![]() December 6, 2011 - 1:48am | Athor is a K2 star Yast: Moderate yazirian population, Agricultural society, Grav 1.0, Day 15 hours, no stations, Moons: Exib and Ime No planetary footnote. No militia force listed in KHs No Mega Corp Headquartered here. Effectively the Gateway to Yazirian Space in the Frontier; Pan Gal System and Lynchpin system eventually have jump routes charted to Guna Garu system but PGC established Pan Gal System as a secure site for research labs and is a bit nudgy about "it's territory". Footnote on Moonworld&Lynchpin system states that access to the system is impossible to get since Moonworld is a high security and secret military base. This means that Yast, Athor is the Gateway to Yazirian Space. Probably 90% of all commercial traffic between Yazirian Space and the rest of the Frontier passes through this system. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 6, 2011 - 2:18am | Nick Named "the Gateway to Yazirian Space" it is surprising that Yast does not have a space station, orbital warehouses and a space station would greatly benefit the colony so the reason they dont exist is probably money. Yast is not a rich world by Frontier standards. With only a moderate population and agricultural economy and other agricultural colonies better placed to exploit the wider markets of the Frontier (namely Morgaine's World, Kdikit, Lossend, Rupert's Hole, and etc) and the fact that the yazirian clans on Yast are very traditional and only farm yazirian crops and animals, Yast's principle trading partners are two of the three other yazirian colonies. The balance of trade favors Hargut and Hentz. Thus there are only a few orbital warhouses (freight container bolted together) that allows for limited transhipment of goods. The Yast militia does not even rate as void capable based on a squadron of shuttles and a few fighters. Yet there is a strong culture of service to the colony and the moral of the the Yast militia is very high though they lack the heavier hulls available to militias like that of Hentz, Hargut or Clarion. It is expected that every warrior son of Yast will perform civil service to the colony. Its generally a period of 4-5 years. This constitutes a voluntary indentured work force for the colony which is just as well since Yast is still a planet in the process of terraforming- much of the terraforming support from GOCco (Fo1/Hentz) was with drawn when the clan council on Yast refused to knuckle under to Fo1's heavy handedness. A large amount of the Yast civil service is simply work crews tasked with back breaking labor digging irrigation canals and other terraforming tasks that allow the agricultural industry to thrive. Admission to the militia is only for the top 3% and often requires connections. Yast citizens that have performed their civil duty to the colony earn the right to speak before the Clan Council. Yast is ruled by a Clan Council, chiefs of all the officially recognized clans sit on the council and choose one of their number to be Chief Speaker of the Council (often called simply Chief Speaker). The Clan Council of Yast meets in a magnificent wooden structure called the Hall of Warriors. The Clan Council of Yast has adopted the act of recording the story of a warrior, which would normally be done only within his clan. The practice continues within each clan but every warrior that has passed and who has someone who is allowed to speak for him before the council has his story told and recorded by the council's scribe before the assembled chiefs of Yast. The practice was started to promote unity of Yast and the idea of service to the community. This has further led to a strong warrior spirit in the culture of Yast that Hentz and Fo1 are ill at ease with. Across the Frontier yazirians from Yast are reknowned as great warriors. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 6, 2011 - 2:29am | The Family of One has grudgingly allowed for the genetic heritage of Yaz to be brought to Yast, It has with held important support for the terraforming program on Yast. At some point it realized that it was loosing ground and instituted its Family School program ( http://starfrontiers.us/node/5508 ) with its pro Fo1 stance it was not well recieved and the Council of Clans instituted its own school system as part of the civil service program. the prominent clans still do all their own education but the Council of Clans provides quality education for the clan less and minor clans that are too small to effectively maintian the traditional schooling practices. Despite the chilly reception of its missionaries and teachers, Fo1 maintains many of them on Yast at great expense. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 6, 2011 - 2:37am | In Matt Crymble's Yazim's Tale he placed the Krik as a creature on Yast and it stands to reason that the bit of story fluff from Zebs where the Yazirian enforcer was enticed to buy the Omega Bolt with its Krick hide carrying case that the krik hide case was added enticement to a yazirian because he was familiar with it and valued it. So while I have in the past had the urge to place the krik as an animal from the humma home world I think making it a large and dangerous herbivore of yazirian origin makes sense. other farm creatures: gett-hens which are also raised on Exib. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 6, 2011 - 2:51am | "The Brotherhood" despite being chased out of Yazirian space by the Fo1 still has adherents on Yast RE: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5508 Bailorism has been popular as well particularly among very traditional yazirians those opposed to the Fo1 The clan controlling the Family of One has had deep influence in yazirian society and is credited with saving the Yazirian race in organizing the Star Exodus, locating the Frontier and beginning the process of terraforming planets for the 5 waves of colonist fleeing the destruction of YAZ. Fo1 still has followers on Yast even if they are pro Yast and unhappy with policies of the Fo1. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 28, 2014 - 6:17pm | Bacca Nut Grown on Athor and a few other yazirian worlds, this large nut is flavorful and nutrious. Most species find the flavor agreeable, though dralasites find the bacca nut bland and boring. Bacca nuts can be eaten raw but are best when roasted. Cost: 2Cr/ kg, 1,700 Cr /ton. Chelamint This pale bluish-green plant grows on Yast, and has an intense hot, peppery mint flavor. Yazirians especially prize this mint, and beleive it has aphrodisiac qualities, though no known compound in the chelamint has been proven to have such quality. In dralasites, chelamint flavored foods cause a minty odor, which is quite pleasing. Cost: 3 Cr /gram; 2,800 Cr /kg, 26,000 Cr /ton. Eghric The leaves of the eghric plant of Athor makes a strong tea. Eghric has little other use, and the eghric tea plant take many standard years to reach maturity before it can be harvested. Eghric tea is rich and flavorful, and the leaves are prepared in a variety of ways- smoked, roasted, raw, dried, steeped in fruit juices, etc. The eghric plantantions of Athor fiercely guard their particular variety, and clans have fought over land and trade rights. Cost: 5 Cr /gram; 4,900 Cr /kg; 47,500 Cr /ton. Maccatta This is a large, pulpy fruit found on every yazirian world. The soft green fruit is strongly flavored, and vrusk find the smell intoxicating ; vrusk in fact can be mildly affected by eating maccatta, and addiction is a possibility. Dralasited find the taste and smell of maccatta repugnant, and refuse to eat the fruit or foods prepared with it. Cost: 2 Cr /kg; 1,700 Cr /ton. Naghy This herb is the leaf and stalk of the bush, grown on Yast. It has a rich flavor that pairs well with root vegetables as well as fowl or fish. It also makes a fine green tea, and is enjoyed by many races. Naghy grows only in a narrow region of high elevation, though it has been cultivated for generations. Cost: 5 Cr /gram; 4,800 Cr /kg; 45,000 /ton. Couple of things of note here Athor is the system and Yast and Exib are the inhabitable properties both of which have farming economies. So when it says Athor treat that item as being grown on both Yast and Exib. Now bacca nuts, maccatta fruit, and eghric tea leaves: I would rule these as orginiated from Yazira and brought with the yazirians during the Star Exodus. Things imported and grown on both Exib and Yast or listed as growing on most yazirian have a high likelihood they were brought by yazirians with a desire to cultivate them. With out a doubt this is true of the maccatta fruit and bacca nuts which are grown on many yazirian worlds with the Athor system being the significant exporter and the other worlds mearly growing it for local consumption. The comment about clans having fought over land and trade rights to the eghric leaves strikes me as being rooted in another age and while it may be true of the modern times to some degree it no doubt was an issue in the clan wars of the past. The two that are explicitly grown on Yast are native Yast crops; Chelamint and Naghy. Also of note is the grape corn grown on Exib. Ghet hen meat, mulkis meat, milk and cheese from this source: http://web.archive.org/web/20080829132011/http://www.xmission.com/~layne/adv/43Bro.html I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 28, 2014 - 6:56pm | Whats on the Menu in Athor: Roasted Bacca nuts Chelamint sexual suppliments (concentrated pills) Chelamint seasoning Naghy seasoning (for fish and fowl: most ghett hens) eghric tea maccatta cakes & breads Purel or purple gruel made from grape corn and mulkis milk grape corn chips, bread and cakes (some varieties are also made with maccatta fruit and/or bacca nuts "warrior's stone" (also known as "last resort" and rude words not fit for polite company) survival bricks are made from grape corn, bacca nuts, and maccatta fruit; formed into a small brick and dried. these bricks are hard as a stone and legend says they can sharpen a knife, khah'dan or zamra (not really true but some yazirians have made a show of sharpenning their teeth with them). they have a shelf life of forever and they are a life sustaining combination of starches and protiens but must be soaked in a liquid. yazirians typically avoid eating them unless they are truly in a survival situation- it sustains life but it not that appetizing. Most will use it as a soup base with meat if they can come up with that. there are innumerable stories of it deflecting a blade or bullet, most must be purely urban myth but there are some documented cases of this have brick having been in a bandolier pocket or tunic pocket and saved the owner from serious injury. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() October 27, 2014 - 3:50pm | Yazirian Triple Barrel Gyrojet Sfman 12 During the Second Sathar War, the yazirian space commandos of Yast wanted a squad support weapon. They primarily used gyrojet rifles at the time and wanted a gun that could deal out more damage and still use similar parts and ammo as the standard issue rifles, and also function in the vacuum of space. Zik Kit ordinance was commissioned to design the weapons. There solution was the Triple Barreled gyrojet rifle. bit of fan cannon tied to Yast I would advocate placing it earlier in history so that its around during the period of time that most adventures take place in. Simplest is to make it a SW1 era item. Also that Zik kit ordinance went out of business and that its no longer in production. that makes it a valuable find for a PC. Something you have to track down with a Capellan Free Merchant- in other words it a "treasure item" worth quite a bit- around 2000-2500 Cr depending on condition (list price in the article was 800 Cr) I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |