Classificiation: Bio-Mechanoid
Average Life Span: Unknown, Estimated To Be Around 300-500 years.
Racial Modifiers:+10 STR/STA, +10 DEX/RS, -10 INT/LOG -10 PER/LDR, Special Abilities: Able to heal 10 STA points once per day on demand.
+25% resistance to damage caused by extreme cold or heat. Immune To Hyperspace Jump Illness & Teleportation Illness
Genders: Male & Female.
Handedness: Naturally ambidextrous.
Xin generally get along or are tolerated by most other space faring races. As former soldiers for the Shi'an wars of conquest they are no strangers to interacting with alien races. As biomechanoids (essentially biologically engineered lifeforms) they are socially awkward and at times seem to bumble through social graces of other races. They are intelligent, fast learners, with an innate sense of curiosity and desire to serve. They are much more resilient than humans to extreme conditions and slightly stronger and faster than your average human. They have superior night vision but inferior bright light vision. They have a very poor sense of smell which accounts for their ability to eat things that discuss humans and more sensitive species. Sense of touch is identical to humans and they are warm blooded. Xin are capable of heterosexual reproduction but prefer to continue to use artificial gestatation and are grown to maturity. For This reason there are no many children in the race and reproduction is done in large clinical labs. Xin are very long lived and have natural life spans that have been known to be around 500 or more Earth years if they are healthy and without major injury or defect. The Xin were engineered by the Shi'an with physical features to fit function and environment. These Xin "castes" developed into were raised together, worked together and formed social communities together which became known as Clans. There are five clans, the Tal and the Fen are two largest and most powerful clans developed for interstellar travel and warfare" The Tal are more diplomatic and the Fen are more direct. The other three clans were devastated during the Xin's war of independence against their Shi'an creators. While the other three clans still exist there numbers and influence are considerably smaller. The three smaller clans include the Kae, the Paxa, and the Gao. The Xin home-world of Ryaden, located in the milkway galaxy, was left uninhabitable by the great war with the Shi'an and the surviving Xin were forced to flee their now toxic and devastated home-world. The Xin now roam the galaxy as nomadic wanderers finding solace in small refugee pockets throughout the known universe. The Xin are naturally gifted astrogaters and space travellers, as this was engineered into their genetic make up, and freely share their knowledge with others...even at times when it is not requested. They have a bit of an Ego but not do feel themselves as superior to others. The Xin have a loosely bound interstellar democratic based government which is called the Xin Confederation which is ruled over by a Clan Council of elected members from each of the five clans. Xin law is a tricky thing as it differs from clan to clan and is more of a abstract guide then a strictly concrete concept. Fen Xin are often sympathetic to their former masters the Shi'an feeling that the rebellion was too extreme and that life under the Shi'an was often better than life as homeless refugees. This is often a point of contention between the Tal and Fen clans.
Xin have a bio-mechanical organic structure throughout their bodies which they call the Q'almar. It is the legacy of their Shi'an biotech and provides a source of their accelerated healing and resillience. Xin have the ability to heal 10 STA points once per day making them very difficult to outright kill.
Tal Clan: "Diplomatic". Pale Green Skin Tone.
Fen Clan: "Aggresive". Pale Lavender Skin Tone.
Gao Clan: "Stoic". Pale Blue Skin Tone.
Kae Clan: "Selfless". Pale Grey Skin Tone.
Paxa Clan: "Logical". Pale Yellow To White Skin Tone.
Slurs & Slang:
Xin: "Gum Drops"
Refugee Colonies: "The Projects / Trailer Parks".