![]() February 12, 2009 - 8:29pm | We have moved all issues to the official StarFrontiersman.com website. We will continue to use this form to post updates and announce new issues on the front page. http://starfrontiersman.com/downloads/starfrontiersman |
![]() February 13, 2009 - 7:55am | cool. sounds like a good plan. Time flies when your having rum. Im a government employee, I dont goof-off. I constructively abuse my time. |
![]() April 9, 2009 - 1:10pm | Can we get descriptions of what's inside on the main Star Frontiersman site or in this project so that we can review the information before downloading? I don't keep the PDF's on my computer for memory reasons and I don't want to wear on the bandwidth of the starfrontiersman.com site. If I just had lists of articles and brief descriptions about the articles, I could just view that and recall what the articles are about and only view the issue I need. View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |
![]() April 9, 2009 - 1:38pm | I was originally putting the Table of Contents in each Download. This won't work because its moved to sfman.com (I need to clean up the downloads and re-point them to the sfman site.) Do we need this project? Can you help make the TOC's in the Document section? |
![]() April 10, 2009 - 9:48am | I'm working on it. I'm going to do a whole 12 issue index to appear in this issue. I will need a copy of the issue before you post it so that I can complete the index fully and you can tack it onto the end of the issue. I will also do an HTML encoded version to post on starfrontiersman.com. View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |
![]() April 11, 2009 - 9:35pm | Here's the start of it: CONTENTS OF ISSUES 1-12 ISSUE 1 Equipment Beam Weapons....................................................................... 1 Light Stunner Pistol, Blastpistol Projectile Weapons................................................................. 2 Simi-automatic Pistol Gyrojet Weapons..................................................................... 2 Gyrojet Wristrockets Defensive Equipment............................................................. 2 Security Skeinsuit,
Stealthskin Miscellaneous Equipment..................................................... 3 Duraraft, Envirotent,
Jumpboots, Survival Kit, Visocom, Wide Field Recorder Locations Evergloom, moon prison of Triad......................................... 5 Archetypes Dralasite Martial Artist............................................................. 6 Way of the Warrior,
Undersport Champion, Visionary, Angry Blob, Protector of the Oppressed Vrusk Smuggler....................................................................... 8 Courier, Dealer,
Kidnapper, Reluctant Hero Character Races Nagana.................................................................................... 10 Adversaries Alpha Class Security Robot................................................. 12 Beta Class Security Robot................................................... 13 Gamma Class Security Robot ........................................... 13 Optional Rules Experience Points................................................................. 14 Skills........................................................................................ 15 Specialization Adventure! The Long Road to Rhald’ran............................................... 16 The Fall of Tomorrow............................................................ 16 ISSUE 2 Technical Journal Computers................................................................................ 1 New Items................................................................................. 3 Voice Control, Speech
Output, Somatic Control, Holographic Keyboard, Holographic Display Star Systems Araks System............................................................................ 4 Araks I, Araks II,
Araks III (Hentz), Araks IV Optional Rules Hit Location............................................................................... 7 Getting Drunk!........................................................................... 9 Archetypes Human Systems Tech.......................................................... 10 Robot Queen, Mr. Fixit,
Yazirian Cyber Cop................................................................ 12 Innovative Street Cop,
Fortress Security Agent, Pattern-Program Profiler Equipment Projectiles............................................................................... 14 CKA Fast Drawing
Holster, Extended Bulletclips Plot Hooks.............................................................................. 15 Vehicles................................................................................... 15 Infiltrator Tables...................................................................................... 16 Locations Rockroost Mining Colony..................................................... 17 Adversaries Creatures of Hentz................................................................ 18 Ambrikahn, Ground Shank,
Tunneler Queen, Yaka Bears Character Races Bora-Kai.................................................................................. 20 Adventure! Rogue Planet......................................................................... 22 The Wanderer in the
Dark, The Sleepers, War in the Night, Carnival, When Worlds Collide Waylaid.................................................................................... 22 Crom’s Return....................................................................... 23 Classified Frontier Classifieds.............................................................. 24 A-1 Modular Drop-Homes, Dasharah’s Pleasure Palace, Tordia, Bavor’s
Tracking Service, RiskCo, Cyber Optics, Vroy’s Used Explorers, Pimp My
Skimmer!, Dirty Deeds, Paranormal Investigators ISSUE 3 Frontier Feedback Questions and Answers......................................................... 1 Technical Journal Gyrojet Weaponry..................................................................... 2 Gyrojet Weapon Modifications............................................... 3 Recoil compensator,
Target Link, Targeting Scope Gyrojet Ammunition................................................................. 3 Doze Jetclip, Extended
Jetclip, Fast Jetclip, Fragmentation Jetclip, Linked Jetclip, Poison Jetclip,
Tangler Jetclip Gyrojet Weapon Tables.......................................................... 4 Star Systems Athor........................................................................................... 5 Athor I (Yast), Athor
Ia (Exib), Athor Ib (Ime), Athor II, Athor III, Athor IV (Srah), Athor IVa
(Jik), Athor IVb (Ezvoe), Athor IVc (Faan), Athor IVd (Spee) Optional Rules Fleshing Out Your Character............................................... 10 City Encounters...................................................................... 13 Archetypes Dralasite Spymaster............................................................. 16 Webspider, Master of
Disguise, “Blob, James Blob”, Counterspy Vrusk Visionary Ecologist.................................................... 18 Terraformer,
Ecoterrorist, Planetologist Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment................................................... 20 Tag Tracker,
Trace-Tags, Medtrace-Tags, Link-Bolts, Rebreather Mask, Thruster Pack Firearm Illustrations.............................................................. 22 Gyrojet Pistol, Sonic
Stunner, Automatic Pistol, Laser Pistol, Needler Pistol, Electro-Stunner,
Automatic Rifle, Gyrojet Rifle, Laser Rifle, Sonic Disruptor, Needler Rifle,
Sonic Devastator, Heavy Laser, Recoilless Rifle, Machine Gun Zamira..................................................................................... 24 Locations Crash Site............................................................................... 25 Raith Lair................................................................................. 26 Cave Raith Adversaries A Price On Your Head........................................................... 27 Rookiee Assassin,
Professional Assassin, Elite Assassin Bastian Kane, Elite Hit Man................................................. 28 Assassin
Bot.......................................................................... 29 Character Races Boon’sheh.............................................................................. 30 Adventure! Sakleetown............................................................................. 32 Credit for a Flower, Mister?.................................................. 32 A Heroic Start.......................................................................... 32 Classifieds Frontier Classifieds.............................................................. 34 Frontier Mutual,
Missing Large Reward, Freighter Owner/Operator Wanted, Single Female Yazirian,
Groko -, Xittic Industries, Custom Aircar Design, Vrodan’s Subspace Radio Sales
and Repairs, Shadow Shack, Veteran Mercenaries Needed! ISSUE 4 Technical Journal FTL Travel.................................................................................. 1 Hyperspace, Space
Folding, Catapult, Jump Gates Star Systems Scree Fron................................................................................. 4 Scree Fron I (Hyn),
Scree Fron II (Hakosoar), Scree Fron IIa (Inti), Scree Fron IIb (Infi), Scree
Fron III (Halol), Scree Fron IV (Histran), Scree Fron IVa-IVg Optional Rules Cinematic Martial Arts............................................................. 9 Starting Gear.......................................................................... 13 Species/Gender Ability Modifiers........................................ 14 Equipment Defensive Equipment: Helmets......................................... 15 Unpowered Helmet,
Universal Combat Helmet, Badlands Explorer’s Helmet, Star Law Targeting Helmet,
Sentry Helm, Yazirian Revolution Helmet Miscellaneous Equipment................................................... 16 Explorer Vest, Tactical
Vest Scatterguns............................................................................ 17 Pump Action Scattergun,
Autoloading Scattergun, Shattergun Shotclip More Guns.............................................................................. 19 Sniper Rifle, K-Pulse
Pistol Robot Programs.................................................................... 20 Medical, Technician,
Robotics Standard Robots Medical Robots,
Reconnaissance Robots, Repair Robots, Neotech HWK-2B, Wartech BEE-MK2 Melee Weapon Illustrations................................................. 22 Sonic Sword, Sonic
Knife, Knife, Sword, Electric Sword, Shock Glove, Stun Stick, Axe, Night Stick,
Brass Knuckles, Vibro Knife, Club/Mace, Spear Locations Outpost Refinery.................................................................... 23 Fountain Bar........................................................................... 24 Descriptions........................................................................... 25 Adversaries Thugs, Mooks, and Goons.................................................. 26 Archetypes Human Xenomedical Specialist......................................... 29 Surgeon Extraordinaire,
Florence Knight Hawk, Hypocritical Hippocrates, Yazirian Priest........................................................................ 31 Wandering Holy Soul,
Fatherly Redeemer, Righteous Defender, Character Races Yinni......................................................................................... 33 Adventure! Death Implant......................................................................... 36 Mystery of Starshine.............................................................. 36 The Usurper........................................................................... 36 The Great Hunt....................................................................... 37 Classifieds Frontier Classifieds.............................................................. 38 Wanted Dead or Alive,
Tordia -, - Squandered Youth - Dralasite Heavy Metal Cover Band, Ebban’s Used
Robot Shack, Alert!, Experienced Volunteer Target Wanted, Wartech MGK-1 ISSUE 5 Technical Journal Don’t Tango with the Tangler................................................ 1 Mine Kits.................................................................................... 2 Tangler Gun.............................................................................. 3 Planet of Mystery The Ul-Mor................................................................................. 4 Annals of Xa Shrishen Traldor.............................................. 6 Optional Rules Starport Layovers..................................................................... 8 Starflight: Starfighters in Alpha Dawn.................................. 9 Mini-flyers, Personal
Fighters, Military Fighters, Military Bombers, Jet Engine, Plasma Drive, After
Burner, Dual-Action Piston, Proton Bolt and Launcher, Plasma Bomb, Redeye
Missile, Guided Missile, Bomb Launcher, Crosshair Targeting, Target Tracker,
Multi-Target Tracker, Target Discriminator, Starburst, System Packages I-V,
Tables Equipment Combat Armor........................................................................ 15 Light Combat Armor,
Medium Combat Armor, Heavy Combat Armor Motion Tracker........................................................................ 16 Sentry Guns............................................................................ 17 Pulse Rifle.............................................................................. 18 Yazirian Disc-Grenades....................................................... 19 Inertia Wall.............................................................................. 19 Blastaxe................................................................................... 20 New Equipment Tables....................................................... 20 Archetypes Vrusk Pistolero....................................................................... 21 Desperado, Slinger,
