jedion357 June 24, 2011 - 11:26am | You were travelling from Prengular to Lossend on a storage class ticket. You awake to a ship on emergency power and no other living being aboard. The power on all the storage bearths flailed and your quite lucky to have survived that with out a medical professional on hand, in fact you're the only one out of 15 that did. You feel like you've had more than a fifth of yazirian whiskey and been run over by 3 ground trucks. (-20 to abilities). Throughout the ship you find decomposed corpses (the smell is terrible but at least there are no flies) and the ship seems to be drifting in a system with no radio traffick. You need to rest to recover your strength (and other abilities) but you suspect the ship is dying and may be out of power soon. If you over exert yourself you could suffer more deterioration of your abilities. What do you do first? Tell me your basic game PSA and go. If military PSA STR/STA is 45 and all others is 35; if any other PSA LOG/INT is 45 all others is 35. You're dressed in light garments normally worn for storage berth cold sleep (similar to hospitol scrubs). I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
Captain Rags June 24, 2011 - 5:33pm | Military PSA (Dralasite): Heads to the nearest *COMPUTER ACCESS* interface console to see if there is more information as to what might have happened on the ship, and also if there are any launches, shuttles or escape pods aboard. "A spacesuit with rocketpack may not be a bad thing to locate either", the Dralasite thinks to itself. My SF website izz: |
jedion357 June 25, 2011 - 5:52am | Dralasite Raggs considers his lack of information and decides to locate a computer terminal. Rubbing his belly to massage his brain he remembered that the ship, the Astral Dawn, is an old Serrena Dawn class freighter. This had surprised him when he bordered the ship two decks below and had to climb a ladder to deck number 2 to reach its combination medical and storage class bay. Deck 4 seemed to hold a galley, lounge and quarters when he passed through it so computer access would likely be above deck 4. Massaging his belly some more he thought he remembered that deck 3 was journey class berths and the computer core. One deck above would have to be the bridge and his memory of the mandatory safety breifing told him there were life boats on deck 1 as well. Checking the med station it appeared that the medical computer was not connected to the rest of the ship's computer. All it told him was that the back up battery had kicked in an run the storage berths till just before it power had run out. The fail safes on the medical software had activated the awakening process but a short had drained power and effectively killed the other storage class passengers. Dralasite Raggs chose one of the 2 doors to exit the bay largely because it was the door that he could luanch himself toward without contacting the drifting corpse in an Astral Dawn ship suit. In the passage way he noted that the opposite door was labelled Storage Hold B and turned to the ladder well. The pressure door, like all pressure doors, took time to open he could sense his own weakness as he pushed on it. Openning the door drew to his attention how cold the metal was, "Engines off, power drained, emergency lighting on, have to wonder what the state of life support is?" he mused to himself. Need to keep an eye out for a pressure suit, if for no other reason than it would have a self contained LS system. Everycrew person and non storage class passenger would have a pressure suit on board by law and there would be emergency suits somewhere as well usually near the airlocks. To himself he said, "Where should I go? Up to the bridge or down to the computer core?" OOC: note on the maps the ladder wells are labelled "Air Locks" this is a misnomer. They can function as airlocks as they cut off each deck with pressure doors to prevent air loss if one deck is breached. Also only 3 decks are detailed as my Dunjini files became corrupted and I got lazy about trying to redo these and expand the rest of the ship. As it was they were playable for the Crash on Volturnus and I resorted to "You just cant go down ship" measures as the referree. If You must go there I'll do one of two things get off my butt and detail another deck or simply describe it in abstract fashion. PS: Dralasite Raggs is dressed in light clothing and slippers that are very much like modern hospital scrubs but are standard for cold sleep in storage class so he is feeling the chill in the ship. His luggage was checked at the air lock and he doesn't know were it is exactly. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
Captain Rags June 25, 2011 - 6:29pm | Dralraggs makes its way forward/up towards decks 3 and 2. Rubbing its belley it thinks,"If I can get the ship's backup life support going, it should buy me more time to get off this cursed ship. (shudders) A change of clothes wouldn't hurt me much either. Could be a few storage lockers up there with uniforms or spacesuits." Dralraggs floats towards any ladders or hatches going up. My SF website izz: |
jedion357 June 28, 2011 - 8:33am | I hadn't really planned this out too far when the idea for it popped into my head; so just in case anyone was thinking they could not get into the game because CaptainRaggs posted 1st I'll write in any other players as not dead but waking up latter in their storage class chambers. I'll give it till Sunday then advance Capt. Ragg's storyline. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
Captain Rags July 2, 2011 - 7:47pm | Captain Rags ----> My SF website izz: |
jedion357 July 3, 2011 - 5:49pm | OoC : sorry captain rags looks like i'm in the market for a new computer after Historicon but in the mean time im posting from the smart phone.
Dralasite Raggs entered deck one and began to search crew quarters looking for a vac suit. The first room was locked, the second held two human sized suits, and the third held a suit fitted for a dralasite significantly smaller than him. He could smell the other dralasites smell in the suit and could tell that it was well used and possibly lacking on maintenance. He squeezes into it, but noted only a half hour on it s LS charge and recorvered a full charge from one of the human vac suits. To his surprise there was a corpse in one of the suits. After securing the LS to his too tight vac suit he sat down to rest from his exertions and pondered what to do next. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
Captain Rags July 7, 2011 - 7:59pm | "(Oof) Think I need to lose some weight... this suit sure (umf) tight!" Dralraggs takes a breather for a few moments, then resolves to continue on towards the bridge. "Gotta get off this ship or at least find out what's going on!" My SF website izz: |
jedion357 July 12, 2011 - 3:05am | The short rest helped a little. This was the bridge deck ; with a third dedicated to the bridge, a third dedicated to auxillery control/cargo handling control/weapons locker, and a third for crew quarters. Up the hall that split the bridge from aux con was a life boat gallery. As dralasite Raggs left the crew section looking for the bridge he heard noises. Approaching the corridor junction that was the central spine of the ship he carefully looked down the one headed toward the lifeboat gallery. The doors to the bridge and aux con were open and it appeared that the bridge had more than emergency lighting unlike the rest of the ship. He could the sounds of rummaging and movement then a short clip of language he didn't recognize. His attention must have drifted because something large drifted through the open doors from aux con to the bridge. It was humanoid and large, possibly larger than a human but he couldn't be sure. Taking stock of his situation; he had thin clothes and a too tight pressure suit. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
Captain Rags July 12, 2011 - 8:09am | As carefully and quietly as possible, DralRaggs makes his way towards the third of the deck that contains the weapons locker. "Don't know who that guy is rumaging about, but I don't think he's part of any rescue team. Maybe I can find a weapon to use, and hopefully (ugh) a bit more roomy suit to wear." My SF website izz: |
jedion357 July 14, 2011 - 5:27am | Backing up he went in the second door to the Auxillary Control opposite the door he had used from the crew quarters. What he saw was shocking; there was a human corpse strapped into a chair at computer access station and the top of his head just above his temples had been neatly sliced away as if it had been so much paper instead of tissue and bone. Floating about in the zero g was the bloated body of a dralasite bulging our around his ship issued cover alls. Raggs had never seen one of his one kind in such a state of decomp and it was all he could do to shut off his mind from the smells his exposed skin was picking up. At the computer station with the human corpse there was some sort of weird alien equipment mounted to the station with wires and cables spliced into the ships computer through a removed access plate. Hearing more noise through the open door leading toward the bridge he pushed off the open door jam and sailed toward the weapons locker. As he coasted toward the locker the fact that its doors stood ajar elated him as a locked locker could be problematic. At the locker his elation fell into the pit of his being as he saw that it was empty. He was holding the door to the locker and holding himself to the floor so that the computer station would give him cover from being seen from the door to the bridge. Suddenly, the strange voice and language errupted into the silence of the the room and he realized that he had left the door he had used open. Stretchin a limb he reached for the edge of the computer station and pulled himself to it then around to the side facing the door to the life boat gallery. He half sensed/heard the other being moving to the door he had used and pulled himself underneath the work station. Suddenly his eyespots pulsed! Clipped to the underside of the compter station was a laser! Gingerly he removed it and clutched it to himself. [status: Raggs is in a small space designed for the legs of a computer user on the "north" side of the station that the human corpse is at (the body is at the south side) The lighting is poor and he might not be noticed if the room is searched. There are 3 standard doors: one to the hallway adjacent to the bridge, one to the hallway adjacent to the crew quarters and one directly opposite him to the life boat gallery. There are also 2 airlock type doors that lead to the ladderwells of the ship: one up by the life boats and one down and "east" by the crews quarters. Its 0 g and if he moves around he will float out in the open but he could also hang onto the compter station and move around it while holding himself against the deck. Other than the open door to the weapons locker he can not reach any other fixture while holding on to the computer station. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
Captain Rags July 14, 2011 - 9:19pm | Dralraggs mind races. "What in blazes is happening on this ship? Who's behind this ...and why?" The Dralasite's eyespots look over the laser pistol now gripped tightly in one of his hand appendages. "Need to check the powerclip. If the gun was hidden, it's likely at full charge." As Raggs adjusts the power setting of his blaster to 5 SEU/shot, he slowly narrows and extends his eyespots in order to slightly peek out from under the computer consol. "Anything that can slice the top off some poor crewman's head is sure to dice me up too! No telling how many of those bastards are creeping about." Dralraggs holds the laser pistol even tighter. "If the coast seems clear, I'll sneak my way over to the lifeboat airlock hatch. If not, I'll wait here a bit longer to see what those things might be up to, THEN sneak over to the lifeboat airlock." My SF website izz: |
jedion357 July 16, 2011 - 3:26am | Looking at the laser he depressed the stud that lit up the power indicator and was gratified to see a full charge. Not detecting any sound he cautiously stretched his neck to peer around the station then stood still holding the station and when he saw he was alone with the corpses he through himself toward the lifeboat gallery door. The door was a standard type so he was through it quickly and he'd close it this time. The Life boat gallery was also well lit because the door to the bridge was open and the hatch to the lifeboat closest to the bridge was also open. Light spilled into the gallery from both of those openning and some thick cables or hoses were passing through the gallery between those opennings. He could plainly see the status panel for that lifeboat and it read that the boat had been launched but obviously something was docked to the hull at that hatch. He could also detect a low hum and the temperature seemed marginally warmer here. To himself he wondered if he should investigate that creature's ship or continue to try to equip himself. The life boat opposite the door he'd come through was still docked to the ship and emergency vacuum equipment lockers were bolted to the deck at opposit ends of the gallery next to each life boat hatch. He openned the one next to him and found what he'd expect emergency vacuum suits that, while fitting better, would not have the same endurance as the suit he was wearing. On general principle he grabbed an emergency Life support pack (its good for 4 extra hours of operation) and the suit patches- there probably wasn't much point in lugging around the bulky envelope like emergency suits. He considered his situation. If he remained here and any of those creatures passed between their ship and the bridge he'd be spoted for sure. He could enter the remaining life boat, enter the ladder well and go down ship, investigate the bridge or their ship. Equipment: light fitting clothes, tight vac suit w/std LS, back up LS (4 hours), suit patches, and a laser pistol w/20 SEU clip. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
Captain Rags July 24, 2011 - 12:03pm | The Dralasite thinks to itself, "Hmm... the extra LS gives me a bit more time. If I leave in the lifeboat now, there's no telling if I'll just get blown out of the sky by the bad guy's ship that might be nearby. I need to find out who these bads guys are, how many of them there are on this ship..." The Dralasite wipes the sweat near its eyespots. "Okay Dralragg... focus, focus. Can't give away my position, and still need more info. Going into their ship might only alert them to my presence. Can't leave in the lifeboat just yet. If I can capture one of the bad guys, at least I can find out who they are, how many of them there are, and why they're here." The Dralasite resolves to capture one of the bad guys if possible. "To the bridge, there should be at least one of 'em there." My SF website izz: |