Frontier worlds for the (URS)

This is what the Star Systems that we all know from Alpha Dawn and Zebulon's guide look like in the Star Frontiers (URS) look like. This is Athor (Yast)


System Information

Coordinates: 7-098.3

Sun type: K2

Color              Classification     Temperature*    Life**     Radius***       

Orange           K2                       4,0000K               80,000     .5                            

*Temperature is in degrees Kelvin

**Lifetime is listed in millions of years

***Radius is listed in terms of Sol’s Radius (700,000Km)

**** Planets in orbit within these orbits have the possibility of sustaining life without artificial means being employed to convert the planet so that it can support human or human-like races.


Number of planets: 4

Planetary Overview


Planet     Core         Diameter               Temperature    Gravity     Orbit

Rock        Rock          32,240 miles          5200F               .9g            70d                   

Rock        Magma      43,750 miles          3100F                .8g           170d                  

Garden    Magma       65,200 miles         800F                 1.0           350d

Gas giant n/a            2,120,000 miles     00F                   5.1g        740d

Notes: Athor is potentially one of the Yazirians most valuable star systems. The reasons for this assessment is that Athor possesses a large gas giant in orbit around the star, and between the third planet (Yast) and  the gas giant is a field of Asteroids that is about one million miles thick at its thickest point. This asteroid is all that remains of a planet that failed to form when the system was formed. The Yazirians of Yast have been profiting from mining operations in the Asteroid field and have slowly begun accessing the feasibility of mining for hydrogen from Athor’s gas giant.

Scientists have speculated that Athor’s gas giant failed to ignite during the formation of the system possibly as a result of the cataclysmic destruction of Athor’s  what should have been a 4th planet in orbit around Athor’s sun.



Orbital position: 3rd           Number of satellites: 3

Diameter: 65,200 miles

Orbital period: 350 days    Rotation period: 40 hours    Seasons: 3

Axial tilt: 320


Core type: Magma             Gravity: 1.0g           Atmospheric pressure: .9    

Tectonic plates: 16            Stress factor: 11%


Classification: Garden

Hydrosphere: 67%            Cloud cover: 41%      Chance of Precipitation: 26%

Average temperature: 800F                                 Average wind speed: 4mph


Major land masses: 2

Minor land masses: 5


Natural Resources

Gold (300,000cr/ton at source)

Aluminum (75,000cr/ton at source)

Copper (75,000cr/ton at source)              

Iron (100,000cr/ton at source)                

Lead (10,000cr/ton at source)

Nickel (100,000cr/ton at source)

Nutrient rich soil (1000cr/ton at source)

Notes: Yast was colonized by Yazirians nearly 100 years ago and is a beautiful planet with two major continents that straddle the equator of the planet and five smaller continental land masses that lay between them. The major continents are divided into regions that range from temperate plains in the northeastern area to untamed rainforests in the south. There are large snowcapped mountains on the western edges of the two main continents as well as bisecting two of the minor continents in half.

Yast is home to a wide variety of living creatures, but none of them are of a level of intelligence to consider them major races. There are living creatures in almost every region of the planet but at present only about 35% of the life forms on the planet have been classified which is about the percentage of the planet that has likewise been surveyed. The Yazirian settlements on Yast have mostly been around a region of the largest of Yast’s continents known as Crescentbay. 

Yast has three seasons. The first transitory season is defined by an increase of the planet’s average temperature by 100F to an average of 900F, and the chance of precipitation increases to 52%. The second season sees the temperature remain at an elevated level, but the chance of Precipitation returns to its normal level. During this season the average wind speed of the planet increases to an average of about 8mph. Finally the last season that is felt on Yast sees the temperatures return to normal levels, but the wind speed on an average becomes a blustery 16mph on the average.

Civilization information

Classification: Major colony                                                

Progress level: 7 (Frontier level)

Government type: Charismatic Oligarchy

Law level: Level 6 (All fire arms restricted)

No. Major Settlements: 5                                     Population: 80,000

Planetary wealth: Low to moderate

Spaceport type: Minor (private docking bays, system ship construction, standard repair facility, customs office, warehouse, and Star law office)                                                           

Manufactured resources

Herbs (1,000cr/ton at the source)

Grain (1,000cr/ton at the source)                            

Mechanical parts (5,000cr/ton at the source)

Agricultural products (3,000cr/ton at source)

Yazirian Ale (2,000cr/ton at source)