AZ_GAMER's picture
September 11, 2012 - 12:14am

Day One (Part One):

09/11/2399 at 1830 Hrs. Earth Standard Time: Sol Sector Hyperspace Gate (SHG)

The Colonial Space Fleet Exploration Cruiser C.S.S. William Logan: SCC-725 ( arrives on schedule at the designated holding zone to begin it's final preparations for departure to the Vega System. Anchorage Space Station flight control operators and their Edon counterparts at the Sol Hyperspace Gate's (SHG) confirm that everything is clear to proceed with today's jump gate transit event. Throughout the crew there is a sense of anticipation that fills the air with an excited anxious energy.  Technicians and scientists scurry about the control rooms cross checking every detail for this historic FTL flight.

As the final hour passes the crew of the William Logan anxiously await final confirmation authorizing the ship to proceed into the jump gate. On the 'Logan's bridge the crew watches on the command station's overhead view screen as the swirling nebulous event horizon slowly begins to visibly take form inside the jump gate's driver ring. 

Only moments before the launch order is given, an unauthorized jump point is detected forming inside the Sol Hyperspace Gate's restricted fly zone. Seconds later, the unmistakable dark crescent shaped form of a Xin Taro Class Command Cruiser  pierces through the dark curtain of space with a blinding flash of light as it  transitions from hyperspace into normal space. 

Captain Bishop Crane stares at the surreal scene in complete disbelief as the dark warship takes form silhouetted against a glimmering background of stars. An agile and graceful predator, the Taro Class command cruiser ( represents one of  the most sophisticated warships fielded by the Xin Confederation. It's very presence in the Sol system without authorization is a grevious violation of the Typo Accords Treaty. A mutual treaty of peaceful co-existence granting sanctuary to Xin refugees and prohibiting unauthorized Xin military technology from entering the Sol Sector. 

At two hundred thousand kilometers away the alien warship appeared on the magnified viewer to float in space with the innocence of a child's toy. However, all the souls on the'Logan knew the horrible significance that this harbingers' presence brought on their lives. The deep crimson color glinting mencingly in the ambiet light from the elaboratly decorated lines of its hull revealed the vessel to be warship of the Fen Clan.

The Fen, had long been recognized as a black sheep among the Xin people. Conceived and engineered solely as warriors for their Shi'an masters, the fen represented the most aggressive of the five clans. It was no mystery to anyone that the Fen mistrusted the Xin alliance with the Humans and longed to return to their old way of life. While they supported the other four clans during the uprising against their Shi'an masters the Fen never agreed that it was the correct way to gain their independence.  

"Commander Grant, what the hell is that bird doing in my sky!", Captain Crane shouted over to his equally shocked First Officer.

Before First Officer Amelia Grant could utter a reply to the Captain's inquiry something cought her eye on the screen above her helm station. A beautiful but brief chain of brightly flashing pale blue lightning that danced across space towards the 'Logan and the Hyperspace Gate. It took less time for Grant's mind to recognize the inbound blasts of disruptor fire then it did for her hand to slam down on the master alarm. Flashing strobe lights and chiming alarm bells filled the C.S.S. William Logan's command bridge shaking the stunned crew back into the present moment.

"All hands report to battle stations, this is not a drill, we are under attack!", Commander Grant shouted into the ship's communications panel. Barely able to believe the words coming from her own mouth, "Captain, what are your orders?"

Captain Bishop calmly looked at the view screen, any of the lingering spectre of shock was now banished from his face. "Lt. Commander Rojan, activate repulsor shields, set all batteries for defensive suppression fire, keep that vulture off our six'."

"Aye Captain", answered Ky Rojan as the stoic mechanical featured Ganai rushed to his seat at the ship's tactical console. "Target is 195,000 kilometers and closing on a direct intercept course." Out of habit Ky reached for the capacitor shield primer but then remembered that it would not function this close to a hyperspace jump gate. Something about the properties of the gate's mechanics overloaded capacitor shields in every simulation that was tested. Ky shook off the trained instinct remembering that every first year academy cadet knows that overloading a "Cap" shield is a recipe for epic disaster. Ky moved his hand deliberately away from the primer with a deep sigh. Ky knew that the ship would sorely miss the damage soaking power of the "Cap" shield if this ended up being a prolonged engagement. To push the urge of training out of his mind Ky turned his attention to his periscope like tactical scanner to get a better look at the approaching enemy. "Captain, it's definitely a Taro Class Cruiser. Energy signatures indicates she's running with both weapons and shields fully charged. Fortunately, we are still outside of her weapons range but It won't be long before she closes the distance."  

Captain Crane leaned over the communications panel next to Commander Grant at the central command station. As the Captain depressed the transmit key the look on his face told Grant that this was not the message he wanted to send but had to. "Mayday, Mayday, this is the Colonial Space Fleet Exploration Cruiser William Logan. We are under attack by an unknown Xin warship. We require immediate assistance from any able vessel."   

A torrent of deadly disruptor blasts rained down from the Fen warship as it began to close in on the 'Logan. As the warship grew larger and larger in the bridge's magnified view screen the crew knew that it would not be long before the Taro's cannon blasts would enter a lethal range where they were no longer diffused across the distance of space. However, even at the their currently depleted strength, the crew could still feel the impact of every feint blow on the 'Logan's shields. 

Suddenly, the command bridge's view screen filled with the brilliant gleam of another starship's hull as it passed so close to the exterior camera that the ambient glare filled the bridge with a radiant glow. The C.S.S. Aspire (, an elegant and nimble Mercury Class frigate raced past the 'Logan and pitched the back of its hull forward like a medieval shield in front of the besieged spacecraft.

"Crane to Simms, Come in Simms..." The Captain  shouted urgently into the open channel of the communications panel. "What the hell are you doing out there?", Captain Crane's  voice echoed the graven expression of concern chiseled on his weathered face. 

"Simms here, Captain Crane, well...hello there handsome" The sultry female voice replied over the open audio channel in an almost playful manner. "If you haven't noticed Bishop, I'm trying to save your ass. I suppose a thank you is out of the question?" Simms words danced from the open comm channel as the 'Logan's command crew watched her ship on the view screen fire a blinding salvo of missiles and laser fire towards the approaching Taro. A collective surge of hope filled the hearts of the 'Logan's crew as they witnessed Captain Simms' small starship shielding them from the unending blasts of pale blue lighting burning from the Taro's cannons.

"This is hardly the time to show off Karyn. Your ship is in no position to stand up against that Taro so get out of there before you get cooked.", Crane scolded with an almost frantic parental tone borne from a long career filled with too many experiences with the horrific events of space battle.

"Why Captain Crane, If I didn't know you better... I'd say... you were getting soft on me." Simms jabbed back with a now less convincing bravado as the sound of her frantically opening panels filled the pauses between her words. "Besides, you really should get out of here Bishop, your ship is filled with colonists, mine is filled with leather necks, you know we love this sort of thing."

The words barely escaped Captain Simms' mouth when the channel suddenly went dead. The crew of the 'Logan watched the view screen in horror as the Taro's four disruptor cannons ripped through the Aspire's hull. Gutting the small starship like a fisherman's prize trophy. The scene played out before their eyes as if it were some kind of slow motion replay at a sports game. In the quiet darkness of space the structural integrity of Simms' ship collapsed forcing large chunks of debris, flaming plumes of atmosphere, and the expelled bodies of the dying crew from the doomed ship. 

"Oh Dear Lord, No. Not Simms", The Captain's shocked pleading gasp of a prayer barely escaping his lips. Crane knew he had to hold it together right now and maintain his composure. Now was not the time to mourn over lost friends, the very lives of his crew depended on his leadership.

The crew of the 'Logan watched helplessly as the Taro gave the ruined Aspire a final parting shot from its aft cannons and continued to move forward on its original course. Several nearby scientific observation craft, not much larger then a cargo shuttle, attempted to flee in hopes they may slip by the prowling monster unnoticed. A wave of pale blue lighting reduced the craft to smoldering hulks in a single blast. The Taro's commander seemed bent on laying waste to any living soul in his path as his ship paused momentarily to scan the burning wreckage as if he were admiring his handy work. 

In a flash, three gleaming Colonial Corsair patrol ships ( streaked past the 'Logan and engaged the crescent shaped crimson war machine. The smaller Corsairs darted around the large command cruiser in all out assault. It seemed that the tiny warships had stunned the ravenous beast like a swarm of angry bees. Challenged by this new agile foe the Taro released its four wing mounted fighter craft to deal with this new nuisance as they continued to advance on the 'Logan's position.

Captain Crane knew that news of the attack must have reached the rest of the fleet by now and that it would only be a matter of time before the mighty colonial battle-cruiser Hyperion would arrive from its perimeter station near Mars. The only real question was, could the 'Logan hold out long enough against the vastly superior Xin command cruiser that was bent on their annihilation.
Lt. Commander Rojan emitted a self-satisfied growl as the Logan's fire control linked laser batteries reduced one of the Taro's attack fighters to burning embers and sent another fleeing back to its mothership. Crane managed a brief smile at his tactical officer's success but knew that his ship was far from in this fight. Status reports flowed in over the communications panel indicating that the gunnery crews were close to bringing the 'Logan's main cannons and torpedo launchers online. They had seemed excessive to crew during a non-military mission; an oversight the Captain swore to himself never to repeat.

Moments later the Taro destroyed one of the Colonial Corsairs and disabled the other two with several fierce volleys of battery fire. The 'Logans' crew  could feel the ship shutter with each successively closer disruptor blast wearing down the ship's repulsor shields. A few  brief seconds later, the command crew collectively felt the very moment when the shields failed and the ship rolled violently to one side after a direct hit from the Taro's disruptors . The only thing left now between the crew and certain death was the ship's thick reflective polymetal reactive armor and the defensive fire of the 'Logan's laser batteries. Fortunately for the 'Logan the Taro's commander had over confidently decided to try to cover more ground by dividing his cannon fire between the exploration cruiser and the hyperspace gate. 

Chief Astrogator Mike Bell urgently shouted, "Captain, the warship's attack on the gate is destabilizing the event horizon!"

Captain Crane slowly surveyed the faces of his valiant command crew. "Options?", he barked in an urgent yet supportive tone.     


AZ_GAMER's picture
October 24, 2012 - 8:10pm
OnceFarOff wrote:
OOC: @AZ_GAMER - Were either of the locations where the sabotage took place the same as where I saw Stone? If so I'm going to call security immediately. If I don't have slam dunk evidence, I'm going to keep looking as I make repairs.

OOC: Kyrell finds the damage inside a maintenance panel in the corridor near the engineering control room. No signs of sabotage were found in the area where you found Lt. Stone. However, the equipment roon where the Plasma torches are stored is the same one you saw Stone in which is located in the FTL Drive Module near the engineering module.

TerlObar's picture
October 24, 2012 - 8:28pm
Mike will do a few different things.

In the time spent matching courses, he'll call down orders to the rest of the astrogation team to begin work on locating their position more precisely and to start studying the nebula per the captain's earlier orders.

Personally, he'll apply the ship's sensors to try to glean as much information about the ship as he can: deck/bulkhead layouts, exact positions of electrical/infrared emission sources, etc and attempt to determine if any of the infrared emmission sources could be biological.

He'll also try to analyze the derelict's course and project it backwards to see if there is any indication of where it came from, and, possibly more importantly, if there is anything else back that direction they need to worry about.

Shaking off his initial astonishment (roll: 05) at Ensign Shadak's simple matter-of-fact assessment of the signal that Lt. Finsletter has been working on for a couple of hours, Mike manages to catch her before she leaves the bridge.  "Ensign, I think you may have just gotten yourself a new temporary duty assignment.  How is it you know so much about subspace communications?"

Speaking a bit louder once he stopped the Edon from leaving, he continues, "Captain, I'd recommend we assign Ensign Shadak here to assist Lt. Finsletter in isolating and decoding that signal she so quickly identitied.  She seems to have a particular aptitude in that area that could be beneficial."
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My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
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OnceFarOff's picture
October 25, 2012 - 8:55am
AZ_GAMER wrote:
OnceFarOff wrote:
OOC: @AZ_GAMER - Were either of the locations where the sabotage took place the same as where I saw Stone? If so I'm going to call security immediately. If I don't have slam dunk evidence, I'm going to keep looking as I make repairs.

