Morale Rules - very rough


1 – Add D6 to enemies modifier ( on a roll of a 1 no bonus is counted to either side)
2 – 5 Add to AI
6 – Add to AI and use rules below

Special attack If the Inf vs Vehicle, use higher of AI/AA and add this bonus to attack modifier.
If it is Inf vs Inf, roll another D6 to combat modifier (normal roll) 

Apply combined results to all combatants. The results given are for:
1.      Units in Combat
2.      All other units 
Deadlock: Both combatants continue combat until next round – roll to see if any units are lost
Slight difference: Loser roll to see how many units lost, then attacker. Loser is pushed back 5cm (if in cover, they remain locked in place – unless the defender wishes to move back) the defence bonus is lost.
Big difference: Loser pushed back 10cm and rolls as above for losing units.
Huge difference: Loser/ winner rolls for lost units and pushed back 10cm. If attackers move is greater than loser, then all units lost. 

Inantry Platoon        6 x Inf; 3 x carrier
Options: Infantry – elite(+1 to AI or AA, improved morale)
Heavy weapons – Hvy laser, Antiaircraft, Arty
Jump Troopers
Vehicle options – Air Transport, Fast trak, Sled, none 

Morale – Total the number of figures in the unit. Halve this amount and round down. This is the units morale and is how many figures can be lost before morale is checked ( must be checked every turn)

add +1 to the morale total for each elite/ Commander in the unit.
 i.e. 6 inf + 3 carriers = 9/2 = 4.5, rounded down to 4 – 4 units can be lost before the unit is tested for morale purposes. If one of the units were upgraded to commander, then the morale score would be 5. 

Morale is determined before the battle, if an elite/commander is lost during the game, this still only counts as a loss, not two. Some units do not need to check morale – namely Sathar units.

If a unit fails its morale, halve their AI/AA- if applicable. If a formation fails morale and is involved in close combat and loses, they are automatically destroyed. 

*units that are suppressed, do not suffer from the above, they are physically forced to stop due to weight of fire.
 Required 2D imagery of stands.