![]() December 8, 2011 - 5:13am | What sort of conflict are we interested in exploring for this project? I've already stated elsewhere that I'm interested in a factional fallout between the Fo1 and other colonies asserting their independence. However, I'll certainly comment and give feed back on any other lines of investigation and may even jump on board whole hog if something really grabs my interest. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 11, 2012 - 11:12am | As I think about factions and the "seeds of civil war" I think that an honest to goodness old fashioned clan conflict in some out of the way place like Scree Fron is called for. Except this one witnessed the Fo1 stepping in and settling it except what they really did was simply side with the clan they had business interests with. The other clan was effectively destroyed and its surviving members scattered throughout the Frontier. Clan War is a sin, according to Fo1, so this incident is down played and redefined. [kind of like redefining illegal aliens as immigrants- largely just a symantic change not a substantive one] Across yazirian space clan leaders took note of what happened, many are quietly outraged and some begin to make preparations for the day that they must face off with the Fo1 and Clan Anglann. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 5, 2012 - 6:03am | I like the ideas in the previous post as a prequel to the conflict described here: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/6427#comment-25704 that there was a clan conflict between two clans on scree fron which was actually pretty minor but that Fo1 stepped in and settled it by siding with one side and virtually wiping out the other. PCs become involved because they were the agency that smuggled out the remnants of the destroyed clan. AD and KHs action. They help relocate them to Exib in the Athor system under an assumed clan name. This sets this clan up as indebted to the PCs and friends with them. When the conflict in the above link errupts this small clan will be at the epicenter of that conflict especially when Fo1 lands on Exib. This could serve to draw the PCs into the Yast conflict for more AD/KHs action. Thus giving you a two module series for the "Seeds of Civil War" series. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 5, 2012 - 11:35am | I'm thinking that making all the players members of the Clan Renegade cadre that is opposed to Fo1 would be the way to start them in this campaign. There mission for the first module is rescue the remnants of the clan that Fo1 destroys and evacuated them to Exib. It also makes their involvement in the adventure with the Jugger trigger natural. In fact having them as agents of this cadre simplifies the set up for this series and even simplifies the writing of it. Classification: Criminal organization Intelligence Source: Star Frontiersman #16 "New Cults & Cadres" by Thomas Verreault/jedion357 Though the modern Clan Renegade claims descent from the historic yazirian fighting unit this claim is spurious. Star Law believes the modern Clan Renegade to be an ultra secret but fully modern movement that plays on the conspiracy theories surrounding the demise of the historic military unit. What is certain is that the modern Clan Renegade advocated violence against the Family of One but not the outright destruction of its religious beliefs. This is an important distinction since the membership is assumed to be all yazirian. The organization hates the Family One even while its membership still practices that religion. All of its members are believed to have sworn "blood enemy" against the clan controlling the Family of One. The historic emblems of the classic fighting unit are all used by the modern Clan Renegade. Their catch phrase or slogan is, "Remember the Charge." This is a reference to the classic poem, "The Charge of Clan Renegade" but it also carries the double meaning of remembering the charge they have been given against the Family of One. Using the Clan Renegade Cadre/ criminal organization as the set up for PC involvment means most if not all of the PCs should be yazirian. However, I did think up one background for a human to be a member of Clan Renegade: human orphan raised by clanless yazirian- this background confers level 1 in traditional yazirian weapons: zamra and kha'dan as well as the ability to speak near flawless yazirian though reading level is not up to that standard. He also has level 1 understanding of yazirian culture. Despite what his ID card says he almost always goes by the yazirian name his "uncle" bestowed on him. Since his "uncle" was a member of Clan Renegade he has also followed in the family business so to speak and is a Clan Renegade operative. Despite being an outsider, racially, he is highly trusted by the cadre leadership. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |