![]() October 30, 2009 - 6:48am | The following Con's will have Star Frontiers games and gamers. BashCon, PhilCon and GaryCon BashCon is in Toledo OH. February 2010 http://www.bashcon.com/ I will be in attendance and possibly running Star Frontiers as well as some new games Bill and I are developing. PhilCon Philadelphia, PA. This year it will run from 20-22 November and be held just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia at a hotel in Cherry Hill, NJ. I haven't been able to go in years due to military commitments, so I'm planning on going this year and seeing how it's doing. They do have a gaming room with open gaming and I'd be interested in doing some gaming (DM or play) at the con. I'd love to do some Star Frontiers and/or Gamma World gaming; I've got several homebrew adventures I have run before for Star Frontiers, and could cook something up for Gamma World if need be. So.. This is my open call to gamers who live near or might be interested in travelling to the Philadelphia area in late November for some gaming and incidental entertainment by way of the sci fi convention. If anyone is interested, give me a holler either on list or direct to my email and we can see what we can get going. The official website for the convention with hotel info, etc. is here: http://2009.philcon.org Thanks for your time and good gaming : ) Andy Andy will be attending GaryCon as well in March 2010 http://garycon.com/ I plan on going and hope to drag along Bill. |