April 16, 2016 - 1:06pm | The hydra creature given below is based on the familiar creature from the Star Frontiers Basic Game. It has been tweaked to be more in line with the Alpha Dawn rules (for example, its Stamina does not vary depending upon the size of the player characters' party). The intelligent Hydrae race is a creation of member Captain Rags who had it posted on a website called Ragnar's Ships and Bots as one of several races he created. Captain Rags' website appears to be down and has been for sometime (as of April 16, 2016). I liked this particular race and made a few alterations to it for a campaign adventure on Kraatar. Neither the hydra nor the Hydrae are native to Kraatar. Joe Cabadas |
April 16, 2016 - 1:10pm |
Average Hydrae Statistics
Joe Cabadas |
April 16, 2016 - 1:12pm | Hydra Origin The Hydra originated on the same world as their more intelligent Hydrae cousins. . Physical Appearance, Structure and Senses The hydra is a creature that looks like a 10-meter tall silver tree with clusters of limbs around its mouth. The creature has a soft body and moves by slithering about on its trunk. It sees with many eyespots locates just below the limbs on its head. It detects sound by vibrations through its skin. A small olfactory organ at the tip of each tentacle allows it to smell the objects it touches. Periodically, the hydra undergoes a reproductive cycle when it grows new branches with limbs and mouths which eventually mature and drop off to form new hydras. This cycle occurs every 2d10 years and the hydra will form 1d5 buds that will mature over a 15 GST months’ time. Hydra have a limited form of sentience – a Logic score of about 25. Moving about by slithering on its trunk or by pulling itself along using its tentacles, it also has an adhesive basal disc that allows it to secure itself to a solid object – this allows it to climb up vertical surfaces and hang from ceilings or other overhead structures like a cave roof. The creature is strong enough and large enough to smash through unarmored walls with ease in one turn without slowing its movement down. This often leaves a rubble pile behind that can delay pursuers. Each tentacle can also fire nematocysts, a dart-like projection or it can use its tentacles to spin a web that can block a 5-meter diameter area or it can throw the web to capture a character, incapacitating them for two turns (treat as a grenade for range and hits/missed throws). Unlike the Hydrae its muscle darts do not have a neurotoxin, but the creature has other mutable attacks including an acid spray, a sonic boom or a gas cloud that can obscure vision. Some hydra have a layer of insulation that allows them to take half damage from needler and gyrojet weapons. A very few rare individuals appear to have the Mentalist ability to teleport up to 40 meters away every three turns. The varied abilities of the hydra have made xenobiologists wonder if they are separate subspecies, but not enough is known about this race to make any firm conclusions. Speech Communicating mainly with screeches, tentacle flailing and limited flashing light, the hydra have a very limited language that is more akin to communicating concepts such as friendship, fear, hatred, etc. The Hydrae can communicate with these more massive creatures using their limited telepathy. Mentalists also can attempt to communicate with the hydra using telepathy. Society and Customs Hydra are communal creatures and seem to work well with their smaller cousins the Hydrae. When taken off world by pirates, the typically have been split up and treated like mere unintelligent animals, causing them great distress. Special Abilities The hydra have several traits including its Basal Disc for holding fast to an object or climb walls; immunity to lasers; regeneration and sprouting new attack tentacles; spinning webs; smashing through walls; plus some have other powers. Basal Disc: Holding Fast, Cimbing Using its basal disc, a hydra can secrete a sticky fluid that allows it to anchor itself to a solid object whether that’s a mountainside, a car, a roadway, robot, etc. If someone or something tries to dislodge the Hydrae, the creature can make a Strength check to hold on. Certain conditions can modify the check for or against the Hydrae, such as the solidness of the surface, the force being exerted against the creature, etc. It is up to the referee to decide these modifiers. The adhesive properties of the basal disc permit a Hydrae character to slither up vertical surfaces and hang from ceilings or other overhead structures or branches. Its safe movement rate is 10 meters per turn. It can try to “run” up a wall – moving up to 15 meters vertically per turn – but it must make a Strength check to hold on. A failed check results in a fall. It can also slither along a ceiling or overhead surface, though at a much slower rate – 5 meters per turn safely. The hydra can move faster, up to 10 meters per turn, but must make a Strength check or fall. Once again, the type of surface that a hydra attempts to climb may modify its chance of success or failure. The referee should also keep in mind that some structures may not support the creature’s heavy weight and could collapse or fall apart, resulting in a fall. Immunity to Lasers/Regeneration Due to the hydra's silvery hide, laser beams simply bounce off the creature without harming it. It also has resistance to other beam weapons such as masers and rafflurs, taking half damage. The heat of a laser beam excites the creature's cells and causes it to bud another temporary tentacle, gaining 10 temporary Stamina points and another attack. If, for example, a hydra with a Stamina score of 80 and four attacks was hit by a laser beam it would gain 10 points of Stamina and one additional attack for a total of 90 Stamina points and five attacks. The temporary increase in Stamina and attacks will decline after 5d10 minutes. When this loss of temporary Stamina occurs, and its points drop below 0, the hydra will die within minutes unless emergency procedures are taken. A staydose will not work on the creature, but a freeze field will. Masers, rafflurs and sonic weapons cause half damage to the creature, but do not cause it any increase in Stamina nor extra attacks. Sonic weapons also really anger hydra, sending it into a rage. The hydra can regenerate 1 Stamina point per hour from wounds when exposed to high-intensity light, such as that of a sunlamp. The Hydrae’s “emergency light therapy” can also work to revive hydra. Nematocysts/Muscle “Dart” Attack The hydra can fire nematocyts (muscle-fired darts) from special tentacles; it has a number of special tentacles equal to its Stamina score divided by 20, rounded up. Each dart causes 1d10 worth of damage. As noted above, however, when a hydra is struck by a laser, it not only gains 10 temporary Stamina points, but can also fire an extra dart. As in the case of its temporary Stamina points, the temporary tentacles recede after 5d10 minutes unless the creature keeps being hit by lasers. Its maximum number of attacks per turn is 18. When firing its darts, the hydra cannot use its any other abilities such as web spinning, but it can move. The range of the nematocyst is: Point Blank: 1-2 m / Short: 3-5 m / Medium 6-10 m / Long 11-20 m / Extreme 21-40 m Web Spinning/Throwing If the hydra remains in one spot for one turn, it can spin a silvery thread that will completely block a 5-meter diameter area. This web is strong enough to prevent any other creature, except hydra and Hydrae from moving through it. The web will last for 4d10 hours before it begins breaking down. Flamethrowers and acid sprayers can eliminate the web after 2d10 turns. Or, instead of shooting nematocysts, the hydra can spin one smaller web and throw it at a character(s) in the same turn. The range is: Point Blank: 1-5 m / Short: 6-10 m / Medium 11-15 m / Long 16-25 m / Extreme 26-60 m. If the web misses, use the grenade bounce table to see where it lands. It will temporarily entrap a character, robot or another creature in a 5-meter diameter area for 2-8 turns. Characters can make a Reaction Speed check to avoid entrapment. Insulation or Soft Shell About 1 in10 hydra also have a thick hide or a soft shell that helps protect them from needlers and gyrojets, reducing the damage from these weapons by half. Smashing Through Walls Normal walls are like paper to a fully grown hydra, it is capable of moving through them without stopping or delay. For armored walls and security doors, it can cause 5d10 worth of damage per turn to smash through them. It can even batter through the hull of starships, but pirates have learned that using certain sonic weapons can corral the creatures. Limited Teleportation Surprisingly, some rare hydra (1 to 2 percent) have the Mentalist ability to teleport up to 60 meters away – to an area within its line of sight – every three turns. Roll a d100 if the result is a 01 or 02, the creature will have this power. When it is used, the hydra cannot take any other actions. Acid Spray About 1 in 10 hydra can also spit acid from their mouths, doing 2d10 points of damage. The acid will eat through the hydra’s webbing and other susceptible objects. The range is: Point Blank: 1 m / Short: 2-3 m / Medium 4-6 m / Long 7-12 m / Extreme 13-20 m Gas Cloud About 1 in 10 hydra also can produce a gas cloud that fills a 5-meter diameter area for one turn. It causes 1d10 worth of damage and any character in the area affected suffers from obscured vision and would have to move out of the space in order to shoot. The hydra cannot use its other attack abilities when it does this. The range is: Point Blank: -- / Short: 1-2 m / Medium 3-5 m / Long 6-8 m / Extreme 9-10 m If the attack misses, use the grenade bounce chart to determine where the gas cloud lands. Sonic Beam About 1 in 10 hydra can produce a sonic beam causing 2d10 worth of damage. The range is: Point Blank: 1 / Short: 2-5 m / Medium 6-15 m / Long 16-30 m / Extreme 31-50 m
End of text [1] The attack number includes the hydra’s special attacks such as muscle darts, web throwing, etc. It is also the number to successfully grapple an opponent. Although not specifically referred to in the “Alien Creature on the Loose” adventure, the hydra is a carnivorous animal and apparently could eat a NPC civilian in one turn, so it must have a grappling and eating attack. Joe Cabadas |
![]() April 21, 2016 - 5:58am | I recommendation: creature in the basic game was called the hydra this could potentially lead to confusion I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
April 21, 2016 - 8:21am | I recommendation: creature in the basic game was called the hydra this could potentially lead to confusion Well, keep in mind that I didn't create the Hydrae as an NPC race, so I am loath to change the name. And, yes, the Hydrae and the hydra are related to the creature in the basic game. In fact, all the abilities I give the hydra are variants of the "build your own creature" theme provided in the basic game. All I did was tweak some of the statistics based on Ragnar's descriptions. For example, Ragnar's original description said that the creatures have a basal disk. This description reminds me of snails. Snails can climb walls and crawl along ceilings, so it seemed natural to give them that ability. I also figured the basal disk allows them to "stick" in place, hence being able to grab onto a surface and hold on. Ragnar's original description of his Hydrae mentioned the nematocyts (muscle-fired darts) having a neurotoxin, but he didn't provide any statistics for what it did. I added this: "Each dart causes 1d5 worth of damage plus it has a neurotoxin that can temporarily paralyze a victim for 2d20 minutes. The victim must make a current Stamina to avoid the effect." The adventure I am planning involves characters encountering a couple hydra (one adult with teleportation abilities) and one adolscent causing havoc as they flee the harbor area of Gozzorf City. My players are unfamiliar with the hydra of the basic game, so they won't know about what lasers do to them (hee-hee). The hydra were smuggled onto the planet to be purchased by a human who collects exotic creatures. The smugglers also have a captive Hydrae (the smaller, intelligent race) that prompted its two larger cousins to make a break for it.... I try posting those details later for any critiques as I develop them. Joe Cabadas |