![]() November 17, 2010 - 7:05pm | I needed a nasty sounding insect for the Zebs archetype article for the humma survialist portion and on the fly I made up Cryxian Cockroaches. According to an off hand comment in the article they will survive "the end" same as a humma survivalist and the humma can eat them. The Cryxia system is a K5 star with 2 inhabitable worlds, both of which are colonized by a mixture of races and a Trade station around the 2nd world T'zaan Whats odd is that one world, Pi'Ka'Nair has a heavy population and an aggriculturally based economy- normally an agricultural economy would indicate a smaller population with more space dedicated to growing things overseen by a small population. Maybe the whats grown or harvested is so valuable that it doesn't matter that for some reason its labor intensive and automation is contra indicated. The second planet, T'zaan has a moderate population and agriculture based economy as well What I was thinking for these roaches is that they came from T'zaan and they quickly invaded Pi'Ka'Nair in the early days of the colony and became an invasive species. Maybe that is why the first planet has a hvy population as that is neccessary to still harvest the valuble crop against the ravages of the roach. I was also thinking that the cryxian roach could also be making some head way infiltrating other planets and systems with them turning up on one to the islands on the planet Faire in Capella system much to the worry of the ifshnits causing them to spend tens of thousands of credits to control that infestation and the Capellan Free Merchants enacting tough laws and measures to prevent further infestations. The humma, unfortunately are fond of them, nick naming them 'Crunchy' in their language and imported them to their home system where they have infested two out of three of their planets On the up side though a new agricultural products are now coming out of the Cryxia system: pickled roach, Roach spread, Cryx-Ex brand canned roach. though these are largely shiped to Fochrik system with small amounts going to planets with humma populations. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 17, 2010 - 10:19pm | I'm thinking that the high population on Pi'Ka'Nair is more likely due to favorable conditions and more land mass to support the higher population. The second planet is likely a less favorable climate and or less land mass or less water. -iggy |
![]() November 18, 2010 - 6:40am | Later it occured to me that in addition to aggriculture there could be another reason for a high population- Its the last major colony in the Rim chain of jump routes; beyond Cryxia is Klaeok system with Point Go colony and its lite population sothat Cryxia would be a logical place for a major military installation though there is no armed space station in orbit just a trade station. However Point Go only has a docking station and a trades station (no overt military station either) so if I was writing up a system brief I'd state there was some planetary defenses and a military base the presence of the military and the civilian support personel that would support that will drive the population up. Interestingly as I look at where the military stations are in orbit over various worlds the Rim only has 1 system with military stations: Osak- it has both a Fortifide station and an armed station based off that I would say that Osak is the system that the sathar have a jump route too. Militarily you'd want to fortify that which is vulnerable. I point this out since the digitally remastered zebs map makes it look as if you could jump to zebluon which we also know they have a jump route too I'm guessing that the Flight also has a major presence in the Osak system as well. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() November 27, 2010 - 7:28pm | I read this, no comments. |
![]() November 28, 2010 - 11:17am | I was also thinking that the cryxian roach could also be making some head way infiltrating other planets and systems with them turning up on one to the islands on the planet Faire in Capella system much to the worry of the ifshnits causing them to spend tens of thousands of credits to control that infestation and the Capellan Free Merchants enacting tough laws and measures to prevent further infestations. The humma, unfortunately are fond of them, nick naming them 'Crunchy' in their language and imported them to their home system where they have infested two out of three of their planets On the up side though a new agricultural products are now coming out of the Cryxia system: pickled roach, Roach spread, Cryx-Ex brand canned roach. though these are largely shiped to Fochrik system with small amounts going to planets with humma populations. In other words, they're the Frontier/Rim equivalent of kudzu. Possibility, just off the top of my pointed head here: Could the Vrusk consider them as delicacies as well? After all, if Vrusk evolution proceeded along the insectoid/arachnoid path, other insectoids/arachnoids would most likely be in the Vrusk food chain, so it is entirely possible, unless they are toxic somehow to Vrusk physiology. Also, do you think the Yazzies(or the Ifshnits, for that matter)would use the derogatory term "bug eater" to describe the Humma(similar to the Caprican epithet "dirt eater" towards the Taurans) " 'Beware the Beast, Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, for lust, for greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death." |
![]() November 28, 2010 - 12:01pm | Also, do you think the Yazzies(or the Ifshnits, for that matter)would use the derogatory term "bug eater" to describe the Humma(similar to the Caprican epithet "dirt eater" towards the Taurans) actually they are near universal garbage disposals so I dont know if "bug eater" would evolve as any serious insult and really the humma might, in their heart of hearts view it as a compliment or an expression of envy, However, I have no doubt they'd recognize the intent of the name and smile just before smashing the mouth that uttered it with a well aimed tail slap because no self respecting humma is going to pass up a good excuse to brawl. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |