Things that should have been included in AD for robots

jedion357's picture
April 3, 2010 - 8:58pm
In the AD rules the Miscellaneous Equipment list has items with an r behind them name that indicates that the item is installable in a robot.

I dont think the list goes far enough:

Everflame- not uncommon for butler bots to have one in a finger for lighting the master's cigar
Flashlight- multiple flashlights are instalable but run off the bot's parabattery.
polyvox- I don't see why this should not be installable on a robot- originally I thought that it could be a cheap alternative for a translation probram but after reviewing the cost of robotic programs I dont see why its couldn't just be an alternative to instaling a translation program and price out a translation program at the same price as a polyvox. Why not just make a robot wear a polyvox? Well for one thing it could be taken from the bot.
Sub space radio- should be instalable on a heavy duty robot with the caveat that the bot must be level 5 to use it and have 500 cr program (operate sub space radio) to use it.
Tornadium D-19 (and the zebs shaped charged as well and a detonator) should be installable but also requires demolitions skill- Suicide Robot Bombers- (come to think of it Woot has been acting a little weird)Foot in mouth
Toxy rad gauge- not for the robot's sake but could be a very necessary item if its mission involved the well-being of a biological lifeform. a Nanny bot or Butler bot would very likely have this installed- forget the intrusive grilling your pedietrician gives you in MA to see if your home has a CO2 detector but does your robot have a toxy rad gauge?

While the topic of Robot programs- I make up programs all the time when I need a robot to be able to do something complicated ie like self defense, search & destroy, or restain:

Langauge Translation Program: same as the polyvox in capability and cost.
Protocol program: neccessary for butler bot and personal assistants for diplomats- 1000 Cr

I know I could think of other programs but the brain is cramping right now.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
April 8, 2010 - 8:02am
I would say any piece of gear could be integrated into a robot or carried like a character in lieu of providing an exhaustive list. Simply limit the amount of gear that can be integrated, extra gear could be miniaturized or carried like a character.

A standard robot body has a equipment integration limit of 10kg without considering miniaturization. The cost to integrate gear is 10%. If you exceed the 10kg limit consider miniaturizing some or all of the gear.

To miniaturize equipment subtract the total kg of the gear - 10 (the standard robot body limit) to determine the level of miniaturization. The cost to miniaturize all gear is the total cost of all gear that is miniaturized x the miniaturization level.

Example; to integrate a 12kg techkit and a 3kg parawing would be 5 levels of miniaturization (12+3-10 = 5). The cost of the gear is 700 x 5 = 3,500 Cr

Additionally I would add a list of available robot sensors (instead of using gear).
The following list of sensor are available to robots, computers, vehicles, security devices and ships.

audio, enhanced
active sonar
ir optics
light amplification optics
magnificaiton optics
RF link
tactile feedback
sent processor
vibration sensor

Anonymous's picture
w00t (not verified)
April 8, 2010 - 8:10am
As far as adding special programs you could use the Skilled Frontier article and give robots primary, secondary and tertiary psa's and fuctions (that work like skills).

Level 4 robot brain
  • 1 primary psa, limited to 1 primary skill at level 2
  • LOG 40
Level 5 robot brain
  • 1 primary psa, limited to 2 primary skills at level 3
  • 1 secondary psa, limited to 1 skill at level 2
  • 1 tertiary psa, limited to 1 skill at level 1
  • LOG 60
Level 6 robot brain
  • 1 primary psa, limited to 2 primary skills at level 4
  • 1 secondary psa, limited to 2 skill at level 3
  • 1 tertiary psa, limited to 1 skill at level 2
  • LOG 80

JCab747's picture
August 24, 2016 - 5:00pm
w00t wrote:
As far as adding special programs you could use the Skilled Frontier article and give robots primary, secondary and tertiary psa's and fuctions (that work like skills).

Level 4 robot brain
  • 1 primary psa, limited to 1 primary skill at level 2
  • LOG 40
Level 5 robot brain
  • 1 primary psa, limited to 2 primary skills at level 3
  • 1 secondary psa, limited to 1 skill at level 2
  • 1 tertiary psa, limited to 1 skill at level 1
  • LOG 60
Level 6 robot brain
  • 1 primary psa, limited to 2 primary skills at level 4
  • 1 secondary psa, limited to 2 skill at level 3
  • 1 tertiary psa, limited to 1 skill at level 2
  • LOG 80

Well, at least I was thinking along those lines. I wish I had found this project sooner.
Joe Cabadas