October 1, 2012 - 11:54pm | I have been thinking about having an ecologically friendly city for a campaign location. I see it in my head as a vrusk created city, but I am not sure that would be correct. Would vrusk in general be more about profit(i.e. Ferengi) or would they lean toward an ecological balance. Some threads I have read on the vrusk and even SFAD6 show the vrusk to be about major business first, all else second. Maybe there are vrusk business' that do work for a 'greener' planet, there is profit in that. Humans of course would have some who were in the 'green' business. Dralasites, I am not sure. Yazirian's of course would have a group of 'green' people, since they do have a market on terraforming. But would the vrusk? Any thoughts? |
![]() October 2, 2012 - 5:23am | Well, the vrusk are according to cannon great lovers of beauty and perhaps there is at least one trade house that has a concept of beauty that involves a fusion of harmony with the environment. In fact I would tend to think that vrusk trade houses could cross a whole spectrum and be what you need them to be. There could even be a whole school of business thought that is sweeping the vrusk business community concerning being in harmony with the environment. Stuff like Vrusk tai che and the solidarity song would tie into that. the love of beauty would tie into that, stuff discussed for the evolution of the vrusk business model out of a failed and collapsing hive system would tie into that. I could easily see a vrusk security or finance trade house beautifying their properties and having a lot of feng shui going on. As for your city in harmony with the ecology- my knee jerk reaction would be Ken'zah Kit at K'aken Kar on the vrusk jump loop but really this could be anywhere except perhaps in yazirian space. Terledrom might be a good location too. Gran Quivera in conjunction with PGC to demonstrate the idea a model city was built, PGC which has turned out cookie cutter cities in the Frontier is of course interested and has partially underwritten the test project with a view to being on the first wave of a new model. EDIT- for some reason everyone is having trouble with my links that I copy and paste so if this doesn't work look up fengshui compass on wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fengshui_Compass.jpg But this item is all vrusk to me, just change the pictoglyphs to vrusk and bang good to go. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 2, 2012 - 4:03pm | Maybe just me but of the four races I see the Vrusk as the ones most likely to trim Bonsai trees and have flower gardens. There would be little wild areas on a totally Vrusk planet but lots of carefully controlled parks with meditation paths and scenic views. All this so it could not only be enjoyed as art itself but to inspire artists and others to create drawings, sculpture, poems and even laser holograms. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() October 2, 2012 - 6:21pm | Yes! Vrusk are very concerned with feng shui. -iggy |
![]() October 2, 2012 - 6:27pm | Yes! Vrusk are very concerned with feng shui. would that be vrusk shui or feng vrusk? I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 2, 2012 - 6:32pm | It would be pronounced, "T'eng-K V-T'ch-vui" in vrusk.![]() -iggy |
October 3, 2012 - 1:54am | I agree with the others. Vrusk are very likely to be into bonsai, zen gardens and all that stuff. In my campaign they have many eco-friendly cities. However, my Yazirians are also into that stuff. Let me explain. For Yazirians, gliding is a way of life. They evolved from arboreal tree dwellers. They glide from tree to tree. In my game, they build tree-like skyscrapers, and constantly glide between them. They also have a deep love for trees because of the symbiotic relationship they have with them. They grow tall trees on all their worlds, because they love climbing them & jumping out of them. So over time they have become the best tree farmers in the Frontier. They grow their own variety of fast-growing redwoods. They have also become the chief exporters of wood & paper products. The continuous need for more wood & trees has made them experts in sustainable forestry practices. Their cities are full of tall trees, and tree-like skyscrapers. They surround themselves with greenery, to create a soothing forest-like atmosphere in their high-tech cities. So, eco-cities might just fall within the Yazirian purvue as well. |
![]() October 3, 2012 - 2:02pm | OK Bossmoss this is my take on things although I like yours. The Yazirians are into nature like todays deer hunters are into preserving the forests. They like things wild and woolly and while they love to frolick in the woods they would never "manage" them. They would let them grow and "nature take its course". Maybe thinking more like white water rafter fans. Artificial courses are nice but for a true challenge only nature can provide. Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
October 3, 2012 - 3:00pm | Rattraveller, yes that's it. I like the deer hunter analogy. That's exactly how I think of them. Yazirians are very much into the whole thrill-seeking lifestyle. Extreme sports, Frontier style! However, they also build cities, grow crops, and have an economy. After all, they are not only civilized, but have a high enough level of technology to build spaceships. So, they love to be in REAL nature, and to spend as much time around natural settings as possible. BUT they also understand how nature works. Their closeness to it makes it part of them. They understand ecosystems. Like hunters, loggers, forest rangers, etc. They know when to harvest the trees, and when to leave them alone for a few years. They know how to manage nature by being in tune with it. It is not that they seek to turn nature into something artificial. It's that they want to bring nature into their cities to keep the cities from being too artificial. So, yeah I think they might be good candidates for an eco-city. |
![]() October 3, 2012 - 3:35pm | Well the whole terra-forming thing of GODco and the Star Exodus would suggest they are very concerned with managing their environment and recreating their lost home world. They will manage and change the environment its sort of a racial industry with them. however I like both bossmoss and rattraveller's thinking on this- the yaz going in for lots of trees and tree like buildings as well as the deer hunter thing, especially since in a day and age of no real clan war, warriors test their metal against hunted prey. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |