![]() February 25, 2011 - 12:20am | Ok, you Wild Cards out there, let's get this thing moving! I've attempted to contact Greg Bruni via email regarding his "best-done" SWSF conversions. I know he states that he's used a lot of the other resources available already. I'm requesting his editable source docs and to see if he'd like to join us on an expansion and "publication" of his work. For example, I'd like to see other PC races from SFman and Zeb's to be converted, perhaps some work on a Knight Hawks conversion, and of course conversion of our Remastered Alpha Dawn modules. I don't think the work would be that huge if we can collaborate. With much of Star Wars already converted pretty well, it makes expansion of our SF world fun and easy. I'm also looking to convert "Star Ace" races, aliens, and setting material into the system. It, too, is another "cowboy" SciFi RPG like Star Frontiers from early 80's that has a lot of fun material already published awaiting Savagery! For inspiration: There's a host of other systems and settings converted in various stages at: http://www.savageheroes.com/conversions.htm This is where I found Greg's work. Fast! Furious! Fun! |
![]() February 25, 2011 - 8:39am | We have the Player's Manual, Referee Manual and Crash on Volturnus. What do imagine the next step would be?
If you are serious about working on this I will switch gears from the 4e conversion I was working on and concentrate on this project. |
![]() February 25, 2011 - 12:28pm | ...oh, but I already combined them into one book..... :-) SFMan layout? |
![]() February 25, 2011 - 12:41pm | Oh? You sent it to me, right? |
![]() February 25, 2011 - 12:44pm | Knight Hawks conversion - do we keep with Star Frontiers and have prerequisites for obtaining spaceship specific skills? |
![]() February 25, 2011 - 12:59pm | Personally, as far as layout goes, I prefer very light borders if any at all. I def thing we can use the fonts, headings, etc. Maybe we should use user or non-TSR original artwork? (t o alleviate some licensing issues) Not sure about KnightHawks yet. I haven't used or read much on the SW system for non-land vehicles. While the KnightHawks system is primitive and simple it's relatively fast and "fun," not encumbered by equations. I don't care about vacuums and quantum physics, I want to have fun blasting star-ships! I should have some time to work on this over the weekend. I was hoping to hear back from Greg by now, and have some editable documents. My attempt to copy his text from the PDF's was problematic. |
![]() February 25, 2011 - 5:17pm | Unless it's spelled out elsewhere than the "canon" Explorer book, there's really little that would translate into the type of "gameboard" play that KH offers. SW is primarily concerned with "non-table-top" type space battles, etc.... Maybe I'm missing something? My guess is that we'd either have to continue the way it currently functions, or crete some sort of hybrid that better matches the SW system. As we all know the AD and KH are like two completely different games in one setting. The PSA's in SWSF function very much the same as in SF as far as I can see. They just have a SW "twist" of using general categorical skills with "edge" modifiers. |
![]() February 25, 2011 - 8:37pm | You might be thinking of the KH Boardgame - which I'm not interested in converting since it has a usable set of rules. Knight Hawks Alpha Dawn 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pilot Technician 2 2 3 4 5 6 Computer 1 2 2 3 3 4 Engineer Technician 2 2 3 3 4 4 Robotics 1 1 1 2 2 2 Astrogation Computers 2 2 3 4 5 6 Energy Weapons Beam 2 2 3 4 5 6 Rocket Weapons Projectile 2 2 3 3 4 4 Gyrojet 1 1 1 2 2 2 |
![]() February 26, 2011 - 4:57am | That is correct, I was not referring to the campaign book. The campaign book should be relatively simple to translate into SW, I'm guessing. I like the running start you got there. ![]() |
![]() February 26, 2011 - 4:42pm | Per our discussion today I believe the goal is to follow the SW model in creating skills. We'll drop the PSA's and consider how to handle spaceship skills.
