![]() September 29, 2013 - 4:51pm | I occupied the theta star at (1022,1393) several weeks ago with a SY. My plan was to build a RS as soon as I had another build. Then a day or so befor I went to Singapore on 9/12 this guy plants a RS on the star. I messaged him with my claim and intention to build. No reply came. I did not get any other messages off to him while I was in Asia. My question is, should I just press the issue now after 2+ weeks and build the RS? I felt that this star was a good one to hold in the aliance as it is next to TerlObar's gamma star. Should I build? Should we press ownership with force? -iggy |
![]() September 29, 2013 - 5:09pm | I'd say go ahead and boot him. He doesn't have a real name. He's part of an alliance that only has 3 members. And their combined power is less than yours. I don't think there is much they can do to stop you. If you don't have any handy, I can plop down up to 3000 turrets to keep them busy if they try to attack back. ![]() Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
![]() September 29, 2013 - 7:28pm | Sure, go with Tom's advice, I was going to say (not knowing the power levels involved) to raid and put a RS there either act would get his attention and perhaps push him to talk. Either way I'll support you. Damn, 3,000 turrets! I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 29, 2013 - 8:18pm | I just recalled 640 fighters from the hill (I have an over abundance) I'll see about what assets I have in the area just for pro forma .... I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() September 29, 2013 - 8:50pm | OK, Here is my plan. I am building 860 turrets to put with my best commander. I will station them and build my RS. Then I will message him to move along. If he does not move in a couple of days I will raid him with the turrets and immediately replace lost turrets. This shouldn't be many as my turrets are 25/25 A/D and the commander is +70%. I will then message him again to move along. If he does not move after a couple of more days I will recycle his RS. ... I have another incedent potential at (1069,2629) where I long ago thought I would use the star next to my Omega star so I place 2 turrets on the blue worlds to assert a claim. I no longer even bother with stars unless they are Theta or better and the blue worlds are not needed as I am credit rich. I messaged the guy the following as his alliance is strong and I don't want a war. To: Brian Frerichs Subject: Welcome at (1069,2629) Welcome Brian! Gollwin Academy has turrets out here as a defensive posture for our near by holdings. We have no designs on the star at ( 1069, 2629 ) or the two blue worlds other than to protect the developing species which is just now discovering the use of metals and is in their bronze age. We welcome resource extraction of the star and it's worlds (just don't abduct the natives or fool them into worshiping your RS drones) :) Are you willing to agree to a non-aggression treaty? Cordially, Eric Winsor Gollwin Academy Let's play nice with Asis Angels and see if they will play nice or be jerks. -iggy |
![]() September 30, 2013 - 8:57pm | Here is Brian's reply: 9/30 10:21 From: Brian Frerichs Subject: re: Welcome at (1069,2629) Eric, I appreciate the communication. I am just in the neighborhood in a non-aggressive manner. I plan to do no hunting. I am just hiding from some of my other aggressive groups. Many Thanks, Brian I responded to, "Enjoy our quiet corner of the 'verse". I'll be beefing up my turrets in the area as a precaution. Concerning my claim, I will be ready to deply the turrets tomorrow. -iggy |
![]() October 5, 2013 - 7:33pm | My RS is now up to 1/6/11/13 so I sent my message to Undefined. Here it is: To: Undefined UndeefinedSubject: Thanks For Staying, Its Time To Go When you setup your RS here at ( 1023, 1394 ) I informed you that my SY was occupying the star while I waited to build my next RS. I built a RS here a week ago now. It is time to move your RS elsewhere. Patient Regards, Eric Winsor Here is his response: From: Undefined UndeefinedSubject: re: Thanks For Staying, Its Time To Go I have 860 turrerts parked to defend the site with my +70% commander. From his response I am tempted to just blow him away but I think that would tip my strength to him. Maybe I should let him hit first then destroy everything. Any input? -iggy |
![]() October 5, 2013 - 8:27pm | Undefined just hanged his aliance to Sith Empire United. -iggy |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 5:47am | The Sith are all about fighting and we will get swarmed badly if they declare free hunting on us. Some of the sith have managed to dismantle all their RS and just build SY and make all their resources on conquering and raiding so this is not to be taken lightly, we're not part of a grand alliance that would back us and they would not hesitate to use us as a resource farm. Undefined just hanged his aliance to Sith Empire United. Its time to talk to the leader of the alliance either Eric or Tom as our leader should do this, assert that you are not the leech and ask for the allaince leader to mediate. Stress that this situation has been evolving long before the guy joined the SEU and that your claim predates his, the Sith dont like leeches. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 6:00am | Its interesting that ther are tow other sith allainces out there led by someone called null null and this guy is undefined undefined- I wonder if its the same guy using an alt I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 7:27am | Its interesting that ther are tow other sith allainces out there led by someone called null null and this guy is undefined undefined- I wonder if its the same guy using an alt Most likely. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 8:52am | Its interesting that ther are tow other sith allainces out there led by someone called null null and this guy is undefined undefined- I wonder if its the same guy using an alt Most likely. null null seems to not exist as a player it could be a designation for an allaince without a leader because the leader quit? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 9:01am | I think we should investigate this guy being a poser and then inform him to Shadow Shack and the true Sith so tthey can hunt him down. I'll start investigating and compase a message for the Sith. Hopefully Shadow has been following this thread and can give insight on wether this guy is a poser. -iggy |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 9:46am | I just received a message from the Sith leader: From: Logan KlinkSubject: Hello Here is my reply: To: Logan KlinkSubject: re: Hello -iggy |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 9:49am | I think we should investigate this guy being a poser and then inform him to Shadow Shack and the true Sith so tthey can hunt him down. I'll start investigating and compase a message for the Sith. Hopefully Shadow has been following this thread and can give insight on wether this guy is a poser. Shadow is not sith he's a member of an alliance block that they fight but we could ask him what he knows of this guy. Compose the letter to the alliance leader stating that you 1. had the fleet hold 2. informed undefined of you intent to put a RS there 3. that he then joined SEU and accused you of leeching. Tell the leader that you are not looking for a problem but that you're finding undefined's behavior a little be offensive. End with a statement that the reputation of the SEU, while being that of an allaince willing to fight is also of a very honorable opponent and that you hope that with the mediation of said alliance leader we can avoid any nastiness. EDIT: I sent a letter to Logan just as a word of cuation to underline the fact that we have your back. Hello Logan, (I'm not the allaince leader) I use to be a member of SEU and dropped out as the style of game play and worrying about who was hitting my stations while I was at work led to degraded work performance. I enjoyed the fact that the SEU were honorable opponents and didn't brook any foolishness. Undefined has ignored a fleet hold and refused to respond to polite attempts at communication and then in a cheeky manner accused Eric of being a leech. Eric has actually shown a lot of restraint when I would have recycled the offending station much sooner. I'm rather bothered by the fact that undefined is attempting to engineer trouble when there is no need for it. Has he been a member of SEU long? His tactics are not what I remember from when I was a member. Sincerely Tom I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 10:30am | I forgot the Shadow is a member of menzoberranzan and mistakenly thought he was in SEU. If things deteriorate a win-win negotiation would be to trade my theta star at (1009,1384) for this theta star. -iggy |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 3:31pm | If things deteriorate a win-win negotiation would be to trade my theta star at (1009,1384) for this theta star. I've just been told that a SY is not an acceptable fleet hold ?!? so dont hold your breath for a win-win negotiation. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 4:15pm | My last letter to Logan: Setting aside whether a Ship yard is a legitimate fleet hold for now lets get to the meat of this. First let me ask: if you had a beef with someone in game and tried to communicate with him about and he blew you off what would your reaction be? The situation was that Eric discovered a squatter on a property that he had sent a SY to in preparation for building a RS. He was about to fly to Hong Kong on work and ran the situation by the alliance and we told him to message Undefined that he did intend to use the property and would assert his claim from having arrived there first but that undefined would be welcome to farm the energy from it till he was ready to put the RS there. He wasn't sure of what his internet access would be while overseas and this seemed like a generous move. Undefined ignored this communication. I however sent a SY to the area to support his claim and keep an eye on things just in case Undefined decided to recycle Eric's SY while he was away. During this time Undefined was part of a mining group but the name escapes me. What concerns me is that just based on his name I suspect that Undefined Undefined is an alt for someone already in the game and that this alt is used to cause trouble of the sort most veteran players are familiar with. Combine the fact that he chose to not negotiate and suddenly dropped flag on a small weak alliance and joined one with a well known reputation that I have always held in respect and upon joining the Sith suddenly starts communicating but instead of a real attempt to negotiate its simply throwing out labels of leeching which this was certainly not. All of that leads me to think I could define Mr Undefined's age at somewhere in the teens. My alliance is made up of married professionals with children. Most of us are over 40. We're not interested in the BS either like yourself but when someone muscles in on a property and refused to actually answer messages we do have to make a decision about a response and yet in all of this we've not handled Undefined in an aggressive manner before or after he joined your alliance. If you can find fault in us for using restraint but still asserting our claim to the property I'm at a loss. If undefined had but negotiated from the beginning Eric would have offered him another theta property elsewhere so that the negotiation would have been win-win. That is not the move of an aggressive player but someone trying to get along. However, a player that moves in and ignores a claim on a property, refused to negotiate and then joins a large and powerful allaince and within 24 hours of joining begins screaming about a leech (when the situation has been in play for weeks and could have been resolved long ago) In truth he's the one that would appear to be provoking a confrontation. If the situation was reversed I would have some pointed questions for the new alliance member. I think Eric would still be willing to offer up an alternate property so that this negotiation could end in a win-win. RE:the SEU the forums in a allaince site tell me that we organized it 1 year and 24 weeks ago so that would be about the time I left SEU. That was about the time I realized playing the game so aggressively would be a detriment to my job and since I couldn't uphold the warrior traditions of the sith I decided to own that and not hide behind other warriors. I dont recognize your name from that time. Tom I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 5:09pm | So you have put the offer of a theta swap on the table with Logan. Let me know if he responds and I'll post any responses from Undefined. -iggy |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 5:48pm | I just sent this message to Logan: To: Logan KlinkSubject: re: Hello I've herd from Tom that he is talking with you. I have not heard anything from anyone else, on either side. The only correction I have to Tom's messages is that I went to Malaysia not Hong Kong. I am willing to trade another theta star for this one. However, I find it rude that Undefined never responded to my initial messages. I will remain patient waiting for further dialogue. Regards, Eric -iggy |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 7:07pm | Letter I got and I'm not impressed with the new leader of the sith to say the least, the changes in the past year and a half dont bode well. His attitude is that he's powerful with a power base and doesn't care to play nice- and that would be when he's NOT exuding an arrogant attitude. Note to self tread carefully with the Sith in the future. 10/6 22:00 From: Logan KlinkSubject: re: re: re: Undefined and the developing situation at 10It was smart of your alliance to send you to me as a former Sith and this is the only reason why I am standing down. I will tell Undefined to look for another star. Best regards Sith, Logan. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 8:26pm | I got this message from Logan: 10/6 20:02 Logan I will send him thanks for being diplomatic and negotiating. I'll wait to see if Undefined complies. -iggy |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 8:29pm | Interesting a mass of fleets (9) is passing by owned by Tiktik Bagak belonging to the aliance Minions of Logan. -iggy |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 9:54pm | They aren't passing by, they are parked around jedi's shipyard. Since he's claimed to be standing down, they shouldn't stick around for too long. Besides, 9 fleets is a sizable fraction of his total fleet power. So he won't want to keep them tied up for too long. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
![]() October 6, 2013 - 11:07pm | Well, they are gone now and Undefined is on his way elsewhere. Diplomacy prevailed. many thanks to Tom for his excelent words. It appears that I may have made a friendship seed with Logan thanks to Tom and my past missionary work in the Philippines. Here is the emails thread: 10/6 21:41 I just noticed that TikTik Bagak has arrived with his fleets. From your photo and now the fleets associated with you from Minions of Logan. I find it curious how the world introduces people to each other. I gather that you are pinoy. Am I correct? From 1988 through 1990 I lived in Mindanao (Davao City, Carmen, Surallah, Guihing, and Mati). My bisaya is rusty but I can manage. Salamat Po, Eric NOTE: Salamat Po is thank you sir with an emphasis on the sir part. Po is honorific. 10/6 22:52 10/6 23:58 Sigi, walay problema. Mosulti ko sa tanan sa Gollwin Acadamy nga ang Sith mao maayo. Ayo-Ayo Elder Eric Winsor Philippines Davao Mission 1988-1990 This translates to: OK, no problem. I will tell all of Gollwin Acadamy that the Sith are good. Farewell So we did well and may have built some social and political capital. -iggy |
![]() October 7, 2013 - 3:36am | If he had given the order and if Sith opperations have not changed: they would have scouted us like crazy, posted locations on their page and every member of the alliance would have pig piled all of our stations and in short order we would have discovered 70-90% of our stations recycled. There would be some on going sniping potentially but imagine the headache reclaiming all your properties. This is of course what would happen if we didn't fight back, if we did fight back then they could make a special project of us. Then there if the "you've really pissed me off" situation where your name gets put on a KOS list (kill on sight) I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 7, 2013 - 10:59pm | Logan's response to my bisayan message: 10/7 10:05 So I feel Logan is happy. Yet I have no desire to join. I have noticed that Undefined did not go away. He is parked on the omega blue at (1009,1379) just above the other theta star I hold near TerlObar's gamma star. We will have to watch him. The conspiracy theorist side of me wonders if Undefined Undeefined is actually Logan in another account. It was him that negotiated and Undefined never talked after Logan began talking. Then the fleets that showed up were not Sith but a private navy of Logan's, Minions of Logan. I would find it funny too if the mass of Space Cowboy SYs on the omega blue errupted into a mass of fleets and recycled Undefined for squating on their world that they are claiming with SYs. -iggy |
![]() October 9, 2013 - 3:55am | Wow you're right this should be interesting. As those guys claim a SY is not a vallid fleet hold, Logan attitude about normally recycling people no questions asked could put them on a collision course or perhaps the Space Cowboys are already part of a faction that has hostilities with the sith. This should be interesting, I think I want to part a station close by to help me keep an eye on the action. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 16, 2013 - 10:24pm | He disappeard about a week ago from the omega blue. Must not have been worth it to him to hold it. Anyway, here is the last message he sent to me and my response. I said; ok, no problem, I'll tell all of Gollwin Academy that the Sith are good. 10/7 10:05From: Logan KlinkSubject: re: re: re: Just Curious Salamat :) come join us if you guys wish everyone is welcome! 10/6 23:58To: Logan KlinkSubject: re: re: Just Curious Logan, Sigi, walay problema. Mosulti ko sa tanan sa Gollwin Acadamy nga ang Sith mao maayo. Ayo-Ayo Elder Eric Winsor Philippines Davao Mission 1988-1990 -iggy |