![]() March 4, 2014 - 5:49am | Assumptions: Zebulon is a UPF territory, many mega corps are active here and the eorna egg ship was discovered. The eorna have some diverse parties: 1. The Missionaries: these are a limited group of the original 150 survivors of the Day of Doom who have invested heavily in the "Great Mission" their love of creating beauty is expressed in the sapient races they created and continue to attempt to guide. For them the mission is not completed and their decision making involves supporting measures that will protect the Great Mission or advance it. This includes manipulation of the primitives as if they were play things. Many of eorna offspring from the 150 during the 900 year period since the Day of Doom also support this party as this is the only thing they have known. The Missionaries can be characterized by extremism and resentment for those in the eorna species that have betrayed the Great Mission. 2. Eornan Revivalists. This group's ambition is to restore the eornan species to its former glory (before the Day of Doom). Its about rebuilding their society and taking their place on the larger galactic stage. The point of the Great Mission is moot as the eorna species will not pass away. There is a lot of work to do but they are concerned with rebuilding Volkos and promoting eorna culture and arts. They are supported by a significant number of the 150, Children of Doom (those born after the Day of Doom) and the new generation (50,000 eggs from the egg ship) 3. The artist, this party is more introspective and turns its back on the concerns of the other two parties but focuses on its own concerns for producing art and beauty. They have been characterized as a "hippie artist commune" in their thinking. Its made up of mostly the New Generation of 50,000. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 4, 2014 - 6:20am | There are 3 groups of eorna "The 150" : the original survivors of the Day of Doom, with the use of cyro chambers they have lived for a millenium they are all old and to some degree "tired" The Children of Doom: those born to the 150 after the Day of Doom. There has been significant inbreeding and they have a high instance of insanity. I once speculated that they perhaps number 500 but this number is probably incorrect. They may or may not have had the cryo tech available to them during the 900 years thus they would form a lesser class under the direction of the 150. they were laborers and technicians while the 150 formed a ruling oligarchy. They are shorter lived and have flocked to the Eornan Revivalist party as a means of breaking the power of the 150 over their lives. The New Generation. (also called the Lost Generation) They were all eggs in cryo on the "egg ship" the truth is that the designation "egg ship" was applied by those from the UPF that discovered it. What it really was was a colony expedition (the eorna were in the progress of sending these out when the sathar arrived) its command crew witnessed the destruction of their planet but managed to hide the existance of the ship. After the sathar seemed to leave they took a lander and returned to Volturnus but the obelisk's laser shot it down as it made its approach to the defense installation that would eventually become the mechanon mounds. The lone survivor on the colony ship eventually dispaired and spaced himself out the air lock leaving the colony ship on automatic on a wide parabolic orbit. Its collonist were the 50,000 eggs in cryo became the New Generation after the Battle of Volturnus. The New Generation eorna were all creche raised. they are a hand picked genetic sample intended for colonizing a new world. Their values reflect their creche raising and they feel a closer connection to fellow New Generationers then to the other eorna groups. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 4, 2014 - 6:24am | With the discovery of the colony/egg ship the eorna on Volturnus reaped the benefits of that colony ship as it had prefab buildings and other equipment that gave them a start on rebuilding The City of Volkos. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 4, 2014 - 6:27am | One of the things that the Eornan Rvivalist and some of the Missionaries agree on is the eventual need to search for the other eornan colony expeditions. If there are other societies of eorna out there surviving this could impact the agendas of these two parites. The artist party doesn't really care. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 5, 2014 - 5:49am | The number of eorna is so small that they no longer need a formal society. There are no social organizations other than the family. Eorna society thus maximizes individual freedom of choice and minimizes social control of the individual. Criminal behavior is handled by a computerized /robotic legal system. This system works for the eorna because they all share the same basic goals and ideals (the Great Mission). The eorna legal system remains the one that was used before the satha attack. All laws have been codified and entered into special computers. Computers run the robot police and serve as ultimate judges in all civil and criminal cases. Eorna law recognizes that there may be extenuating circumstances involved in a criminal act. The system tries to evaluate a person's intentions and motives when considering guilt or innocence. The usual punishment for serious violations is imprisonment in a mental hospital. In some cases convicted criminals may be required to provide some type of restitution to the victims of their crimes. Finally, eorna law recognizes a special appeal based upon the criminal's value to society. The prison and mental hospital systems have largely broken down. Some criminal or insane eorna do exist and wader free in a few areas of the planet. The Robot police frequently malfunction due to neglect. Wow a computerized justice system that tries to evaluate guilt, innocence and extenuating circumstances????? The above was tailor made for the PCs to run afoul of the legal system. The issue of restitution could be a reason for why the PCs in the Volturnus campaign are required to do all that they end up doing in the 3rd module. Or Jamison must perform restitution on behalf of the UPF because of the pirates and thus he heads up the defense of the planet and appeals to the PCs for help. Because the legal system is run by eorna robots a mechanon could become a lawyer within this system even though the eorna resist recognizing them as a sapient race. This could be an interesting development in the setting after the Volturnus campaign. In fact this lawyer mechanon would become a prime candidate for delivering the mechanon application for recognition of UPF citizenship so he might be worth detailing as an NPC. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() March 5, 2014 - 6:29am | One thing overlooked in the brief on the eorna about their legal system is that since they are natural hypnotist and they have the ability to wipe memories of the PCs as seen in SF-0 then its almost natural that they will use this to treat criminals and the criminally insane. In an eorna controlled Volturnus its concievable that UPF citizens would face memory wipes as a consequence of criminal activity. However since the legal system recognizes appeals based on value to society mega corps would be able to regularly spring their perosnnel by affirming the high value of said employee to the corporation. Corporate enclaves would police themselves, the eorna would focus on policing their own thing- mostly Volkos Star Law operates on volturnus doing their thing but after a some serious headline gathering incidents at the mercenary star base (a seedier independent town/star port that sprung up away from the corporate enclaves) The star law station on Volturnus has recieved a special directive that to cover the gaps in police authority on volturnus that involves UPF and Rim citizens outside of areas policed by the eorna. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |