Every Warrior Son of Yast....

jedion357's picture
April 7, 2012 - 11:32am
I was reviewing stuff on Athor in the Hitchhikers Guide project in preparation for writing up a system brief and the title phrase of this thread jumped out out me. Now I wrote it awhile ago and didn't even think much on it when I wrote it. However the question suddenly just occurred to me, "Are yazirian females warriors too?" In discussions on the nature of the clan we discussed the female as not actually raising her pups but the clan elders take over at some point. This would actually free her up to be a huntress and warrior.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

iggy's picture
April 7, 2012 - 6:07pm
In the vein of not making humans in monkey suits I am inclined to give yazirian females social structure not like human female social structure.  I remember when we were writing about the clan and the females passing the pups to their elders to raise I was thinking that they needed to hunt to help support the clan.  This of course is not the case in modern times.  So what are yazirian ladies doing in the times of the frontier?

jedion357's picture
April 7, 2012 - 6:12pm
I think under what we discussed concerning Yaz females it would make sense for them to be equally likely to be warriors as the males as long as they are not pregnant.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

Karxan's picture
April 7, 2012 - 11:19pm
I have always viewed the yazirian females as warriors like the depictions of amazon warriors from stories. In a warrior culture it would make sense that all adults are warriors and that the elders raise the young pups after a certain point. In fact vetrans who are disabled could be also make up the teachers for the young.

jedion357's picture
April 8, 2012 - 5:15am
Karxan wrote:
I have always viewed the yazirian females as warriors like the depictions of amazon warriors from stories. In a warrior culture it would make sense that all adults are warriors and that the elders raise the young pups after a certain point. In fact vetrans who are disabled could be also make up the teachers for the young.

This is the source of devotion to the clan as the clan raised you.

Its to be expected that yazirians living out in the Frontier away from the yazirian colonies (for work or whatever reason) would feel the itch to shack up and thus pregnancy will happen. Some females will return home to have the litter but we have to imagine some yazirians not doing this. Some are bound to be clanless and or dis-inherited. So you get two yazirians living the "Blue Lagoon" fantasy and they have a litter of pups. I image the weight of raising pups without clan support is stressful and some of these couples break up having tried the "human" model but found it not to their tastes. Usually its the female that walks out on the male and the pups. Not all the time though and you get some few yazirian couples who bond and raise a brood together but thats probably not the norm. Back at Yazirian space any story of these relationships not working out is retold as a cautionary tale of what happens when you dont mind the honor code, honor you clan or just plain let yourself become influenced by culture from the other aliens especially those hairless humans.

This situation of yazirians raising pups without clan support leads to even more clanless living out in the Frontier. All to often some of these pups end up without either parent and then truly fall through the cracks with no idea of who they are or what their place is in the universe nor of what it means to be yazirian. Quite a few of those get scooped up by gangs, criminals and pirates.

This is the set up for a PC background Yazirian character is one of these seemingly clanless yazirians who fell through the cracks and ended up with a rough life. In his adulthood he's gone in for a Han Solo lifestyle. He has a few clues but doesn't know the name of his clan or the name of his father. As a self appointed side quest he has the goal of discovering his clan and where he comes from. No starting with kha'dan or zamra skill though they can be learned.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
April 10, 2012 - 12:59pm
Some random thoughts...

Most yazirians in mixed colonies or far away from yazirian space send their newly weened pups back to their heritage clan to be raised. They then request the clan send them young-ones to fill in gaps in their "family" allowing far off yazirians to prosper. 

Clan transporters pick up these pups to be delivered back to the clan, but beware, some pups have been stolen and brought back to secret Family of One institutions. 

Amaziria is a myth of these modern days. It is said yazirian female warriors control the clan, males are inferior and provide the necessities of daily living while the females hunt, explore and make history. Prestige in society is based on how many males are in your sub-clan. Warriors fight for sub-clan rights. Some gather up their males and explore unknown areas to increase their standing in the clan. 

Modern day female yazirians find the warrior ways "old-school". These females with the lust for prestige and status are often found as executives in the largest mega-corps. 

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
April 10, 2012 - 1:20pm
Content of Adventure Writing Forum project

Two pups to go, please

Most yazirians in mixed colonies or far away from yazirian space send their newly weened pups back to their heritage clan to be raised. They then request the clan send them young-ones to fill in gaps in their "family" allowing far off yazirians to prosper. 

Clan transporters pick up these pups to be delivered back to the clan, but beware, some pups have been stolen and brought back to secret Family of One institutions. 

Two twins, a boy and girl born to Zi Araks recently weened are to be delivered back to clan Zamoria. The twins have a special gift that must be protected, she hires the party to accompany the transporter back to the clan. 

Used with permission from

jedion357's picture
April 10, 2012 - 3:53pm
Google possibilities for yazirians still in good standing with their clans, equally I think the female Yaz will take maternity leave and return till the pups are weened. Also thinking back to Star Trek TNG, Worf was orphaned and raised by humans, in fact his human parents were raising his son Alexander initially. I could see a clanless or dis-inherited female Yaz who gets unexpectedly pregnant and ends up abandoning the pups feeling too overwhelmed to care for them and they end up in a situation similar to Worf, raised by humans or another of the core four.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!