Cycle Derby

    Project: Adventures for Beginners
    File Name: Cycle Derby.pdf
    File Size: 296.67 KB
    File Type: application/pdf
    Updated: December 5, 2013 - 11:39pm
    Submitted: Jaxon
    Downloads: 9
    Cycle Derby is played by two teams of six members simultaneously racing counterclockwise on a circuit track.

    iggy's picture
    December 6, 2013 - 5:51am
    Cool.  I like it.
    What are the tracks like?  Are they oval, round, or irregular shaped?  Are they dirt or paved?  Does the queen have to pass a line in the track for each circuit or just get throu an opposing team?  What are some rules I could use at the table top to play this?

    Jaxon's picture
    December 6, 2013 - 7:01am
    The type and size could be anything. The one I saw was dirt, oval and outdoors. The queen has to past the start line, where the main referee is at. As for rules, that is it! There is no illegal block, etc. It's a hostile sport and simple.