![]() February 27, 2011 - 6:31am | 1. Gonna have to get back to you on that one, nothing comes to my currently under-caffeineated mind. 2. I agree, absolutely! Plus there's no sense making the material any larger with core rules stuff. This should be Star Frontiers setting only.My preference too, would be to make these documents stand on their own along the the SW Explorer book. In other words, if I wanted to introduce someone to SF/AD, I could get them this document along with their own copy of SW, and they'd have all they "need." |
![]() February 27, 2011 - 1:36pm | w00t! I'm wondering if there's also some validity of creating a license-avoiding version that uses bugs, blobs, and ape-men? A Savage Frontiers near-beer? We could throw in another PC race or two... Might be able then to print and release to the masses. I'm just sitting at a swim meet thinking... :-) |
![]() February 27, 2011 - 1:39pm | I think many of the spacecraft skills would be handled within edges and Driving Skill? |
![]() February 27, 2011 - 3:32pm | We could use the sfman races. Driving would cover using a vehicle beyond its limits, stunts. Pilot would cover spaceships. We could also have Capital Ship Piloting. I don't see edges as skills. |
![]() February 27, 2011 - 3:37pm | If we write a setting, we have to support that setting. Ya know? |
![]() February 27, 2011 - 7:25pm | Well, also if we write a setting, and support that setting.... it should support US! |
![]() February 27, 2011 - 9:09pm | Ok, so I've heard back from Greg Bruni. His hard-drive crashed just last week and he's lost all of his last 3 years worth of work, including his original documents for the SWSF. (so, why didn't I contact him TWO weeks ago!) ![]() Note to everyone: BACK IT UP! I use GoogleDocs a lot, as well as keeping a DropBox account for every document I have. (years worth) If you use this link to create a free DropBox account, I get more free space! http://db.tt/RhdsgEC |
![]() May 8, 2011 - 8:06pm | If you want to keep spacer skills rare, and slow to obtain, you could make them unavailable to Novice PCs. Myself, I don't see the point of keeping them out of the hands of beginning PCs, so I may not have any requirements IMC. Regarding KH activity, I just had a recent idea for skills and ship combat, but I want to refine them a bit more. |
![]() May 11, 2011 - 7:36am | Looking forward to it Putraak. |
![]() May 25, 2011 - 12:36pm | NOTE: this is pretty basic, I've had one of those weeks when I just get started on something, and then have everything crash down on me. I'm looking forward to inflicting, er, introducing "Warriors of White Light" to my son and his friends this summer, thus my work on this. I'm figuring on Option #2.
Knight Hawks has steep requirements for learning spacerskills, so I am trying to keep some of that alive in this conversion. I’d liketo represent them as Professional Edges, rather than skills, if possible. Let’s prohibit the use of Repair, Piloting, Knowledge(astrogation) and Gunner on Spaceships unless the following Edges are added.
New skills
New EdgesSpaceshipPilot Spaceship Engineer Astrogator Gunner 1. Spaceship combat using the SWEX VehicleRules, pp. 107-119. Use the capital ships rules for most cases, pp. 112-113. 2. Using Knight Hawks as a ship-to-ship combat system At a GM’s option, you may use the original Knight Hawks spaceship combat system. In that case, the “Using skills” section on pages 24-27 can be used. Simply consider a d4 skill in Savage Worlds as a level 1 skill, a d6 as level 2, a d8 as level 3, a d10 as level 4, a d12 as level 5, and a d12+ as level 6.
![]() May 11, 2011 - 5:03pm | Something else that occured to me: Perhaps an Edge for Star Law Ranger, and any other professional associations that a (n)PC might achieve? Spacefleet officer or petty officer? The "Red Sands" setting book, which I am looking at, has Edges for Army & Navy rankers, NCOs, and officers; Foreign Office agents and diplomats, Merchants, Actors, Explorers, Inventors, Reporters, and Master Thieves. Essentially, they took the careers of the Space:1889 original and turned them into Edges. |