Random Creature tables : Machine Life

jedion357's picture
August 18, 2011 - 11:26am
this conversation was started here: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/5565#comment-20635
based on some tables in this blog : http://rpgcharacters.wordpress.com/2011/04/28/random-thursday-a-xenomorph-may-be-involved/

there purpose is to discuss and develop the Machine Life Tables
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

bossmoss's picture
October 16, 2012 - 11:41am
Hmmm... are we talking about animal versions of Mechanons here?

jedion357's picture
October 16, 2012 - 5:58pm
bossmoss wrote:
Hmmm... are we talking about animal versions of Mechanons here?
Not neccessarily but could be. My impression of the original tables was for alien generation and I took that as meaning sapient.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!