![]() October 22, 2015 - 6:52pm | Okay I will be plugging at this as well: SP/SE technology including info on Space Humans and what ever else seems to have wandered into both D&D & SF from SP/SE. Order of the Frog: A group dedicated to the extinction of normal humans and the development of a human-frog hybred to replace normal humans. Stephen Rocklin (Saint Stephen) CIty of the Frog Sky City, the City of the Gods AKA FSS Beagle 2 mile long space ship And more: More to follow: "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 22, 2015 - 8:21pm | What can be learned from the FSS Beagle's accident: According to engineers the accident was not supposed to happen and to be impossible, so probably some redundant safety systems are involved, the ship suffered a series of malfunctions in it's drive pods... so this means either sabotage or a reaction to a phenomenon not understood or known to their scientists. It should be noted that after the crash the crew picked up strange weird unpredictable energy from the planet, so weird they began referring to it as "magic" in jest (as they don't believe in magic). Though sabotage is a possibility it is also possible this previously unknown unpredictable energy may have had something to do with the accident. So what happened: A power plant explosion destroyed the ship's spatial discontinuity field and even damaged its conventional drive. Okay the FSS Beagle based on SP/SE rules jumps through space in much the same way a KH ship does... in SF this space is called the void and somehow related to tachyons in SP/SE this space is called hyperspace. My thinking is these terms are synonyms for all intents and purposes and even in basic game mechanics seem to be the same. So the void drive or generator we have often postulated appears to have been called or created what is called the "spatial discontinuity field". The sentence clearly indicates there is a conventional drive on top of the device that generates this field. We also learn the ship was not designed to enter planet atmosphere landings but by picking a nice landing area (dead sea bottom area) and totally damaging the conventional drive (and maneuvering pods) the ship was landed instead of being destroyed in a decaying orbit. For the Beagle to fly again it would need at least a new conventional drive and a new power plant. The accident that grounded the Beagle tore numerous rents in the hull, these breaches where sealed in bubbles of foam insulation that contains the radiation leaks from the damaged power plant. A thin ceramic skin is on the outside of the bubble foam, it is very tough, but once breached a PC is exposed to radiation. So we know one the power plant and probably the drive as well give off radiation. Atomic power of some sort. In looking at the map of the ship there are 3 drives, We also have a new cool radiation containing hull breach repair material. This stuff needs a name, in the description these areas are called "green-lined" it is possible the foam is green. We do not know how long or when the hull breaches where dealt with, if relatively quickly before descent to the planet radiation contamination of the planet would be nil or very small, but if after the landing the Beagle could have spread deadly radiation about the planet and defiantly in it's landing area. The Beagle is 2 miles long & 3/4th a mile wide with 3 decks. Its two upper decks are high security areas where the auxiliary power plant, the computer, the fire control center and the senior ratings & officers' quarters are located. The ship has special environment areas for alien species. The Beagle is constructed of prefab 60-foot wide by 180-foot long by 60-foot high modules, some modules are linked to create bigger spaces and others partitioned to make smaller spaces. Each area formed by the modules is called a pod and is sealed by an internal lock consisting of a single pressure door. Linking these modular areas is a system of circular tubes which are used by air cars. There is no provision for pedestrian traffic between pods. All pod areas have a 60-foot height it seems. So this ship is big really big. In looking at the map the ship has to have had artificial gravity. The Beagle has 26 exterior air locks with decompression chambers with inner & outer locks. Some are 60-foot cubes with double doors 30 feet high and 60 feet wide, The other locks are 30-foot cubes with doors 10 feet high and 20 feet wide. The Beagle's hull is plated in a foot of duralloy sheathed in a two-foot sandwich of exotic fibers and super tough ceramics. The external surface is armored with two inches of collapsium. The Beagle's big bubble domes are made of a translucent duralloy compound and covered with duralloy shutters... it takes intense heat & pressure (say atomic power plant exploding) to damage this hull. According to SP exploration ships have a crew of around 2500 people. More to come... "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 23, 2015 - 4:42am | Each interior & outer door has a small view port at human eye level next to a 6-inch square alphanumeric keyboard used to punch access codes that open all the