Dralasite Fun Facts

jedion357's picture
August 27, 2011 - 3:46am
Prunes give dralasites gas too.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

jedion357's picture
August 27, 2011 - 3:48am
7 out of 10 dralasite murderers were actually educated in a human school system.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
August 27, 2011 - 10:39pm
An expansion of Issue 10, page 11?

jedion357's picture
August 28, 2011 - 4:10am
I suppose, just a few ideas that popped into my head.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

jedion357's picture
July 25, 2012 - 3:03pm
In most depictions of dralasites they only have 3-4 fingers so how do they give someone the middle finger without waiting 10 minutes to generate one? Is there a limit to the number of fingers they can generate? Perhaps dralasites give the middle hand instead of the middle finger.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

jedion357's picture
July 25, 2012 - 3:16pm
The dralasite middle hand jesture: looks like the human black power salute execpt its the left and right hand slapping the mid point of the middle arm as it bend up to show an open hand. It carries a bit of meaning similar to the human "talk to the hand " gesture as well as a healthy overtone of rudeness- humans living in dralasite dominated societies often use the a combination black power - talk to the hand gesture in place of "flipping the bird". Dralasites are prone to razz humans and fellow dralasites that dont have the ability to generate more than two arms on this very point. One tends to find dralasites limited to only two arms are more polite than their rowdier multi armed brethren.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
August 22, 2012 - 8:09am
Some drals would use an extra arm/hand to their advantage given the ultimate dral'ish offensive body language!