![]() November 15, 2014 - 6:31pm | The timeline was put together from various TSR resources (i.e. Core Rules from various editions, Polyhedron, Dragon Mag, and Gamma World game supplements). I had the unexpected luck of having Jim Ward view and comment on it on the old MA 4e forums before it was lost and a new forum started. |
![]() November 16, 2014 - 10:06am | Did you want to modernize yours? I plan to use as much of the original timelines even though it does not mesh with modern day, I am going with an alternate reality, an alternate Earth, if it ever comes up. I personally have not decided just where GW Earth/Solar System is timeline wise when compared to SF timelines. But I have decided the Space Humans are related to Pure Strain Humans, probably descendants of a colony much further out, that dodged the plague & the collapse of civilization... maybe a sleeper ship that by the time they got to where they were going and got set up all the destruction had happened, they believed they where the last of humanity. So I have started plugging at a Terran/Solar Human History in case I ever need it... powers that could have ancient dead ships drifting in space for instance. Here is the timeline notes I have for GW & Human history from the Solar system in general from various MA & GW based sources:
<!--[if gte mso 9]> (Ares:
Before the Dark Years) 1945 — First use of atomic weapons in warfare. 1957 —
Sputnik I, the first artificial earth
satellite, launched 1961 —
First manned spacecraft (Vostok I) launched 1969 —
First manned lunar landing made
by Apollo 11 spacecraft 1981 —
American space shuttle service begins
(earth orbit). 1988-1990
. World War III, worldwide general
conflict between East and West,
limited nuclear weapons exchange before
ceasefire 1999 . First self-aware “think tank” computer
activated 2002 —
First manned spaceflights to Mars
launched (Ares I/II); primary base established
at Mariner Valley 2003-2021
— Ecosystem collapse in Atlantic
and Pacific oceans; world-wide food
and water shortages, severe civil disturbances;
collapse of Japanese and European
economies. 2010 — American, Chinese, Indian, and Soviet
international conferences lead to establishment
of the First World Council. 2013 —
Rise of the first commercial business
blocks to control countries. 2014
--- Tycho Lunar Base constructed. (DM
A World Gone Mad) 2019 —
First commercial spaceport opens
(First Texan Space Complex) 2020 —
First Earth-orbital commercial space
factory assembled. 2034 —
American and Canadian governments unify
and form United North America. 2046 —
Orbital city Atlantis becomes first
politically independent space colony; moves
to Martian orbit 2047 . Columbus, Magellan, and Marco
Polo unmanned interstellar probes
launched from Earth orbit. 2050 —
Brazil establishes SAEU (unified South
American government). 2061 . Columbus reaches Alpha Centauri and
maps local planetary systems. 2066 —
Establishment of Mount Olympus
and Mount Arsia colonies on Mars. 2072 . Magellan reaches Tau Ceti; discovers
terraformable planet (Gaea). 2076 —
All Martian colonies gain political independence
through treaties; Federation
of Mars established. 2077 —
SAEU collapses after civil war. 2078 —
Mutiny aboard International Station
One (first true space war), arrest and
execution of mutineers. 2087-2089
— First Venerean terraforming project
attempted, but fails. 2095 —
Lunar population reaches 10,000
at Tycho Center moonbase. 2100 —
Genesis project (re-terraforming of
Earth’s environment) completed. 2101 —
Terraforming of larger asteroids begins. 2104 . The Three Suns, the first manned
interstellar spacecraft, launched
toward the Alpha Centauri system. 2104-2111 .
Widespread civil disorders in Asia lead to formation of Asian Coalition, collapse of Soviet Union. 2109 .
Thorium fusion propulsion system perfected and goes into systemwide use. 2120 .
Three Suns arrives at Alpha Centauri, establishes first extra-solar human colonies at Gagarin, Armstrong, Greenwood, and Sorokin. 2120 .
Second Venerean terraforming project attempted; project crew lost in satellite collision. 2126 .
Start of international conferences to develop a world government. 2131 .
Sorokin colony abandoned. 2132 .
The Humanity launched for
Tau Ceti system. 2138 .
Artificial gravity control achieved. 2144 .
Martian world population reaches 10,000 (combined colonies). 2145 .
World Union established; all national governments subordinated to World Union General Council in London. Uniform currency (the domar) established worldwide. 2163 .
Construction of Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards completed. 2182 .
Autonomists Society established, a terrorist organization promoting world-wide democratic anarchy. 2200-2300 .
General dates for the .Great Migration. of manned and unmanned interstellar spacecraft to worlds within a 10-parsec radius of Sol; 28 colonization missions and 196 exploratory missions dispatched. 2236 .
IMT (instantaneous mass transporter) tested and developed. 2261 .
Albuquerque accident kills 5 million people in nuclear explosion. 2266 .
Breakup of WU General Council; United America, Asian Coalition, India, and other countries develop divergent policies. 2277 .
The Warden, the largest interstellar colony ship ever built, laid down at the Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards by the United Western Starship Cartel program. 2282 .
League of Free Men established, promoting the rise of pro-worldgovernment factions; terrorism increases world-wide. 2288 .
Warden completed; trials and loading begin for 45-year voyage to Xi Ursae Majoris double-star system. 2289 .
Work on giant starship Morden begins at Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards. 2290 .
Warden leaves Solar System; 1.55 million human colonists and crew aboard. 2302 .
Star Voyager II returns on robot drive with crew
infected by .Canopus Plague;. ship destroyed after infecting crew of Earth-orbital spaceport. 2302-2309 .
Several major outbreaks of .Canopus plague. throughout Solar System; Iapetus colony sealed off and destroyed. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Osmond Coot founds Project Mindkeep in the year
2304 AD to research what is known as the "Alpha Factor": the key to
creating beneficial genetic mutations in living creatures (see TSR's module GW6
(7509), Alpha Factor) <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> 2309-2322 . .The Shadow Years,. So called because of the world-wide destruction of records and archives through terrorist action and government- supported sabotage. 2309 .
(Sept 16) Start of Social Wars; initial collapse of Earth civilization begins; rioting and terrorism spread. League of Free Men and
Autonomists are major instigators of world-wide conflict. 2314 .
Social Wars expand into space with terrorist strikes against Earthorbital colonies, Tycho Center, and other spaceports throughout solar system. 2321 .
Ecological warfare causes destruction of ocean plankton and collapse of all coastal economies; introduction of nuclear and dimension-warp warfare into conflict. 2321 .
Fragmentary transmissions from the Warden
received; ship apparently entered radiation cloud and crew was lost. 2322 .
(April 12) .The Ultimatium,. the first appearance of The Apocalypse, a radical group ordering an immediate cease-fire in world-wide conflict. 2322 .
(April 17) Radiation strike made against all major national capitals by The Apocalypse. Retaliatory attacks reduce Earth.s civilization to ruins in one week. System-wide trade, transportation, and economic collapse. 2322 .
(May 23) Major strikes successfully disable space fleets around Jupiter and Earth. Two of Saturn.s moons vaporized. 2322--- People on Moon return to Earth and a few
return from Earth to Tycho with a plague killing remaining people on the Moon
except for 1 person who puts the base on auto. (DM A World Gone Mad) <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> From here on in, only fragmentary historical records can be found. Most pieces of data were obtained from friendly cybernetic installations and think tanks which were able to link up with the remains of hidden libraries, orbital installations, or earth/space
communications systems. All further information is considered questionable at best and can only rarely be confirmed. 2322 .
Social Wars produce major world-wide volcanic and earthquake activity; collapse of polar ice-caps; world-wide flooding; ozone layer collapse with heightened exposure to ultraviolet and solar radiation. Extreme alterations and die-offs throughout biosystem of Earth. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> 2322 .
Processed-ice asteroid (guidance circuits sabotaged by terrorists) strikes Mars; eight-year duststorm and climatic disruption result. All colonies on planet isolated; Federation charter suspended for duration. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> <!--EndFragment--> 2323-2340 .
Rise of every known Cryptic Alliance takes place from the intact cities and power stations of Earth. 2325-2330 .
Satellite Wars change the technological levels of all the terraformed asteroids and moons of all the planets. 2330-2340 .
Last known interstellar missions flee solar system from asteroidal and outer satellite colonies; Trans- Plutonian Spaceyards abandoned; all outer colonies except Saturn World Fusion shut down; Mercury mining colonies abandoned and apparently die out. 2331 .
Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards assume control of their own programs and generate robotic .life.. 2336-2340 .
Occasional reports from space communications systems of transmissions from the Warden;
status unknown.
<!--[if gte mso 9]> 2360 Tycho: Irradiated Plant Life and huge mutated single celled creatures (Macrobes)
begins to take over base. 2360-2400 Tycho: These life forms spread through the base.
2380 .
Saturn World Fusion ceases all Earth-directed transmissions; fate unknown. 2381 .
Severe worldwide earthquakes; explosive vulcanism around Pacific basin. 2 3 8 1 - 2 3 8 8 - .Years Without Summer;. blackouts and prolonged winters common. 2385 .
Ultrawave transmissions from Trans-Plutonian Spaceyards report open warfare between cybernetic installation there and the presumedly automated starship Morden.
Further transmissions cannot be interpreted and may be in code. 2399 .
Short period of lasercom contact with Deimos Base at Mars; PCI at Deimos noted to be insane; no information on Martian colonies. 2420 .
Strange transmissions picked up from Warden.s
last known position. 2450 .
Approximate start of the GAMMA WORLD 2nd ed. gametime..
<!--[if gte mso 9]> 2452 Tycho: several bubble cars return from Earth on auto-pilot with “people” over a 3 day
2450 – 2511 The Discovery Period of the Black
years (Restorationists
records only go back to 2443, a group formed in the Discovery Period) First
Alliance (Gad the Provider) formed 2511 <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
<!--[if gte mso 9]> <!--EndFragment--> "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() November 16, 2014 - 10:17am | If you take a look at the end of the doc you'll what I have used as reference material |
![]() November 16, 2014 - 11:48am | Nice references... there are a few I will have to hunt down to add to my mess... seriously not organized as I would like on my stabs. I am unsure how GW4 is different from GW1 so I will keep that in mind when looking at things. The Gurps Mars is a great little resource, I thought I spotted bits of it. If the original Martians you have in game if intelligent/civilized how advanced? And if they had/have modern tech I would think that would have an effect on resources, the planet could be lacking certain resources as a result. Did they ever get into space? Q's like that or are they an alien colony that got cut off from HW? They will need at least a vague background/timeline if intelligent beings. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |