SL1 delta section
DELTA SECTION: MARCH OF THE SATHAR As the characters recover from the initial assault, reports from all over the planet indicate the sabotours have destroyed other laser battery defenses leaving a "hole" in which the Sathar may land. RIK forces begin to muster up a resistance force to combat the inevitable assault. Outlying citizens are advised to evacuate to the "protected" areas. In two days another Sathar fleet of Assault Transports arrive in the system landing approximately 20,000 Sathar troops on remote areas of the planet. It's not the intention of this adventure for the characters to act as "Generals" of the army; but rather as an elite strike team to allow the RIK forces to mount an effective resistance along with the civilian volunteers unhindered. SAVING THE SAURIANS The first mission calls for the rescue of a village of Saurians The small clan migrated here several years ago and set up a small village for themselves. RIK'Sst'Ik informs the characters "The Saurians hatred of the Sathar due to the invasion of their homeworld has caused them to underestimate the danger and now their villiage is in danger from a Sathar battallion of being overrun and the occupants slaughtered. Unfortunately to save them would leave the army's flank dangerously unprotected. "Perhaps as Star Law officers, you could persuade the Saurians to evacuate, and rescue them. We can supply you with several air transports." Within two hours the characters arrive at the viilage. As they land, they can see the approaching Sathar in the distance. It will take a LDR check (at +20%) to convince the Saurians to start the evacuation, otherwise they will not be inclined to leave until the Sathar attack and they begin to take losses. Good roleplaying can negate the need to make the LDR check. Use the crater map to set up the evacuation. The Sathar forces enter from the "swamp" and the Saurians must set up within 10 squares of the "swamp" edge. If the characters succeeded in their attempt, there will be Saurian "noncombatants" at the leftmost "rocks"; otherwise they will be located at the "special" building. 1 square = 10m. The Saurians must hold out long enough to evacuate the "noncombatants" to the left map edge (slope), and then they can escape. The PC's set up with the Saurian combatants. The Sathar will target all equally at first, but concentrate fire on those causing the most damage once the battle begins. Sathar Forces: 2 Slithers, 2 Quickdeaths, 20 Sathar (Statistics as in Beta Section) with level 3 Beam Weapons skill; laser rifles with 5 power clips, albedo suits, inertia screens, power backpacks. (These Sathar are a better equipped and experienced unit) Saurian Forces: 10 Saurians (STR/STA: 55/55, DEX/RS: 35/35) with level 3 Melee and level 3 Projectile Weapons skills; auto rifles with 5 bulletclips, swords, military skeinsuits, albedo screens, power backpacks. 6 Saurian "noncombatants" 45 STA, RS 35; no defenses. ARMORY ASSAULT RIK'Sst'Ik meets the PC's as they return. "Perhaps now that you've rescued the Saurian children, the others can be persuaded to help the RIK forces. Unfortunately while you were gone the Sathar captured an armory in Trizz't. If you could punch through their forces, we could recapture it so as to have enough arms for the Saurians and keep valuable resources from the enemy. The Sathar have captured a howitzer that we would love to get back. Also there is a robot plant which has a number of security and combat bots near the armory. I doubt the Sathar have entered it, but if we could get inside and reprogram the computer to defend the area from Sathar, instead of just the factory, it may force the Sathar to retreat." After a quick resupply of weapons, defenses, and aircar parabatteries; the PCs have a 6 hour respit en route to the armory at Trizz't. Make sure you mention this to the characters so they may prepare for a night assault. As they approach Trizz't inform PCs using starlight goggles; or any Yazirians with their night vision, that they can see the Sathar forces deployed around the region. Also the RIK forces hidden in the mountains can be clearly seen. The RIK forces will radio the PCs and let them know they can be seen. The PCs should decrease speed and go to nap of the earth flying to prevent observation. If they do not, a Type 3 Missilier (Large Rocket Launcher) will be fired at them when they are within 9km of the city. Base chance to hit = 80%, range: long (1km-3km), extreme (3km-6km), dam. 45d10. Obviously the PCs do not want to be hit by this, but if so give them a chance to abandon the aircar in parawings (or jumping for Yazirians) to avoid destruction. If they must abandon, require a RS check for no damage, 1/2 damage from the explosion if failed. Yazirians jumping without pausing to aquire a parawing are allowed a 20% bonus to the RS check. The real danger is that if the PCs are detected, they will be attacked by a patrol prior to entering the city. The RIK forces will recommend they land their aircars in a hidden landing zone 3km from the armory. If the PCs were detected, use the desert map to track the PCs progress. The PCs should land the aircars on the "medium" elevation just "south" of the road (4 squares from the left and 4 squares from the bottem edges of the map). 1 square = 10m. A Sathar patrol of 10 standard troops with 2nd Beam Weapons skill, military skeinsuits, and laser rifles with 3 clips will appear at the rightmost road 2 turns after landing. The Sathar will follow the road. If the PCs avoid them, they will find the aircars. If the PCs take more than 1 combat turn to eliminate them, they will warn the troops in the city. In the dark, give the PCs a +20% chance to surprise the Sathar. Once the PCs cross the map to the upper rightmost map edge, use the ruins map (entering from the "dry canal" area. In the ruins map 1 square = 5m. The armory is the square building. The factory is the round building at the right lower map edge. The howitzer starts in the square diagonally between the water and the "damaged" round building. The howitzer is similar to the automatic cannon from SF2. (MV 60m, treat as light vehicle with 60 structure points, manned by 2 Sathar crewmen; ATT 70, fires once per turn (line of sight not needed); DAM 24d10 in square hit, characters in adjacent squares must make a STA check or be stunned for 1-10 turns. Robots are never stunned.) The howitzer may not move and fire in the same turn. The crew have hard cover and are armed with laser rifles with 1 clip each and military skeinsuits. The armory has 10 Sathar deployed around the top and left edges of it. 4 are armed with laser rifles, 2 have machine guns and automatic pistols, and 4 have sonic disruptors and electrostunners. Each is wearing military skeinsuits and will activate albedo screens at the first sign of trouble. Once the fighting begins, anytime the PCs are seen by a Sathar, he may give up his action to communicate the PCs location to the howitzer. The next turn it will fire on the square "marked" as a target. If the howitzer has direct line of fire, a Sathar observer is not needed. If the shooting begins prior to the activation of the robot defense, each 5 turns another patrol of 5 Sathar will appear (armed with laser rifles, military skeinsuits, and albedo screens). Each has 3 clips of ammo and power backpacks for screens. The factory has a level 4 lock and level 4 alarm on the door. The PCs will encounter 2 level 4 combat robots on the way to the computer room. They are armed with laser rifles set at 4 seu, 2 tangler grenades, and albedo screens powered by power backpacks. The computer has a level 4 Installation Security program, level 4 Computer Security program, and level 4 Robot Management. The PCs will have to access the computer, defeat or bypass security, manipulate the Installation Security program, then interface with the local RIK computer to use it's Law Enforcement program to enable it to protect the entire city of Trizz't. There are 60 level 4 combat robots (armed as above) which need to be activated by a robotics expert before the computer can control them. Once activated, the robots will leave the area of the map to engage the Sathar throughout the city. Once the robots have been activated and the Sathar have been routed, the RIK forces in the mountains will re-take Trizz't. The characters will have a couple hours rest to recharge themselves and their aircar's parabatteries before flying back to Gozzorf. Once returning to Gozzorf, RIK'Sst'Ik will recommend they get any rest and healing they need while he contacts HQ for further instructions. RAIDING THE SUPPLY LINES The following morning RIK'Sst'Ik informs the PCs that their efforts have not been in vain. With the recapture of the armory, the militia ranks have swollen with a company-sized group of well armed Saurians. They have already shown their worth, making a surprise attack on the enemies flank from a mountain pass, delaying the Sathar push against the main force. The howitzer and combat bots have supplemented the RIK forces in Trizz't to the point that the Sathar have withdrawn further efforts to take the city. Still, the Kraatar "army" is only delaying the main Sathar thrust towards Gozzorf. If the Sathar supply lines could be blocked, the advance could be halted. Since the laser defense batteries around Gozzorf can keep any shuttles from landing within 4000km of the city, the Sathar are forced to bring in supplies south of the great desert, through the mountains, landing in the desert 5000km from Gozzorf and Trizz't. It would require the characters to travel deep into the desert and perform hit and run tactics without supply for up to several weeks to stop the supplies from the shuttles reaching the front lines. The RIK forces have a rough idea where the Sathar supply area may be, based on the trajectory the shuttles take as they approach the mountains, but it still covers an area of about 10,000 sq. km. If the PCs suggest it, the RIK can alert them as a shuttle drops out of orbit and they can attempt to "tail it" to the Sathar rear camps with the Defiant. The radar and energy sensors can track the shuttle as it descends to within 10km of where the base camps might be (provided the PCs take the Defiant at least to 20,000m altitude). Otherwise, the PCs will have to "guess" where the rear bases are. Allow the characters to supply themselves as they see fit. They will have to travel around the front lines and sneak into the area between the front lines and the Sathar rear camps and set up a mobile base camp from which to strike from (approx. 4500km). They will be assumed to be using the aircars and an air transport for supplies. Make sure the PCs determine which heavy weapons are mounted on which vehicles. The aircars can each carry 4 PCs and 5 extra parabatteries (total range 6000km). The air transport can carry an extra 20 parabatteries (9000km range plus an extra 3000km for each aircar), one heavy weapons mount, portable shelters, food and water for each character for 2wks., and extra ammo. If the PCs are using flit boards, they can carry up to four on the air transport (otherwise offer them two hovercars). The PCs can exchange one foreward firing heavy weapon for each wing mount if they desire. If the PCs feel they should use more powerful vehicles (from "Tanks Alot" Dragon Magazine issue #99) inform them that all armored vehicles have been pressed into service at the front line (otherwise you will have to modify the Sathar by armoring their vehicles and increasing their weaponry). To determine the amount of time taken to find the Sathar supply line use the following table: Base chance: 20%Using Magnigoggles: +20%Knowing approximate location of Sathar base camp: +30%For each level of Enviornmental skill (highest individual PC): +5% Make one check for each day of searching once the players reach the area of desert likely used. The first convoy the PCs will encounter after finding the path used will be composed of 10 hover transports each carrying a driver and rider armed with a laser rifle with two powerclips. At the head of the convoy and following behind it is a hovercar escort. Each hovercar carries four Sathar: one driver, two armed with laser rifles with 2 powerclips, and one gunner with a swivel-mount heavy laser with a power backpack. The "driver" and "rider" Sathar have standard statistics without any skill levels. The escort Sathar in the hovercars have 2nd level Technician and Beam Weapons skill. After the first convoy is destroyed, it will be two days before another comes through. If the PCs camp within 100km of the attack site the Sathar will attack them with the 4 aircars used in the "3rd convoy". The second convoy will be composed of 10 hover transports each carrying a driver, rider with laser rifle and 2 powerclips, and a gunner with a heavy laser mount and power backpack. They will be escorted by a pair of hovercars (as before), and a pair of jetcoptors; each armed with a heavy laser turret and pylons carrying rocket launchers on each side (firing standard rockets ammo=10, ROF 1/turn). Each jetcoptor carries a Sathar pilot and copilot with 2nd Technician, and gunners with 2nd level weapons skills. Three days after losing the Sathar convoy, they will be getting desperate. A "convoy" composed of 10 hover transports each carrying 10 Sathar armed with laser rifles set at 10seu and power beltpacks, and the "rider" will have a rocket launcher. There will be the same ground escorts (hovercars) but instead of jetcoptors, there will be 4 aircars armed with recoiless rifle turrets, and 4 pylon mounted rocket launchers; each trailing 15km behind the transports. The "real" convoy will be travelling 100km to the west of the fake convoy's route. It is composed of 10 air transports escorted by 2 jetcoptors (armed as convoy #2). The air transports each have a gunner without any skills armed with a heavy laser mount and power backpack. If the PCs think to scout out the convoys without being seen, a successful INT check will notice Sathar in the back of one of the transports leaning out to take a look around. The real convoy will be travelling 30 min. behind the decoy. After the 3rd convoy (successful or not) RIK'Sst'Ik wil contact them via radiophone. If all 3 convoys have been stopped, the Sathar will be falling back, if 2 have been destroyed, the Sathar advance will have been halted. BREAKING THE CHAIN RIK'Sst'Ik will congratulate the PCs on their current success. He will inform them that a group of long range scouts have found the Sathar HQ. What would really deal a serious blow to the Sathar would be if the PCs could sneak into the camp and destroy the Sathar command structure. With the lapse at the front he will be able to send an air cargo transport to resupply the PCs with any ammo/power/food & water they have used. The PCs will have to travel 300km from their base camp after resupply to reach it. Use the "town" map from the Alpha Dawn rules. The "special" is a shuttle landing pad, and the buildings are "pre-fab" constructs for ease of setting up & taking down to make the base quite mobile. The base has the following personnel: General: Sathar (STR/STA: 30/50; DEX/RS: 60/50; INT/LOG: 60/70; PER/LDR: 45/85; Beam 4, Psycho-Social 6, Computers 2; laser pistol with 2 power beltpacks, albedo screen with power backpack, military gridsuit.) Officers: 4 Sathar (STR/STA: 45/45; DEX/RS: 50/40; INT/LOG: 50/60; PER/LDR: 45/75; Beam 4, Psycho-Social 4, Computers 2; laser pistol with power beltpack, albedo screen with power backpack, military skeinsuit.) Staff guards: 12 Sathar (4 for General, 2 each Officer) (STR/STA: 50/50; DEX/RS: 50/50; INT/LOG: 45/45; PER/LDR: 45/65; Beam 4, Gyrojet 4, Demolition 4, Melee 2; sonic disruptor, laser pistol with 2 power beltpacks, gyrojet pistol with 2 15-rd. jetclips, albedo screen with power backpack, military skeinsuit.) Technicians: 20 Sathar (STR/STA: 40/40; DEX/RS: 40/40; INT/LOG: 45/45; PER/LDR: 45/65; laser pistol with 2 powerclips.) Guards: 20 Sathar (STR/STA: 40/40; DEX/RS: 40/40; INT/LOG: 45/45; PER/LDR: 45/65; Beam 2, Projectile 2; laser rifle with 2 powerclips, military skeinsuits.) Due to the alien nature of the Sathar language, the base computer will be inaccessable to the players, enough Tornadium D-19 is in the armory to cause the generator to create enough damage to level the compound. The surrounding fence is similar to the electirc field generators from SF2; subsection zeta 3 "The Charge of the Ul-Mor". There are 4 towers each with 1 guard; that create an electric field which causes 10d10 damage to any living or mechanical creature that attempts to cross it. It is a level 4 security device and may be deactivated in 5 turns by acharacter with Technician skill. The 5 turns must be consecutive and the character can do nothing else. The entire field can be deactivated at any one of the towers. Each tower has 30 structure points. If any one of the four towers is destroyed, the field is deactivated. Any weapon can fire through it except electrical weapons. Depending of the time of the attack; the locations may vary. Even in the middle of the night however; the main complex will be staffed by one officer, two staff guards, four technicians; as well as the four tower guards, and two sets of two guards patrolling the grounds. Upon the destruction of the Sathar HQ; the enemy army begins to fall apart. Lack of supplies and direct leadership cause disorganized attacks and retreats by the ememy; forcing them to pull back into the desert. RIK'Ss'Ik contacts the characters and informs them, so they can avoid running into the enemy as they return back to Gozzorf. As they travel back, he informs the characters that RIK HQ has gotten a message from the UPF. "A fleet is decellerating from the void towards Kraatar even as they speak; ETA 5 galactic days!"