Gamma World Creatures

I am working on Converting Gamma World Critters for use in Star Frontiers, I am also trying to figure out how to us the Document section:

First up Arn for SF:

The Arn (Dragon Bugs)
Type: Medium Carnivore
Number: 1-6
Move: Medium 3 (on the ground) 16-75 (flight)
IM/RS: 5/50
Stamina: 50
Attack: 55
Special Defense: N/A
Special Attack: N/A
Damage: Bite 1D10
Planet of Origin: Vrusk Homeworld

This 1 to 2 meter long dragonfly like insect native to the Vrusk home-world was brought to the Frontier as a pet it is often used by small humanoids and used as a riding mount or beast of burden. Arns can be taught to hunt on command. Arns cannot fly with more than 6-20 kilograms on their backs and must be caught and trained while young to be of any use. The arn has large mandibles, which can bite doing 1 dice of damage. It can fly backwards, change direction in mid-air and hover for up to a minute (10 turns). It possesses six legs, but cannot walk well. It eats any other small creatures (land, aquatic if on surface of water, or aerial) it can catch. They are usually found around marshes, lakes, ponds, streams, and wetlands because their larvae, known as "nymphs", are aquatic. (Origin: GW1 & GW2)

The Giant Arn
Type: Medium Carnivore
Number: 1-6
Move: Medium 3 (on the ground) 16-75 (flight)
IM/RS: 5/50
Stamina: 65
Attack: 55
Special Defense: N/A
Special Attack: N/A
Damage: Bite 2D10
Planet of Origin: Vrusk Homeworld

This is a larger draft version of the Arn and used as a mount by Vrusk. 3 to 4 meters long. It is capable of carrying up to 95 kilograms on their backs. It’s bite can inflict 2d10 of damage. In all other respects same as the standard Arn unless otherwise noted in stats. 


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