![]() February 15, 2010 - 10:37pm | A thread to ponder on the biological workings of dralasites. Questions like: How does this ___ work? How do they do that? Here's two to start? How do dralasites make noise and what do their voices sound like? I imagine there is no central lung(s) but a layer with in the skin that serves the same purpose. A dralasite would have to form a pocket of air by wrapping around a space and push/pull air between the folded skin. The second question was posed by my brother today. Do drals go #2? I responded that likely they sweat out waste products. This fits nicely with the dralasite fondness for steam baths. They must have a larger water requirement than the other races. But then their digestive systems could be very efficient. Please respond with answers and more questions. -iggy -iggy |
![]() February 17, 2010 - 7:26am | Can drals "shut off" parts of their breathing skin when swimming and only use the part of their skin that is exposed to air? |
![]() February 17, 2010 - 12:32pm | I'd expect that going #2 would be pretty much be the reverse of eating for a dral- waste product would be collected in a pocket and be moved to the posterior and well you get the idea. that said wouldn't drals use a bidet? This thread revisits one I started way back on can drals hide stuff in their bodies (like guns). concensus of that thread seemed to lean toward yes but it was generally toxic to them and digestive juices would ruin the item unless it was like say brass knuckles. I allow a smugglers pouch made of some sort of plastic or rubber that could hold 1 of your typical 1 kg equipment items and exact a ten minute time period to internalize it or remove it. plus all starports scan for this as its not a big secret drals can do this. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() February 19, 2010 - 12:49am | jedi: I always took, "They are omnivores, but eat by surrounding their food and absorbing it, so they also have no digestive tract or intestines.", to mean that the food was literally absorbed through the skin. I guess that what ever is not digestible would be dropped/spit back out as it were. Think the creatures in Beastmaster that wrapped their arms and membranes around their food then dropped the bones and armor after, just not as cheesy and gross. The dral surrounds some food, sucks on it for a while, then drops the indigestible stuff. I like the comments elsewhere in the site where preference for soft food, puddings, and soups was mentioned. It fits well. As for hiding stuff inside, I'd go for that if it was done surgically. I don't see dral skin as being able to pinch off a bubble of skin inside. But surgically this could be made to happen. Oo, a dral could make a pocket like this filled with food concentrates and slowly digest it over time. Great survival technique for special forces. Pick the right food and there are no waste products to leave a trace that the dral was in the area. w00t: I would guess that the breathing is involuntary. I don't see biology creating a full body system designed to absorb oxygen that sucks in water too. My guess is that a dral in water would feel a reduction in oxygen intake. Likely its system would naturally work the portion of the skin exposed to oxygen harder too. Now how does this system work? Maybe there is microscopic lung like tissue in the dral skin that tiny muscles squeeze and release to push/pull air. This would allow for the increase and decrease of respiration to regulate oxygen supplies for the metabolic processes. I like this idea because it some how fits with the shape changing ability. The same micro muscles could be related to the larger muscle system. This also gives drals an equal swimming ability. The part of the system not at the moment exposed to water gets oxygen, the other gets a taste of water. This could also help explain smell and digestion too. I'll have to ponder this more. Oo, and freezing for a dral would also entail slowed oxygen intake until complete shut down. Or maybe breathing is all done by blood flow. Where more or less oxygen needs to be taken in more or less blood is pumped past the oxygen absorbing tissue. This would allow the side of a dral out side of the water to pull in more oxygen by forcing more blood plasma through the skin tissue not under water. Swimming would be hard for a dral with this system because it would need to be more controlled. Splashing and fast movements changing the exposed skin would be harder to adjust too. Now can drals move their eye spots relative to each other or are they a fixed distance to each other? I think they are fixed on the skin and the skin is just stretched and contracted when a dral changes shape. Thus I suppose a dral could squish its eyes together and stretch them apart and this would likely distort their vision. I imagine a young dral doing the equivalent of a human with his fingers stretching his mouth, sticking his tongue out, and cross-eyed would be stretching and squishing its eye spots while making head shapes and giggling about how it made everyone else appear and react. Back to the skin. Given a thee leg, two arm, one head is the relaxed awake shape of the skin, and relaxed asleep is likely the same but flatter. What position does a sleeping dral sleep in? -iggy -iggy |
February 21, 2010 - 10:17pm | I have always contended that Dralasites use their skins to absorb food and thus have to have their nutrients in the form of sauces, puddings, mashes, soups and other such liquid or semi-liquid forms. In terms of solids, they don't go in, and they don't go out. The question of hiding things in their bodies is a good one, but I imagine it would be very painful. They are not designed to carry around solid objects inside of them. I could see them unconfortably "folding" in small objects between skin areas but actual absorption internally would not be possible. After all, they don't eat turkey legs, thus they would not be able carry stuff around internally, either. Sleep is probably in a simple ball formation. They might just turn off all of their limbs entirely and sleep as an amorphous blob. It is probably the most comfortable for them in that state. Keep in mind also that they might just sit there and have 4 arms floating around and no legs in certain situations, like at a cubicle at work, or eating dinner in the steam bath. Why have legs at all? |
![]() February 22, 2010 - 12:21am | ![]() Dralasites also have great fun turning into balls and rolling around. Just put a fold of skin over the eyes to protect them and weeeeeeeee! Imagine a ramp full of Dralasites rolling down after a hard day's work, laughing and bumping into each other, like a bunch of bowling balls with no pins. Fun! Squiggling up and down poles is also a fun pastime, although probably more of a workout than a ramp. Yes, I was talking to my brother a few weeks ago about large debate halls and other public buildings and we figured that they would be raised up with ramps leading in and out. In an evacuation situation the natural dralasite flight method would be to roll out of the building via the ramps. I had visions of the movie robots but with drals after I read your comment. -iggy |
![]() February 22, 2010 - 3:41pm | The only problem I see with the sleeping like a blob or rolling out of the office is the fact that it takes 5 minutes to absorb/grow a limb. That means if you've only got 2 arms & 2 legs (or 4 arms) it takes 20 minutes to get to ball form to roll down the ramp and then another 20 before you can continue on your way once you stop rolling. The same with sleeping. It would take you 20-30 minutes just extend out your apendages in the morning or if something happened to wake you suddenly in the middle of the night. That's not to say they don't do it occassionally for fun, but I wouldn't think that it would be a regular activity. Ad Astra Per Ardua! My blog - Expanding Frontier Webmaster - The Star Frontiers Network & this site Founding Editor - The Frontier Explorer Magazine Managing Editor - The Star Frontiersman Magazine |
February 22, 2010 - 7:01pm | Is it 5 minutes PER limb? I thought it was 5 minutes and then you can reform completely within those parameters. If it is 5 mins per, then you are probably right, Terlo. However, on the other hand, they could roll into a ball simply by "tucking" their limbs into their bodies. I hear what you are saying about the blobby sleep, but forming balls or turning "legs" into "arms" in the office would not require any of the 5 minute adjustment. |
![]() February 22, 2010 - 11:07pm | From the AD rule book: "Growing or absorbing a limb takes five minutes. Only one limb can be grown at a time. A limb can be up to 1 meter long, and no less than 10 cm thick. "Fingers'' for handling items can be up to 10 cm long and no less than 1 cm thick." So emergency ball rolling is "tuck-up". Having fun is true ball! But, I must say this is a very simplified rule. Five minutes per limb with out distinction to length and thickness. A more detailed rule could be developed that covered growth/absorption rate in relation to length and diameter of limbs. But the comment about growing and absorbing makes me want to think more on the micro muscle structure I mentioned for respiration. What is the dralasite muscle structure is reconfigurable and made of millions of smaller parts? So sleeping in a ball would mean 25 minutes to get up in the morning. ![]() ![]() No one has commented on dralasite speech. I see it as taking extra effort to make sounds and more natural to use signs. Thus dralasite communication would be a combination of sound and body language. This is likely something they share in common to vrusk. They would use sounds because of how useful sound is as a communication method. As for what sounds a dralasite can make, I have a hard time seeing them mimic the complete system of vocal cords, pallet, tongue, teeth, and lips of humans and yazirians. Yet a parrot can do quite well without some of those parts so a dralasite should be able to produce intelligible human and yazirian words. Mostly I see whistles, pops, and other lip derived sounds as the most natural sounds. I've never role played dralasites dependent on polyvoxes so I want them to not be too hampered. -iggy -iggy |
![]() February 24, 2010 - 7:56pm | I had a few questions about Drals that were not answered in another thread that I’d like to try here. I am trying to work up some CSI type adventures and was puzzled about what sort of forensic evidence would be left behind by a Dral. Fingerprints as such would be out. I assume that they would have identifiable DNA, but giving their means of reproduction, it would be nearly impossible to find and compare familial DNA wouldn’t it? And short of having their flesh, what sort of trace DNA would they leave? Facial recognition programs would work on the other races, but not on Drals. Don’t all Drals have a specific, unique sent? Can trace evidence include lingering odors? And if so, how long would that smell last, do you suppose? Anything else I am missing? |
![]() February 25, 2010 - 6:05am | One other thought…I am good with the idea of Drals being on a restricted diet, but what does that do for emergency rations in survival kits? Anybody remember those green slime balls from Enemy Mine? Would every survival kit come with a complete set of Dral e-rats? A life boat fitted for 8 persons would ostensibly have enough rations for 8 beings for say, 5 days. Would it also have the same amount in Dral acceptable food? It would make a difference if it was a life boat with 1 dral and 7 non-drals or a life boat full of drals. Or would the other 3 races be forced to eat slime balls as a standard form of rations? Survival skills for a dral would be much more complex than for non-drals since they would have a more limited food source to pick from in an alien environment. Or would a standard survival pack come complete with a StreelCo 5000 food processor. Guaranteed to turn any edible food source into a revolting, tasteless goo? Just add solid food and liquid. Hmm. I could see possibilities with that. – all that remains in the cupboard is a questionable potted meat product and a half empty bottle of liquor.- |
![]() February 25, 2010 - 10:05am | On the CSI biological evidence line: From AD, "Also, despite a Dralasite's stretching and shrinking, the pattern of veins and ridges on its skin does not change, so they have a permanent "fingerprint" for identification." So, they do have fingerprints and I believe that they do leave residues (humans leave an oil residue) so you can dust and get a print. That said, good luck on matching it to a dral. You would have to fingerprint the entire dral body and try to match your portion of print to the entire body. Who knows what part of the body the dral is currently using to form a hand/finger/palm. As for face recognition the only thing that I can think of is that you could focus on the eye spots. The core rules do not state anything, but based on the fact that they have fingerprints, then I would assume that their eyespots have an individual pattern to them. And unless the dral happens to like distorting its vision, it is not going to stretch or squish it's eyespots so they would be easier to pattern match to records. Concerning the spore familial typing I posed in the other thread, that should help in DNA analysis because it may narrow down the search pool to family lines. You should be able to use dral DNA evidence, but beware that dral spores are free floating so whats in the room may not prove a dral was in the room but rather that air flowed into the room from where a dral spores were free to flow. I would think that other DNA evidence would be stronger in court. Think along the lines of, “A dral touched this and we found these skin cells caught in it.” Lingering odors would also be harder to prove came from a specific dral because of the argument above about free airflow and the odor would not be specific to an individual dral. Diet, work environment, hygiene, etc will alter the odor of a dral so as to make pinning the odor to one dral circumstantial. Grated drals can identify each other by smell, but its by taking into account their familiarity with the suspect dral. They con do this with other races to when they are familiar with the suspect. However, I would say there are times that drals smell the same do to common diet, environment, etc. Concerning food, we seem to agree that drals prefer their food liquid or soft. But I don't think anyone is saying they can't eat solids. They just take longer to do it, hence my comment that they suck on the solid food for a while and drop the inedible left-overs, and Imperial Lords, it don't go in it don't come out saying. The AD rules do state that dralasites are omnivores. I like your blender comment and you bring up a good question about survival packs. If the pack is all crunchy concentrates then the dral is going to have problems. The low liquid content of the hard as a rock human energy bar is going to make absorbing it near impossible to a dral and it would want to smash it up and add water. So, the Crash on Voltrunus survival packs should have wrapped food that is softer or can be quickly made into a soft product. -iggy -iggy |
February 25, 2010 - 10:34am | Dralasite food would be IDEAL for survival packs - think of packets of pudding. It would be the other Races, especially Yazirians, that would have a problem with survival food. It's pretty tough to fit a live wild boar in a survival pack! In terms of the CSI stuff, the AD book says that Dralasites do indeed have "fingerprints" - it's in the section on ID cards. |
![]() February 25, 2010 - 11:09am | Thoughts on how does a dralasite's voice sound: The AD rules state that, “Dralasites have a voice box, but it works like a bellows because they have no lungs. A Dralasite's voice can vary from a soft whisper to a thundering roar and from a bass rumble to a piercing screech. Among themselves, they also use shapes, odors and touch to communicate." I was remembering the soft whisper to thundering roar part but had forgotten the voice box part. I noticed it when I checked on the fingerprint details to reply to Inigo. This implies to me now that there is a mouth (not for eating) on the body. Somewhere there is an opening into the voice box and the dral will pull air in by expanding it then push it out by compressing it. Where is this opening, and what does it look like? Drawings never detail this.
@Imperial: I once road a bus in the Philippines where a passenger (and the driver helping) stuffed a pig into the underside luggage compartment. It kicked and squealed all the way down the bumpy dirt roads. Why says you can't fit a wild boar in a survival pack? Just get a bigger pack!
-iggy -iggy |
![]() February 25, 2010 - 7:31pm | Thanks iggy for your input. Now that you mention it, I vaguely recall the vein patterns mentioned as finger prints. Though, it doesn’t sound to me like they would form physical ridges on the epidermis. But even so, you have a great point about printing the entire dral. I know the eyespots can be used as retinal scans. But I doubt a face recognition program would work as well because its lack of detail or close up view. For instance, if you are scanning space port security footage of beings disembarking from a shuttle, you wouldn’t necessarily have a good enough image of the eyespots themselves. And facial recognition programs will work in spite of dark tinted sunglasses, which would totally protect the identity of a dral. Another good point on smells; which leads me to another question. What sort of decay rate would there be for dral spores? And with the exception of the effect of a ventilation system, what sort of dispersal radius would be reasonable? As far as speech goes, I always felt that since Dralasites didn’t have lungs, that they would speak more slowly. Or rather, there would be longer pauses between “breaths”. I imagined that they would speak in fragments…maybe a little like Captain Kirk, Or an asthmatic without the wheezing. |
March 4, 2010 - 12:56am | Dralasites are probably pretty amazing singers and ventriloquists, by the way. |
![]() March 5, 2010 - 7:23pm | well I just assumed that if it would take one 5 minutes to give you the finger, it may take him a while to catch his breath. |
![]() December 9, 2010 - 1:25pm | Driving home from work the other day this one just gelled in my head. I have long been bothered by the slow formation of new limbs and appendages yet the same Dralasite can belt running critters like baseballs. See photo on page 23 of the AD expanded rule book. I see the Dralasite muscle cell as having extra neurons embedded in them that function much like Human spinal cord cells. They allow fast neural signal transmission. In addition, their specialized muscle cells can be commanded to unlink from their neighbour. The neurons threaded throughout the gel like interior of the Dralasite can then be used to command these muscle cells to pass to a neighbouring neuron thread. Thus the muscle cells can be commanded to migrate to another part of the body and relink into the desired new muscle structure to shape a new limb or appendage. Once the muscle cells are reformed into a limb muscle they then can act as any other muscle structure and are fast response. The un-linking, migration, and re-linking of the muscle cells is what is slow. The side benefit to this is that a Dralasite can move some little used / currently unused muscle cells to a muscle that has been damaged (wound, fatigue) to repair the muscle and get back its function. The damaged muscle cells could be migrated into the internal gel and reabsorbed or pushed/migrated to the outer dermis for expulsion. This explains a character desire to absorb a damaged limb and replace it with a new one or to self repair a limb to get back in action. It also explains the Dralasite endurance. Now, there should be checks on this of course. The dermis that is damaged is not repaired, just stretched to another location. The borrowing of muscle cells should be limited before it starts hurting the character. Borrowing too much starts to effect heart and respiratory muscles, etc. Then there has to be some muscles that are hard wired to stay in their structure. Again possibly heart and respiratory muscles. I kinda like this. It makes be want to go play a Dralasite and "feel" this out. -iggy |
![]() December 9, 2010 - 3:43pm | I'm "feeling" what your laying down! Do dralasite consciously do this or is it an internal mechanism that simply responds to thought patterns? |
![]() December 9, 2010 - 4:26pm | Do dralasite consciously do this or is it an internal mechanism that simply responds to thought patterns? I would bet its both- like breathing in a human- we can pay little attention to it or focus on it. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 9, 2010 - 6:56pm | Do dralasite consciously do this or is it an internal mechanism that simply responds to thought patterns? I would bet its both- like breathing in a human- we can pay little attention to it or focus on it. All in favor say Aye! -iggy |
![]() December 9, 2010 - 8:33pm | Pirate. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 11, 2011 - 11:55am | In respect to how the Dralasites were used, through the various gaming groups with which I've participated, This is the collection of data acumulated, and condensed (somewhat), from field research, and do not (entirely) reflect the opinions, presumtions, or biasis of the author. Q&A Q: How do Dralasites make noise and what do their voices sound like? A: By making pockets from rescinded pseudopods and filaments, and using those to direct air in aproximations to the speach patterns of other races. Among their own, thrum, whistile, pop, and squeak are adaquate when combined with a pleathora of shapes, movments and odors, fine manipulations of sound are unecessary. They can however learn to manipulate sounds to communicate, and many Skoa have adopted an almost pure noise form of communication, to maintain compatabiity with the other races. They generally accept this without any feelings of resentment, they did after all, come to the frontier expecting to meet aliens, and they were not disapointed.
Excerpts from my own (rather detailed) files: (I think I suggested on some post, that I had not disected a Dralasite... oops) DISCLAMER: NO DRALASITES WERE HARMED IN THE ACUMULATION OF THIS DATA... (by anyone offically working for the UPF and it's member affliates..) Everything you never wanted to know AND were afraid to ask: An often undisscused fact of Dralisite physiology is that repeticious hebetated stumlations to subcutaneous membranes facillitates the first and second sporophyte phase, softening layers for use as fecundation chambers, and reinforces communal bonding.
The pseudopods and filaments that may be extended, and rescinded may not total in volume greater than half the volume of the total rest-state (ball) volume. The number of 'active' pseudopods and filaments that may be extended, and rescinded may not total more than neurological, and reflexive, dexterity can maintain, at an exponitial curve of acumilative stress. Acumulative stress over moderate maintanince reduces neurological and reflexive alacrity, along an exponital curve. The widly scattered optical nerve bundles are incabable of distinguishing colors on a fine spectrum but detect a broader spectrum of light intensity, and are more suited to distinguishing shape, movment, and luminecence. There is more but it is scattered and I havn't had the time to sort and compile.... and I am occasionally stea... adding new data, and speculations, as it is made avaliable. I like the bit about Dralasite muscle membrane cells having extra neurons, I think it fits with some of my notes. Not sure I want that reflected in an additional mechanic... I am most interested in views of changing the size, with calculated time factors. And views on seperating the ability to make those changes to 'non-active' cosmetic/dormant, from the time it takes to wake up a dormant area. From the AD rule book: "Growing or absorbing a limb takes five minutes. Only one limb can be grown at a time. A limb can be up to 1 meter long, and no less than 10 cm thick. "Fingers'' for handling items can be up to 10 cm long and no less than 1 cm thick." Many versions of house rulings have passed my way, but i have often been given non-comittal responses on thier use.... it can be done, and done well enough to satisfy, finding somone who is willing to run alow it seems to be another matter. I saw an entire three or four column precalculated chart, that took into account, how many, how fast, and how long, based on reflexive, physical mental, stats. And thus you could technically extend/inverse as many as you want within volume limits of the body, but only have so many 'active' at one time. eleminating such questions of how do you make 'quick changes' during 'survival conditions' that no doubt, would have been nessecary during whatever you would call a Neander-dral, periods of development, let alone during modern survival conditions. Oh humans!! ![]() ~ anymoose, somewhere on the net... so... if you square a square it becomes a cube... if you square a cube does it become an octoid? |
![]() April 11, 2011 - 11:48am | The Dralasite Experience - Psyche of Communication and Sensory Perception I was 'getting caught listening' to book radio, and heard something that could simplify part of the Dralasite oddities in the ways people might find more intuitive. I am surprised I hadn't made this correlation before, but dogs are nearly-color blind, have a heightened awareness of movement, sounds, and odors , and are limited in emitted vocal representations.
Oh humans!! ![]() ~ anymoose, somewhere on the net... so... if you square a square it becomes a cube... if you square a cube does it become an octoid? |