![]() March 6, 2011 - 12:01pm | This topic and document are intended to create a sci-fi setting based on Science and Fiction. How much of each I don't know. For instance, I don't worry how hyperdrives work, they just work although I will be shying away from pulp-science such as ether space, pockets of reality, ray guns and the like. I would like to base this on real science but not to the point that it bogs down the fun. --------- NOTE I intended on using the information to create a sourcebook for profit. If you contribute I'll start a thread of different levels of contribution and might even use KickStarter to fund the artwork. You will at least get credit, if you contribute funds to the project you'll get a book, if you contribute a certain level of funds you'll get a book, source material, copy signed by me, and future PDF's created for the setting. Here's my initial thoughts on serious contributors;
* All proceeds from initial sales go towards Textual and Artistic contributions. This includes any stock art I purchase after the contributors are paid. Future contributors;
--------- I've started a document Content of Savage Star Frontiers project Setting, TheUse this page to list things the setting should cover.
I will be used the Plot Point system to develope a sci-fi setting.
INTRODUCTIONThe FroniterThis science fiction setting is desinged to give the players a certain type of feeling - a frontier feeling. Although there are pockets of technological advanced areas in the frontier there are still areas to be tammed. The players are alone against the galaxy, they explore, have encounters and are challenged along the way.In the frontier resources can be few and far between. Players are not ablet to pick up energy packs at the store before exploring a remote moon jungle - they must bring gear with them. Innovation and creativity are what helps your character succeed in the frontier. The froniter is full of action and adventure, your character is the mover and shaker of events that can be far reaching or localized. They will be men of renown, engaging the forces of evil or creatures of might. The frontier is gritty. Gear is not shiny and new, it's used and sometimes held together with ingenuity and welding tape. Characters will find themselves getting dirty, equipment that fails from lack of cleaning and everywhere scratches and dents after a few excursions into the out lands. The frontier is a place of isolation. Communications are in hours instead of seconds between star systems. Although the frontier has a very dense star population, travel between star systems is in days, sometimes weeks. The WorldsThe frontier is a densly packed portion of the galaxy. Dozens of planets have major settlements on them while dozens more are outposts or have yet to be discovered. The races were plucked from around the galaxy and deposited here, nobody knows how or why. No one planet is "owned" by a race, rather each planet is co-populated. Most worlds are owned by corporations. World work in progress; Tian Aba Xing'Xiu II Ganymede Arietis VI Kazi Granna Pictoris III Liakiee V Vorth Solarii IV Castor Inanna VII Apep Eridu II Gondwana Vanatc Corp III Ilgan II Space TravelSpace VehiclesThese types of ships are powered by sublight engines and are used in-system. They do not have the capability to travel between star systems. Most space vehicles can enter an atmosphere, land and take off again. SpaceshipsTravelling between the stars requires a spaceship equipped with a hyperdrive. Hyperdrive TechnologyNavbouys Hyperdrive can be engaged fairly close to planets and other gravatational wells. Power sources. |
![]() March 6, 2011 - 2:54pm | The most realisitc scientific theory I have heard for FTL to date is Space Fold Technology using a gravity based drive system. Is this what you were thinking about for this game setting? |
![]() March 6, 2011 - 3:29pm | The only place I've seen folding is Robottech - is that the core FTL of another game system? I plan on using hyperdrive just because it fills the mind with images and imagination since we have seen it prevalent in movies. It's not set in stone, just something that came to mind while typing today. |
![]() March 6, 2011 - 8:05pm | Space folding technology is the FTL premise behind warp drive, the ftl in Dune, and the FTL used in event horizon. It doesnt involved any pocket realities, alternate dimensions, or teleportation in order to get from point a to point b. |
![]() March 6, 2011 - 11:26pm | I'm thinking Star Wars hyperdrive technology. Something that characters can use to zip around a frontier setting. It seems like jump gates and wormholes would be to limiting and a single point of entrance/exit. Thoughts? |
![]() March 7, 2011 - 1:29am | I do like the hyperdrive concept from star wars, however, what does it actually do to get you to FTL? Do you think you are going more the route of star wars, firefly, and new BSG with the idea of not really explaining how it works, it just works. I am definitely fine with that, but if you are going the route of having something hard sci-fi people are going to want to know why it works too. |
![]() March 7, 2011 - 9:49am | The hard-science folks are welcome to make their own explanations for their games. Explaining how technology works isn't something I'm interested in although Hyperdrive technology has certain requirements to work that are important to the game and need to be explained. Player's interested in how it works to make a skill check should be able to rely on information provided in the rules that govern game effects. Make sense? |
![]() March 7, 2011 - 2:05pm | AZ, Curious about your question I found this today. Worth the read. How to Create the Physics of a Science Fiction World |
March 27, 2011 - 12:03am | OK, I'm intrigued. This sounds very similar to work I've already been doing for a home game. Tech isn't my strong suit; I'm more interested in language, culture, politics, planets, creatures and story. You've seen some of my work. I'd love to get in on this. Long live the Frontier! |
![]() March 28, 2011 - 7:25pm | Ahh, storytelling elements. :-) You'll love a new product we are producing - light rules, more story. At the moment I have to finish the project I mentioned, work with Sean on a Savage Worlds > Star Frontiers conversion, Issue 17, then I'll get back to this. Jedion has been talking to me about some ideas as well. |