Colonization Patterns Timeline & other material related to.

Tchklinxa's picture
November 27, 2014 - 2:54pm
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Some Basic info:


Alpha Dawn Populated Systems Info: Parenthesis info is from Zebs on top of AD.

410 PF First Vrusk/Dralasite Contact (Zebs)

350 PF First Vrusk/Human Contact (Zebs)

300 PF Vrusk, Dralasite, and Humans meet for the first time on the Frontier. (Zebs) All meet near the Prenglar System.

Araks (129 PF Y)

    Hentz                Y  H   I

Athor (168 PF Y)

     Yast                  Y  M  A


     (Venturi)        (Co)      

Cassidine (249 PF)

     Rupert’s Hole   H M  IA

     Triad                 * H   I (T)

(Devco) (32 FY)

    (Cass )                (Co   Lt  R)

Dixon’s Star (220 PF H)

      Laco                 H  O (M) (I)

Dramune        (170 PF D)

      Inner Reach      D  M AI

      Outer Reach      *  M IR

Fromeltar              (D 302 PF) (1st D/V contact 410 PF near this system) 

       Groth               D  L A

       Terledrom        D/V H I

Gruna Gora (Gruna Garu) (155 PF Y)

       Hargut             Y   H    (B)R

K’aken-Kar (156 PF V)

       Ken’zah Kit     V   M  A

Kizk’_Kar (146 PF V)

        Zik-kit             V  M IR

(K’tsa-Kar) (161 PF V)

         (Kwadl-Kit)  (V L  E)

(Liberty) (57 PY)

       (Snowball)     (Spec L E)

(Lynchpin) (11 FY V)

        (Moonworld) (H H M) (UPF Military)

Madderly’s Star (210 PF V/H)

         Kdikit            V/H became H only (205 PF) M IA

(Mechan) (77 FY Me)

         (Mechano)   (Me H IT)

(New Streel) (31 FY)

        (Corpco)     (Co L AT)

(Out Post #1) (80 FY)

(Sathar system between Solar Major & Solar Minor, becomes a UPF system 95 FY)

(Pan-Gal) (30 FY)

        (Exodus)   (Co M IT)

        (Genesis)   (Co O E)

Prenglar (260 PF) (V/D/H meet near 300 PF)

        Gran Quivera   * H   (B)I

        Morgaine’s       H O  (BIA)


(Rhianna) (60 FY)

     (Alcazzar)   (Co L R)

Scree Fron  (94 PF Y)

        Histran             Y   O  (E)

        Hakosoar          Y  L(M) AI

(Solar Major) (46 FY)

       (Ringar)          (V    M  B)

(Solar Minor) (66 FY)

       (Circe)          (H/V  L A)

       (Kir’-Kut)     (H/V  L  I)

(Sundown) (14 FY)

       (Starmist)     (*   O  E)

Theseus  (H 299 PF)

       Minotaur          H   H  (B)I

Timeon (152 PF H)

      Lossend           H L  FI (A)

(Tristkar) - popoluated by humans 200 years before vrusk arrival

     (Kraatar)          (V/H L AIT)

Truane’s Star (200 PF)

      Pale                 *   M(H) IR

   New Pale           H   L  A Pan-Gal Co per book

(Waller Nexus) (57 FY UPF)

   (Mahg Mar)    (*   O   E)

White Light (60 PF H) populated fo about 400 years at least per WWL 

    Gollywog          H    H  R

(Zebulon)  (61 PF H)

     (Anker)      (* M E) (57 PF H)

     (Volturnus) (*  L BI) 

Alpha System is located near  Prengalar & Timeon most likely it was a Human Colony.

Beta System was most likely a Yazirian Colony as it is located closely between Araks & Gruna Garu.

Delta System is located between Prengalar and White Light. Could be Human or Dralasite?

Gamma System is located Near Delta and White Light and Timeon. Could be Human?

Epsilon System is located  near K’tsa-Kar and K’aken-Kar probably a Vrusk Colony?

We have 5 Quarantined Systems only 4 where plague worlds… why the fifth?


 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."

TerlObar's picture
November 27, 2014 - 5:27pm
Don't forget that we've started this timeline discussion before:
so some of this work has already been done.  Also the is a page on the SFN wiki about the timeline and colonization order of the planets at the Frontier Timeline page and sub-pages
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine

jedion357's picture
December 1, 2014 - 6:35am
TerlObar wrote:
Don't forget that we've started this timeline discussion before:
so some of this work has already been done.  Also the is a page on the SFN wiki about the timeline and colonization order of the planets at the Frontier Timeline page and sub-pages

Head smack! I must of screwed up my search query before starting this I forgot about that project!

I did not want to duplicate the project.

what to do now?
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

iggy's picture
December 1, 2014 - 10:32pm
Post links to these posts in the previous project and then make this project closed.  So far there are only 6 members of this group.  Maybe even copy paste the text of each post into new threads in the previous project.

TerlObar's picture
December 2, 2014 - 5:45am
And I might actually be able to move the forum posts and comment over to the other project.  It would take some digging through the database though and I don't have the time right now.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine

TerlObar's picture
December 2, 2014 - 7:02am
Turns out moving them is easier than I had hoped as there is an interface for in the admin pages on the site.  So I can move all the forum topics to the older timeline project.  The one document in the new project is a duplicate of one in the old one so you'd just have to update the reference in the forum and I think all would be kosher.  Then we could close this project and only have the one.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine

iggy's picture
December 2, 2014 - 10:19am
All in favor of moving all posts to the original project say aye.


Tchklinxa's picture
December 3, 2014 - 11:09am
 "Never fire a laser at a mirror."