![]() March 5, 2014 - 7:23pm | I was just thinking how the situation went down with the Dutch official that went to Crimea to see if the Russian claim that the people there wanted to be part of Russia was true and gun men pinned him in a cafe till he eventually left altogether would make story fodder for an SF adventure. Pale has another police action in the works on Cygnus Omicron IX or on New Pale. An official is sent from the COW to investigate claims. PCs are part of his security detail. Someone does not want the official to do the job he was sent for PCs must ensure his safety. Use a variety of ways to stop the official- distract him with females- the gun men stunt that stymied the Dutch official in crimea, and another means. Extra points if the PCs just decide to get the information themselves dispite the distractable official they are guarding. Submit an adventure seed for a headline that resonates with you. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 6, 2014 - 8:13am | Okay, hopefully no one will be offended but here goes: The characters are on a planet working for a megacorp or Star Law When riots breakout. Cause of the riots are a local newspaper or video service running something that offends the Family of One. Characters must try to end riots, protect life and property or maybe get the writer of the offensive material out of danger. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() March 7, 2014 - 10:44am | The characters are on a planet working for a megacorp or Star Law When riots breakout. Cause of the riots are a local newspaper or video service running something that offends the Family of One. Characters must try to end riots, protect life and property or maybe get the writer of the offensive material out of danger. Were you thinking of the incident in Holland? where muslims wanted to kill the new paper guy or the cartoonist that criticized Islam? What if its a mixed race colony and someone blogged or wrote something derrogatory about the Fo1. significant % of yazirian population aggitated by Fo1 clerics riot and the individual has had death threats. Plus side is that Gran Quivera is a mixed race colony and the Port Loren map can be recycled for this. Maybe its a PGC exec that made the disparaging comments and the riot is at PGC headquarters. PCs are returning PGC (or Galactic Taskforce for that matter) trouble shooters returning form their most recent mission for a debrief and pay off at PGC headquarters. The riot overwhelmed the security on the first floor and the rioters are storming the PGC tower. PCs are pressed into duty to proctect the Exec and or stop the riot. Except that there is more at play here: Fo1 clerics did stir up a group of yazirians but there is nother player that has a team using the riot as cover for entering the tower and going after a specific objective (corporate espionage?). Now its a floor by floor fight. could use some floor plans for the PGC tower I guess. The corporate espionage player is actually responsible for neutralizing most of the PGC security otherwise the rioters would not have been able to get into the building or get far. computer hacked system sends some guards off to some fake emergency, power goes out and some explosions take out the security bot depot and Air Lorry crashes into the upper level air car garage preventing anyone from escaping via air car. you'd need a timeline of where and when and what rioters and the corporate espionage team are doing things in the tower. Use 10 minute KH style turns for the PCs to move around and do things then switch to regular combat turns where trouble errupts. Note the PCs should not be armed for bear. In fact they may have had to check most of their weapons at security on the first floor, which was neutralized at the outset. They can obtain some crappy subdual weapons at security substations in other places of the building or take ok weapons off rioter and good weapons off the corporate espionage team. The corporate espoinage team is using holo screens to appear to be yazirians unless they are yazirians. The team will use parawings to jump from the PGC tower and glide to another air lorry and make their get away that way. PCs could get a big reward for foilling the the corporate espionage event. EDIT: I like this idea and ran with it. Started a thread here to perhaps codify some information about the PGC Towers. Should we call them the Twin PGC Towers since the luxury appartment tower next doot is identical to the PGC tower (see map in thread) http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/8107 I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 7, 2014 - 4:41pm | The Chancellor of the CoW, with the slanted Frontier New Network on his side, raises taxes across the Frontier often without the consent of sovereign governments or his fellow CoW members. He invests this levied money into programs that utterly fail time and again, with each failure more catastrophic than the last. the FNN of course praises his ingenuity with sound bytes that the majority of gullible