Fated Mercenary Locations Sathar Listening Post........................................................... 25 City Tiles.................................................................................. 26 Adversaries Xenomorphs (from the “Alien” movie saga)..................... 27 Creature Summary................................................................ 34 Alien Facehugger, Alien
Warrior, Alien Queen Character Races Vimh......................................................................................... 35 Adventure! General Yan-Soon................................................................. 37 Double-Edged Sword Subplot............................................ 37 Pirate Trust............................................................................. 38 Classifieds Shameless Project Plug...................................................... 40 www.starfrontiersman.com ISSUE 6 Optional Rules Sentient Robots....................................................................... 1 Ellie, Squatto,
Character Creation Summary Spaceships The East Indiaman-Class Medium Freighter..................... 6 Scenarios UPF Escort.............................................................................. 12 Pirate Fleet, UPF
Escort Star Systems The Prenglar System............................................................ 13 Prenglar I (Aurora),
Prenglar II, Prenglar III, Prenglar IV (Morgaine’s World), Prenglar V (Gran
Quivera), Prenglar IV, Prenglar VII, Prenglar VIII, Prenglar IX Frontier History Sathar War I............................................................................ 17 Planet of Mystery The Arborean Race............................................................... 19 Optional Rules Ability Score Limits................................................................ 22 Tables Shades of Motion in 3-D....................................................... 23 Sliding Scale Movement,
Third Dimension of Flight Equipment A few new pieces of gear..................................................... 26 Displacement Screen, Sector
6 Smallarm, Detangler Harness, Holo-Field Scrambler, Star Systems The Gruna-Garu System...................................................... 28 Gruna-Garu I (Hargut),
Gruna-Garu Ia (Trefrom), Gruna-Garu II {Vaeen}, Gruna-Garu III (Usen),
Gruna-Garu IIIa (Khadz), Gruna-Garu IIIb (Oen), Gruna-Garu (Dhael), Gruna-Garu
IV (Gnilgu) Locations More tiles for use in city and jungle.................................... 33 Frontier Fiction Circle of Fate.......................................................................... 35 Prologue, Chapter 1 Factions Sector 6................................................................................... 38 The Omega Team,
Research and Development Group, Sector 6 Chronocom, Sector 6 Smallarm Saran Wolfe NPC character sheet..................................... 41 Community News New Zeb’s Guide Map.......................................................... 42 Virtual Tabletop gaming ad................................................. 43 Optional Rules Buying and Selling in the Frontier...................................... 44 Haggling, Smuggling,
Slavery, Junk Dealers, Bargaining Customs Equipment Bonus Equipment Illustrations........................................... 47 Light Stunner Pistol,
Blast Pistol, Semi-automatic Pistol, Gyrojet Wrist Rockets, Duraraft,
Envirotent, Wide-Field Recorder, Survival Kit, Jumpboots, Visocom Classifieds No more plugs!...................................................................... 48 Safe Adventure Awaits!,
Why Die When Immortality is Yours for the Taking?, Explorers Wanted, I’m Tired
of Waiting, Kakatak’s Used Vehicles, Used Inertia Dampener, Work From Home,
Wartech MGK-1 Recall! ISSUE 7 Character Races On the Verge, Alternity Races................................................ 1 Aleerin........................................................................................ 3 Fraal........................................................................................... 5 Sesheyan.................................................................................. 7 Stone
Knife, Dart Bomb, Sliverbow T’sa............................................................................................... 9 Microstunner Weren...................................................................................... 11 Rifled
Musket, Weren Pepperbox, Weren Powder and Shot, Creative Refereeing Structuring and Directing..................................................... 13 Spawn of Zebulon Kurabanda.............................................................................. 17 Optional Rules Cinematic Action.................................................................... 21 Wounds and Morale,
Cinematic Ammunition, Cinematic Henchemen Equipment New tech for a dangerous time.......................................... 23 EMP Field Grenades,
Defense Rod, Personal Runabout, Tizzle Laser, Stun Grenades, Pion Engines,
Bounty Shackles, Laser Auto Rifle, Electro-Magnetic Signal Stunner, Gel Airgun,
Shocksuit, Skipflyer, Liberty-Class Patrol Gunship Factions Turncoats of the Frontier...................................................... 31 Frontier History The Tetrachs.......................................................................... 35 Locations Map Tiles................................................................................. 36 Equipment Melee Weapons..................................................................... 37 Electric Weapons, Sonic
Weapons, Vibro Blades, Community News Join the Revival...................................................................... 39 www.starfrontiers.us Fiction Circle of Fate.......................................................................... 43 Chapter 2 Classifieds Editor’s Plea........................................................................... 47 Characters Yezha....................................................................................... 48 Frontier Feedback Stellar Errata........................................................................... 49 Buying and
Selling Clarifications, Starflight Q&A, Starflight Tables Locations Random Land Map............................................................... 52 Interviews Steve Winter Interview........................................................... 53 Zebulon’s
Guide to Lunacy Tribute Cover Locations Inspiration Zone, Images..................................................... 55 Solar Power Central.............................................................. 56 Frontier News Intergalactic Wireless........................................................... 57 124 Die in Freak
Monorail Collision, Waste Haulers Want Ordinance Change Trashed, Yazirian Space
Art LLC, Weeding Out Undocumented workers, Triple Bombing Deepens Terledrom
Tensions, Armageddon Spacesuits Inc., Ryker’s Rammers Claim Grav-Ball Title,
Graphic Artists/Illustrators Spaceships UPF Fighters.......................................................................... 61 F-40C Vulcan, UPF-5
Shadow Star, RF-41 Seeker, S/RF-41 Surveillance Craft, I-76 Enforcer, SF-1
Dagger, F-20 Arrow, YT-100 “Phoenix”, A-5 Knight Hawk, New Starship Technology.................................................... 64 Ion Drives,
Plasma Drive, Deflector Screen, Albedo Shield, Pod Laser, Pod Laser Turret,
Heavy Laser Cannon, Heavy Laser Battery, Ion Cannon, Ion Battery, FF Rockets,
Striker Missile, Heavy Bomb/Rocket, Warhead Launcher Turret, Paramilitary Freighters,
Streamlining, Armor Plating, Gravitics/Inertial Compensators, Universal Air
Dock Scenarios Race Beyond the Frontier.................................................... 67 UPF Charr’d
Assault Scout, Streel One Assault Scout Mini-Module What’s the Holdup?.............................................................. 69 Puzzle What Is This?......................................................................... 72 Community News Community Buzz.................................................................... 73 Races of the Frontier
and Beyond, D100 Tables Classifieds Oh come on, you know you like these!.............................. 73 Tangler
Tag!, Tired of Running, Mahg Mar Associates, Freeze for Life, Assault Scout
Modifications, Brothers Four, Star Law, Sector Six Now Hiring ISSUE 8 Technical Journal Chronocoms............................................................................. 1 Advanced Chronocom, Biocom,
Adventure! Crystal Catastrophe Frontier History Yazirian Clans.......................................................................... 8 Hentz Lineages, Hargut
Lineages, Athor Lineages, Hakosoar Lineages, Histran Lineages, Non-Yazirian
World Lineages Planetary Brief Dinosaur Planet, Torrent...................................................... 11 Siproot, Treemold,
Armagor, Clamorbeak, Gainer, Hitchhiker Insect, Klastidon, Langet,
Polyceratops, Pteribak, Retributisaur, Ripclaw, Snaggleback, Terrorsaur,
Trapesaur, Tybor Monkey, Spawn of Zebulon The Mysterious Eorna!.......................................................... 19 Frontier Fiction 101 Uses for a Dead Robot................................................ 23 Factions Hovercycle Clubs of the Frontier......................................... 25 Characters Eric “The Mouse” Stromm.................................................... 28 Spaceships Explorer-class Heavy Scout Craft....................................... 29 Explorer-Class Heavy
Scout, Expedition Shuttle Module, Detachable Cargo Bin Community News Write a Story............................................................................ 34 Frontier Fiction The Law and the Justice...................................................... 35 Optional Rules Ablative Damage................................................................... 45 Ablative Damage Sheet Equipment New gear for adventurers.................................................... 49 Autodoc, Laser Sniper
Rifle, Photo-Voltaic Paint Spaceships Eagle Transporter, Space 1999......................................... 51 Equipment Gauss Accelerators.............................................................. 52 Gauss Assault Rifle,
Gauss Sniper Rifle Vehicles Robotic
Steeds...................................................................... 53 Manta
Mini-Sub...................................................................... 54 Bathyxplorer............................................................................ 54 Character Races A Gorlian Thug?..................................................................... 55 Creative Refereeing Telling a Story......................................................................... 57 Character Races Mechanon 2.0......................................................................... 62 Game Accessories Knight Hawks Stat Cards..................................................... 67 Classifieds Oh come on, you know you like these!.............................. 78 Discovery Awaits, Robot
Reprogramming, Truce, Robot Guards, Help Wanted, Precision Memory Removal,
Frontiersman Heavy Pistol ISSUE 9 Optional Rules A skilled Frontier...................................................................... 1 Agent PSA, Artist PSA,
Linguist PSA, Military PSA, Pilot PSA, Scholar PSA, Scientist PSA, Scout PSA,
Tech PSA Equipment Headset Computer.................................................................. 6 Humor Norelco Speedrazor TZZ.A..................................................... 6 Optional Rules Artisan Skill (PSA).................................................................... 7 Appraise Art, Create
Art, Create Masterpiece, Interpret Art, Restore Art Gaming Resources Sources for inspiration......................................................... 10 Character Races Plants Named Scree............................................................ 11 Frontier Fiction Destiny Run............................................................................ 13 Equipment Powered Auto Recoilless Rifle, Machine
Gun, Guided Missile Pack, Mortar Pack, “Stinger” Gyrojet Pack, Powered Battle
Suit Ablative Damage Sheet, Vrusk Powered Battle Suit Ablative Damage Sheet It’ll Ride Up With Wear.......................................................... 23 Shipsuit, Powered
Skeinsuit, Articulated Combat Vehicle, M-11B, M-24 “Fire Angel”, M-38 Spider
Tank, Flak Armor Vehicles Streel-Hyondow LR900V Ride Report............................... 25 Equipment Shotguns................................................................................. 27 Ammo, Single Barrel
Shotgun, Sawed-off Single Barrel Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun, Sawed Off
Double Barrel Shotgun, Pump-Action Shotgun, TAC Pump-Action Shotgun, Combat
Shotgun, Warmonger Shotgun Spaceships The Jump Tug........................................................................ 28 Frontier Fiction Clash By Night....................................................................... 32 Optional Rules Adventure Pets....................................................................... 41 Che, Fazer Wolf,
Gooligott, Kakra, Lanka, Loper, Mauler Hound, Meket, Pinar’s Ant, Sand Eel,
Zeridactyl, Pet Care Supplies, Collar, Licensing, Harness, Saddle, Parka, Talon
Guard, Animal Trainer PSA Game Report Basically Speaking................................................................ 46 Locations Isolated Outpost.................................................................... 51 Classifieds Your ad here!........................................................................... 52 Prime 1 Mercs, OE
Careers, Bionical Engineering and the Robotic Prosthetic, Truce Accepted ISSUE 10 Frontier Feedback
Letters to the Editor................................................................. 1 Powered Community News NPC Ablative Damage Sheet Adoption............................... 2 FrontierSpace........................................................................... 2 Creative Refereeing Abstract Refereeing................................................................. 3 Factions Mercenaries of the UPF Private Sector................................ 5 Game Report Tales from the Falcon............................................................. 9 Humor Dralasite Facts....................................................................... 12 Optional Rules Spacer Skills Revisited........................................................ 13 Equipment New Frontier Weapons........................................................ 14 Heavy Gyrojet Rifle, Gyrojet Stablized Rocket, Gyrojet Scope, Albedo Grenade, Laser Grenade Frontier Fiction Last of the Breed - Part I....................................................... 17 Game Accessories NPC Character Cards.......................................................... 24
NPC Ablative Damage Character Sheets......................... 25 Classifieds There’s mischief afoot in the galaxy!................................. 26 Wartech Industries Heavy Gyrojet Rifle, End Game, Work From Home, RiskCo
High-Risk Paramilitary Operations, Veteran Mercenaries Needed! ISSUE 11 Optional Rules Star Frontiers Without Subspace Radios........................... 1 Military Ship Design................................................................. 5 Gaming Resources Sources For Miniatures.......................................................... 4 Frontier History UPF Order of Battle.................................................................. 8 Equipment FTL Torpedos......................................................................... 10 Planetary Brief Minotaur in the Theseus System........................................ 11 Spaceships TSSS Dart............................................................................... 13 RT-3100 Merchant Scout..................................................... 16 Optional Rules Vector Movement................................................................... 18 Acceleration, Movement Sequence, Frontier Fiction Last of the Breed, Part II....................................................... 21 Game Accessories KH Ship Sheet........................................................................ 25 Classifieds Last words and sincere apologies.................................... 26 Prime 1 Mercs Apology,
Estate SUBJECT INDEX Articles (by Type) Adventure! Credit for a Flower, Mister?, #3-p32 Crom’s Return, #2-p23 Death Implant, #4-p36 Double-Edged Sword Subplot, #5-p37 Fall of Tomorrow, the, #1-p16 General Yan-Soon, #5-p37 Great Hunt, the, #4-p37 Heroic Start, a #3-p32 Long Road to Rhald’ran, the #1-p16 Mystery of Starshine, #4-p36 Pirate Trust, #5-p38 Rogue Planet, #2-p22 Sakleetown, #3-p32 Usurper, the #4-p36 Waylaid, #2-p22 Adversaries Standard Security Robots, #1-p12 Alpha-Class
Security Robot, #1-p12 Beta-Class
Security Robot, #1-p13 Gamma-Class
Security Robot, #1-p13 Creatures of Hentz, #2-p18 Ambrikahn,
#2-p18 Ground
Shank, #2-p18 Tunneler
Queen, #2-p19 Yaka
Bears, #2-p19 A Price On Your Head, #3-p27 Rookiee
Assassin, #3-p27 Professional
Assassin, #3-p27 Elite
Assassin, #3-p27 Bastian
Kane, Elite Hit Man, #3-p28 Assassin
Bot, #4-p29 Thugs, Mooks, and Goons, #4-p26 Xenomorphs, Movie: Aliens, #5-p27 Alien
Facehugger, #5-p34 Alien
Warrior, #5-p34 Alien
Queen, #5-p34 Turncoats of the Frontier, #7-p31 Archetypes Dralasite Martial Artist, #1-p6 Dralasite Spymaster, #3-p16 Human Systems Technician, #2-p10 Human Xenomedical Specialist, #4-p29 Vrusk Pistolero, #5-p21 Vrusk Smuggler, #1-p8 Vrusk Visionary Ecologist, #3-p18 Yazirian Cyber Cop, #2-p12 Yazirian Priest, #4-p31 Characters Yezha,
#7-p48 Character
Races Bora-Kai, #2-p20 Boon’sheh, #3-p30 Gorlians, #8-p55 Mechanon 2.0, #8-p62 Nagana, #1-p10 On the Verge, Alternity Races, #7-p1 Aleerin, #7-p3 Fraal, #7-p5 Sesheyan, #7-p7 T’sa, #7-p9 Weren, #7-p11 Plants Named Scree, #9-p11 Vimh, #5-p35 Yinni, #4-p33 Community
News Community Buzz, #7-p73 Join the Revival, #7-p39 New Zeb’s Guide Map, #6-p42 Virtual Tabletop gaming, #6-p43 Creative
Refereeing Abstract Refereeing, #10-p3 Structuring and Directing, #7-p13 Telling a Story, #8-p57 Equipment Albedo Grenade, #10-p15 Autodock, #8-p49 Beam Weapons, #1-p1 Blast Axe, #6-p20 Blastaxe, #5-p20 Bonus Equipment Illustrations, #6-p47 Combat Armor, #5-p15 Combat Armor, #6-p15 Defensive Equipment, #1-p2 Defensive Equipment: Helmets, #4-p15 Firearm Illustrations, #3-p22 FTL Torpedos, #11-p10 Gauss Accelerators, #8-p52 Gyrojet Weapons, #1-p2 Heavy Gyrojet Rifle, #10-p14 Inertia Wall, #5-p19 Intertia Wall, #6-p19 It’ll Ride Up With Wear, #9-p23 Laser Grenade, #10-p16 Laser Sniper Rifle, #8-p50 Melee Tech, #7-p37 Melee Weapon Illustrations, #4-p22 Miscellaneous Equipment, #1-p3 Miscellaneous Equipment, #4-p16 Miscellany Equipment, #3-p20 More Guns, #4-p19 Motion Tracker, #5-p16 Motion Tracker, #6-p16 New Equipment Tables, #5-p20 New Tech for a Dangerous Time, #7-p23 EMP
Field Grenades, #7-p23 Defense
Rod, #7-p23 Tizzle
Lazer, #7-p25 Stun
Grenades, #7-p25 Pion
Engines, #7-p26 Bounty
Shackles, #7-p26 Laser
Auto Rifle, #7-p27 Electro-Magnetic
Signal Stunner, #7-p27 Gel
Airgun, #7-p28 Shocksuit,
#7-p28 New Weapons Tables, #2-p16 Photo-Voltaic Plant, #8-p50 Powered Projectile Weapons, #1-p2 Projectiles, #2-p14 Pulse Rifle, #5-p18 Pulse Rifle, #6-p18 Robot Programs, #4-p20 Scatterguns, #4-p17 Sentry Gun, #6-p17 Sentry Guns, #5-p17 Vehicles, #2-p15 Yazirian Disc-Granades, #6-p19 Yazirian Disc-Grenades, #5-p19 Zamira, #3-p24 Factions Known ‘cycle gangs of the Frontier,
#8-p25 Mercenaries of the UPF Private Sector - Part one, #10-p5 Saran Wolfe NPC character sheet, #6-p41 Sector 6, #6-p38 Frontier
Classifieds Editor’s Plea, #7-p47 Classifieds, #2-p24, #3-p34, #4-38, #5-p40, #6-p48, #7-p73, #8-p78 Frontier
Feedback Letters to the Editor, #10-p1 Questions and Answers, #3-p1 Stellar Errata, #7-p49 Frontier
Fiction 101 Uses for a Dead Robot, #8-p23 Circle of Fate, Chapter 1, #6-p35 Circle of Fate, Chapter 2, #7-p43 Clash By Night, #9-p32 Destiny Run, #9-p13 Last of the Breed - Part I, #10-p17 Last of the Breed - Part II, #11-p21 Law and the Justice, the, #8-p35 Tetrachs, the, #6-p35 Frontier
History Sathar War I, #6-p17 UPF Order of Battle, #11-p8 Yazirian Clans, #8-p8 Frontier
News Intergalactic Wireless, #7-p57 Game
Accessories Knight Hawks game cards, #8-p67 Knight Hawks Ship Roster, #11-p25 NPC Ablative Damage Sheets, #10-p25 NPC Character Sheets, #10-p24 Game
Report Basically Speaking, #9-p46 Tales from the Falcon, #10-p9 Gaming
Resources Sources for inspiration, #9-p10 Sources for Miniatures, #11-p 4 Humor Dralisite Facts, #10-p12 Interviews Steve Winter, #7-p53 Locations City Tiles, #5-p26 Crash Site, #3-p25 Descriptions, #4-p25 Evergloom, moon prison of Triad, #1-p5 Fountain Bar, #4-p24 Inspiration Zone, #6-p55 Map Tiles for your games, #6-p36 More tiles for use in city and
jungle, #6-p33 Outpost Refinery, #4-p23 Raith Lair, #3-p26 Referee’s Maps, #7-p52 Rockroost Mining Colony, #2-p17 Sathar Listening Post, #5-p25 Solar Power Central, #7-p6 Mini-Module What’s the Holdup, #7-p69 Optional
Rules A skilled Frontier, #9-p1 Ability Score Limits, #6-p22 Ablative Damage, #8-p45 Adventure Pets, #9-p41 Artisan Skill (PSA), #9-p7 Buying and Selling in the Frontier, #6-p44 Cinematic Action, #6-p21 Cinematic Martial Arts, #4-p9 City Encounters, #3-p13 Experience Points, #1-p14 Fleshing Out Your Character, #3-p10 Getting Drunk!, #2-p9 Hit Location, #2-p7 Military Ship Design, #11-p 5 Sentient Robots, #6-p1 Shades of Motion in 3-D, #6-p23 Skills, #1-p15 Spacer Skills Revisited, #10-p3 Species/Gender Ability Modifiers,
#4-p14 Star Frontiers Without Subspace
Radios, #11-p1 Starflight: Starfighters in Alpha
Dawn, #5-p9 Starport Layovers, #5-p8 Starting Gear, #4-p13 Vector Movement, #11-p18 Planet
of Mystery Annals of Xa Shrishen Traldor, #5-p6 Arborean race, the, #6-p19 Spawn of Zebulon, Eorna, #8-p19 Spawn of Zebulon, Kurabanda, #6-p17 Ul-Mor, the, #5-p4 Planetary
Brief Dinosaur Planet, Torrent, #8-p11 Gruna-Garu System, the, #6-p28 Minotaur in the Theseus System, #11-p
11 Prenglar System, the, #6-p13 Puzzle What Is This?, #7-p72 Scenarios Race Beyond the Frontier,
#7-p67 UPF Escort, #6-p12 Spaceships Eagle Transporter, #8-p51 East Indiaman Medium Freighter, the,
#6-p6 Explorer-class Heavy Scout, #8-p29 Liberty-Class Patrol Gunship, #7-p30 RT-3100 Merchant Scout, #11-p16 The Jump Tug, #9-p28 TSSS Dart, #11-p13 UPF Fighters, #7-p61 Star
Systems Araks, #2-p4 Athor, #3-p5 Hentz, #2-p5 Scree Fron, #4-p4 Technical
Journal Chronocoms, #8-p1 Computers, #2-p1 Don’t Tango with the Tangler, #5-p1 FTL Travel, #4-p1 Gyrojet Weaponry, #3-p2 Mine Kits, #5-p2 New Items, #2-p3 Tangler Gun, #5-p3 Vehicles Bathyxplorer, #8-p54 Infiltrator, #2-p14 Manta Mini-Sub, #8-p54 Personal Runabout, #7-p24 Robotic Steeds, #8-p53 Skipflyer, #7-p29 Streel-Hyondow LR900V Ride Report,
#9-p25 View my profile for a list of articles I have written, am writing, will write. "It's yo' mama!" —Wicket W. Warrick, Star Wars Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi "That guy's wise." —Logray, Star Wars Ep.VI: Return of the Jedi Do You Wanna Date My Avatar? - Felicia Day (The Guild) |