost. Task Force Prenglar blockades Outpost #1 while Landfleet is shuttled in under intense fire. The land battles take two years to complete. At the end of hostilities, no Sathar survive and 40% of Landfleet is destroyed. Among the Landfleet dead, 30% are non-Frontier citizens. Most of the Ifshnit, Osakar, and Humma who have served the UPF during the war settle down on the UPF Frontier worlds. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 91FY The University of Zebulon receives Frontier. Its facilities on Anker increase over the next 20 years until they are larger than most Frontier cities. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 92FY Solar Minor is resettled. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 93FY The Frontier worlds decide that a permanent, but scaled down, UPF Landfleet force must be maintained at all times for the defense of the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 95FY Outpost #1 is established as a UPF military base. The "Hoppin' Hundred and Eighth," a spearhead Humma division, is stationed there permanently. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 96FY Galactic Task Force and MercCo fight the first post-SWII Corporate War over settlement rights on a moon orbiting Alcazzar in the Rhianna system. Hostilities quickly spread to include all seven of Alcazzar's moons and over a half dozen mega-corps. The Corporate Wars begin in earnest. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 97FY The first Star Law graduating class containing Ifshnits, Humma, and Osakar finish their training. The violent outbursts threatened by a few radical cults never appear. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 98FY The Rim and the UPF enter into multiple defense treaties and economic trade agreements, but the Coalition gives severe warnings to all mega-corps that their militancy will not be tolerated in the Rim. Tourism between the UPF and Rim is established and is immediately successful. The Frontier now officially includes the Rim Worlds. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 99FY Star Law is invited to the Rim to help the Coalition train their own planetary branches. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 100FY The Rim's Age of Adventure begins as hundreds of exploratory vessels are sent out to make the unknown regions surrounding the Rim. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 102-106FY The Rim side of the Lesser Morass is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 103FY The first Rim Star Law agents appear. The structure is identical to the UPF Star Law organization. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 104-111FY The Rim side of the Xagyg Dust Nebula is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 105 FY. Star Law is given equal powers, rights, and jurisdiction in both the Rim and UPF systems for interplanetary and interstellar crimes. While it works mainly with the local law enforcement agencies, Star Law is recognized as the only law enforcement force with full authority throughout the entire Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 105FY An altered Mechanon assassinates the Governor of Zebulon. The UPF suspects that the Sathar may be establishing an extensive spy and terrorist network. The possible Sathar use of mechanical life forms, such as the Mechanons, as agents becomes a prime investigative goal of Star Law. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 106FY The Mechanons are officially informed by the UPF that they are not considered a stable enough society, at this time, to be allowed equal status in the UPF. They are forthwith considered "wards of the Federation." Their protection and supervision are the responsibility of the Council of Worlds. While most Mechanons accept this as a necessary step toward independence, some rebel and go underground, swearing to avenge their race. Many of these are suspected of being Sathar agents. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 106-111FY Mapping of the Rim side of the Xagyg Nebula is completely up to the Klaeok system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 107FY The A.I.P.S. is formed. Except for the Capellan Free Merchants, who were introduced into the UPF society under unusual circumstances, it is the first mega-corp voluntarily created by smaller companies in an effort to resist merger or take-over attempts by existing mega-corps. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 108FY In an effort to stem the growing numbers of Corporate Wars, the UPF and Coalition worlds grant Star Law the authority to recruit and use mercenaries and to establish the Star Law Psi- Corps, a special branch of Mentalist-disciplined officers. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 109FY Mego-corp recruitment doubles in non-enforcer professions. A trend of smaller and cheaper skirmishes or espionage missions to replace the larger, more expensive Corporate Wars begins to show. Over the next two years the term "Corporate War" comes to mean a war of intelligence gathering, tactical enforcement procedures, and industrial sabotage rather than full-scale military operations. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 109FY Long-range probe ships are sent into suspected Sathar space away from the Rim and UPF systems on the other side of the Xagyg Dust Nebula. It is hoped these probes can answer the question of where the Sathar come from. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 110FY A human assassin fails in his attempt to shoot Queanee Kloonanu, chairman of the Council of Worlds. A small bioform is found attached to the human's back. Scientific studies show it to be some kind of intelligent, parasitic organism with the same genetic make-up as Sathar specimens. Authorities believe it to be a new Sathar method of controlling agents. See-through apparel becomes fashionable almost immediately. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 111FY The University of Zebulon publishes the first volume of Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space, a multi-volume collection of confirmed flora, fauna, cultures, devices, customs, and history of the known Frontier. It is considered the definitive work on the Frontier and is immensely popular. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 111FY Mapping of the Xagyg Dust Nebula continues from Klaeok and K'aken-Kar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 111FY The Grand Celebration, commemorating 111 years of the UPF treaty is planned for the entire year. Gala social functions, parades, and celebrations are planned on every planet in the UPF and even some in the Rim. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Tales of the Comet: In context to Frontier time… The Rael began exploring space perhaps half a millennia ago (500 years), 50 years ago they came upon the ruins of an ancient civilization, massively advanced beyond them who they call the “Ancient Ones” (the Kir). The Rael reactivate an automated AI “Overseer” who is very murderous… the Overseer killed the Kir many millennia ago. Chukkah Inner Reach, Dramune System (SFKH1 Dramune Run) ? Raith encounterd on ? (SFman03) ? Yinni encountered and from ? (SFman04) ? Rooksha (Sathar/Reptile looking race) encounter by Irochol mining colony from ? (SFman04) Ul-Mor (SFman05) Henomorphis (Aliens) SFman05 Vimh SFman05 Prenglar System, one of the first systems found by humans. (SFman06) Sathar War (SFman06) Arborean (SFman06) Gruna-Garu Yazirians, 68 PF colonization began. (SFman06) Boon’sheh discovered by Vrusk and Dralasites from Terledrom. (SFman03) Fraal (SFman07) Aleerns, committed genocide on another race early in their exploration of space, race unstated. (SFman07) Sasheyans (SFman07) T’sa (SFman07) Weren (SFman07) Kurabanda (SFman07) Tetrachs (SFman07) J'vaarians are believed to be descendants of the Tetrachs (SFman07) Torrent (SFman08) Eorna (SFman08) Gorlian (SFman08) Mechanon (SFman08) Skree (SFman09) Skree Fron (SE09) Theseus System (Minotaur) (SFman11) (SFman16) Sathar (SFman12) Ifshnit (SFman12) Dixon’s Star, discovered 220 years prior to formation of the UPF, planet Laco sparsely populated 100 years afterwards. (SFman12) Dralasite, Humans (SFman12) The Zethra (SFman13) Ora (SFman13) Adrain/Adrainians (SFman19) Ghed’yan (Sfman20) Saurians (SFman20) (Dragon 103) (Frontier Explorer 04) & Xxim Clii’jaK (SFman20) Thren (SFman20) Oduvu’urian (SFman21), plus additional info on some other races. Mhemne (SFKH-4) Morgaine’s World (FE04) Laco (FE04) Eorna Defense Installation (SE04) Time Line (SFman14) Interview (SFman07) Frontier Map (SFman06) Buy & Selling (SFman06) The Tetrarchs (SFman07) "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 9, 2016 - 4:19am | Oh Volturnus, Volturnus... I have been putting off fixing the timeline concerning Volturnus... sigh. We all know this is a train wreck area in the timeline. I guess I will sequence out events in a logical way and then change all the dates Zebs, Magazine Articles & Modules. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 10, 2016 - 4:53am |
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A human merchant by the name Seccitte Zebulon; who regularly made shipments to Truane’s Star system; ship misjumped when leaving that system, and found himself in a mysterious new star system. Upon return to Pale, he sold the astrogation information to Pale’s Government. The Truane’s Star system was divided at the time, with two separate governments one for Pale and one for New Pale. I am good with the above happening first. Pale’s Government creates a Planetary Research and Development division with the goal of opening up the Zebulon Star Route. Pale launched a deep-space probe to explore the system. The company MINER wins bid to develop Volturnus and begins plans to settle Volturnus 2 years latter. Immigration of non Humans to New Pale create tensions between Pale and New Pale. New Pale Human colony was mainly HUSP. Pale drops the project to develop Volturnus and uses military force on New Pale to accept non Humans. The head of MINER a Vrusk is kidnapped and reported killed. The former head of MINER secretly retained all information on Volturnus and the Zebulon System and assumed a new identity as the Star Devil. Star Devil begins his illegal pirate operation. Pale-New Pale war begins. The war causes a depression on Pale. Streel gains complete control of all mining operations on Pale. Aware of this Star Devil approaches Pan-Galactic Corporation (the original investor in New Pale colony). Star Devil runs weapons to New Pale for Pan-Galactic corporation. Streel supports New Pale. The Pale-New Pale 9 year war ends. Streel backed Pale wins despite PGC’s and Star Devil efforts. A new combined government is formed Truane’s Star. (The Volturnus Connection Building background for the Volturnus campaign by Stephen Bonario) Events in Captive Planet Occur, sathar spie attempts to disrupt New Pale food supply. FY: Streel and the new government sent an exploration team three and a half months (140 days) into 52 FY. FY A second team was assembled 9 months later (360 days) (Start of the Volturnus Modules. The Volturnus Connection Building background for the Volturnus campaign by Stephen Bonario) Frontier Explorer 2, Erona Defense Instalation by Jim Young Frontiersman 19, Knight Hawks SF: 2KH “Liberation of Volturnus” By Richard Rose, AKA: Shadow Shack FY: The Zebulon system is explored by Professor Alorne Zebulon, the Frontier's most noted scientist, explorer, and educator. The planet Volturnus is settled almost immediately. Anker is discovered but not settled until 4 years latter. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) It should be clarified the settlement on Volturnus was pirates and an illegal mining operation. (Implied by SF-0 Crash On Volturnus and Dragon Magazine Article, The Volturnus Connection Building background for the Volturnus campaign by Stephen Bonario) In zebs this ocurrs very Early, too early in my opinion unless Volturnus becomes the first planet attacked in the SWI but Streel does not exist until after the founding of the UPF. 54 FY: The Mechanon Revolt. Mechanons on Volturnus revolt. Only through quick action on the part of Star Law is a full-scale war avoided.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) This means Volturnus Modules have ocurred <!--EndFragment--> "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 10, 2016 - 12:53pm |
<!--[if gte mso 9]> <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> 1)
Human Merchant Ship Misjumps: A
human merchant by the name Seccitte Zebulon; who regularly made shipments to
Truane’s Star system; ship misjumped when leaving that system, and found
himself in a mysterious new star system. 14 PF 2)
Triggers Sathar Intrest. 14 PF 3)
Pale gains Route 14 PF 4)
Exploration Bids 15 PF 5)
Kidnapping & Racial Stress 13 PF 6)
Streel forms 20 PF and gains control of all mining companies by 10 PF 6)
9 year war: 13 PF – 4 PF 7)
Exploration of Zebulon begins: 4 PF 8) Volturnus Adventures/Battle for: 3 PF beginning of SWI 9)
Exploration & Colonization of Zebulon System (A priority after SWI) 10) Captive Planet/Villians of Volturnus (after 5 FY) <!--EndFragment--> "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 10, 2016 - 12:58pm | I think I am going to have all the Volturnus activity be the cause of SWI... I am probably going to move Streel's start date back further. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 10, 2016 - 9:20pm |
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The current mess, finally settled on what I decided to do about Volturnus, it means in my setting Streel will need a different founding date... next I need to fix the contradictory Yazirian info... a lot of work to do still and more references needed... but getting there. So Volturnus Modules happen as part of SWI for me. My Time Line For The Star Frontiers Universe: Referee Notes: Terra is an alternate reality Earth so some aspects of it’s history will match Real Life Earth but other aspects will not. (House) Several space craft and alien species became part of various D&D world backgrounds many were Star Probe/Star Empires cross over thus I have made an effort to include this information. From the notes of a player who called WotC (thespiritcoyote): The original Star Frontier races Homeworlds where suppose to be as far from the Frontier as Earth (25,000 to 28,000 lightyears) or even further. The expectation was that physical contact would not be viable for nearly 500 years after the colonists of the Three Races met, and possibly not viable for regular traffic for another 500 years after that. Technically only the Yazirian, the Humma, and the Osakar are native to the Full Sector (WotC said 100ly flat). Gamma World: The original source of the Dralasite, was a GW character that turned into a full race for SF.(http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) Gamma World PC the original source of the Humma. A 2-part epoxy miniature the inspiration for the Osakar originally a Gamma World PC. Ifshnits are SF dwarves. (Frontier Explorer 2, Sci Cons I & II) 4,000,000 BCE OTC: 4,396,450.71800 PF: The Monolith Builders (The First Born) leave Monoliths on Terra and many other places. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey & 3001: The Final Odyssey) ? BCE OTC: ? PF: the Holrachian Tetrarch founded. In the distant past an ancient race once ruled the galaxy. They were at once great conquerors and by all accounts benevolent rulers. Little is known about this race, but one thing is known for sure: they are called the Tetrachs. A later race known as the J'vaarians are believed to be descendants of the Tetrachs, but nothing in the historical records ever show a direct connection. Some races claim decadency, while others claim to have been created or enslaved by the Tetrachs at one time, but no archaeological evidence can be found to support such claims, except elusive references in their culture to their beginnings and ancient trials. These claims lead many to believe that the Tetrachs were masters of creating and manipulating life, forming new races and species. (Star Frontiersman 07 The Tetrarchs) The Tetrarchs are responsible for similar aliens and creatures to being found on many worlds. They were an ancient race that traveled the Frontier long before there were other sentient races. They deposited about 100 various types of animals on many planets. (Frontier Explorer 02 Sci Cons I & II - 1999) ? BCE OTC: ? PF: Luntarian Star Empire founded. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) ? BCE OTC: ? PF: Luntarian Star Empire Civil War starts. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 21550 BCE OTC: 37,064.12800 PF: Rebel Luntarians colonize Mars and it’s sateliets. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 20000 BCE OTC: 35,365.71550 PF: Luntarian Empire attacks rebel colony on Mars in Solar System. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 10034 BCE OTC: 24,445.47100 PF: Foundation of the Moltrvrrz Empire.(Star Empires page 7) ? BCE OTC: ? PF: Fraal completely abandon their homeworld traveling in slow moving colony ships, crossing space over many centuries.(Alternity Star*Drive) 7876 BCE OTC: 22,080.84350 PF: Fraal discover Terra and it’s indigenous Humans. Fraal begin to study and observe Humans. Fraals set up a hidden base on Terra. (Alternity Star*Drive) 6889.60484 BCE OTC: 21000 PF: Ancient race of aliens (Tetrarchs or another ancient race) responsible for transporting the S’sessu to Frontier. (Dragon Magazine 96 The Coming of the S’sessu) 2425 BCE OTC: 16,107.90925 PF: Moltrvrrz Empire reaches it’s peak.(Star Empires page 7) 933 to 521 BCE OTC: 14,473.05025-14,021.60125 PF: Moltrvrrz Empire Tri-Mind Wars. At the beginning of the war the Mottvrrz Empire was reduced to half it’s original peak size. Approximately 20% of it’s empire is destroyed; including Home System during the war which was followed by a period of long term stagnation and decay. (Star Empires page 7) 1471 CE OTC: 11,838.86725 PF: Collapse of the Luntarian Star Empire.(Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 1945 CE OTC: 11,319.28175 PF: First use of atomic weapons in warfare by Humans planet Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1957 CE OTC: 11,306.33275 PF: Sputnik I, the first artificial Terran satellite, launched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1961 CE OTC: 11,301.94975 PF: First manned Terran spacecraft (Vostok I) launched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1969 CE OTC: 11,293.18375 PF: First manned Terran lunar landing made by Apollo 11 spacecraft. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1981 CE OTC: 11,280.03475 PF: American Terran space shuttle service begins (Terra orbit). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1988-1990 CE OTC: 11,272.36450-11,270.17300 PF: World War III, worldwide general conflict between East and West, limited nuclear weapons exchange before ceasefire. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1999 CE OTC: 11,260.31125 PF: First self-aware “think tank” computer activated by Terrans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 1999 CE OTC: 11,260.31125 PF: A large anomaly is discovered on Luna, kept secret to the public. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2001 CE OTC: 11,258.11975 PF: A Monolith is discovered on Luna (Terra’s Moon) by Humans. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2002 CE OTC: 11,257.02400 PF: Discovery launched to investigate an anomaly in orbit of Jupiter. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2002 CE OTC: 11,257.02400 PF: First manned spaceflights by Terrans to Mars launched (Ares I/II); primary base established at Mariner Valley. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2003 CE OTC: 11,255.92825 PF: A huge Monolith is discovered and all contact with Discovery lost. (SF001 2001 A Space Odessey) 2003-2021 CE OTC: 11,255.92825-11,236.30575 PF: Ecosystem collapse in Atlantic and Pacific oceans of Terra; world-wide food and water shortages, severe civil disturbances; collapse of Japanese and European economies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) Terra begins research into sciences to repair ecosystem. (Implied by Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2010 CE OTC: 11,248.25900 PF: American, Chinese, Indian, and Soviet international conferences lead to establishment of the First Terran World Council. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2010 CE OTC: 11,248.25900 PF: The Leonov and the Tsien are launched by competing Terran powers to discover what happened to the Discovery, her crew and investigate Jupiter’s Monolith. Jupiter is transformed into a second sun in the Solar System and renamed Lucifer. Jupiter’s Moons become planetoids orbiting it. Mankind is forbidden to colonize Europa by mysterios Monolith builders. “ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS—EXCEPT EUROPA? ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE.” The Tsien is destroyed when it attempts to land on Europa. Terrans attempt to send probes to Europa many times after this date but all are destroyed. (SF2010 2010 Odyssey Two Adventure & 2010 Space Odyssey) 2013 CE OTC: 11,244.97175 PF: Rise of the first commercial business blocks to control countries on Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2014 CE OTC: 11,243.87600 PF: Major Lunar Base was built at Tycho Crater. Population reached 50,000 as Luna become major mining operation of high grade ore used to produce Duralloy. Tycho base was also a cover for the research and study of Monolith found at the Tycho Crater. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2019 CE OTC: 11,238.39725 PF: First commercial spaceport opens on Terra (First Texan Space Complex). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2020 CE OTC: 11,237.30150 PF: First Terran-orbital commercial space factory assembled. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2034 CE OTC: 11,221.96100 PF: American and Canadian Terran governments unify and form United North America. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2046 CE OTC: 11,208.81200 PF: The Terran orbital city Atlantis becomes first politically independent space colony; moves to Martian orbit. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2047 CE OTC: 11,207.71625 PF: Columbus, Magellan, and Marco Polo unmanned Terran interstellar probes launched from Terra orbit.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2050 CE OTC: 11,204.42900 PF: The Terran government of Brazil establishes SAEU (Unified South American Government). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2061 CE OTC: 11,194.56725 PF: Terran probe Columbus reaches Alpha Centauri and maps local planetary systems. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2061 CE OTC: 11,194.56725 PF: Manned ship mission to Europa diverted by external force. (2061: Odyssey Three) 2066 CE OTC: 11,189.08850 PF: Terran establishment of Mount Olympus and Mount Arsia colonies on Mars. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2072 CE OTC: 11,182.51400 PF: Terran probe Magellan reaches Tau Ceti; discovers terraformable planet (Gaea). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2076 CE OTC: 11,178.13100 PF: All Terran Martian colonies gain political independence through treaties; Federation of Mars established.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2077 CE OTC: 11,177.03525 PF: Terran SAEU collapses after civil war.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2078 CE OTC: 11,175.93950 PF: Mutiny aboard Terran International Station One (first true space war), arrest and execution of mutineers. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2085 CE OTC: 11,168.26925 PF: Remains of an ancient alien culture of reptiles destroyed by interstellar war, not native to Mars, were discovered not far from the Ares Base. The surviving ancient aliens where revived from suspended-animation by the humans. Humans establish numerous bases in the ruins of the previous culture’s cities across Mars and on the two Martian satellites, Deimos and Phobos, often rebuilding the old cities completely. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2087-2089 CE OTC: 11,166.07775-11,163.88625 PF: First Human Venerean terraforming project attempted, but fails. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2095 CE OTC: 11,157.31175 PF: Lunar Human population reaches 10,000 at Tycho Center moonbase. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2100 CE OTC: 11,151.83300 PF: Genesis project (re-terraforming of Terra’s environment) completed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2101 CE OTC: 11,150.73725 PF: Terraforming of larger asteroids begins. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88)2104 CE OTC: 11,147.45000 PF: The Three Suns, the first Human manned interstellar spacecraft, launched toward the Alpha Centauri system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) ? CE OTC: ? PF: Humans launch two human-crewed starships to the reported location of the Luntarian empire, but neither ship ever returned. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2104-2111 CE OTC: 11,147.45000-11,139.77975 PF: Widespread civil disorders in Asia on Terra lead to formation of Asian Coalition, collapse of Soviet Union. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2109 CE OTC: 11,141.97125 PF: Thorium fusion propulsion system perfected by Humans and goes into system-wide use. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2120 CE OTC: 11,129.91800 PF: Three Suns arrives at Alpha Centauri, establishes first extra-solar Human colonies at Gagarin, Armstrong, Greenwood, and Sorokin. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2120 CE OTC: 11,129.91800 PF: Second Human Venerean terraforming project attempted; project crew lost in satellite collision. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2124 CE OTC: 11,125.53500 PF: Fraal make successful contact with humans and begin trading information with humans. (Alternity Star*Drive) 2126 CE OTC: 11,123.34350 PF: Start of international conferences on Terra to develop a world government. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2131 CE OTC: 11,117.86475 PF: Sorokin colony abandoned by Humans.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2132 CE OTC: 11,116.76900 PF: The Humanity launched for Tau Ceti system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2138 CE OTC: 11,110.19450 PF: Artificial gravity control achieved by Humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2144 CE OTC: 11,103.62000 PF: Human Martian world population reaches 10,000 (combined colonies). (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2145 CE OTC: 11,102.52425 PF: Terran World Union established; all national governments subordinated to World Union General Council in London. Uniform currency (the Domar) established worldwide. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2163 CE OTC: 11,082.80075 PF: Construction of Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards completed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2182 CE OTC: 11,061.98150 PF: Autonomists Society established, a terrorist organization promoting world-wide democratic anarchy.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2200-2300 CE OTC: 11,042.25800-10,942.68300 PF: General dates for the Great Migration of human manned and unmanned interstellar spacecraft to worlds within a 10-parsec radius of Sol; 28 colonization missions and 196 exploratory missions dispatched. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 23rd Century: 111th PF Century: By the 23rd Century a great migration wave was spreading from Old Terra to the hundreds of inhabitable worlds which had been discovered in the Milky Way galaxy. During the next hundred years colonization ships of all types and descriptions went out to the stars, bearing seedling colonies seeking a better life. Many found their new homes - for better or for worse - but for one reason or another scores of these starships never reached their destination.(Metamorphosis Alpha 1st edition) 2236 CE OTC: 11,O12.81100 PF: IMT (instantaneous mass transporter) tested and developed by humans. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2250 CE OTC: WU Government also sometimes referred to as the First Terran Empire has many different colonies established or in process of being established. (Alternity Star*Drive) 2261 CE OTC: 10,985.41725 PF: Albuquerque accident on Terra kills 5 million people in nuclear explosion. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2266 CE OTC: 10,979.93850 PF: Breakup of Terran WU General Council; United America, Asian Coalition, India, and other countries develop divergent policies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2277 CE OTC: 10,967.88525 PF: The Warden, the largest interstellar colony ship ever built by Humans, laid down at the Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards by the United Western Starship Cartel program. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2282 CE OTC: 10,962.40650 PF: League of Free Men established, promoting the rise of pro-world government factions; terrorism increases world-wide. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2288 CE OTC: 10,955.83200 PF: Warden completed; trials and loading begin for 45-year voyage to Xi Ursae Majoris double-star system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2289 CE OTC: 10,954.73625 PF: Work on giant starship Morden begins at Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2290 CE OTC: 10,953.64050 PF: Warden leaves Solar System; 1.55 million human colonists and crew aboard. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2298 CE OTC: Thuldan colonies seceded and the Thuldan Empire is formed. Many Terran colonies begin declaring independence from the fractured Terran Government with it’s many national governments attempting to maintain or gain control of their colonies after the collapse of the UW Government. (Alternity Star*Drive) 2300 CE OTC: 10,942.68300 PF: Morden completed; trials and loading begin. (Implied by time line) 2301 CE OTC: 10,941.58725 PF: Construction of the Warden II started.(Implied by C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan) 2302 CE OTC: 10,940.49150 PF: Star Voyager II returns to Terra on robot drive with crew infected by Canopus Plague;. ship destroyed after infecting crew of Terra-orbital spaceport. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2302-2309 CE OTC: 10,940.49150-10,932.82125 PF: Several major outbreaks of Canopus plague through out the Solar System; Iapetus colony sealed off and destroyed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309-2322 CE OTC: 10,932.82125-10,918.57650 PF: The Shadow Years, So called because of the world-wide destruction of records and archives through terrorist action and government supported sabotage.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309 (Sept 16) CE OTC: 10,932.82125 PF: Start of Social Wars; initial collapse of Terran civilization begins; rioting and terrorism spread. League of Free Men and Autonomists are major instigators of world wide conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2309 CE OTC: 10,932.82125 PF: Extra-solar colonies form Terran Confederacy for mutual defense, resource sharing, research, and trade as Solar based Terran society begins collapsing. (Implied by Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 and Star Empires, House) 2311 CE OTC: 10,930.62975 PF: Warden II completed, trials and loading begin. (Implied by time line) 2312 CE OTC: Terran Governments too busy with their own problems acknowledges the sovereign rights of all Terra’s colonies with the Treaty of Terra and signs a mutual defense and trade pact with the existing colonies called the Union of Sol. (Alternity Star*Drive) 2314 CE OTC: 10,927.34250 PF: Social Wars expand into space with terrorist strikes against Terra orbital colonies, Tycho Center, and other spaceports throughout solar system. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2321 CE OTC: 10,919.67225 PF: Ecological warfare causes destruction of ocean plankton and collapse of all coastal economies; introduction of nuclear and dimension-warp warfare into conflict. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2321 CE OTC: 10,919.67225 PF: Fragmentary transmissions from the Warden received; ship apparently entered radiation cloud and crew was lost. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (April 12) CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: The Ultimatium, the first appearance of The Apocalypse, a radical group ordering an immediate cease-fire in world-wide conflict. “Peoples of the world – you appear bent upon the destruction of a civilization that has taken centuries to build, and the extinction of life on earth. If that is your will… so be it! We, The Apocalypse, demand an immediate cessation of this insane violence, or we will end it for you… with a force you cannot conceive. We have the power! The choice is yours!” (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 and Gamma World 1st edition rules, page 3) 2322 (April 17) CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: The Apocalypse broadcasted one final message: “People of the world, you have been warned. We have the power! The choice is yours!” It is believed after this message the Apocalypse base was attacked. (Gamma World 1st edition rules page 3)Radiation strike made against all major national capitals by The Apocalypse. Retaliatory attacks reduce Terra’s civilization to ruins in one week. System-wide trade, transportation, and economic collapse.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 (May 23) CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Major strikes successfully disable space fleets around Jupiter/Lucifer and Terra. Two of Saturn’s moons vaporized. From here on in, only fragmentary historical records can be found. Most pieces of data were obtained from friendly cybernetic installations and think tanks which were able to link up with the remains of hidden libraries, orbital installations, or earth/space communications systems. All further information is considered questionable at best and can only rarely be confirmed. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Social Wars produce major world-wide volcanic and earthquake activity; collapse of polar ice-caps; world-wide flooding; ozone layer collapse with heightened exposure to ultraviolet and solar radiation. Extreme alterations and die-offs throughout biosystem of Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2322 CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Mars was engaged in a massive terraforming project with the aid of recovered alien technology and the cooperation of the reptilian race. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) One of the processed-ice asteroid (guidance circuits sabotaged by terrorists) strikes Mars; eight Terran year (a little over four Martian years) dust storm and climatic disruption result. All colonies on planet isolated; Federation charter suspended for duration. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88 & Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2322 CE OTC: 10,918.57650 PF: Tycho Base’s population watch as Terra’s civilization is destroyed by the “Social Wars.” Some Lunar colonists returned to Terra to try and find missing loved ones others stayed behind on Luna. Most returning colonists to Terra where never heard from a again once on Terra but a few Lunar colonists did return to Tycho Base infected with plague viruses which spread quickly killing all of the nearly 50,000 inhabitants of Tycho Base. The last to die was Ren Odinson. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2323-2340 CE OTC: 10,917.48075-10,898.85300 PF: Rise of every known Cryptic Alliance takes place from the intact cities and power stations of Earth. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2325-2330 CE OTC: 10,915.28925-10,909.81050 PF: Satellite Wars change the technological levels of all the terraformed asteroids and moons of all the planets. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2330-2340 CE OTC: 10,909.81050-10,898.85300 PF: Last known interstellar missions flee solar system from asteroidal and outer satellite colonies; Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards abandoned; all outer colonies except Saturn World Fusion shut down; Mercury mining colonies abandoned and apparently die out. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2331 CE OTC: 10,908.71475 PF: Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards assume control of their own programs and generate robotic life. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2336-2340 CE OTC: 10,903.23600-10,898.85300 PF: Occasional reports from space communications systems of transmissions from the Warden; status unknown. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2346 CE OTC: Uprisings of mutant humans on Tau Ceti. (Alternity Star*Drive) 2351 CE OTC: 10,886.79975 PF: Start of the Terran-Moltvrrz Wars. (Star Empires page 7) A conflict between the Terran Confederacy and the newly discovered Moltrvrrz Empire escalates as fleeing Humans from the Solar System attempt to colonize new worlds or refugee ships are found destroyed by the Terran Confederacy’s Mutual Defense Fleet. At the start of this conflict the Moltvrrz Empire had decreased significantly in size. (House) 2360 CE OTC: 10,876.93800 PF: Mutated life has evolved on Luna sufficiently to begin to manipulate the Tycho CI and expand from their original environements on the base. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2380 CE OTC: 10,855.02300 PF: Saturn World Fusion ceases all Terra-directed transmissions; fate unknown. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2381 CE OTC: 10,853.92725 PF: Severe worldwide earthquakes; explosive volcanism around Pacific basin occur on Terra. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2381-2388 CE OTC: 10,853.92725-10,846.25700 PF: Years Without Summer on Terra; blackouts and prolonged winters common. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2385 CE OTC: 10,849.54425 PF: Ultrawave transmissions from Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards report open warfare between cybernetic installation there and the presumably automated starship Morden. Further transmissions cannot be interpreted and may be in code.(Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) It is believed the Morden and possibly the Warden II leave the Solar System fully laden with colonists and Terran bioforms. (Implied) 2399 CE OTC: 10,834.20375 PF: Short period of lasercom contact with Deimos Base at Mars; PCI at Deimos noted to be insane; no information on Martian colonies. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2400 CE OTC: 10,833.10800 PF: Tycho base is damaged as mutated like forms compete for resources. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) 2420 CE OTC: 10,811.19300 PF: Strange transmissions picked up from Warden’s last known position. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) 2450 CE OTC: 10,778.32050 PF: Approximate start of the GAMMA WORLD, game-time. (Before The Dark Years, Dragon 88) ? CE OTC: ? PF: Surviving Martian colonies have developed into independent city-states, each with it’s own laws, government, and ways of life. Luntarian population is about 10,000. (Gamma Mars, The Outer Limits of the Gamma World Game, Polyhedron 26) 2452 CE OTC: 10,776.12900 PF: Competing Cryptic Alliances activate vehicles programmed to return to the Moon. (A World Gone Mad, The Moon of the Gamma World Game, Dragon 86) ? CE OTC: ? PF: The Shortel native aboriginal sentient race (Insectoid) of Mars attack surviving Human and Luntarian inhabitants of Mars.(Gamma Mars, The Attack! Polyhedron 27) 2470 CE OTC: 10,756.40550 PF: Collapse of the Molttrvrrz Empire due to wars with Terran Confederacy. (Star Empires page 7) 2471 CE OTC: 10,755.30975 PF: Survivors from Terra make it to an abandoned Space Station aboard an ancient Spacecraft and come into contact with Canopus Plague. (The Albuquerque Starport A Gamma World Mini-Module) 2471 CE OTC: 10,755.30975 PF: Beginning of Gamma World game time.(Gamma World 1st edition page 3) 2472 CE OTC: Galactic Concord is formed by 12 stellar nations.(Alternity Star*Drive) 2475 CE OTC: 10,750.92675 PF: Terran Confederacy launches the first of several mission to discover what has happened to Terra and all Solar System based colonies. The mission is never heard from again after confirming arrival in the Solar System. (Implied by Time Line, House) 2480 CE OTC: 10,745.44800 PF: The Terran Confederacy quarantines the whole Solar system and does not attempt any more missions.(Implied by timelines, House) 2703 CE OTC: 10,501.09575 PF: The Terran Confederacy embarked on the first phase of expansion and exploration. (Star Empires page 7) 2704 CE OTC: 10,500 PF: 19 Month War (OTC months). The military staged a coup and dissolved the Confederacy forming the Colonial Committee. A period of peace lasting for 30 years (OTC) ensued. (Star Empires page 7) 2704 CE OTC: 10,500 PF: In a two month period, the Holrachian Tetrarch culture collapses, for reasons unknown. Humans and other races will latter discover ruins of this ancient race. (Star Empires page 7, revised to Star Frontier’s background on the Tetrarchs, Star Empires sites war with humans as cause of collapse) 10,500 PF (Pre-Federation) Last remnants of the mysterious Tetrach Societies die out. (Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space) 2734 CE OTC: 10,467.1275 PF: The Seven Hour Revolt. The junta was replaced by a popular congress, marking the second phase of Terran expansion. (Star Empires page 7) The Galactic Federation is formed.(Implied from Blackmoor D&D background) 2797 CE OTC: 10,398.09525 PF: During the Terran second expansion the Sect of the Hand is founded. (Star Empires page 7) Several groups of colonies declare independence forming 2 more Human Space Powers. During this second expansion the various human governments come into contact with five alien empires: Ursoid (bears), Feline (cats), Avian(birds), Amoboid (amobas) and Icthioid (fish). The FSS Beagle (Galactic Federation Star Ship) crashes on a planet. Avian scout ship crashes on same planet. Several other ships crash from various empires.(Blackmoor History, World of Greyhawk, Mystara & Star Empires play history, House) 3001 CE OTC: 10,174.56225 PF: Jupiter/Lucifer begins to fade, Europa’s Monolith awakens all unknown to the Humans who had abandoned the Solar System. (2061: Odyssey Three, & 2010: Space Odyssey) 3274 CE OTC: 9,875.42250 PF: The Sect of the Hand begins a “holy war” to cleanse the Galaxy and convert all known races to the faith. 300 years of total war. (Star Empires page 7) 3575 CE OTC: 9,545.60175 PF: End of war and Foundation of the Golden Empire of Terra and the suppression of all religions with in the Empire.(Star Empires page 7) 3581 CE OTC: 9,539.O2725 PF: Another expansion of the Terran Empire.(Star Empires page 7) 4024 CE OTC: 9,053.O5625 PF: Terran War of Rightful Succession a 100 year way which collapses the Empire. (Star Empires page 7) The war leads to the near destruction of Sect of the Hand and all known Imperial family lines and the rise of an anti-Imperial family and anti-Sect of the Hand uprising in 4125 CE OTC: 8,942.38550 PF. (House) 4125 CE OTC: 8,942.38550 PF: Ships with Sect of the Hand and Golden Imperial family civilian loyalists flee known Human Space to an unknown location, it is rumored that some of the passengers may in fact have been missing Imperial Family members, illegitimate children of the Imperial lines and so on. (House) Some of these fleeing ships refugees became the first human settlers on Gollywog AKA Clarion. (House) 4125 CE OTC: 8,942.38550 PF: The Unitech Polity is formed and the final period of Terran expansion occurs. (Star Empires page 7) 8,862 PF: Dralasites first arrive in the Frontier and begin to colonize Gollywog AKA Clarion and Terraforming it. (House) 8,842 PF: Sect of the Hand & Golden Imperial Loyalist surviving refugee fleet arrives in Frontier and discover the White Light System (Lux) and desperate begin colonizing Clarion AKA Gollywog. The technological level of these Humans goes backwards as they try and survive. They completely cannibalized and recycled every part of their ships upon planet fall losing the ability to space travel. Clarion Human Colonists records from this early time period are not complete but seem to indicate no presence of Dralasites but do have references to ruins, the location of which has been lost. What happened to the Gollywog Colony is unknown. (House) 6251 CE OTC: 6,612.82100 PF: Unitech Polity and Kolthumnx Swarm discover each other. The Kolthumnx Swarm was an empire of similar size and strength to the Human run Unitech Polity. (Star Empires page 7) 6582 CE OTC: 6,250.12675 PF: Following repeated border clashes, the War of Extermination took place. (Star Empires page 7) 6732 CE OTC: 6,085.76425 PF: Period of Shame, during which the remaining forces of each side were automated and programmed to seek out and destroy life. (Star Empires page 7) 6893 CE OTC: 5,809.34850 PF: The Period of Shame results in the Collapse of Galactic Civilization and advent of Three Millennia Dark Age. Civilizations across the Galaxy must rebuild often having forget their own history. (Star Empires page 7 & Zebs Guide to the Frontier) 9932 CE OTC: 2,479.36425 PF: Foundation of Young Kingdoms has begun. Nothing more is known of Terra and the Kplthumhnx (not even the location of their home systems). (Star Empires page 7) The majority of races are ignorant of the history of the Galaxy, have confused recollections, myths, legends, and information. Civilization basically has had to start over. Also note the various Human Empires long ago where colonies as the Solar System had been abandoned. Humans have a vague remembrance of a sacred place where life began called many names one of them Terra, most believe it is a myth and humans have changed in many respects since leaving their homeworld. (Implied and House) Near the center of a great spiral galaxy, where stars are much closer together than Earth’s sun and its neighbors, a Human race developed. They were not identical to the Humans of earth, but they were not very different, either. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) Vrusk come from the Home System: K’arek-Kar (28,000 lightyears from the Frontier), Homeworld: K’zah-Kit when most Vrusk think of a homeworld, they imagine the honeycombed mountains of K'zah-Kit. In addition to hollowed-out mountains holding city-sized warrens, K'zah-Kit features tremendous surface winds and vast white deserts speckled with bizarre, wind-worn rock formations. However, amongst the Vrusk is the belief in K’oriz-Ka a near mythic world where they say life began (some believe their ancestors on K’zah-Kit came from), if it’s where abouts are known they are kept secret, if it exists. (Star Frontiers/Star Drive In True20, "Alternate frontiers" by Steve Bartell. Dragon Magazine Annual #3, 1998. House interpretation both sources, lightyear distance based on notes from WotC http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) The Vrusk, develop limited space travel. (Decades prior to Human contact). Vrusk establish colonies in space. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover, house date) 967 PF: The Vrusk launch a major colonial fleet to Frontier Space.(House) 950 PF: Heliopes left on Starmist by Clikks after a Clikk military exploration vessel is forced to jettison unnecessary cargo. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 911 PF: Vrusk enter Frontier Space: The Vrusk colonization fleet had trouble with navigating the Xagyg, and lost part of their Colonial Trade Fleet, they couldn't see the Xagyg until they were too close to make course corrections, and the fleet panicked and broke formation. When the Xagyg was finally circumvented and the lost ships found, line of sight was reestablished with their Homeworld. Communications with K’zah-Kit were fragmented and suggesting that something happened back home. The Vrusk would have returned to help K’zah-Kit, had they not lost so much in the nebula and had to focus on their own survival. Vrusk begin searching for a colonization site. (Based onhttp://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four, house date) Vrusk FTL spaceship technology was primitive and they needed 1 month to calculate jumps, with a maximum range of 5 lightyears per jump. It took 56 Galactic Standard Years to reach the Frontier (Based on Star Probe/Star Empires Hyperspace levels, House) 910 PF: Vrusk discover habitable worlds in Epsilon System, they named the system K’xan-Kar. They colonized the world K’ltnx-Kit. (implied by colonization patterns on star map Alpha Dawn and Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space, WotC From thespiritcoyotes noteshttp://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four, Date and Vrisk names House) 800 PF: The evolution of the Mechanon race begins on Volturnus.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 410 PF: First Vrusk/Dralasite contact. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) One of the Vrusks’ mining colonies had already contacted another race, the shaping changing Dralasites. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) Vrusk discover a Dralasite Sleeper Colony Ship in the Fromeltar System that had been severely damaged and had been in the system for a very long time. The Dralasites began awakening due to the Vrusk but had amnesia and the ships records where extremely damaged. The ship was in the system for thousands of years based on the damaged records it probably arrived in the Frontier 8,000 to 7,000 PF but an exact date was impossible to retrieve. (Fan literature & house) The Dralasite and Vrusk met first somewhere in the Fromeltar corner. (per WotC From thespiritcoyotes noteshttp://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) Dralasites originate from the watery world of Flaginnor. This planet is more than 90% covered with water, with only a few land masses dotting the surface. Most of the animal life on Flaginnor consists of amphibians and fish, with a handful of reptilian creatures. (Alterante Frontiers) Dralasites were the longest range from home (30,000+ lightyears), and were neither expecting to return or not to return, they were neither expecting further colonials, or not expecting them, they were, they are not very expansionist. (per WotC From thespiritcoyotes notes http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) Out of all three colonial races Dralasites are the only ones that have the potential for 'free-and-clear' homeworld contact and route into/out of the sector, but they no longer know exactly where Flaginnor is (because of corrupted data banks) and don't seem to be concerned about this. (Based on notes per WotC From thespiritcoyotes notes with changes to meet my timelines’ needs: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) 410-350 PF: The two races (Vrusk & Dralasite) had been exchanging information for several years. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover)Vrusk and Dralasites begin working towards an organized co-colonization plan for the Fromeltar System and the revival of all Dralasites in stasis. (House) Vrusks and Dralasites develop a common currency the Credit. (House) The Vrusk and the Dralasite, discovered tachyon communication separately and prior to contact with each other.(Based on http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) The Dralasite Spherical Colony Ship is turned into the first Dralasite space station colony and is considered a wonder of the Frontier. (House, but based on the idea the Dralasite ships are spheres in fan literature) 350 PF: First Vrusk/Human contact. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) When these Humans discovered (rediscovered) that waves of subspace pi-tchyon particles could cross interstellar space faster than light, they realized they had found a link to the stars. A radio message that would have taken years to travel between stars could be sent with subspace communications in months or even weeks. The humans started broadcasting news of themselves to the neighboring stars and soon found they weren’t alone. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover. House date) The Humans made contact with an inventive race of insect-like creatures called the Vrusk, who had developed limited space travel decades earlier. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) ? PF: The Humans and Vrusk met near the White-Light System. (Based on http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) 350-300 PF: The Vrusk and Dralasites were pleased to learn of another race. They sent a wealth of scientific information to the Humans. Using the new knowledge, the industrious Humans quickly developed interstellar spacehips. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) The trip for the humans was effectively a one-way colonization, similar too but not the Metamorphosis Alpha, was the official statement. (per WotC From thespiritcoyotes notes http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) Prior to PF: Yazirians discover their Home System Pavor and their Homeworld Waloo/Yaziria will be destroyed by a wandering Brown Dwarf and or weakening orbit of the moon Levo. Yazirians had already colonized their Home System with STL ships and had developed Terraforming technology. (House, Fan Literature)(SFman 02 Araks System) The Yazirian were from somewhere barely specified just on the edge of what was the first age of exploration, in the rough vicinity of those worlds they claim. (per WotC From thespiritcoyotes notes http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) 341 PF: Hentz was the first colonyworld established by the Yazirians. It was a mining colony for 50 years until the discovery that Waloo was doomed. Hentz became the first terraformed planet by the Yazarians, terrafroming occurred during the Relocation. Relocation took 30 years, during which for 23 years Waloo was intact. Rockroost Mining Colony Araks IV (SFman 02 Araks System) 330 PF: Yazirians begin sending Exploration/Supply Ships from Home System to the Frontier. (House, based on fan literature) 302 PF: Fromeltar system colonized by Dralasites. (based on Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space, but I changed discovered to colonize) The Nagana race discovered on Terledrom’s moon Leen, colonizied by Dralasites. (Star Frontiersman 01, Star Frontiers Character Races Nagana) Vrusk co-colonize Terledrom with Dralasites. (House) 300 PF: Vrusk, Dralasites, and Humans meet for the first time on the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) All three finally met somewhere around Prenglar. (Based onhttp://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) The three races met in a large area of space known as the Frontier. There they also discovered the Yazirians, a race of tall, maned humanoids. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) The other three races share scientific information with the Yazirians. Yazirians begin launching Colony Ships toward the Frontier. (House) All three finally met somewhere around Prenglar. (per WotC From thespiritcoyotes noteshttp://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) 299 PF: Theseus system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) (SFman16) (SFman11) Humans were waiting for a new colonial ship, but it was/is late, since no specific date was given and it has been so long and most Humans are not too concerned with origins in the Frontier. (per WotC From thespiritcoyotes noteshttp://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four, I edited out reference to Earth being origin of Humans as it is Terra in my timeline and Terra has long been abandoned by the species.) 270 PF: 1 YEC (Yazirian Exodus Calendar) Yazirians enter the Frontier.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Yazirians where already scouting the Frontier as early as 300 PF but the Yazirian Exodus Calendar begins with Yazirian FTL colony ships arriving in the Frontier. Ships could only jump 5 Light Years at a time with 1 month to calculate another jump it took them 30 Galactic Standard years to reach the Frontier, thus Yazirian Homeworld is 1,500 lightyears away. (implied by Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover & Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space timeline, fan literature, Star Probe, Star Empires and house) 270-4 PF: The Frontier is founded. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space)Soon, settled worlds in the Frontier became melting pots for the four races, with dazzling mixtures of architecture and alien cultures. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) 260 PF: Gran Quivera discovered in the Prenglar system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Prenglar System, one of the first systems found by humans. (SFman06) Humans colonize. 250 PF: Athor System discovered by Yazirians. Yast is a barely habitable planet with two moons Exib and Ime. (Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 256-248 PF: Pirates first appear in various sectors throughout the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Tensions rise between races as they blame each other for the pirate activities. (House) 249 PF: Triad and Rupert's Hole found in the Cassidine system.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) (SFman17) Evergleem colonized moon of Triad. (StarFrontiersman 1 Evergleem Detainment Camp (Evergloom)) 235 PF: Colonization of Yast in the Athor System started by Yazirians, eight clans considered disruptive exiled to Yast. (Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 230 PF: Pan-Galactic Corporation started on Gran Quivera. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) To supply the needs of these worlds, the first interstellar company the Pan-Galactic Corporation was formed. It developed interests everywhere, from scientific research to farming to spaceship building. PGC even created its own language. Pan-Galactic which soon became the most common language of all races on Frontier worlds (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) The Yazirians were the First Trade Partners of the First Pan-Gal Corporate Exploration Fleet.(http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5146, TSR had plans to reveal the homeworlds of the Core four) 222-203 PF: Terraforming of Exib by Yazirians to relieve pressure on Hentz’s resources of having to feed the Yast colony. (Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 220 PF: Dixon's Star system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Dixon’s Star, discovered 220 years prior to formation of the UPF, planet Laco sparsely populated 100 years afterwards.(SFman12) Laco was bypassed in favor for colonizing Truane’s Star it remained an outpost world until the First Sathar War with the influx of refugees from Truane’s Star. (Frontier Explorer 2, Digging In The Dust Of Laco, by Tom Verreault) 210 PF: Madderly's Star system discovered by Vrusk and Humans.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 205 PF: Madderly's Star system becomes a human system after the freeworld rebellion on Kdikit. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 200 PF: Pale (red planet) and New Pale (green planet) discovered in the Truane's Star system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Pan-Galactic Corporation colonizes New Pale using Human Colonists capital city is Truane City built on Triad’s city plan. (Endless Quest Book #17 Captive Planet, Morris Simon) 170 PF: Dramune system discovered by Dralasites. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Dramune System first colonized by the Dralasites, whose race expanded into the Frontier from the direction of Fromeltar. After several centuries differences began to separate the two societies, creating one of the most bitter and long-standing conflicts in the Frontier. (SFKH1 Dramune Run, decided to use Zebulon’s date instead of the 302 PF date in the module) 168 PF: Anthor system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 167 PF: Yazirian Church Elders increased oversight/control over Yast, increasing the presence of Church Controllers and Church Security Forces in and around Yast. (Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 168 PF (mid): The Thirty Cycles War between colonists of the Athor system and the Hierarchy on Hentz, by late 168 PF Athor system wins independence from the Araks system. (Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 161 PF: K'tsa-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 156 PF: K'aken-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 155 PF: Gruna Garu system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 152 PF: Timeon system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Lossend colonized by Humans from Clarion and Minotaur. (Frontier Explorer 1, Lossend) 150 PF: The Pan-Galactic language accepted throughout the Frontier as a common trade tongue. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 146 PF: Kizk'-Kar system discovered by Vrusk. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 129 PF: Araks system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space)(SFman 2, Araks System) 125-10 PF: The Age of Adventure. The discovery and exploration of new planets slows down for the next century while the major races concentrate on mapping the hazards and boundaries of the Frontier. Hundreds of exploration vessels and brave spacers are lost during this time. Meanwhile, the discovered planets begin to develop. Thousands of fortunes are made and lost during the Age of Adventure. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 124-78 PF: The Greater Morass is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 94 PF: Scree Fron system discovered by Yazirians. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space & Star Frontiersman 04) 94 PF: Due to war and destruction on the planet Cys a human colony becomes lost and the civilization of Cys ends. It will take 200 years for the atmosphere of the planet to become habitable. Cys was known for it’s robotic factories and bionic technology. The society of the planet was the center of a cult of robotics, people who worshiped robots. Alistair Crom was the high lord of the cult at the time the colony was destroyed. The cult practiced self perseverance with the assistance of robotics, practicing the rebuilding of humanity into cyborgs to survive “the downfall of humanity.” Alpha System (SFman02 Crom’s Return, by Ashley Raburn.) 77-57 PF: The Xagyg Dust Nebulae is mapped from Zebulon to Fromeltar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 68 PF: Colonization of Gruna-Garu by Yazirians begins. (SFman06) 60 PF: White Light system discovered by Humans. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Theseus Humans discover the pre-existing Human Clarion Colony and begin trade and offering new scientific information to the Clarion people. 51 PF: Ifshits found Capellan Free Merchants. (Star Frontiersman 12) 56-40 PF: The White Light Nebulae are mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 39-33 PF: The Yreva Nebula is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 37 PF: Pan-Galactic becomes the first mega-corp in the frontier.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Many large companies which started later were modeled on PGC, but none approach the size or power of the Pan-Galactic Corporation. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) 32-26 PF: Thirty-two exploration vessels are lost trying to map the Lessere Morass. Only the area between Screen Fron and Zebulon is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 25 PF: A small pirate fleet under Hatzck Naar raids the Cassidine and Prenglar systems. The first Common Muster is called. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Hatzck Naar’s base was located in the Athor system.(Star Frontiersman 03, Star Frontiers Star Systems Athor) 22 PF: Hatzck Naar's pirate fleet is defeated off Timeon. Naar is ejected into space and slowly boils inside his spacesuit as he falls toward Timeon. The muster is dismissed. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 21-10 PF: The Xagyg Dust Nebulae is mapped from Fromeltar to K'aken-Kar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 19-8 PF: The area beyond the Greater Morass claims hundreds of exploration vessels. Though it is believed that most Frontier races came from beyond the Greater Moras, all information about their origins have been lost. Exploration of the area ceases and it is named the Vast Expanse. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 10 PF: Representatives of the four major races request that all explorations cease while delegates meet to form a unified defense and mutual interest organization. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space)Humans begin to militarize against a perceived threat of pirates and other races. (House, but implied by timeline and the fact that Human military space fleet plays a major role in the SWI) ? PF: The Streel Corporation is founded on Pale. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space 2 FY, changed to a PF date to better accommodate articles and modules into Zebs) ? PF: WarTech founded… (House) 24 PF: (for more information on the Frontier time system, see the Expanded Game Rules, p. 52, and SFKH-1, Dramune Run), there was a human merchant named Seccitte Zebulon, who regularly made shipments to the Truane’s Star system. His ship accidentally misjumped when leaving that system, and Zebulon found himself in an uncharted and mysterious new star system. Upon return to Pale, Seccitte decided to sell the astrogational information he and his crew acquired while charting their way back. He sold the location of the system to the government of Pale. 23 PF: Pale’s government created a Planetary Research and Development division to open up the Zebulon Star Route. Pale launched a deep-space probe to explore the system, now named Zebulon after its discoverer. The probe reported astrophysical data on the system and its only habitable planet (now called Volturnus). When it was discovered that great mineral wealth existed on Volturnus, Pale became eager to colonize the planet. The Research division began taking development bids, and the resulting competition was fierce. The contract to develop Volturnus was awarded to a healthy company called MINER (Mining for Industrial use of Natural Earth Resources). Plans and negotiations went on for a year, and MINER planned to begin settlement of Volturnus in early 21 PF. 20 PF: Two calamities struck the project at this time, causing the whole thing to fall through. First, New Pale began to receive non-human colonists from Pale. A majority of humans on New Pale were HUSPs (a slang term for persons believing in a racist political philosophy called Human Superiority). The HUSPs preferred this racially isolated planet and didn’t want it contaminated. But Pale used military force to bully the weaker government into allowing other races to settle there. Pale saw this as a way to increase food production on New Pale and perhaps drive food costs down. Several months later, the HUSPs banded together and began terrorizing the new colonists, also attacking Pale’s colonial protection forces. New Pale thus declared itself to be in a state of war with Pale. The result of this was Pale’s transference of money from unnecessary projects to the direct defense of its critical food supply source. Money from the Planetary Research division was diverted to this cause because it was felt profits from Volturnus operations would not be realized fast enough to help the war effort. Pale also believed that, if it could gain full control of New Pale, it could become a much more powerful stellar government. The other calamity that struck was the kidnapping of the head of MINER, a Vrusk, who was later reported killed when the demanded ransom was not paid. His body was never recovered, and his will called for the liquidation of MINER, with all monies then deposited into a private bank account. It was widely believed that a rival company was responsible for his death. This was a turning point for Volturnus. It gave the Eorna another twenty years to fulfill their Great Mission, but it also brought the Star Devil to Volturnus. 20 PF: The former head of MINER secretly retained all the classified information on Volturnus and the Zebulon star system. He had rigged his kidnapping and death, then assumed a new identity as the Star Devil. His initial intent was to set up an illegal mining operation on Volturnus before the government of Pale could do so. To help realize his plans, he drew on the private bank account his will had set up. But as time went on, he instead became involved in pirating operations. He didn’t know then how much his business would affect Volturnus’s future. 10’s PF: The war on New Pale consisted of a series of HUSP-led terrorist attacks on food service shipments to Pale. Pale was forced to continue to spend money on ensuring its food supply remained secure. This became difficult in the early 10s because Pale had an overabundance of resources that were also low in demand. It suffered an economic depression, and many Pale-based mining companies went out of business. One mid-sized corporation, based in Point True, Pale’s capitol, began to acquire these small companies hoping to gain a planet-wide monopoly. The corporation was Streel. 15 PF: Streel completely controlled all mining operations on Pale. Aware of this, the Star Devil approached the Pan-Galactic Corporation and worked out an agreement with it. The Star Devil, using bases in the Gruna Goru, Prenglar, and Dixon.s Star systems, ran weapons shipments from Wartech Corporation to the HUSPs on New Pale. Pan-Galactic financed the cost of the weapons, while the Star Devil furnished the ships. Gun-running proved profitable for both PGC and the Star Devil, allowing the latter to become a potent force. The Star Devil was able to develop Volturnus before Trauna’s Star could do it, while keeping Streel busy investing money in the war effort instead of in business projects like PGC did. This activity went on from 14 to 5 PF. 5 PF: The Star Devil expanded his pirate bases to the Araks, Athor, and Scree Fron star systems. In 5 PF he began putting his Volturnus mining plans into operation. This particular year also saw the end of the Pale-New Pale war. 5 PF: Streel struggled through those nine years of war, yet continued to grow into a larger corporation despite it. In 5 PF, in cooperation with the Pale Militia, Streel made an effort to end the war by pouring millions into the militia.s coffers. Confronted by an army of far superior quantity and quality, the HUSPs were soon crushed out of existence, despite the best efforts of PGC and the Star Devil to save them. New Pale became a stabilized planet. Its new government then joined Pale’s, and the two began united rulership of the Truane’s Star system. 4 PF: Streel became aware of the long-deserted Zebulon colonization attempt. It urged the new government to develop the system claimed twenty years ago. Streel even helped finance a new Planetary Research division. The division sent an exploratory team three and a half months (140 days) into 4 PF. This first team included Professor Alorne Zebulon, the Frontier's most noted scientist, explorer, and educator. Nine months (360 days) later, a second team was assembled, the player characters. (Start of Volturnus Modules) Frontier Explorer 2, Erona Defense Instalation by Jim Young Frontiersman 19, Knight Hawks SF: 2KH “Liberation of Volturnus” By Richard Rose, AKA: Shadow Shack SF-0 Crash On Volturnus and Dragon Magazine Article, The Volturnus Connection Building background for the Volturnus campaign by Stephen Bonario) 3-2 PF: The First Sathar War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 3 PF: The Sathar first appear. They attack the Truane's Star system.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Then, the Sathar appeared. No one knows where they came from or why. They attacked and destroyed lonely systems on the edges of explored space, moving slowly inwards. Survivors described Sathars as wormslike creatures 3 to 4 meters long. That was all that was known about them, because they would rather kill themselves than be captured. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) 3 PF: Pale and New Pale fall. The Great Exodus to Dixon's Star System takes place. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2 PF: The four races muster a spaceship fleet. The second Common Muster is called and put under the command of Admiral Morgaine, who immediately moves the fleet to the Cassidine system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2 PF: The Battle of Triad. Morgaine's fleet performs a surprise attack on the invading Sathar fleet intent on ravaging Traid. The Sathar lose a third of their fleet. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2 PF: Dixon's Star system is attacked by Sathar fleet. Completely unprotected it is soon ravaged. Meanwhile Morgaine moves his fleet to the Prenglar system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 2 PF: The Sathar attack Gran Quivera in the Prenglar system. The Battle of the Two Fleets is fought. The Sathar fleet is routed and destroyed. Morgaine's fleet is seriously depleted and Morgaine dies in battle. With this mutual devastation the First Sathar War comes to an end.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 1 PF: Morgaine's World in the Prenglar system is named after the fallen Admiral. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 1 PF: The "Grand Meeting" of leaders of the four races takes place on Morgaine's World. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 1 FY: (Federation Year) The United Planetary Federation, a mutual defense organization, is established. All worlds of the Frontier, expecting another Sathar invasion, immediately join. Under UPF authority, Spacefleet becomes a permanent defensive force. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) As the danger increased, the Humans, Dralasites, Vrusk and Yazarians formed the United Planetary Federation (UPF) to defend their worlds. The mysterious Sathar where forced back, but before long they returned in a more sinister form. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) The UPF establishes Galactic Standard Time and establishes The Federation Year Calendar. (Implied by timeline and Alpha Dawn Expanded Rule Book). 1 FY: The planet Volturnus is settled almost immediately (after the war.) (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space 61 PF, changed to better fit modules into time line) 2 FY: The Streel Corporation is founded on Pale. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space 2 FY, changed to a PF date to better acomidate articles and modules) 3 FY: The Brotherhood of Spacers becomes the first cadre on the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 5 FY: Anker (Zebulon system) is explored and settled. Professor Zebulon founds the University of Zebulon. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space 57 PF, changed to better fit modules into time line) 5 FY: Star Law is established by the UPF. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) The Sathar had learned that they could not beat the UPF in battle. Instead, they began hiring Yazarian, Human, Dralasite and Vrusk agents to sabotage interstellar trade and interfere with local governments. The UPF created the Star Law Rangers, an interstellar police force, to track the Sather’s agents from planet to planet and fight them on their own terms. But despite the efforts of the Rangers, the sly Sathar agents have become the most dangerous threat ever to face the United Planetary Federation and the frontier corporations. (Alpha Dawn Basic Rules, Back Cover) 5 FY: The Capellan Free Merchants first appear on the Frontier bringing news of the Rim and their fight with the Sathar, and supplying desperately needed food to the survivors on Laco and Gran Quivera.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) CFM ships enter the Frontier. (Star Frontiersman 12, 2PF changed to better fit Zebs Timeline) 6 FY: Rim Coalition sign pact with UPF (Star Frontiersman 12, 4 FY changed to fit Zebs Timeline better) 6 FY: The First Dramune War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 8 FY: Cassidine Development Corporation is founded on Triad. The creation and growth of mega-corps proceeds at an ever- accelerating pace. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 11 FY: The Lynchpin system is discovered by Vrusk. They turn the system over to the UPF for development as a military outpost to protect that sector of the Frontier. The Lynchpin system is a military secret until the middle of SWII. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 12 FY: Frontier ships enter Rim space for the first time. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 14 FY: The Sundown system is discovered. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) SF3 Sundown on Starmist 17-27 FY: The Blue Plague sweeps the Frontier. Scientists believe it was brought to the Sundown system by an alien vessel that crashed on Starmist. Because of Starmist's light population, the plague was not immediately detected and had a chance to mutate. It is believed that vermin from the planet became infected and somehow gained entry to a ship. The ship makes several stops on the Frontier and the plague spreads rapidly. It is called the Blue Plague because of its earliest symptoms -- large blue welts that appear about the face and extremities. These welts leave horrible black scars even if the victim survives the plague. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 20 FY: Four star systems become so infested with the Blue Plague that the Council of Worlds, the diplomatic organization of the UPF, requests all races to recognize a permanent quarantine of these four star systems. The systems are designated by Greek letters. A spaceship seen leaving one of these systems is to be destroyed by Spacefleet before it has a chance to spread the plague any further. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 22 FY: Hargut, Pale, and Gollywog suffer massive population losses due to the Blue Plague. All three planets are temporarily quarantined.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 23 FY: The Medical Services Organization is founded. Funding pours in from most of the Frontier worlds. Gretl Grohn is named as the MSO Chief Surgeon. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 24 FY: Vaccine for the Blue Plague is discovered at the MSO Center on Morgaine's World. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 25 FY: The Mechanon menace on Volturnus first comes to the UPF's attention, but cannot be dealt with because of the Blue Plague.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 27 FY: The Blue Plague is eradicated from inhabited planets in the Frontier. In total, 17 million victims fell to the plague. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 28 FY: Very tough laws and penalties are laid down by both the UPF and the Council of Worlds concerning the intersystem transportation and handling of flora and fauna. Star Law is given jurisdiction over planetary imports and exports. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 30FY Pan-Gal system is discovered by the Pan-Galactic Corporation and becomes the first mega-corp star system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 31 FY: New Streel system is discovered by the Streel Corporation.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 32 FY: Devco system is discovered by the Cassidine Development Corporation. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 36 FY: The Second Dramune War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 46 FY: Solar Major system discovered by WarTech Incorporated.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 54 FY: The Mechanon Revolt. Mechanons on Volturnus revolt. Only through quick action on the part of Star Law is a full-scale war avoided.(Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 50-60 FY: Laaco's War. PGC and Streel wage the first Corporate War on Laco. The UPF eventually steps in and empowers an inter- mega-corporate commission to resolve the differences. Other mega-corps study Laco's War as a possible legal precedent for solving disputes. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 57FY The Waller Nexus system is discovered by the UPF survey ship Eleanor Moraes. The only habitable planet, Mahg Mar, is the site of the first UPF mutiny. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 57FY Liberty system discovered by the UPF. The planet Snowball is liberated from Sathar tyranny. Tacticians, politicians, and exobiologists are given a chance to study Sathar machinery and methods first hand because of the information gathered by the populace during their occupation. It is feared that many pockets of Sathar tyranny exist all around the Frontier and Rim. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 60FY Rhianna system is discovered by the Cassidine Development Corporation, but is kept secret. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 9/15/61 FY SFKH1 Dramune Run 12/21/61 FY Rhianna discovered by the Cassidine Cevelopment Corporation Twilight Moon Expedition: Lokkuku (ape-like) race discovered. SF4 Mission to Alcazzar, 61FY The Third Dramune War is fought. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 63FY Streel attacks CDC operations on Alcazzar. Star Law intervenes and averts a potential Corporate War. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space)
66FY Solar Minor system discovered by SynthCorp. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 67FY Regular trade established with the Rim planets. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 70FY The Mechanon civilization on Volturnus undergoes an upheaval. The majority of peaceful Mechanons migrate into the undeveloped space between Screen Fron and Dixon's Star. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 77FY Mechanon is discovered by migrating Mechanons. Its entry into the UPF is blocked until the legal status of the Mechanons can be established. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 78FY Tough new guidelines for legal ownership of a system or planet are laid down by the UPF and the Council of Worlds. The guidelines are designed to halt mega-corp expansion and to prevent occurrences such as the Mechanon problem. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80-90FY The Second Sathar War. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80FY The Sathar capture a non-UPF system between Solar Major and Solar Minor. They dub it Outpost #1 and enslave its inhabitants. Construction begins on a planet-wide military and industrial complex intended as a permanent base for incoming Sathar supply ships and troops. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80FY Sathar swarm through the Xagyg Nebula and attack Volturnus. New planet-wide battle tactics are used by the Sathar (including the massive use of diversionary, seeded monsters and cybernetically controlled creatures). The attack is a feint to draw Spacefleet to Zebulon. Task Force Cassidine is dispatched to Zebulon. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 80FY By going through the White Light Nebulae, Sathar Fleet #1 enters the Frontier undetected. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #2 and 3 attack Solar Minor. So overpowering are they that no word of the attack reaches Spacefleet. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #1 attacks Madderly's Star. They encounter the new Spacefleet fortress on Kdikit. Its resistance is fierce and buys the needed time for reinforcements to arrive. Dramune sends three frigates and a destroyer from its militia while the UPF dispatches two destroyers and two light cruisers from its non- attached ships roster. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY The UPF mines the sector between Cassidine and Madderly's Star. Sathar Fleet #1 is driven from Madderly's Star and pursued as it tries to make its way to Fromeltar. All militia ships in the sector, including half of Task Force Prenglar, are engaged in the pursuit. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Task Force Cassidine crushes the Sathar feint on Zebulon, but with heavy losses. The UPF now realizes how vulnerable it is to land attacks. 81FY The Rim Coalition dispatches the Flight to the other side of Lkaeok in search of Sathar supply vessels. In return they ask the UPF to station Task Force Casidine half way between Zebulon and Capelle to protect the Rim home worlds in case of a Sathar Sneak attack through the Muld Nebula. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Strike Force Nove arrives secretly at White Light. Admiral Niles believes more of the Sathar fleet may attack through the White Light Nebulae. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #2 emerges between Timeon and Prenglar, placing itself in front of the remains of Task Force Prenglar. The Battle of Prenglar begins two hours later and results in Sathar Fleet #2 scattering or destroying the reduced Task Force Prenglar. Flush with victory, the Sathar proceed recklessly into the Frontier. Strike Force Nove soon engages Sathar Fleet #2. The remaining Task Force Prenglar ships return and join the battle. This running battle results in the eventual withdrawal of Sathar Fleet #2 into the White Light Nebulae. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 81FY Sathar Fleet #3 attempts to circumnavigate the Great Morass. Two weeks later it is engaged by long-range fighters from Moonworld. Without any knowledge of the existence of the Lynchpin system, the Sathar forge ahead expecting to find a lone spaceship. Instead, the Battle of Moonworld is joined. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The Coalition's Flight discovers the Sathar supply route around the Xagyg Nebula. They station themselves in deep space and proceed to destroy all incoming Sathar ships. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The final dregs of Sathar Fleet #1, after slipping into the Xagyg Nebula off Fromeltar, arrive back at Sathar Outpost #1 and prepare to defend to the death. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The Battle of Moonworld ends with three-quarters of Sathar Fleet #3 destroyed. The remaining Sathar vessels are forced to retreat into the Vast Expanse. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY Task Force Prenglar regroups off K'aken-Kar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY The UPF establishes the United Planetary Federation Landfleet, the first interplanetary army raised on the Frontier. Thousands of Humma and Osakar arrive from the Rim and enlist, hoping to stop the Sathar menace before it invades their homeworlds. Many die for the Frontier, but still more stay and become citizens after the war. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 82FY Strike Force Nova secures the Frontier inward from Theseus. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY A Coalition Flight long-distance probe discovers Sathar Outpost #1 and reports its location before it is destroyed. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY The remains of Sathar Fleet #2 arrive at Outpost #1. Despite a desperate shortage of supplies caused by the Flight blockade and terrible losses from previous engagements, the Sathar have completed their construction. Outpost #1 is now a formidable fortress. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY Three incidents occur that help the Sathar: The Mist Stone, a sacred Capellan icon, is stolen by Sathar agents and smuggled into Outpost #1. The original copy of "Reflections of a Humble Servant" is also stolen and smuggled into Outpost #1. This work is considered by Humans to be the definitive philosophy of Dralasite civilization. Sathar war ships force the populations of Circe and Kir'Kut to evacuate their planets. They are transported to Outpost #1 and enslaved. All three incidents combine to assure that Outpost #1 is not taken by orbital bombardment. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY Strike Force Nova retakes Solar Minor. The fighting is fierce and half of the Strike Force and all of the Sathar holding force is destroyed. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 83FY The Battle of the Blockade. A reinforcement fleet from Sathar Space is challenged by the Flight. Half of the Sathar Fleet, most of them fighting ships, escape but all troop ships are destroyed. About one half of the Flight is eliminated. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 84FY The Flight is greatly increased by reinforcements from the Rim. Wing #1, the original Flight, rendezvous with Task Force Prenglar. Battered and weary, they still insist on joining the siege of Outpost #1 with the Frontier forces. This group of Rim spacers quickly gains notoriety in the Frontier and greatly enhances UPF- Rim relations. They are known as the Raging Rimmers. Wing #2 takes up the blockade position. Wing #3 is charged with the defense of the home worlds. Task Force Cassidine sails for Solar Minor. The Sathar begin mining operations on the moons of Outpost #1. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 84FY Dralasites and the Coalitions insist that a diplomatic mission be sent to Outpost #1. The Sathar agree to meet three months later to discuss a possibly treaty. Non-Sathar agents represent Sathar interests at the meetings. Diplomatic talks are held for another 18 months with no results. During that time the Sathar strengthen their defenses and repair their ships. The UPF Landfleet is given time to become a formidable army. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 86FY Task Force Cassidine joins Strike Force Nova around Solar Minor. Four months later, Capellan Free Merchantmen transport the Landfleet to the Solar Major and Solar Minor Fleets. Many Ifshnits remain in the Frontier after the war and begin the Free Merchant trade system throughout the UPF planets. They will become so firmly entrenched in Frontier life that the mega-corps will not be able to force them out, and eventually accept them as another mega-corp. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 87FY The Battle of Five Fleets. In a pincer action, Task Force Prenglar, Coalition Wing #1, Task Force Cassidine, and the remnants of Strike Force Nova attack the Outpost #1 system. Outpost itself is a mammoth world with two planet-sized moons. The entire year is spent destroying the remnants of the Sathar Fleet, the minefields orbiting the planet, the small fighter squadrons the Sathar captured on the two conquered worlds, and the moon's mining and defensive operations. Lost in the action is the rest of Strike Force Nova, except for the battleship Quasar, half of Task Force Cassidine, and all but two destroyers from Coalition Wing #1. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) On 87PF during the siege of Sathar Outpost #1 (a fortified space station with its own moons), Strike Force Nova noted two large escape pods that jettisoned. They sent detachments to eliminate the escape vessel but were surprised to find not Sathar inside, but something else entirely. The Bora-kai (Star Frontiersman 02 Bora-kai by Bill Logan) 88-90FY The Siege of Outpost. Task Force Prenglar blockades Outpost #1 while Landfleet is shuttled in under intense fire. The land battles take two years to complete. At the end of hostilities, no Sathar survive and 40% of Landfleet is destroyed. Among the Landfleet dead, 30% are non-Frontier citizens. Most of the Ifshnit, Osakar, and Humma who have served the UPF during the war settle down on the UPF Frontier worlds. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 91FY The University of Zebulon receives Frontier. Its facilities on Anker increase over the next 20 years until they are larger than most Frontier cities. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 92FY Solar Minor is resettled. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 93FY The Frontier worlds decide that a permanent, but scaled down, UPF Landfleet force must be maintained at all times for the defense of the Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 95FY Outpost #1 is established as a UPF military base. The "Hoppin' Hundred and Eighth," a spearhead Humma division, is stationed there permanently. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 96FY Galactic Task Force and MercCo fight the first post-SWII Corporate War over settlement rights on a moon orbiting Alcazzar in the Rhianna system. Hostilities quickly spread to include all seven of Alcazzar's moons and over a half dozen mega-corps. The Corporate Wars begin in earnest. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 97FY The first Star Law graduating class containing Ifshnits, Humma, and Osakar finish their training. The violent outbursts threatened by a few radical cults never appear. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 98FY The Rim and the UPF enter into multiple defense treaties and economic trade agreements, but the Coalition gives severe warnings to all mega-corps that their militancy will not be tolerated in the Rim. Tourism between the UPF and Rim is established and is immediately successful. The Frontier now officially includes the Rim Worlds. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 99FY Star Law is invited to the Rim to help the Coalition train their own planetary branches. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 100FY The Rim's Age of Adventure begins as hundreds of exploratory vessels are sent out to make the unknown regions surrounding the Rim. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 102-106FY The Rim side of the Lesser Morass is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 103FY The first Rim Star Law agents appear. The structure is identical to the UPF Star Law organization. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 104-111FY The Rim side of the Xagyg Dust Nebula is mapped. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 105 FY. Star Law is given equal powers, rights, and jurisdiction in both the Rim and UPF systems for interplanetary and interstellar crimes. While it works mainly with the local law enforcement agencies, Star Law is recognized as the only law enforcement force with full authority throughout the entire Frontier. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 105FY An altered Mechanon assassinates the Governor of Zebulon. The UPF suspects that the Sathar may be establishing an extensive spy and terrorist network. The possible Sathar use of mechanical life forms, such as the Mechanons, as agents becomes a prime investigative goal of Star Law. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 106FY The Mechanons are officially informed by the UPF that they are not considered a stable enough society, at this time, to be allowed equal status in the UPF. They are forthwith considered "wards of the Federation." Their protection and supervision are the responsibility of the Council of Worlds. While most Mechanons accept this as a necessary step toward independence, some rebel and go underground, swearing to avenge their race. Many of these are suspected of being Sathar agents. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 106-111FY Mapping of the Rim side of the Xagyg Nebula is completely up to the Klaeok system. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 107FY The A.I.P.S. is formed. Except for the Capellan Free Merchants, who were introduced into the UPF society under unusual circumstances, it is the first mega-corp voluntarily created by smaller companies in an effort to resist merger or take-over attempts by existing mega-corps. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 108FY In an effort to stem the growing numbers of Corporate Wars, the UPF and Coalition worlds grant Star Law the authority to recruit and use mercenaries and to establish the Star Law Psi- Corps, a special branch of Mentalist-disciplined officers. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 109FY Mego-corp recruitment doubles in non-enforcer professions. A trend of smaller and cheaper skirmishes or espionage missions to replace the larger, more expensive Corporate Wars begins to show. Over the next two years the term "Corporate War" comes to mean a war of intelligence gathering, tactical enforcement procedures, and industrial sabotage rather than full-scale military operations. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 109FY Long-range probe ships are sent into suspected Sathar space away from the Rim and UPF systems on the other side of the Xagyg Dust Nebula. It is hoped these probes can answer the question of where the Sathar come from. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 110FY A human assassin fails in his attempt to shoot Queanee Kloonanu, chairman of the Council of Worlds. A small bioform is found attached to the human's back. Scientific studies show it to be some kind of intelligent, parasitic organism with the same genetic make-up as Sathar specimens. Authorities believe it to be a new Sathar method of controlling agents. See-through apparel becomes fashionable almost immediately. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 111FY The University of Zebulon publishes the first volume of Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space, a multi-volume collection of confirmed flora, fauna, cultures, devices, customs, and history of the known Frontier. It is considered the definitive work on the Frontier and is immensely popular. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 111FY Mapping of the Xagyg Dust Nebula continues from Klaeok and K'aken-Kar. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) 111FY The Grand Celebration, commemorating 111 years of the UPF treaty is planned for the entire year. Gala social functions, parades, and celebrations are planned on every planet in the UPF and even some in the Rim. (Zebulon’s Guide to Frontier Space) Tales of the Comet: In context to Frontier time… The Rael began exploring space perhaps half a millennia ago (500 years), 50 years ago they came upon the ruins of an ancient civilization, massively advanced beyond them who they call the “Ancient Ones” (the Kir). The Rael reactivate an automated AI “Overseer” who is very murderous… the Overseer killed the Kir many millennia ago.
<!--EndFragment--> "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() March 3, 2018 - 9:42pm | Okay so I am rethinking the Timeline... no noooo nooooo don't do it.... I probably will cause I am working on what I want to do with the FrontierSpace game... I really like it so yes I am thinking of merging the games somehow. I like the idea that FrontierSpace is in a different Galaxy and the colony ships for the humans and several races have come through the Nexus. I will take a very careful look at the new game and figure how and what I am going to use... I will defenitly add SEs info to the mix I just got to figure what bits and pieces... the Sect of the Hand and myths of the Golden Throne are keepers the Warden II Lost Terra are all concepts I want to include... so yep no matter what I do I got to consider timeline a bit... I might fiddle with SE and FS to create a very different timeline, we will see. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() March 3, 2018 - 10:39pm | For FrontierSpace First SP/SE's basic Timeline: 10,034 BC Foundation of the Moltrvrrz Empire. 2,425 BC The Moltrvrrz Empire reached its peak with a total control over 15,321 solar systems. 933 to 521 BC The Moltrvrrz Empire was brought to a halt with the start of the Tri-Mind Wars. Approximately 20% of its empire was destroyed; including the Home System. A period of stagnation and decay then set in which lasted until the start of the Terran-Moltrvrrz Wars. 2,351 AD These Terran-Moltrvrrz Wars ended the Moltrvrrz Empire. 2,470 AD The Terran Confederacy embarked on the first phase of expansion which was ended by the 19 Month War. 2,703 AD In the 19 Month War, the military staged a coup and dissolved the Confederacy, at the same time defeating the Holrachian Tetrarch in two months. A period of peace lasting for 30 years ensued, followed by the Seven Hour Revolt. 2,734 AD The junta was replaced by a popular congress, marking the start of the second phase of Terran expansion, with Terra controlling close to 38,000 systems. 2,797 AD During this period the Sect of the Hand was founded. 3,274 AD The Sect of the Hand finally began a "holy war" to cleanse the Galaxy and convert all races to the faith. For the next 300 years a period of total war existed, which was ended only by the foundation of the Golden Empire of Terra and suppression of all religions. 3,575 AD Foundation of the Golden Empire of Terra. 3,581 AD Another expansion left Terra controlling 43,250 solar systems. 4,024 AD The Terran expansion ends with the War of Rightful Succession which collapsed the Empire and saw the founding of the Unitech Polity. 4,125 AD The final expansion period of Terra with Terra controlling over 60,000 systems. 6,251 AD Then came the discovery of an empire of Terra's size, the Kolthumnx Swarm. 6,582 AD Following repeated border clashes, the War of Extermination took place. 6,732 AD The War of Extermination was followed by the Period of Shame, during which the remaining forces of each side were automated and programmed to seek out and destroy life. 6,893 AD The 161 years of automated forces destroying life resulted in the total collapse of Galactic civilization and the advent of the Three Millenia Dark Age. 9,932 AD At present, with the foundation of the Young Kingdoms, nothing more is known of Terra and Kplthumhnx (not even the location of their home systems). It is hoped history does not repeat itself. Next Date Gamma World 2322 AD Boom goes civilization on Terra... 2471 AD is present for game play on Gamma World... In all honesty these dates from GW are problematic.. unless Terra was already abondended and Terrans are coming from elsewhere in mass. Just thinking on what to keep and what to cut "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() March 3, 2018 - 10:43pm | I may start FS timeline realtive to SEs thus the exploration and colonization will corespond with SE and the first ship to stumble in lost would equal the start year in SE... "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() March 4, 2018 - 11:27am | The Galactic Apocalypse... Gamma World first edition had the nuclear apocalypse caused by a group known as The Apocalypse. I have always loved that end of civilization sure other editions have added different endings but the first is still the best... in my opinion. SE has two great empires duking it out and gradually loosing the ability to field troops and both seeking genocide eventually sending out automated machines to destroy life... to destroy civilization. Pretty dark and nasty too. So instead of trying to mesh the timelines of GW and SE like I did in the previous time line I think I will barrow ideas from GW and rework them to a more galactic scale on a different timeline. -391 Human Research Ship gets lost into Frontier Space... thus for my purposes SE date 9,932 AD will correspond to -391 Galactic Federation Time. This would mean 10,323 AD should = 0 GFT, & 10,846 AD = 523 GFT I will probably need to consider some other time keeping ideas too... For instance surviving "Protector Class" humans might keep a special calendar. The Sect of the Hand might have started a new calendar based on their beliefs... and so on. Oviously individuals worlds would have local calendars too.. but these are a bit more complex projects for right now I am going to focus on creating a FS/SE combined timeline and then adding in to it things from SF or GW I like. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() March 4, 2018 - 2:16pm | Time in FrontierSpace A Standard Day is 24 hours A Year is 365 days StarEmpires has a 12 month supply check off sheet and uses Earth time... so it can be assumed 12 months, 24 hour days, 365 day years. So for FS I am borrowing ideas from SF but retro fiting to Earth time... Month 1: Primilis, 31 days Month 2: Secundilis, 28 days Month 3: Tertilis, 31 days Month 4: Quartilis, 30 days Month 5: Quintilis, 31 days Month 6: Sextilis, 30 days Month 7: Septimilis, 31 days Month 8: Octavilis, 31 days Month 9: Nonilis, 30 days Month 10: Decimilis, 31 days Month 11: Undecimilis, 30 days Month 12: Doudecimilis, 31 days
"Never fire a laser at a mirror." |