OOC: Kyrell finds the damage inside a maintenance panel in the corridor near the engineering control room. No signs of sabotage were found in the area where you found Lt. Stone. However, the equipment roon where the Plasma torches are stored is the same one you saw Stone in which is located in the FTL Drive Module near the engineering module.

OOC: @AZ_GAMER - has security responded to my call? I'm trying to accumulate facts to either implicate or exonorate Stone. I'm especially interested if there's security cameras involved.

IC: Kyrell gets on the com and calls security. "Security, this is Kyrell. I need the chief down here immediately. Kyrell out." He then calls the Captain, "Captain, I need to see you down here as soon as possible. Need to show you something. It's important. Kyrell out."

He then turns to his team and calls out, "Ok, we need to divert all engineering resources not currently working on critical sections to the Cap shield repairs."

AZ_GAMER's picture
October 31, 2012 - 9:55pm


Lt. Finsletter continues her work piloting the 'Logan maintaining a matching course around 2,000 kilometers.

The Astrogation and Navigation team buzzes about the bridge from their various work stations throughout the ship. Bring new data tablet reports, picking up the latest reports, and conferring with Lt. Commander Bell with their findings.

Lt. Bell completes his forensic scan of the derelicts flight path. The Grey 3000 computer core extrapolates a like course from the ships decaying exhaust and debris trails. In it's artificial female voice the computer announces, "Lt. Commander Bell... Subject spacecraft entered nebula South of our current position. Analysis indicates... Subject spacecraft entered nebula on a Northbound heading. Subject spacecraft flight path indicates a series of random erratic maneuvers. Trajectory analysis... flight path suggests subject spacecraft engaged in evasive maneuvers. Warning... tactical target sensor array has located second rapidly decaying exhaust trail with a distinctively different energy emission signature. New data indicates the presence of a second subject spacecraft inside Nebula was pursuing."

While studying this new information Captain Crane receives Commander Kyrell's page on his communication link. "Lieutenant Rojan, Commander Kyrell has a situation in engineering that requires our attention. Please join me in engineering, I'll brief you en-route about the situation." The Captain says to steely faced Ganai looking over LT. Commander Bell's console display.

"Aye Captain", Ky Rojan replies as he signals one of the nearby waiting relief officers to assume his post. "Right behind you Captain, hold the lift for me while Ensign Graff relieves me at tactical."

The Captain taps "Stars" on the shoulder, " Lieutenant Commander, you have the Conn once again while I attend to this newest brush fire. Continue the good work "Stars" and see if you can get anything more out of that signal. With our docking assembly gone we may have to go over there to see if there is anything useful.

A few minutes later, the Captain and Security Chief Rojan arrive via lift in the engineering control room to meet with Commander Kyrell. The Captain briskly steps through the Engineering control room doors, "So what have you got here Commander, your page said you found signs of sabotage?" 

AZ_GAMER's picture
October 31, 2012 - 10:04pm
TerlObar wrote:
Mike will do a few different things.

Shaking off his initial astonishment (roll: 05) at Ensign Shadak's simple matter-of-fact assessment of the signal that Lt. Finsletter has been working on for a couple of hours, Mike manages to catch her before she leaves the bridge.  "Ensign, I think you may have just gotten yourself a new temporary duty assignment.  How is it you know so much about subspace communications?"

Speaking a bit louder once he stopped the Edon from leaving, he continues, "Captain, I'd recommend we assign Ensign Shadak here to assist Lt. Finsletter in isolating and decoding that signal she so quickly identitied.  She seems to have a particular aptitude in that area that could be beneficial."

Ensing Shadak looks at "Stars" with a curiously irritated look on her face, "Lieutenant Commander, I am an Edon. We we're mapping subspace while your people were still trying to figure out how to reverse engineer a Xin jump drive. Anyway, subspace carrier waves make my skin crawl I could pick that out while standing on my head. Can I go now, this place is... crowded"

The Captain catches Lt. Bell's recommendation as he prepares to board the lift for Engineering, "Good idea "Stars" but you better let Shadak work from her quarters. I don't know if you been around an Edon in a mixed crew. They can be, well, challenging I think is the word that comes to mind."

OnceFarOff's picture
November 1, 2012 - 12:56pm
AZ_GAMER wrote:

A few minutes later, the Captain and Security Chief Rojan arrive via lift in the engineering control room to meet with Commander Kyrell. The Captain briskly steps through the Engineering control room doors, "So what have you got here Commander, your page said you found signs of sabotage?"


Kyrell looks around to see who's listening and quickly calls out a few assignments to the team to keep everyone busy. He leads the Captain and Chief Rojan out of the main area to the place where the conduit was severed. "Take a break guys, go help out the other team" he says to his engineers to get them out of his hair. "Actually, I didn't say sabotage because I wanted to discuss this in private. But great guess captain. The cap shields were taken out on purpose by someone on board. I'm still putting it together, but that's where I need some help," he added, looking at Rojan. "I don't want the word to get out too quickly, because I'm hoping whoever did this will not realize we're on to them." He points to the damage. "This was done with a plasma cutter. Sloppy work, actually. Whoever did this was not an expert. There's another one just like it. Now, I'm not sure enough to grab him and push him out an airlock yet, but I saw stone just outside where the plasma cutters are stored. I tried to tail him, but he gave me the slip and with the ship falling apart I had to get back to work. He was not in his assigned area, and should not have been here when he was. I didn't see him do anything, but it's something to investigate." He gestured to Rojan. "I need you to check and see if any security cameras happened to catch him doing anything unusual. If we can catch him in this area, or anything suspicious, we should have enough evidence to at least lock him down and interrogate him." He looks back to the captain, "Sir, the good news is that the plasma cutter actually made the replacement a little easier, so 6 man hours to complete the job, give or take. I have this one first priority and have two crews working on it. I recommend a security detail or two to guard critical systems in the maentime."

TerlObar's picture
November 4, 2012 - 8:18pm
"Very well, Ensign." Mike says, "since you obviously have knowledge to share, and right now, we need all the knowledge we can get to find our way home, please patch in from your quarters and assist Lt. Finsletter.  Thanks," he adds as she leaves the bridge.

"Looks like we may have something else out there," Mike says upon hearing the computers report on the backtrace of the derlict's path.  He quickly puts the computer to work running down the second trail to see if it can determine the exit path of the second ship and whether or not it is still out there.

"Aye, aye, Skipper, I have the conn," he acknowledges as the captain leaves.  "Okay folks," he says after he's gone, "they way I see it we have two priorities here right now.  First, let's see if we can get that signal Lt. Finsletter found isolated, analyzed, and deciphered.  Second, we need to find out anything we can about the surroundings including whether or not there's another ship out there.  Let's hold our course at two kilomenters from the derlict until the Captain gives other orders or something comes up and tackle those two items.  Let's get to work."

Mike will continue working on analyzing the emission trails from the derelict and the unknown ship to see if he can locate it if it is still around and also to determine anything else about the derlict as he monitors work on the bridge.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
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AZ_GAMER's picture
November 4, 2012 - 11:05pm


In Engineering; Captain Crane, Chief Engineer Kyrell, and Security Chief Rojan investigate the apparent deliberate damage to the ship's capacitor shield system.

"Commander, it's a very serious charge to accuse Lieutenant Stone of sabotaging the ship's defense systems. I trust your judgement on this, but we should proceed with caution here. We are effectively cut off out here in the middle of uncharted space. We will post security patrols here in engineering and place two more roving patrols throughout the ship. That should help deter any further incidents of "sabotage". I will have Lieutenant Rojan review all the ship's security feed as soon as we have the opportunity. Right now our resources are stretched thin as it is and most of our man power is tied up with restoring the ship.", Captain Crane states in a reassuring and diplomatic tone knowing that the Commanders report greatly complicates the situation. "Doctor Forest tells me that there was a very strange incident of Jump Illness experienced by a Xin crew member. We should be vigilant to see if any one else is showing signs of Hyperspace induced psychosis. If a Xin can be effected by it then any of us could have been. Honestly, i don't know if anyone, even the Xin have travelled this deep into the void and lived to tell about it", Captain Crane says as he looks over the plasma burns on the conduits again. 

looking at his com-link data screen Lieutenant Rojan advises Commander Kyrell, "I just ran a report on Lieutenant Stone's link activity. His has not reported for duty in the last twenty four hours and his com-link has not left his quarters since the Jump. He must be using someone else's com-link or have a forged unit. If he has possession of a forged link unit we may have bigger problems here. A forged or unregistered unit would be near impossible to trace but would require someone to program it with the 'Logan's security access codes to unlock security doors like the ones in Engineering. We will have to run a full report on all activity in these areas. With all the damage control teams moving through here it will be like haystack full of needles."

"I think the phrase is, needle in a haystack", Captain Crane politely corrects the Ganai Security Chief as he looks at his shoes in an effort to stifle a laugh at the cyborg's expense.

A few minutes later Ensign Shaddak pages the bridge on her com-link, "Lt. Commander Bell, I have issolated the signal pattern in that transmission. It's comm traffic alright, I've never seen a language like this one before but someone or something is sending a message from that ship. I'm sending the message read out to your work station screen now ( Whoever they are, they must be pretty worked up because they are blasting this low band out for anyone to hear that is tuned in. We didn't pick it up right away because all Alliance com traffic is high band carrier wave. Not even your monkeys, sorry... pardon me..... people, use this kind of tech." Slightly off mic Shaddak can be heard muttering something that sounds somewhat like a whispered tirade of Edon cursing mixed with complaints about having to work with all these people.

The bridge crew becomes amused at the Edon's unfiltered tirade on the still open mic. Listening to objects being tossed and kicked around her quarters as she "thinks out loud". The mechanical female voice of the Grey 3000 computer core interrupts with a quite chime indicator and announcement. "Sensor analysis of subject space craft completed. Image reconstruction from sensor data available on terminal node 4-0-1 ("

A few moments later, the computer core chimes again, and the artificial voice announces the results of Lt. Commander Bell's query. "Analysis of second subject spacecraft exit vector... inconclusive. No known exit vector could be determined based on remaining exhaust and energy emissions."

TerlObar's picture
November 5, 2012 - 9:18am
"Well done, Ensign Shaddak." Mike replies to her response with the signal extraction, hoping to cut off her open mic.  "We'll see what we can do with it."

"Well," Mike thinks to himself, "let's see what the computer can do with this."  He feeds the signal output into the computer's security, cryptogaphy, and language programs to see what it comes up with.  Once that is done he begins looking at the schematic of the ship the computer generated.

After several minutes, the computer comes back with a response.  "That was quick," Mike thinks.

"Partial possible translation," the computer responds.  Looking at the display, Mike reads off the translation:  "Mayday mayday! This is the exploration scout <unknown> we are under attack by an <unknown> starship! any <unknown> forces please respond".

"Well," Mike thought, "looks like they lost.  Looks like we have us a rescue operation now.  I hope these are good guys."

Activating a com to the captain, Mike reports in.  "Skipper, we've got a partial translation on that signal.  Looks like a distress beacon.  They got jumped by someone but ended up with the short end of the stick.  I think we have a drive emission trail from the agressor but the computer can't generate a track on it.  We also now have a partial reconstruction of the ship's interior from the scans."

Actual letter for letter translation was: "Matday mayday! Thhis is the exploration scout a?oratha we are under attack by an sathar starship! any UPF forces please respond"  The question mark in the ship name is either a g, j, q, v, or z but there was no real way to tell.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
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AZ_GAMER's picture
November 5, 2012 - 4:12pm

OCC: Darn subspace relay hunk of crap must have repeated some letters in there when transcribing voice to letter. the ? letter was a "g" Agoratha

TerlObar's picture
November 5, 2012 - 4:33pm

A 'g' was my guess based on the letters left but since there was no real way to know since the word was a name I left it undefined in my decoding.

That was fun by the way.  I suspected the first two words were mayday but the transcription error in the first one made me wonder for a while especially since I wasn't sure that the circle at the end was punctuation.  Interestingly, the word that cracked it open for me and made me sure I had the correct initial letter substitutions was the word attack in the middle.

At first I actually looked on-line to see if I could find the font you used as that would have made it really quick Smile.  I was doing that before I came in to my conference this morning.  That didn't work so when I got to my conference I transcribed the text onto a notepad and just played it like a crypogram puzzle looking at letter frequency and patterns.  It took me about a half to one hour to solve it while listening to the talks.
Ad Astra Per Ardua!
My blog - Expanding Frontier
Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site
Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine
Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine

AZ_GAMER's picture
November 5, 2012 - 8:21pm
OOC: It's good to be a real rocket scientist, LOL

OnceFarOff's picture
November 7, 2012 - 5:23pm
AZ_GAMER wrote:

looking at his com-link data screen Lieutenant Rojan advises Commander Kyrell, "I just ran a report on Lieutenant Stone's link activity. His has not reported for duty in the last twenty four hours and his com-link has not left his quarters since the Jump. He must be using someone else's com-link or have a forged unit. If he has possession of a forged link unit we may have bigger problems here. A forged or unregistered unit would be near impossible to trace but would require someone to program it with the 'Logan's security access codes to unlock security doors like the ones in Engineering. We will have to run a full report on all activity in these areas. With all the damage control teams moving through here it will be like haystack full of needles."


Kyrell looks to the captain. "Your call boss. I think he needs to be locked up and interrogated while security sifts through the security vids and access logs. Cap shields will be back online soon."

rattraveller's picture
November 8, 2012 - 4:59am
Lt. Finsletter just chuckles and keeps doing what she was doing.
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

AZ_GAMER's picture
November 11, 2012 - 7:08pm
Lt. Rojan finishes making some final notes on his data pad, "Not to worry Commander, we will find Lt. Stone there are only so many places he can hide on a starship. When we find him we will place him into custody until we can determine what his role is in all of this."

The steely skinned cyborg keys in a few short commands into his com-link sending orders to his security teams. Within a few moments two colonial marines appear at the hatch entering the engineering control room. "Gentlemen," Lt. Rojan begins, "Maintain a secure perimeter into engineering control room and surrounding compartments. One man on patrol and one at the door at all times. As soon as I can send additional
personnel down here I want you patrolling in pairs. No one enters that is not on the duty list or upon the Commanders authorization."

"Aye, Sir" the young marines bark crisply as they snap to attention. Obviously, even though the Lt. Rojan is new, an alien, and not of senior rank he commands the respect and admiration of his men normally reserved for officers much higher in position.

"Commander Kyrell, these fine men are at your disposal. Please let us know if you see anything out of the ordinary that needs our further attention", Rojan advises as completes the new assignments for his staff on his data pad.

AZ_GAMER's picture
November 11, 2012 - 8:36pm

Captain Crane receives Lt. Bell's Com-Link transmission, "Good Job getting that message deciphered 'Stars'. If there are any survivors over there we certainly could use some their assistance determining where we are. We need to put together a team to go over there, check for survivors, offer assistance and get any information we can that can help point us in the direction towards home." The Captain pauses a moment, "We should proceed with caution as we know nothing about these people or what initiated this conflict. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst would be a prudent course. I really can't spare anyone for the mission as everyone is essential at this point. However, acquiring any useful intelligence about where we are is a worthy gamble. Do we have any volunteers?" 

OnceFarOff's picture
November 12, 2012 - 5:35am
AZ_GAMER wrote:

Captain Crane receives Lt. Bell's Com-Link transmission, "Good Job getting that message deciphered 'Stars'. If there are any survivors over there we certainly could use some their assistance determining where we are. We need to put together a team to go over there, check for survivors, offer assistance and get any information we can that can help point us in the direction towards home." The Captain pauses a moment, "We should proceed with caution as we know nothing about these people or what initiated this conflict. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst would be a prudent course. I really can't spare anyone for the mission as everyone is essential at this point. However, acquiring any useful intelligence about where we are is a worthy gamble. Do we have any volunteers?" 

"I'll go Captain.", Kyrell says, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. "If you run into trouble over there, I can probably be of use, plus I'd love to get a glimpse of alien technology. I have two teams working on the Cap sheilds, which are almost done, and other high proprity repair items are underway. I won't be *terribly* missed for a couple of hours."