ships locks. The outer doors also have collapsium blast shield that blocks the doorway & the exterior view port when the outer door is closed. The blast shield has its own key pad for access. The keypad uses Galactica numbers & letters. All locks are tied to the ship's computer, which electronically seals them. Locks on C deck unseal & open with appropriate access code. Locks on B deck are sealed both manually & electronically and can not be opened by access code. These doors can not be forced. All use of exterior doors locks are logged in the computer. More on hacking through the foam: must inflict 36 D&D points of damage on the ceramic skin in order to chop a man sized hole and access the foam it takes one D&D turn for every 10 feet. I need to convert this... but since conventional weapons can not hurt the ceramic skin again we are talking tough stuff. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 23, 2015 - 4:47am | http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/8601#comment-40332 Other Star Probe thread NOTE on DECKS: the upper decks may be smaller than C deck, still figuring the ship map out, but that is what I think at this point. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 24, 2015 - 11:12am | So 3218.688 meters by 1207.008 meters ='s 2 miles by 3/4th mile. Now this ship has 3 decks so if each pod is 60 feet high then that is 18.28800 meters multiplied by 3 gives 54.864 meters, this number is probably on the low side as you got to figure there are domes, decking material between decks and then each deck is a different size... So C deck volume is 3218.688 meters by 1207.008 meters by 18.28800 = 71,048,553.9 meters volume I counted the squares on the map for B deck, each square = 60 yards. I came up with 557 squares. So 557 x 60 = 33,420 yards = 30559.25 meters. A deck looks to be about 45 squares. 45 x 60 = 2,700 yards = 2,468.88 meters "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 24, 2015 - 11:35am | I counted C deck as best I could 1122 squares. 1122 x 60 = 67,320 yards = 61,557.41 meters area roughly. 1 mile = 1760 yards 2 miles = 3,520 yards 3/4 miles = 1320 yards "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 24, 2015 - 11:51am | I counted the hull length 3,240 yards (assuming no miscount) but that is close to 2 miles. Any how in looking at Hull Size for KH there is nothing that comes close... Assuming 3218 meters by 1207 meters is this type of ship's hull dimensions then this hull is 5 to 6 times hull 20 length of 600 and 12 times the diameter/width. Not sure how to convert this... "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 24, 2015 - 5:24pm | I think the "ceramic skin" must be a spray on stuff or adhesive that is put over the foam. I am leaning toward a liquid ceramic versus adhesive panels. How the anti-radiation foam is another question to consider. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 24, 2015 - 5:30pm | Lighting: All parts of the ship except for tubes, green-lined and some occupied envia pods have powerful foot-square glow panels in walls and ceilings that emit a diffused light when activated. The panels contain sensors that tell them when someone is in a room. When they semce a biological presence they start to operate at a preset level. The room's occupant can change the amount of light the panel emits by verbally instructing it in Galactica to “dim” or “brighten up.” Equipped with their own power celss these panels can operate for months without recharging. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 16, 2017 - 10:20pm | Basic Maping: Both Star Probe and Star Empires have a Star Map which uses a stagered square system in which each square represents a 5 light year cube of space. The Star Frontiers Star Map retains squares but no longer stagered and are now 1 light year in distance. Star Probe uses an one inch or square system but calls it a hex. Each such square or inch = 5,000 miles in a battle scenerio. In Star Empires the additional maps have all become hex shaped like the latter KH Battle map. Distances for the Hex Map come in different ranges. The obvious advantage to this idea is you can shift scales as needed. Star Empires and Star Probe used miles instaed of kilometers. System Maneuver Board scale is 1 hex = 20,000,000 miles Planetary Board 1 hex = 5,000 miles Deep Space Board 1 hex = 5,000 miles With the switch from miles to kilometers Knight Hawks appears to have rounded up the conversion of 5,000 miles to 10,000 kilometers for the Battle Board. If one wanted to use the System Maneuver Board idea I would just double the number to 1 hex = 40,000,000 kilometers. The Deep Space Board would be 10,000 km per hex as well. The true conversion math is 10,000 km = 6213.72 miles, 5,000 miles = 8056.72 km, and 20,000,000 miles = 32186880 km or 40,000,000 km = 24854847.689 miles. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 16, 2017 - 10:50pm | Jumping: Hyper-Sapce Jump distance in Star Probe and Star Empires is determined by your ships Hyper-Space Jump Distance. This number signifies the number of hexes that your ship is able to transvers on the Star Map in a period of one month. Thus a ship with a jump distance of 3 can cover up to 3 Star Map hexes or 15 light years in one month. Jump time is basically instantanous but that setting up the program for the jump takes one month since you must take fixes on six known objects, and to do this you must first locate them in a very cluttered heaven. Star Empires again Jumps are basically instantanous, but takes a month to program and align the ship... but the game now has some exceptions: supply nexuses and systems with space ports. A ship may jump immediately from one of these upon arrival. So that a ship that could normally make only one jump per month, can now jump as desired as long as it can always arrive at a nexus or a space port. Star Empires retains the same distance scheme as Star Probe. SF retains the instantanous jump idea but shortens the time to one day per light year, but adds in astrogation plotting time as well. Of intrest is SF's 15 light year safe jump distance this indicates possable Tech Level of Engines. This would roughly gloss to TSL 7 in Star Empires, so TSL in SE effects how far a ship can jump, what size ship it can move and how close to the sun a ship can come out of a jump or enter a jump. Based on an overveiw of TSR ship ideas in D&D, SE, SP and SF I am pretty sure all have a specialized drive that slips them into Hyper-Sapce or Void-Space if they are FTL. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 30, 2017 - 8:24am | Game Time Notes: Game Time:
Star Probe
60 strategic turns each of one game = 5 years (page 4) By extraction: 12 strategic turns = 1 year 1 strategic turn = 1 month of a 12 month year. (page 5) 5 years = 60 strategis turns Battle Turn = 1 day (page 5)
Star Empires
30 Combat turns on the Space Battle Board equals 1 month. Thus a Battle Turn = 1 day.
System Maneuver Board 6 turns = 1 month. So 1 turn = 5 days.
Star Map 1 turn = 1 month.
Knight Hawks Combat Space Turn 1 turn = 10 minutes. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 17, 2017 - 5:26pm | Moving Your Ship Around SP Acceleration Factor: (AF) This defines the amount by which you are able to increase or decrease the present velocity of your ship or change direction of travel.
Movement: You are able to go in a straight line equal to your velocity. You may increase the above velocity by the value of your acceleration factor (AF). You may decelerate by a factor up to your AF. Depending on the velocity of your ship, you are able to change the direction of its travel by factors of 45 degrees. As specified in the table below, you must go a minimum distance in a straight line before you may make a correction; this is due to the inherent inertia of your ship.
Velocity 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 At Start Of Your Turn Straight 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 11 Distance You Must Go
Note the Velocity/Turn chart is different in SE.
For each 45 degree turn you make, you will lose 1 unit of velocity; unless you expend 1 unit of acceleration to counteract it.
You may make course correction to the left and the right in any order that you desire (as long as you go straight required hexes for your speed till next turn).
Note this version of the game is using an one inch square grid board making the easiest visual aid the sides and corners, thus the 45 degree angles. Thus it ca takes more turns to change direction in SP than SE.
SE Velocity: The number of spaces a ship may move in a straight line in one turn. On leaving hyperspace, a ship’s velocity is equal to the distance the ship jumped, in spaces. On entering the Battle Board, it is equal to the last velocity on the System Maneuvering Board.
Acceleration: Acceleration Factor (AF) The ability of your ship to increase or decrease it’s velocity in one turn.
Turning: For each 60 degreed turned a ship uses one unit of acceleration. The distance a ship must go straight before it can turn again is based one velocity.
Velocity 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-21 22-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 +25 Straight 1 2 3 5 7 8 12 20 25 +5 Distance
Note the Velocity/Turn chart is different in SP.
A ship must only turn in increments of 60 degrees at a time. All velocity must be used; if a ship’s velocity is 15, it must move 15 spaces. This is modified only by the vessel’s ability to increase or decrease velocity—its acceleration factor.
Knight Hawks
Acceleration and Deceleration Each ship has an Acceleration/Deceleration Factor (ADF). The number tells the player how many hexes the ship can add to or subtract from its speed in one turn. Ships acceleration or decorate just before they move. A ship cannot accelerate and decelerate on the same turn.
Stopping: A ship can stop (0 velocity) only if its speed during the previous turn was equal to or less than its ADF. A ship that had a speed of 0 during the last turn can remain at 0, or accelerate to any speed up to its ADF. A hip does not move at all on the turn it stops.
Top Speed: ships do not have a top speed.
Maneuver Rating (MR): This number tells the player how many times the ship can turn during its move.
The bow (front) of a ship always must point at one of the six sides of the hex the ship is in. When a ship moves , it must move into the hex it is facing.
A ship can turn after it enters a hex. A ship turns by rotating so that it bow faces the first hex side to its right or left. During its move, a ship can make a number of turns equal to its MR. A ship can turn only one hexside in any hex, however. If the number of hexes a ship moves is less than its MR, it still can turn only once per hex.
Note each hex has 6 sides. 6 divided into 360 degrees equals 60 degrees so each turn made is a 60 degree turn.
Stoped Exception: If a ship has a speed of zero through the entire turn, it can rotate during its movement phase so it faces any hexside. So the progression from AD to ADF is clear, and MR replaced the Velocity Charts which probably changed as greater speeds were played out in the game. But the basic moving ideas pretty much stayed the same. I am beginning to think Star Empires might be able to be updated to KH rules for Empire building and rumbling fun. ![]() "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 17, 2017 - 7:11pm | Firing Beam Weapons:
Once both sides have moved all their ships, any ships that are in position to fire may do so. If a ship within your attack range and to the front of your ship or up to 30 degrees off of your front, then you have an effective shot. If so you may fire your beams or missiles. Beam weapons are fired only at the end of a turn. Weaponry is mounted in the front of the ship only. (The image shows a centered 60 degree cone, I am interrupting the text to mean 30 degrees on either side of the ship’s bow).
To determine if you hit and where you hit use the following tables
Beam Firing Table compares range in hexes to the Technical Social Level of the ship. Use 2D10 (2 to 20). You must get above the number shown to hit.
Beam Firing Table
Range in Technical Social Level Hexes 6 7 8 1 6 5 5 2-3 9 8 7 4-5 11 10 9 6 16 15 14 7 — 17 16 8 — — 17
If you hit, the area must be determined if and only if your screens are down. To determine where your ship has been hit you will roll a 1D10 (1 to 10). Ship systems will operate until the value is exceeded. If a ship is being attacked from the rear; then the first two entries on the table are exchanged with the last two. 1 for 5-6, and 2 for 7-10.
Hit Location Roll Area #Hits 1 Hyper Engines 10 Megarons 2 Acceleration 10 Megarons 3 Attack 10 Megarons 4 Attack Range Value Listed 5-6 Screen Generators 10 Megarons 7-10 Hull Value Listed
Missiles Each salvo at the various TSLs is capable of inflicting an appropriate number of Megarons worth of damage.
Missile Table Tech Level Damage Velocity Range Salvos May Salvos Inflicted (hexes/turn) Fire Carried WS EI & EII WS 6 4 10 20 1 —— 10 7 5 15 30 3 2 15 8 6 15 45 4 —— 20 WS=Warship E=Explorer
Missiles may only be fired at the end of the turn. To determine if the hit the Range Table below is used (2D10). You must be equal to or lower than the number listed.
Missile Range Table Range To Target Hexes Tech VI Tech VII Tech VIII 0-5 14 17 17 6-10 13 15 17 11-15 12 13 14 16-20 8 10 12 21-25 0 8 10 26-30 0 5 6 31-35 0 0 5 36-40 0 0 4 41-45 0 0 3 46-50 0 0 0
Note: Missiles are maneuvered as ships if players wish to complicate, if not, they will move in straight line. Determine hits only if the missiles are in or pass through the hex in which the target rests at the end of its turn.
1. Sequence Of Fire a) Missile Fire: Hits are determined by first subtracting the number of salvos stopped by scramblers, and then rolling on the Hit Probability Chart for the rest of the missiles (individually or in groups). Damage caused by missiles is then determined. b) Beam Fire: Record attack patterns for all fleets or units firing. Fleets not firing, but being fired upon, will state a pattern after the other side has recorded theirs (One pattern per fleet or components). Each player then cross-indexes his pattern against that of the target and determines damage. c) Paralyzer Fire: Structual damage sustained in step a. and b. counts for determine the effect of paralyzer fire. Hits are determined by using the Hit Probability Chart. d) Return to movement sequence 2. Damage After the screens of a fleet are down, each time that the structural value of a ship of the fleet is reached, one ship is destroyed. Loss of a ship lowers the attack and defense capability of the fleet by 10%. 3. Firing Orientation The front of the counter must be pointed at (or no more than 60 degrees off) the target to be able to fire. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 17, 2017 - 7:37pm | KH
A ship can fire its weapons during the opposing player’s movement phase and during its own combat phase. Weapons cannot be fired at any other time during the turn.
Range: Before firing any weapons, the player that is attacking must count the range from the attacking ship to its target. To find range count the number of hexes in the shortest path between the attacking ship and the target ship. Count the hex the target ship is in, but not the one the attacking ship is in. Weapons cannot be fired at targets beyond a certain range, and some weapons become less effective at long ranges. Targets in the central row of hexes are easier to hit (Head-On Shots).
If a moving ship enters a hex containing an enemy ship, the moving ship may use its FF weapons against that enemy ship. The enemy ship, however, may only use FF weapon for defensive fire if the last hex the moving ship was in before entering the enemy’s hex was in the enemy ship’s forward field of fire.
Aiming Weapons
Fields of Fire Laser batteries, torpedoes and rocket batteries can be fired in any direction. Laser cannons and assault rockets can only be fired straight ahead of the firing ship. Laser cannons and assault rockets are called Forward Firing Weapons. Forward firing weapons can be fired at any target inside the three-hex-wide area. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 17, 2017 - 8:28pm | Randomizing Space Combat Set Up: SP Step 1. Determination of the relative position of enemy ships versus yours: Generate a random number for each ship that the has (Use 1D4). A one indicates they are straight ahead of you, 2 means to the right 90 degrees, 3 means to the left 90 degrees, and 4 indicates directly behind you (see diagram below). Step 2. Determination of initial velocity:- For each of four cardinal points listed in Step 1 the player (or players) who is 9are) representing the natives will generate a random number (use 1D10) and the resulting number (1-10) will be the velocity. To determine your initial velocity you will do the same (use 1D10). You are allowed to add or subtract up to one table increment of acceleration. Thus if you drew a 7 on the draw and have an Explorer 1 with an acceleration of 3, you may have a velocity anywhere from 4 to 10 as desired. Step 3. After steps 1 & 2 you may move. The order of move will be determined by the roll of 2 D6, with the high total going first, low last. At this point the explorer must decide what he plans to do. Fight by himself Call on the military to assist. If abdoning the system the player must run for at least 6 turns before he can make his hyper-space jump. If durring this period the hyper-space engines are hit, he must start all over again from 1 and so on. Calling On the Military: Assign a number 1 through 10 to your call for aid.The numbers represent your feelings of urgency in this situation, and will determine how many ships the military will send and how long they will take to get there.For details see table... also tells how much Megarons you will be charged. Space Actions Priority 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10E Time /10 /5 /2 /5 3 /10 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 Ships 1 1 1 2 2/ 3 3 4 5 7 10 Megarons Charged 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 15 19 25 35 The natives will cease to attack in space if you are able to destroy all their ships before the arrival of reinforcements. Thus is the start with 1 ship and will get another in 10 turns, then you have that many turns to end the battle. Okay this idea can be addapted to KH the easest way to determine direction of enemy ships would probably be to use a 1D6 and make 1 forward, 6 rear, 2 forward right, 3 forward left, 4 rear right, & 5 rear left. (Orientation note when I looked at the original image for this if you were in the ship looking forward the "right" is actually the ships "left" and vice a versa... I think someone made a graphics error) Other conversions still need figuring but this is a nice idea. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 19, 2017 - 8:01pm | How Much Damage Can A Ship Take:
Hull Value: This is a measure of how much damage (in Megarons) your ship is able to absorb into its structure before falling apart. If your ship has a value of 40 then is is capable of absorbing that many Megarons worth of damage in the hull before disintegration under an enemy attack. SP page 7
Structure: The structure value is the amount of damage a vessel can sustain before it is destroyed. Once the value is exceeded by 1 Maegaron the ship is destroyed. Structural damage may only be repaired at shipyard or supply nexus. SE page 24
Hull Points: Each ship has a number of Hull Points. When a ship is hit, the number of points of damage caused by the attack is subtracted from the ship’s hull points. When all of the ship’s hull points are gone, the ship is destroyed and immediately removed from the map. KHB page 5
Cargo Holds:
The number here will signify how many holds you have in your ship.Each hold will have 10 units of storage space. Thus if you have one hold you can store up to 10 units of cargo; two holds up to 20 units of cargo, and so on. SP page 7-8
The capacity of one cargo hold is 25 megatons worth of manufactured good, minerals, food produce, etc. Combat units are carried at the rate of one unit per hold. Also carried at the rate of one unit per hold are Police-Admin. and mining teams and bombs. One hold will also carry 1/4 of a colonization team, on pursuit craft, and ten missile salvos. SE page 26
Cargo Units: One unit of cargo is the amount of cargo that can be carried in one hull size point. For example, a freighter of hull size 8 can carry 8 units of cargo. KHE page 45 "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 19, 2017 - 8:10pm | Attack: This item designates the total available damage that your ship may inflict on another in terms of Megrons. That is, if the value listed for your ship is 2, then if you hit another ship you will inflict a total of 2 Megarons damage. SP page 7 "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 19, 2017 - 8:28pm | Ships may not move through a space that is entirely filled by a planet or a moon. If a ship is forced to pass through such a space, it crashed (Option: 10% chance to land safely). Partial planet or moon hexes may be moved through. The ship loses velocity for each such hex is passes through. The velocity loss is equal to the planet's number (1 to 6, numbering from the sun: a moon is treated the same as 1). If a ship's velocity falls to 0 as it enters a space with a planet or moon it goes into orbit; if the velocity goes to less than 0, a ship is forced to land on a planet. SE page 32 "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 20, 2017 - 6:41pm | Stacking Counters
Any number of ships can be in one hex at the same time. Ships can shoot at other ships in the same hex without penalty. KHB page 4
50 ships, forts or combination of the two is allowed in one space. SE page 32
A hex that contains a planet counter is blocked. No ship can move into or through that hex. The planet also blocks shots if the shortest path from the attacker to the target must be traced through the planet’s hex. KHB page 4
Orbiting Planets Any ship that starts its move in a hex next to a planet can orbit the planet. The player simply announces during his movement phase that the ship is orbiting the planet. KHB page 4
A ship that is orbiting a planet has a speed of zero. However, the ship automatically moves one hex around the planet each turn. the direction of the orbit (clockwise or counterclockwise) is up to the player who controls the ship. Once it is established, the direction cannot be changed unless the ship leaves orbit and returns to start a new orbit in the opposite direction… KHB page 4
Because a ship in obit has a speed of zero, it can rotate to face any hex side during its movement. The ship can rotate this way even if it leaves orbit during the turn. If the ship leaves orbit, it still has its full MR to use during its move…KHB page 4
"Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 20, 2017 - 7:09pm | Screen Value: This is used to indicate how many Megarons worth of damage your ships screens will absorb before they collapse from overload. Once your screens are gone then you will begin to take damage to the ship itself. Thus, if you have a Screen Value of 5, you may take a total of 5 Megarons damage before your screens collapse. It should be noted that you are able to dissipate 1 Megaron worth of damage per turn in which your screens receive no hits, so if you can take 5 Megarons total damage and have taken 3 so far, 2 more next turn would cause your screens yo collapse but if o your next turn your opponent should miss then you would go up 1, so thta 3 Megarons in hits are required to collapse your screens. Even if the screens have collapsed the above holds true as long as the screen generators are not destroyed. If the generators are hit you must use your Repair Crew (if any) to bring them back to working order; so if the generators take a 3 Megaron blast it will take your crew 3 turns to repair. The damage is cumulactive here in terms of repair. SP page 7 "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 23, 2017 - 3:19pm | Velocity SP 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (5) (5) (5) SE 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-21 22-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 +25 (4) (4) (4) (4) (5) (4) (25) (25) (25) (I think SE's chart has an error and should read 17-20 & then 21-25 like SP's chart)
Distance You Must Go Straight At Start Of Your Turn Before You Can Turn SP 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 11 SE 1 2 3 5 7 8 12 20 25 +5
System Maneuver Board scale is 1 hex = 20,000,000 miles Planetary Board 1 hex = 5,000 miles Deep Space Board 1 hex = 5,000 miles Battle Board 1 hex = 5,000 miles SP had only the 1 hex=5,000 miles so I am considering these velocity/turn charts to be for that scale. So speeds we are dealing with SP first (1-4) 5,000 - 20,000+ (5-8) 25,000 - 40,000+ (9-12) 45,000 - 60,000+ (13-16) 65,000 - 80,000+ (17-20) 85,000 - 100,000+ (21-25) 105,000- 125,000+ (26-30) 130,000- 150,000+ (31-35) 155,000- 175,000+ SE (1-4) 5,000-20,000+ (5-8) 25,000-40,000+ (9-12) 45,000-60,000+ (13-16) 65,000-80,000+ (17-21) 85,000-105,000+ (22-25) 110,000-125,000+ (26-50) 130,000- 250,000+ (51-75) 255,000- 375,000+ (76-100) 380,000- 500,000+ (+25) Speed of Light exact value is 299,792,458 metres per second (approximately 3.00×108 m/s, or 186,282 mi/s)
"Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 23, 2017 - 4:28pm | SP Warships Tech VI AF 2 JD 0 HV 30 Tech VII AF 3 JD 3 HV 35 Tech VIII AF 3 JD 5 HV 40 Explorer I AF 3 JD 3 HV 25 II AF 3 JD 4 HV 20 SE TCV chart (partial) Tech V AF 1 JD 0 HV 30 Tech VI AF 1 JD 0 HV 40 Tech VII AF 1 JD 4 HV 50 Tech VIII AF 1 JD 5 HV 50 Tech IX AF 1 JD 5 HV 55 Tech X AF 1 JD 6 HV 60 Tech XI-XIII AF 1 JD 7 HV 70 Tech XIV AF 2 JD 8 HV 80 Tech XV AF 2 JD 9 HV 85 Tech XVI AF 2 JD 9 HV 90 Tech XVII AF 2 JD 9 HV 95 Tech XVIII AF 2 JD 10 HV 100 Tech XIX AF 2 JD 11 HV 105 Tech XX-XXV AF 2 JD 12 HV 120 Tech XXVI AF 2 JD 13 HV 125 Tech XXVII AF 2 JD 13 HV 130 Tech XXVIII AF 2 JD 14 HV 135 Tech XXIX AF 2 JD 15 HV 140 Tech XXX-XL AF 3 JD 17 HV 200 Tech XLI AF 3 JD 18 HV 240 Tech XLII AF 3 JD 19 HV 250 Tech XLIII AF 3 JD 20 HV 260 Tech XLIV AF 3 JD 21 HV 300 Tech XLV-L AF 4 JD 22 HV 300 +1 AF +0 JD +1 HV +10 (The TCV is multiplied with the ship type, to get correct ship data) Battlewagon AF 2 JD 1 HV 1 Assault Cruiser AF 2 JD 1 HV .8 Patrol Cruiser AF 2 JD 1/2 HV .5 Destroyer AF 4 JD 1 HV .6 Carrier AF 1 JD 1 HV 1.2 Pursuit Craft AF 6 JD 0 HV .3 Scout AF 5 JD 1/2 HV .4 Controller AF 2 JD 1 HV 1 Merchant Ship AF 1 JD 1/2 HV .5 KH ships can safely jump 15 LY which equals SP/SE JD 1 "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 23, 2017 - 5:02pm | KH Destroyer ADF 3 MR 1 JD 1 HP 50 SE Destroyer Basic AF 4 JD 1 HV .6 (X TCV) Tech VII AF 4 JD 4 HV 30 Tech VIII AF 4 JD 5 HV 30 Tech IX AF 4 JD 5 HV 33 Tech X AF 4 JD 6 HV 36 Tech XI-XIII AF 4 JD 7 HV 42 "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 23, 2017 - 4:45pm | SE KH Battlewagon AF 2 Battleship ADF 2 Assault Cruiser AF 2 Heavy Cruiser ADF 1 Patrol Cruiser AF 2 Destroyer AF 4 Destroyer ADF 3 Carrier AF 1 Assault Carrier ADF 2 Pursuit Craft AF 6 Fighter ADF 5 Scout AF 5 Assault Scout ADF 5 Controller AF 2 Merchant Ship AF 1 Frigate ADF 3 "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() September 23, 2017 - 5:27pm | I think in SE one can do specific research on specific things and develop them before you are at the tech level. Hyperspace 1 to 6 HS Miles from Sun HV per Engine TSL Auto 1 300,000,000 50 7 2 200,000,000 100 14 3 150,000,000 150 26 4 100,000,000 250 33 5 75,000,000 300 41 6 50,000,000 400 51 Two engines move twice the structure size listed, 3 engines move three times the structure (aka hull value) listed, and so on. Engines only affect objects which they are built into. HS research 7+ does other things. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 8, 2017 - 4:28pm | I am not sure the game scale for time glosses well but I think full battles (that is all the turns necessary) end up taking a day for book keeping reasons in SE, but actual combat turns probably should be thought of as occuring faster more along the 10 minute time frame we see in SFKH. So conversion issues: 5000 miles equals 8046.72 kilometers. I honestly think they probably rounded up to 10,000 km for SFKH to keep it simple. So 2 SP 5000 mile hexes equal 16093.44 km, 3 SP hexes = 24140.16 km, 4 SP hexes = 32,186.88 km which is very close to 3 SFKH hexes. So I need to convert speeds and distance. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 8, 2017 - 9:33pm | I would say round things for simplicity. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 26, 2017 - 4:25pm | Star Probe There is a basic base chance with a full crew of 1,000 of the following happening each jump: 8% chance of a malfunction. 6% chance of encountering a space hazard. Note the probability of malfunction increases as crew decreases. 1d100 is rolled. Ship Malfunction Table No. Of Naval Die Roll. Distance Direction Drive Break Repair Time Personnel. 200 400 600 800 1000. Down. Number Of Months 39,47. 36. 19,27. 16. 1. 5. O Yes. 2 months 40,48. 35. 20,28. 15. 2. 2. R. No. — 41. 34. 21. 14. 3. 3. L. No. — 42. 33. 22. 13. 4. -3. S. No. — 43. 32. 23. 12. 5. 3. S. No. — 44. 31. 24. 11. 6. 4. L. Yes. — 45. 30,38 25. 10, 18. 7. 2. R. Yes. — 46. 29, 37 26. 9, 17 8. 5. O. No. — Explanations: Distance So if the ship in Star Probe jumps 3 hexes and malfunctions and distance is added or subtracted to that original jump distance. Keep in mind each hex equals 5 light years. Direction Refers to the final direction of travel by your ship. S = direction you meant to go, O = opposite direction, R = you go 90 degrees to the right, L = you go 90 degrees to the left. Drive Break Down If a yes you must stay stationary for the time listed in order to repair it, during that time you can not explore the system. If your new course puts you in a hex that has a star at the same level as your ship, there is a 33% chance that you will be in that system. (Keep in mind this refers to the 3D nature of the Star Probe map) Space Hazard Table Die Roll. Hazard. Megatons Of. Time Lost Structural Damage. In Months 95. Hydrogen Clouds. 3. 0 96. Space Debris. 5. 0 97. Radiation Storms. 7. 1 98. Black Star. 11. 1 99. Cosmic Storm. 13. 2 100. Hyper-Space Distortion. 17. 3 "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 27, 2017 - 12:16pm | Star Empires Navigational Hazards If a battle occurs in a hex with a planet, roll on the following charrt for hazards. If the battle is in deep space, always use number 5 sample # only. Die Roll Tables Used 1 Cloud and Asteroid Tables 2 Cloud and Coment Tables 3 Cloud and Asteroid Tables 4 Cloud Table 5* Cloud and Radiation Tables *Used if battle in deep space. 6 None Table 1 Clouds Die Roll Clouds Distance Hexes 1 4 12 10 2 5 15 6 3-4 6 20 12 5 1 25 30 6-10 0 0 0 Table 2 Asteroid Belts Die Roll Belts Distance Hexes 1-5 0 0 0 6-7 1 15 20 8 2 20 14 9 1 25 30 10 6 20 10 Distance is measured from the mid-point of the battle area. One hazard is placed out each of the six sides. Hexes: Number of hexes on the board that hazard will occupy. Table 3 Radiation Fields Die Roll Fields Distance Hexes 1 1 10 20 2 2 15 7 3 5 25 12 4 1 20 20 All ships in radiation fields will sustain 2 Megarons damage per hex of field which they go through. Table 4 Coments Die Roll Coments Distance Velocity 1 2 20 3 2 1 10 2 3 1 15 1 4-10 0 0 0 A comet occupies only one hex. It will move to the center of boatds and then head for the sun. Ships in thesame hex recieve damage equal to 5 times the comet's velocity. Velocity is the number of hexes per turn that the comet will travel. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() October 27, 2017 - 12:22pm | Star Empires ship marker "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |