The Garden of Yazira

jedion357's picture
January 13, 2012 - 10:10pm
The Scrolls of Beginnings wrote:

And GODco planted a garden eastward in the Frontier,and there it put the yazirian whom it had formed

With the faillure of the dream that was the preservation of Yazira after the Star Exodus because the Family of One sought to use terraforming to control the various yazirian colonies and after a century the terraforming still remained largely undone. Riots and scandal ensued and the Family of One formally divested itself from the terraforming enterprise and turned its opperations over to a for profit company: Galactic Overall Development company.

Even on Hentz where the terraforming was pursued with vigor, the dream of recreating Yazira proved allusive due to the persistent prior ecosystem. The order went out for a new world devoid of an existing ecosystem but suitable for terraforming. Search vessels spent many years looking an a suitable site was located.

Critics cried that it would take decades to engineer just the atmosphere. But the Prime Prelate of the Family of One swept aside all objections. "We Will Realize the Vision that was YAZIRA! It is our destiny. And the Yazirians living there will live by the prefection that is the Doctrine of the Family. The cancer that is "the clan" will not be permitted there. We will recreate our race in the true image of Yazira."

I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

rattraveller's picture
January 14, 2012 - 3:15am
Not sure what your going for here and I thought the head guy was called the High Priest. Is the Family of One going to be establishing a new colony?
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

jedion357's picture
January 14, 2012 - 7:28am
Just getting ideas down on paper- adventure idea- somewhere at a secret location the Fo1 is trying to create the perfect society, they dont want any contamination from and its suppose to be secret. Plus the yazirians living there are part of a social experiment and know nothing about clans and ther rest of the Frontier. They simply believe in the family is all there is.

RE: titles for clergy, there is only one cannon statement I'm aware of that gives us any clue to the organization of the Fo1: "Rev. Yeppir" is listed as the CEO of GODco in Zebs and I not in favor of Reverend its use in Zebs should be considered a Pan Gal translation of a yazirian word or that the compiler of Zebs made a mistake and thought that Rev. would be appropriate general term for clergy from Fo1.

I've started a number of threads in the Yazirian Civil War project on Fo1 to explore it but there has not be huge response nor is there any concensus on the matter from the community.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

rattraveller's picture
January 14, 2012 - 11:03pm
Actually I got the Rank from the Star Frontiersman article on the Araks system which had a pretty good history of the Family of One.
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

jedion357's picture
January 15, 2012 - 7:25am
rattraveller wrote:
Actually I got the Rank from the Star Frontiersman article on the Araks system which had a pretty good history of the Family of One.
Ah...I rate the Dragon and Ares magazines as secondary canon and Zebs Guide for that matter, but the SFman rates 3rd . Hard enough to keep all the details of primary and secondary cannon in your head that it is easier to miss something in the SFman. I'll take a fresh look at it.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

thespiritcoyote's picture
January 16, 2012 - 12:53am
for me, agreed on tiered cannon; AD, 2nd, 3rd, and fanon ranks at about 4th... sometimes things flow up-hill, but the top tier can not lose core stability... kinda-like an inverted pyramid Foot in mouth that was requisitioned by the FDA who immediately ordered; that all children must attend school by standing on their heads... or something like that.
Yes good stuff, I like the idea of Yazerians having a few more worlds in their outback beyond the sectors edge... and so does the PGC, they need the companionship it get lonely out there.
Cool Prime Prelate; and Prefered Pontifex Persona of the Peoples Proper Paragon... Revered Ruminations Regent; of the Rightious Rites and the Respected Route... sounds as good a translation as any...
If you just abbriviate the important titles Pff.T. and Rug.B-ter. the Yazerians will know what it is, but everyone else will just assume it's important. Laughing
Oh humans!! Innocent We discover a galactic community filled with multiple species of aliens, and the first thing we think about is "how can we have sex with them?".
~ anymoose, somewhere on the net...

if you square a square it becomes a cube...
if you square a cube does it become an octoid?

rattraveller's picture
January 16, 2012 - 5:55am
I try and put everything I use into a big binder and make that my canon. Of course this means alot of photocopying of rulebooks and articles and somethings I create myself. There is of course cross referencing notes and weird explanations as to how somethings work together but if you read a newspaper you see that kinda stuff all the time. To some up Canon is what I use no matter the source.

PS So self-destructing acid fuel engines are Canon. Go use them.
Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go?

thespiritcoyote's picture
January 20, 2012 - 3:38am
@rattraveller Laughing personal-canon,
good stuff - self-destructing acidic-fuel engine... canons... Tongue out
Oh humans!! Innocent We discover a galactic community filled with multiple species of aliens, and the first thing we think about is "how can we have sex with them?".
~ anymoose, somewhere on the net...

if you square a square it becomes a cube...
if you square a cube does it become an octoid?