UPF citizens swallow hook, line, & sinker. Credit For (Space)Craft is passed and many independant star ship owners trade in their like new ships for brand new ones courtesy of a hefty trade in value placed upon their former vessels. The trades are melted down to worthless slag instead of resold to others that could afford them in the used market. Meanwhile, Rim starship builders rake in record profits as these C4C buyers picked up their wares over the intended Frontier manufacturers. It's the first of many failures but the FNN manages to spin this in a laughingly positive manner. Personal weapons are banned across the Frontier, including systems used to protect civilian star ships from pirates. Shipment after shipment gets ransacked and nothing ever makes it to a destination. FNN runs a forty day coverage of the Chancellor's summit with the leader of the Free Fronteirsmen Foundation, who is known for their support of the Star Devil and other anti-UPF stalwarts, and bows & royal kisses the FFF leader's hand. After that, without even presenting a bill to the CoW as is mandated by the UPF articles of confederation, the Chancellor declares war on the Anti-Satharian League. Which, hot on the heels of several corporate wars, bankrupts the UPF. In order to balance this crushed economy, without actually crafting a budget, the Chancellor prints more credit and takes massive loans from Rim banks (most notably the Capellan Free Merchants). Summarily the Affordable Sungoggles Act is also pushed through without question, along with 40 million miscellaneous pages that, in so many words, levee UPF funds to help the local governments that pledged to pass that fiasco. Meanwhile all torpedoes have been disarmed and decommissioned, with their cores evenly divided across outer-Frontier territories that have no pact with the Frontier. Space Fleet is severely crippled with a single thumbprint authorization. Sensing vulnerability, much like a quickdeath does with a wounded Ul-Mor tribal prospect at the Place of True Warriors, the Sathar invade the Frontier like a swarm of locusts and quickly annihalate the disarmed Space Fleet. Just as the Chancellor is about to levy more taxes to rearm surviving UPF warships, the Cappellan Free Merchants demand payment on the UPF's debt. Meanwhile, the FNN continues to praise the Chancellor and blames the entire mess on the prior Chancellor that left office 40 years ago. |
![]() March 7, 2014 - 8:23pm | The Chancellor of the CoW, with the slanted Frontier New Network on his side, raises taxes across the Frontier often without the consent of sovereign governments or his fellow CoW members. He invests this levied money into programs that utterly fail time and again, with each failure more catastrophic than the last. the FNN of course praises his ingenuity with sound bytes that the majority of gullible UPF citizens swallow hook, line, & sinker. Brialliant. John Boehner and the Fox News Network. ![]() ![]() Now, if we can fit in Boehner and Gingrich's long denied plan of "burn down government" strategy (Authored in 1991) that the GOP recently finally admitted and denounced on account of their recognition of its continuous backfiring and their repentance from it, (Which diehard GOP supporters said the other side was paranoid regarding, falling for the party line hook, line and sinker, ![]() ![]() ![]() ...FNN runs a forty day coverage of the Chancellor's [Bush Sr.'s] summit with the leader of the Free Fronteirsmen Foundation, who is known for their support of the Star Devil [supporting Al Qaeda against Iran in the 80's and 90's] and other anti-UPF stalwarts, and bows & royal kisses the FFF leader's hand. [Must be Bush Jr's practical worship of the Arab leader Obama is said to kiss the hand of, but didn't and in fact insulted by raising his left hand late to shake.] ![]() [Before] that, without even presenting a bill to the CoW as is mandated by the UPF articles of confederation, the Chancellor [Dubia] declares war [without foreseeable end] on the Anti-Satharian League ["terrorists" and then Iraq]. Which, [just prior to] several corporate wars [and in conjuction to repealing laws protecting homeowners and credit card owners], bankrupts the UPF. In order to balance this crushed economy, without actually crafting a budget, the Chancellor [Bush, Jr] prints more credit and takes massive loans from Rim banks (most notably the Capellan Free Merchants). Summarily the Affordable Sungoggles Act is also pushed through without question, along with 40 million miscellaneous pages that, in so many words, levee UPF funds to help the local governments that pledged to pass that fiasco. Wow. A total denouncement of Dubia's legacy. You are certainly full of surprises. ![]() Oh, what about the whole "corporations are people, my friend" debackle? [By the way, the only difference between Dubia's and Obama's presidencies that I can see is that Obama has actually provided a healthcare system, (An issue that arose in the last couple of years of Clinton's presidency, and never got resolved in Dubia's because the Republicans used their "burn down government" policy to stall it for nearly 20 years,) is slowly recovering, rather than quickly and totally destroying, the economy, and doesn't act like an idiot. But both are corporate puppets. Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae, founded by a Republican president, has had both presidents in their pockets to screw homeowners with abandon.] View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |
![]() March 7, 2014 - 7:41pm | Shadow thought we were going with current headlines not 1920s and 30s but OK can live with it. Jed I was going with the current headline of the Islamic protests against the Youtube movie making Islam look bad. Not getting much press with the Ukraine situation but OK. Speaking of Ukraine part of the situation is that the Russian troops were already there on bases leftover from Soviet times. Similar to the US in Panama and British in India. Now we have Landfleet who supposedly have bases on populated planets. And the planetary governments may not always agree with the UPF so we could have some high tension situations and heavily armed troops and planetary militias there could be alot of fun in there. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() March 7, 2014 - 8:19pm | I'd like to respond to Ascent's rebuttal after he's finished with the edits. ![]() |
![]() March 7, 2014 - 9:07pm | Oh, just making clarifications. If you're looking for a political argument, save it. At first, I genuinely thought you were talking about Bush. But then I realized it was just sandbagging Obama with half-truths. (FYI, I despise Obama almost as much as Dubia, and I think Dubia is the worst president this nation ever saw, supported by the fact that he had the lowest approval rating in history.) I'll find the faults in both parties. I've simply found the activities of the GOP particularly revolting since Gingrich became a household name. I don't think any nation has the answer nor ever will. It's all stupid. But, as a political intrigue for the Frontier, your summary works fine. View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |
![]() March 7, 2014 - 9:47pm | I'll try to get this in before the next clarification...but exactly how could I be speaking of Bush or anyone else? Summarizing each paragraph I wrote: Who enacted Cash for Clunkers? Pretty sure that happened after 1/20/2009. When did Bush try to restrict gun ownership? Okay, declaring war might be misconstrued as the Iraq war, but I distinctly recall Congress passing the declaration for that one. We can debate about who lied about what all day long but it doesnt change teh fact that Congress approved of it. If we were involved with another war prior to Iraq, I must have missed it. Printing more money isn't unique to the current administration, nor was securing foreign loans...but I don't recall anyone prior to the 44th signing a 2000+ page bill that was guaranteed to pass due to a majority presence in both houses. If you know of one please share it. Nuclear disarmament efforts that would redistribute to every nation...Bush? Really? The second to last hasn't happened. Not yet. But it's certainly not a matter of if. Finally I don't recall anyone in the media blaming Clinton during eight years of Bush. For the record, I didn't care for Bush either. But I can't see where Obama has made anything resembling success, no matter how much anyone wants to play the "he inherited a mess" game the only success I've seen is five years worth of making it a bigger mess. But hey, whatever makes a guy more popular than the last. Me, I'm a proud member of the anti-incumbent party. If more people would join that party we'd begin to see a difference. |
![]() March 7, 2014 - 10:11pm | RE: http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/03/06/former-top-leaders-of-dewey-leboeuf-are-indicted/?_php=true&_type=blogs&nl=todaysheadline... Could a mega corp go bankrupt? In the article it stated that this law firm had 26 offices globally and 1,300 lawyers. What would those numbers look like for a megacorp? 26 planetary offices with 13,000 Employees? or should the number of employees be inflated further? 100,000? Imagine the UPF trying to bail out a megacorp. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 7, 2014 - 10:20pm | I'm sure, SS. Back to the subject of the thread... View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |
![]() March 7, 2014 - 10:32pm | Like the Roman Empire while the entity itself could die and no longer be considered as what it was, the parts are still there. So this law firm goes under but their cases and lawyers and buildings and assets are still there and will resurface as something. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() March 14, 2014 - 8:19pm | Spaceliner goes missing...or is that real life copying the Frontier? Cult/Terrorist organization releases nerve gas in a crowded shopping center on Prenglar. Defector/political refugee poisoned by rare radioactive substance. Drug smugglers taking over an outpost government.
![]() March 15, 2014 - 8:52am | OK "real news" is good but for our adventures we should dig deeper. And by deeper I mean going to your search browser and typing in "weird news" I got; scientist close to cloning wooly mammoth, New Zealand pub offereing beer for dead rats, A half-naked, hammer-wielding man claimed he was Tupac Shakur as he smashed up more than a dozen Philadelphia Police vehicles Wednesday. my favorite: • Congressional wisdom has prevented the federal
government’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) from using
competitive bids to decide how much to pay for medical devices—and among the
most steeply overpriced products are “vacuum erection systems” (“penis pumps”)
that invigorate seniors’ lives. CMS pays an average of $360, while the
Department of Veterans Affairs, which also buys the pumps but by competitive
bid, pays about $185. In a January report, the Health and Human Services
inspector general estimated the government could save $18 million a year (and
beneficiaries another $4.5 million) if CMS could use competitive bidding. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() March 15, 2014 - 8:59am | Oh a side note. The most despised president was President Abraham Lincoln. You remember the guy who got elected and half the country left the union and 618,000 dead later he was assasinated himself. He was generally known as the guy who ripped up the Constitution to save the Union and Constitution. Of course distance from events change people's views. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() March 15, 2014 - 4:10pm | I was going on actual approval rating percentages. Let's keep it on track, please. I really didn't mean to derail things with that post. I simply got carried away. View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |
![]() March 16, 2014 - 8:13am | Some age old wisdom is to avoid talking politics or religion unless someone asks. Even then it's best to change the subject and ignore it. One of the things I liked about this forum was the absence of political BS. Americans have become polarized because they hear sound bites and think that makes them informed. Politics has always been ugly but we never had to hear about it. With the internet and 24/7 news it now permeates all aspects of our lives. Society was much more pleasant when SF came out and the game reflects that to some degree. |
March 18, 2014 - 12:32am | I am with you, Mother. This site is better off when we leave politics & religion out of it. |
![]() March 18, 2014 - 5:36am | Just to clarify the thread rabbit trailed off topic into politics and perhaps didn't need to. I think politics and religion with due respect for opposing views is fine in the open forum. Regan was so effective in the oval office because he had an attitude of "we're only political opponents" till 6pm then we share a drink together. He actually had a deep friendship with Tip O'Neal. I find it sad that in America we have a hard time being friends with people not like us ie a Muslim, a Jew, a Holy Roller etc. unless we leave religion out of it. Religion and politics are part of who we are as a person. If we are truly open and accepting then we should be able to engage another person and still respect them even if we dont agree with them. I think that Americans believe what they believe because we think its right and therefor what I dont believe is wrong and if you dont agree with me you're wrong. I've had the most stimulating discussions with a Libyan Muslim while at work and when the conversation was done we still valued and respected each other as people knowing that we were part of a team that did a job and that neither of us could do well without the other person being there to help. He had no education beyond high school and most of what he believed he had been spoon fed by imans and this meant he had some very stark blindspots and I had a seminary education but I found him a refreshing change. He knew what he believed and was able to defend it in the market place of ideas even if I still think he's sincerely wrong, I still respect the guy. The trend in America is that you dont respect someone you disagree with. My own Dad said to me this week, "Your president" refering to Obama when he knows damn well I didn't vote for him. I actually hear this alot "He aint my president, I didn't vote for him" Sorry your an American and he's president even if you disagree with him or dont like him. I fear the trend in America is that the individual is the authority on what is right and vallid. I dont like the way things are being done so I wont pay taxes, I'll join a militia, I'll declare myself a soverign citizen and so on to the point of taking actions that the rest of us would call terrorism or a crime. Its almost as if every individual is a god and you better not piss them off. We've lost civility in this country and i find that sad. So endeth the rant so I guess I can endorse Bossmoss on leaving out religion and politics with the qualification of: IF we can't be civil and still respect each other. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 18, 2014 - 6:37pm | What sickens me is all the politically correct fence straddling we are expected to accept these days. For God's sake -- whoops, let's not offend the aetheists --- for Pete's sake, let's not hurt someone's feelings! Speaking of hurt, let's ban guns because guns kill. So do abortionists, but we have to support that. Or else. We can't hurt someone else's feelings, so if you don't agree with me I'll call you foul and filthy names and kick your ass. Peace and love. F#¢& you, @$$hole. I don't have to agree with you, but you have to respect me and practice my beliefs. No, you can't erect a church here because we have this block zoned for 37 mosques. No, you can't open a 24 hour bar there either....but you can build one across from that elementary school. Besides, schools arent for learning anyways, but we'll try our darndest to negotiate with these kids to attend. Johnny missed all of his tests due to excessive absences, send a truant officer to his home and offer up an I-phone as a reward if he comes back to take a test. I really wish I was kidding about that last part, it happened here. |
![]() March 19, 2014 - 6:11pm | I really didn't mean to derail things with that post. I simply got carried away. Not difficult to get carried way. Sure, I made some veiled jabs, it was all in good fun. However, when something like this: If you're looking for a political argument, save it. ...is immediately followed up in the next sentence(s) with: It appears that you really are looking for a political argument. I would have been both inclined and content to "save it" had it been left as "If you're looking for a political argument, save it." Otherwise it's like saying "hey man I dont want any trouble" and following it up with a jab to the face. People are less inclined to trouble when they aren't getting hit. ![]() |
![]() March 20, 2014 - 3:47am | So what would we do with this missing airliner? In a Frontier with pirates ships must go missing a couple of times a year or do the pirates simply rob the ship and let it go lest heavy heat come down on them? Or do they go somali, "Pay us and you get your ship back"? the reaction over this flight is that a plane cant just disappear like that so I feel like this headline turned adventrue hook shouldn't be just a star ship which could misjump or run afoul of pirates. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 20, 2014 - 10:11am | I find myself really hoping the plane was hijacked and landed somewhere and that the search is a a reuse to detract from the rescue effort. Fantasy? Likely! Now for seed material for an SF adventure I would think that losses of passenger ships is the least common of all losses due to pirates, misjumps, disasters, etc. Passenger ships are taking the most defined jump routes so misjumps are not much of a risk to customers. Space hazards probably come second or third against pirates. Most likely problem for passengers is ship malfunctions. So a passenger ship that failed to complete a scheduled jump and "disappears" is likely adrift with communications down going at last speed in some direction. Scout ships would start a cone of search from the last known location and vector. Fun adventure directions to take this: Cargo container explodes taking out communications and navigation. Ship is tumbling silently in an odd dirction. Crew are trying to save the ship and the frantic passengers. Hijacker takes over ship and jumps to waiting accomplices but messes up and misjumps. Pirates murder the crew and passengers and steal the ship. Sathar abduct the ship to turn passengers into agents. Ship returns months later with a tale of misjumping and the valiant crew who saved them. Thus agents enter the frontier as heroes that are trusted. Crewman goes berserk and murders everyone then takes a walk in the thin air. Megacorp reposses the ship for secret tech a competitor had on board. Ship goes autopilot with the crew fighting to regain control. Evil megacorp just "writes off" the people and ship as the expense of acquiring the tech. -iggy |
![]() March 20, 2014 - 11:06am | @ iggy:I lot of stuff there I would tend to mix 4-5 of those into one mini campaign: cargo container explodes taking out communications, beserke crewman or passenger (possibly linked to one other item) kills or goes on rampage, hull raker (gelatinous cube repurposed for sf) released from containment (see cago module explosion), criminal cadre cell on board with nefarious plans and panicing passenger (random table for this of random passenger caused issues which happen at random times (heart attack, child birth, theft, attempt to commandeer ship or lifenoat etc). And of course it wouldnt feel like sf with out a mega corp plot or sathar plot somewhere lurking in the corner and you could always do a detour with a miss jump or a pirate encounter.
EDIT: the random passenger problems would stand in for the "Wandering Monster Table" and could include ship quirks and equipment malfunctions as well as stuff like micrometeor holes the ship causing a slow leak I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 20, 2014 - 12:01pm | Googling passenger ship mishaps: collision with other ship (higher likelihood as its leaving dock at a station) and after a quick inspection its decided to press on since there is a pressing schedule. There was a chinese passenger ferry that is believed to have struck a mine : could be plenty of mines or drifting seeker missiles in any number of systems, fire seems to be a frequent ingredient in ship disasters particularly engine room fires but this can be updated to reactor emergencies for ships with atomic drives or simply a fire in the maintenance section. Collision with ice berg, sand bar, shoals, or rocks translates well to sf- comet for iceberg and meteors for rocks, but gas giant rings or space junk can be used. The collision with another ship was not judged to have done much damage so the ship presses on with schedule but then hits debris in space which changea the equation- damaging an engine strut further, the engine locks under thrust (cant shut down), and then the stress rips the engine right off the strut. In the process the runaway engine strikes anther engine and damages it. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 20, 2014 - 8:10pm | Pirates and slave trading go hand in hand and history is rich with such events. Some of the most notorious pirate ships were former slave ships, most notably Blackbeard's "Queen ANee's Revenge (formerly the Concorde, a French slave ship). Slave ships were highly sought after by pirates as they tend to be fast ships, and they already had segragated bays for slaves --- aka future prisoners of pirates to be sold. So it stands to reason that Frontier pirates would go after liners to get some live cargo. |
![]() March 20, 2014 - 9:54pm | Spent the afternoon looking up shipping accidents and determined three reasons for ships to wreck: 1. Human error- or poor decision making- overloading a ferry or not securing its cargo hatch such that water is taken on board. or like one ship at its mooring that had the whole compliment of passengers run to the river sice and the boat simply rolled at her mooring and killed the lot of them an the crew. 2. Poor maintenance- ship in poor condition succumbs to storm, gale or typhoon or a fire or some other symptom of poor condition. this could be subsumed under #1 but I choose to view number 1 as operator failure and #2 as owner failer 3. Collisions with other ships 4. Collisions with geography- rocks, sand bars etc. 5. "Acts of God" ie storm hit and ship lost unable to attribute the loss to another reason. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 21, 2014 - 5:15pm | The poor maintenance one I heard of on a trivia contest. Seems the number 1 place for a ship to sink is at dock. Poor maintenance and not checking the bottom of the ship/boat leads to leaks and sinking. Now apply that to a ship at dock in a spaceport and the random meteor strike while the crew is on "shore leave" could make an interesting complication. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() March 21, 2014 - 7:04pm | I think the most likely place for a ship collision, with another ship in space will be in close proximity to a station or planet of destination. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 22, 2014 - 11:39pm | Holding the passengers and crew ransom could be profitable. Capture a passenger ship, dump the people off on a rock until you receive the ransom and then break the ship up for parts. I'm sure there is a black market for raw materials and ship systems on the frontier. As dangerous as the frontier seems, I would expect passenger liners to be armed and/or carrying armed security teams. |
![]() March 23, 2014 - 7:54am | There should be those jump routes that are completely safe and those that are dangerous. Kinda like the horn of Africa. I see unsafe systems having militia assault scouts intercepting and escorting important ships. This could be a private business for any other ship to buy. -iggy |