![]() October 22, 2015 - 6:52pm | Okay I will be plugging at this as well: SP/SE technology including info on Space Humans and what ever else seems to have wandered into both D&D & SF from SP/SE. Order of the Frog: A group dedicated to the extinction of normal humans and the development of a human-frog hybred to replace normal humans. Stephen Rocklin (Saint Stephen) CIty of the Frog Sky City, the City of the Gods AKA FSS Beagle 2 mile long space ship And more: More to follow: "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 27, 2017 - 12:22pm | Star Empires ship marker "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 27, 2017 - 2:36pm | Okay basic conversion 1 in 4 chance 1d4 = 25% 1 in 6 chance 1d6 = 16.666% 1 in 8 chance 1d8 = 12.5% 1 in 10 chance 1d10 = 10% 1 in 12 chance 1d12 = 8.333% 1 in 20 chance 1d20 = 5% 1 in 100 chance 1d100 = 1% This is to get a specific number only, such as 1 or 15. The probabilities change with system mechanics and number of dice. So looking at SE's tables... Navigational Hazard Table is about 16% for each out come... 1-16 17-32 33-48 49-64 65-80 81-96 That leaves 97-100 to be dealt with. The easiest would be to make it 81-100 for the None category, option two use 97-100 to create a re-roll category. Table 1 Clouds Die Roll 1=10% = 1-10 2 = 10% = 11-20 3-4 = 20% =21-40 5 = 10% = 41-50 6-10 =50% = 51-100 "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 27, 2017 - 7:04pm | Table 2 Asteroid Belts Die Roll 1-5 = 50% 1-50 6-7 = 20% 51-70 8 = 10% 71-80 9 = 10% 81-90 10 = 10% 91 -100 Table 3 Radiation Fields Die Roll 1 25% = 1-25 2 25% = 26-50 3 25% = 51-75 4. 25% = 76-100 Table 4 Coments Die Roll 1 10% = 1-10 2 10% = 11-20 3 10% = 21-30 4-10 70% = 31-100 Obviously the tables that use 1-10 do not need changing per say, but to convert the radiation table d100 or some sort of monkeying it to use d10. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 27, 2017 - 8:09pm | Ship Malfunctions & Ship Hazards There is a basic base chance with a full crew of 1,000 of the following happening each jump: 8% chance of a malfunction. 6% chance of encountering a space hazard. Note the probability of malfunction increases as crew decreases. 1d100 is rolled. Ship Malfunction Table No. Of Naval Die Roll. Personnel. 200 400 600 800 1000. 39,47 (7%) 36 (5%) 19,27(4%) 16 (2%) 1 (1%) 40,48 (7%) 35 (5%) 20,28 (4%) 15 (2%) 2 (1%) 41 (5%) 34 (4%) 21 (3%) 14 (2%) 3 (1%) 42 (5%). 33 (4%). 22 (3%). 13 (2%) 4 (1%) 43 (5%). 32 (4%) 23 (3%). 12 (2%) 5 (1%) 44 (5%). 31 (4%). 24 (3%). 11 (2%) 6 (1%) 45. (7%) 30,38 (6%) 25 (4%) 10,18 (3%)7 (1%) 46. (7%) 29, 37 (6%) 26. (4%) 9, 17 (3%) 8 (1%) Space Hazard Table Die Roll. Hazard. 95. Hydrogen Clouds 96. Space Debris. 97. Radiation Storms. 98. Black Star. 99. Cosmic Storms 100. Hyper-Space Distortion The way I am thinking these tables are used is the d100 is rolled each jump then numbers matched to crew size. So the Space Hazards stay at 6% no matter what. If the crew is fully maned then 8+6%=14% base chance of a problem. With 1000 crew 6+8=14% With 800 crew 6+8+10= 24% With 600 crew 6+8+10+10= 34% With 400 crew 6+8+10+10+10=44% With 200 crew 6+8+10+10 +10+10=54% "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() November 9, 2017 - 10:21am | 2D6 Dice Roll ProbabilityThe chance of rolling a total of 2 is 2.78 percent "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 9, 2020 - 1:24pm | Working on analysis of these games so I can add, use and intergrate for Star Empires type game... better with SF. Star Probe is the oldest TSR starship movement ideas. Star Empires is the updated expanded version of Star Empires. A third update of the game was planned but never published. Then Star Frontiers Knight Hawk Expansion was published and clearly aspects of SP/SE appear. Star Maps SP used square hexes. SE & SF use 6 sided hexes. Turning in Combat SP ships made 45 degree turns. SE & SP use 60 degree turns, Both SP & SE use a table which the speed of the ship determines when a ship can turn. SF assigns a number of turns a ship can do called MR = Manuever Rating. SP & SE Velocity at the start of turn is used to determine how far (distance in hexes) the ship must move before it can make a turn. SP Velocity 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 Distance 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11 SE changes and expands on the chart. The new chart implies no top speed. SE Velocity. 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-21 22-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 +25 Distance. 1. 2. 4. 5. 7. 8. 12. 20. 25. +5 In SP & SE everytime a ship turns it looses one unit of velocity. SF Uses Maneuver Rating in which the player can turn the ship the number of times listed for MR, however a ship can turn only oneness side in any hex. Note all three games a ship can only turn once in any hex. Options: 1 assign MR to SP/SE ships 2. don't worry about it use both systems together 3. Use SE chart for SF type ships instead of MR 4. Use chart only if MR has not been assigned. Zero Velocity Ships Turning SF A ship at speed 0 through a whole turn can rotate during its movement so it faces any hex side. Velocity SP uses the term Acceleration Factor aka AF to determine how fast a ship can accelerate or decelerate. SE use the term Acceleration aka A to determine how fast a ship can accelerate or decelerate. SF use the term Acceleration/Deceleration Factor to determine how fast a ship can accelerate or decelerate. I prefer ADF so will use that term. In all three games these terms mean the exact same thing. No changes need to be made between games. All speeds are culmative thus a ship with an ADF of 2 can keep accelerating each turn so on turn two it can go 4 hexes, on turn 3 the ship would be going 6 hexes... and so on. In SP & SE the ADF is for a ship going in a straight line. In SF MR allows ship to turn without loosing velocity. Hybrid idea... if SP & SE ships are assigned MRs then the turn chart can be used as an emergency turn if MR is used on perhaps some sort of fail succeed roll. More to follow "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 9, 2020 - 1:27pm | FrontierSpace treat Pulse Rating the same as ADF and vice a versa. FS uses Handeling which is going to take some thinking on to gloss between systems... I will probably have to fiddle with the SF navigating Asteroids formula to figure out how to gloss this. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 9, 2020 - 1:31pm | SF drives determine ADF/MR... chemical & ion ships are always 1ADF/1MR Atomic engines 5/5 is normal max though ships ADF/MR can be tinkered with by subtracting from one stat to add to another. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 9, 2020 - 2:58pm | Navigating Asteroids SE A ship can go safely through an asteroid hex safely at a velocity of no greater than 4 hexes per turn.any faster than 4 a collision coukd occur. The % chance is 5 times the velocity, and is checked each asteroid hex passed through. SF is way more complicated A) (MR + pilot skill)5 + 50 B) (Hull Size + velocity entering asteroid hex)3 C) A-B = % If a ships MR is reduced to 0, the pilot skill becomes 0, and speed is treated as 0 and the number for A is 50... Formula then is 50- (3 x hull size). A ship always gets safely through on a roll of 01-05. So base chance to manuever for anyship before velocity and pilot skill modifiers is the 50- (3 x hull size) HS 1 50-3 = 47% HS 2 50-6 = 44% HS 3 50-9 = 41% HS 4 50-12 = 38% HS 5 50-15 = 35% HS 6 50-18 = 32% "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |