April 4, 2008 - 8:28pm | Definitely
the most complicated race of them all. So many changes over so many
years. A society transformed, re-born, so to speak, by science and
technology. Centuries ago, Vrusk society was similar to a Hivemind mentality. Their homeworld was divided bitterly and territorially through these Hives, which engaged in brutal wars for dominance. A tiny elite ruled over vast numbers of industrious, loyal Vrusk citizens and warriors. In the chaos and darkness of that time, no one really knows how it happened. But rapidly, the huge wars that the Hive system had created began to break down the system itself. Vrusk began to equate their virtual voluntary slavery to the Hive and to their Masters with oppression. The endless cycles of brutal wars also shook the whole system to its foundation. Finally, like an old pottery jar smashed against a concrete floor, the whole ancient Vrusk system fell to pieces. But since war was the final straw that broke the Hive system, the Vrusk did not want to emerge from it with some re-named form of violence. They wanted it done, for good. Something had to be found to replace the Hive... To give the Vrusk much more of a level playing field while also providing the saftey net. What evolved over the last 200 years or so has been a Vrusk society where the Hives have been turned into belevolent (or so it seems) versions known as the Vrusk Companies. GVMPI (Greater Vrusk Mutual Prosperity Institution) being the largest, wealthiest and most prestigous. Corporate membership is determined early in life, but a Vrusk is free to change, though culturally they rarely do. These organizations began to focus the Vrusk on other activities than the Hive violence. Vrusk society began to build deep and complex trade systems. Resources that used to be subjects of endless warfare were now available to all. It became obvious to all that it was easier to exchange these resources and grow/mine them under peaceful conditions. Slowly but surely, the Hives faded from memory and much organized bloodshed among Vrusk society disappeared. Contemporary Vrusk society reflects the maturity of these companies. Vrusk are the consummate experts on business, having transformed their society as they did. Positions within the corporations are based on a vast array of factors, which in turn vary from company to company. Vrusk are pacifists by nature at this point. Complete renunciation of violence is commonplace among Vrusk - the nightmare of the Hives is still fresh in their minds. They do not want to go back to that. So they focus on business. Unfortuately, this has led to some friction with the other races. The Vrusk are known to be rather ruthless businessmen. Their expressionless faces very effectively hide their intentions. Their Comprehension Skill has also made their ability to sift through a business proposal with almost psychic-like ability. Vrusk have very logical minds. Most Vrusk are fascinated with mathematics, and are masters of it. Vrusk are great number crunchers and analysts. |
April 4, 2008 - 8:30pm | To
the great consternation of the other Three Races, the Vrusk have a
highly protectionist society - in most cases. Vrusk worlds are infamous
for their trade barriers. Vrusk politicians give many excuses for this
(culture, protecting jobs, etc.) but many in the Federation Assembly
see this as simple racism. Of course, other nations and planets among the other Frontier races have protectionist laws as well, but not as bad as the Vrusk do. And in some countries, the discrimination towards non-Vrusk companies is blatant. These policies generate much resentment towards the Vrusk as they and their Corporations penetrate many sectors of the Frontier markets while keeping their own closed (in most cases.) Some Vrusk eschew the Corporate system completely. These Vrusk are somewhat similar to the Clan-less Yazirians, but it is a much more mellow situation for a Vrusk to be outside of a corporation than for a Yazirian to be outside of their Clan. However, the parallels between the two are quite striking. Non-Corp Vrusk are more curious and tolerant of other races. They also have a great cultural understanding about racial quirks and tendencies. The reaction of most Yazirians to a non-Clan Yazirian is sadness and horror ("What did you do to deserve separation? What happened?"). The reaction of a Vrusk to a non-Corporate Vrusk is a simple "Why?" Vrusk are unemotional *almost* in a Vulcan kind of way, but less extreme. They simply view excessive emotion as immature. Emotion is viewed as weakness. Vrusk businessmen will exploit emotion during business activities. Vrusk much prefer to "bottle things up". They are rather "stiff", so to speak. The Vrusk are, and always have had, total sexual equality. Females and males are completely equal. Some Vrusk settle down with single mates, some do not - this is largely a regional/ethnic/religious thing. There are many divisions among Vrusk on this issue, but they respect each other's personal choices. Sex is just not that big of a deal to them. In terms of racial relations, the Vrusk view the other Races with ambiguity, but also admiration: Vrusk have strong ties to Dralasites, being the first race to have contact with them. They GREATLY admire Dralasite pacifism ("How did they figure non-violence out before us?") but are equally annoyed by Dralasite clowning around. They enjoy Dralasite patience and planning, but are also bothered by the Dralasite tendency to harp on what the Vrusk view as "useless" intangibles, especially in business. Of course, these intangibles often prove to be a Vrusk enterprise's undoing... Vrusk have great admiration for Yazirian Life Enemy and (some) practices of Clan loyalty. However, Yazirian emotion is usually quite overwhelming to a Vrusk, to say the least. Yazirians can make Vrusk quite uncomfortable with their outbursts. But by and large, the Vrusk get on well with Yazirians. They admire their intellect and courage. They also enjoy Yazirian gravitas, or seriousness, especially after dealing with a bunch of Dralasite jokers! Vrusk are somewhat puzzled by some of the intricacies of Yazirian "honor" - which seems to have about a dozen different definitions to each different Yazirian Clan. (This confuses everyone else, too, of course - often even other Yazirians!) A Vrusk getting invited to join a Yazirian Clan is a mixed blessing, since that involves so much emotion with them. But they understand what a great honor it is, and they manage the situation well, and appreciate their membership in the Clan, if so offered. In terms of Humans, there is the "Indestructible Junk Show" that the Vrusk often rail against. Humans have a lazy stereotype to Vrusk and they are viewed somewhat as complainers. They don't have the pacifism and patience of Dralasites, and they don't have the gravitas and intelligence of Yazirians... (What good are they?) They are also greatly bothered by the revulsion that Humans display towards their insect forms - how rude! The dislike of Humans and Vrusk is probably the greatest between any two races in the Frontier. Of course, since the Vrusk are mostly pacifists, this does not have the potential to create actual violent conflict. Humans can earn the respect of Vrusk of course, but it is an uphill battle. Some Vrusk quirks... Vrusk love "building things". They make extensions on their houses, trick out their cars with wacky shapes and designs, and generally are using up their spare time hammering, welding, bending and carving. They love to work with their hands as hobbyists, constructing all manner of models, carvings, statues, etc. Vrusk neighbors can be rather noisy as they hammer away their spare time. Once in a while, Vrusk have a strange outburst - the Vrusk word (unpronouncable by a Human or Yazirian) is loosely translated as a "Freakout". Periodically, Vrusk unleash their emotion in a torrent of rage and sorrow. Most sociologists think that this is some sort of throwback to the violent Hive past. Objects get thrown, chairs get smashed, and screams and yells get uttered. Sane Vrusk can feel the need for a Freakout, and will find a way to be alone when they finally let it all out. Most Vrusk homes have a kind of padded room that they use. Vrusk on trips can usually rent a room for this purpose. It is VERY embarrassing for a Vrusk for any of their colleagues to see a Freakout, as it is the ultimate emotional outburst. Freakouts can be controlled by medicine, but a particularly stressed-out Vrusk will need to Freakout sooner or later. In some Vrusk societies there are group Freakouts. It is also viewed as a religious experience with some Vrusk. Certain Vrusk cultures even use psychadelic substances to "reach a deeper" Freakout. Vrusk, due to their building tendencies, LOVE architecture. Big, beautiful, glorious buildings are the ultimate expression of culture, intelligence, civilization, and mathematical precision. Few things impress a Vrusk more than great buildings. In multi-racial environments, Vrusk prefer urban settings. Vrusk love to talk shop. They can drone (no pun intended) on for hours about statistics, data, analysis, mathematical and business theory - all kinds of stuff. If you want to get on well with a Vrusk, strike up a conversation about these kinds of topics. If you want to do business with a Vrusk on any level, be prepared with reams and reams of DATA. There is nothing a Vrusk believes in more than properly analyzed data. Business books and seminars are VERY popular with Vrusk - ironically the most popular seminar leaders are Human. These Humans are held in very high esteem by most Vrusk, even though some Human businessmen look at them as wackos or charlatans! The few Humans that live with the Vrusk conduct these seminars and write these books - always with the "business theory flavor of the month" in mind. Sales theories, business techinques, legal seminars, the Vrusk eat it all up - and fortunes are made in the process. Even non-Corporate Vrusk will attend these seminars, just to make sure they are "keeping up." Vrusk get most of their protein from insects and mash their veggies and grains into pastes. This, of course, is revolting to Humans. Yazirians can eat bugs, but prefer freshly killed or live meat. Dralasites can do the "paste" thing even better than the Vrusk themselves (Drals don't eat bugs), and Dralasite paste exports dominate this food market, even in the most protected Vrusk national markets. Many Dralasite pastes and puddings are expensive delicacies to the Vrusk. Cooking food, as Humans do, is revolting to most Vrusk, and seems a waste of energy - further increasing the stereotype of the "wasteful human". Corporate life is important to a Vrusk, but not nearly to the same level as a Yazirian Clan. Most Vrusk on the mixed worlds and Vrusk soldiers, adenturers and Spacers have no Corporate affiliation at all. Some Vrusk leave their Corporations and then come back, having "seen the galaxy". At first, this was frowned upon, but now is viewed as acceptable. Vrusk are large, bulky beings. Imagine a Vrusk trying to navigate your house! As a result, mixed race cities and facilities have to make a great deal of adjustments to be "Vrusk accessible" - sometimes with some wacky results. Dralasites have caught on to this, and will frequently clutter their homes deliberately if they expect a Vrusk guest - just so their bulky bodies can knock things over and the Dralasite host can have a good laugh! Vrusk do not like this at all and the Dralasites know this, but most cannot resist. Fortunately, the more outgoing non-Corporate Vrusk is the most common Vrusk encountered in the Frontier community. Most such Vrusk are well-prepared for contact with other races, unless such contact is unexpected. This fact, combined with their pacifist tendencies, make non-Corporate Vrusk fit in quite well in multi-racial situations. Vrusk avoid conflict and fights and will rarely start one. While Vrusk may not like certain aspects of different races (especially Humans) their lack of emotion enables them to hide it quite well, and get down to business. They excel at keeping their opinions to themselves - with the occasional faux pas, of course. They can seem distant and cold, but deep within the Vrusk the Hive still stirs, and Vrusk feel, just as deeply, all of the emotions that the other races do. They just hide it very well, until, of course, it is time to go into the padded room and throw some things around... |
![]() May 30, 2011 - 6:54pm | I've been thinking about the vrusk and been reviewing material in this project so I'd like to jot some ideas down Centuries ago, Vrusk society was similar to a Hivemind mentality. Their homeworld was divided bitterly and territorially through these Hives, which engaged in brutal wars for dominance. A tiny elite ruled over vast numbers of industrious, loyal Vrusk citizens and warriors. In the chaos and darkness of that time, no one really knows how it happened. But rapidly, the huge wars that the Hive system had created began to break down the system itself. Vrusk began to equate their virtual voluntary slavery to the Hive and to their Masters with oppression. The endless cycles of brutal wars also shook the whole system to its foundation. Finally, like an old pottery jar smashed against a concrete floor, the whole ancient Vrusk system fell to pieces. While I agree that the system would corrupt and begin to crumble I dont see it crashing without a crisis as a catalyst. Its hard to see rational individuals saying lets trash and destroy the existing system without anything to put in its place. Last year, I would have said that the crisis was that 1 hive rose to world dominance and its impact on the environment brought about this crisis. Now I thinking along the lines of a cometary impact being the crisis. Its not hard to imagine that a handful of hives reach a point of dominance where war between them was largely formalized and a pro-forma way of controlling population; all the hive leaders understand this. Enter the comet and its devistation and ecological impact and suddenly it dawns on 1 hive leader that he/she should get ahead of the curve before the other hives and launches a total war that breaks all the recognized rules. The other hives respond in kind and the whole system that has spent centuries evolving and refining its social compact comes crashing down in months. Out of neccessity, the vrusk evolve a new social compact that brings about the trade houses (and latter- propably much latter the conglomerates evolve- more on that latter). "Vrusk are pacifists by nature at this
point. Complete renunciation of violence is commonplace among Vrusk -
the nightmare of the Hives is still fresh in their minds. They do not
want to go back to that. So they focus on business." I disagree about them being pacifist by nature- I think that the racial memory of the event I described above would be very possibl ooops my computer crapped out there for a minute... I think that the racial memory of the event I described above would be very powerful and as a rational choice the vrusk avoid war, but make no mistake they are still capable of violence, they just choose to eschew it. The reality of the vrusk mind set is that they are almost genetically programed to seek their place in an organization. Evolution brought that about so that the vrusk fit into the hive but when the hive system imploded under the weight of total war and ecological collapse and disaster and masses of vrusk where left without the direction of the hive, a position to fulfill, a goal to pursue and a purpose that met the inner need for meaning and purpose and a few individuals organized a new association that evolved into a new social compact- the vrusk quickly flooded these embryonic trade houses Perhaps one visionary proposed a set of Principles of Trade and Association and in these rules is enshrined a prohibition against war since it was so obviously bad for business and the species as a whole. No reputable vrusk trade house will do business with another trade house that is not a signatory on the Principles of Trad e and Assoc. This biological drive to seek a purpose and role within an organization is why some vrusk will join Space Fleet or some other not inherently vrusk organizaion. or dare I say a team made up of rpg player characters. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 30, 2011 - 7:15pm | More on Vrusk Physcology there are 2 basic business philosophys: 1. Use the business to build the individual (this is the minority view) as strong individuals will build a strong trade house and 2. Use the individual to build a strong company (majority view) as a strong company will attract strong individuals. GVMPI (Greater Vrusk Mutual Prosperity Institution) sounds like its the minority but in reality it follows the majority philosophy. On the "love of building things" -its just another expression of the need to be apart of something (hive or trade house) but in this case its a drive to have meaning by producing something it meats the same need as the biological drive to be part of something. You could say that their loyalty and dedication to the hive or their trade house is about the drive to build something. RE Imperials "Freakout"; I like the idea but not the term- it needs new term that sounds like the Amish "Rumspringer" in other words not a word that sounds like song lyrics but rather something alien in nature or at least something that forces you to ponder what it means. RE: Imperials take on non emotion, or rather a toned down Mr. Spock, I like his thoughts well enough. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 31, 2011 - 6:16pm | I agree with events precipitating change, but using a comet doesn't feel right. Natural disasters are over used in SciFi and we already have the Yazirians and their natural disaster. The Vrusk are more the product of a social disaster. The Hive structure could not hold up to industrialization and globalization. Think of the feudal Japanese society falling to Japan inc. as a parallel to draw upon. As the Vrusk industrialized and globalized the wars got more vicious and costly. Only the most resource wealthy hives could dominate if they had the tech and industry to support it. Then with the advent of weapons of mass destruction, two or three hives become scary powerful. The other hives are forced to ally and the industries that have grown up during this time have become pseudo-hives with power enough to force the leaders of hives to protect their industries. The big conflict is when one or more of the scary powerful hives tries in desperation to maintain the old structure it sees is now threatened, does something stupid like global war or dominating the food market. Then the vast majority of all Vrusk are forced to fight the old system in the body of the enemy hive. -iggy |
![]() May 31, 2011 - 6:46pm | @Iggy, ok good points, how about if in the midst of the scenario that you described we see the introduction of something really horrible like mustard gas was in WW1? or some other really ugly vrusk version of a chemical or biological weapon. Then things really spiral out of control with some areas being devastated to the point that large tracks become uninhabitable and some hives completely collapse- other hives don't but the damage to the environment is bad, despite some hives still surviving; hoards of disenfranchised vrusk wander and die when someone comes up with a new model to save some and a mutal assistance association is born and leads to the first trade house emerged from that. With the emerging trade houses and associations the hives that persist eventually collapse as the message of the Principles of Tade and Association begin to penetrate them and defections occur. Once enough defections occur these remaining hives collapse. You can just see some vrusk queen holding court in the shattered remains of her hive like Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard, tragic and kind of freaky. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() May 31, 2011 - 9:48pm | Didn't we discuss somewhere about the Vrusk hives not being structured around one female queen but a hierarchy of mated pairs? -iggy |
![]() June 1, 2011 - 12:07am | The Vrusk homeworld social collapse as I had read it in Spelljammer material IIRC, also suggested the collapse was much more like a cyberpunk social collapse, or maybe even more like a steampunk social collapse... Replace the corporate/victorian greed/irresponsible dystopia, with a balkanized planet of orwellian hivemind dystopias in perpetual conflict over land and living space, and reinsert the mega-conglomerate as the heroic revolutionary, restructuring society and working with the fringe instead of against it, with real implications of being more 'for the greater good' and in support of a 'rational mutual prosperity', wiling to work towards a resource-based economic balance, and a cooperative industry model. Other environmental disasters could have been a factor, but most could be easily attributed, correctly or not, to the devastation of the hive-conflicts on the environment. That said, I still favor a collapse that doesn't completely 'wipe-clean' even the 'benevolent-hive' or 'revolution suportive aristocracy'. it seems to me that 'calmer-hiveminds' would prevail in the new social climate, and restructure to adapt within the new context of social order, being more benevolent, or even simply more shrewed, would allow some hivemind societies to persist in a cosmetically mega-conglomerate form, while still retaining the rights afforded by Old-Law and in return bringing a validation of continuity to the New-Law by their open support. After all, I think a Vrusk Archetype Aristocratic Rouge Corporate Philanthropists, inspiring Corporate and UPF cooperation by the public from Kaken'kar... is just as valid as the Human Archetype Aristocratic Rouge Smuggler under Clarion Diplomatic Immunities, running blockades past Streel and PanGal. Oh humans!! ![]() ~ anymoose, somewhere on the net... so... if you square a square it becomes a cube... if you square a cube does it become an octoid? |
![]() June 1, 2011 - 3:11am | Didn't we discuss somewhere about the Vrusk hives not being structured around one female queen but a hierarchy of mated pairs? I think we did but the image from Sunset Boulevard popped into my head and its a great one- a demented or even deranged figure trying to hold on to the glory of the past even while living in the ashes of a harsh present. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 1, 2011 - 11:10am | I like the paired hierarchy structure as one of many structures in a dynamic and diverse portfolio of Vrusk organizational structures... Putting a finer point on it, I try not to create monocultures. Worlds where everyone has the same hairstyle, fashion style, taste in food, one governing body and one belief system. I belive the only society that might attain this level of monoworld on a given planet, would be Type III society, and they will most likely still have subcultures within their societies. If everyone is made to dress eat, and believe in the exact same thing, it would be a rather boring world, and not worth detailing for the game at all. Most worlds will have dozens, if not hundreds of different cultures and subcultures. Will come from a long procession of cultures that have adapted to new philosophies or up and failed living behind only the ashes for the few to hold on to the glory of. From some of those ashes, newer reconstructed, polished, or fire-hardened variants of old cultures in new guises will arise. No culture is the same as it was a moment ago, every culture lives and breathes, like organism, and changes over time. No culture will completely disappear, but may suddenly, even violently change phoenix-like into a new fiery-butterfly, in the due course of historical time-frames. The only thing that is certain about a forgotten culture, is it will eventually be reborn anew, as if it had never existed, and by being forgotten as ever having had a previous name, will repeat its previous mistakes under a new name, in a new era, possibly for greatly different effects. Those amongst the Vrusk who would not like to repeat the mistakes of the Hive Era, and those who would like to recapture at least some of the former glory of the secure and stable benevolent Hives of yore, will both be intellectually inclined to keep the memory of those times alive, both the good and the bad aspects, of those 'simpler and immature' times. Finer points of socioeconomic foundations, will continue to be debated by intellectuals in both camps. Both camps will regularly deny that they are simply referring to many of the same principles of social foundation, by different names of the same definition. But inevitably the Corporate Trade-house Mega-conglomerates make the same hard choices that the Hive-elites made, for all the same reasons, and the Vrusk status-quo maintains in a cosmetically divergent structure. Vrusk are still Vrusks, and they haven't changed their basic biologically inherent social needs, merely adjusted the terminology and adapted a theoretically more benevolent system. Some will recognize that, some won't, most won't care as long as the status-quo keeps them sound, safe, and sane. A few will keep 'bloodlines' protected, and new colonial worlds will make nice places to attempt a reformation from the ashes. Enough Vrusk will be honored to serve in a benevolent Hive, to make the attempt to defend their Neo-Hive, by negotiating a peaceful cooperation and mutual prosperity agreement with the Mega-conglomerates. Some Mega-conglomerates would find it easier and more socially stable, to bring 'Hiverists' into a party balance with 'Prosperitisits', 'Mutualisits', 'Institutionalisits', 'Computationists', 'Positivists', 'Functionalisits' and 'Privatizationisits'... etc... and to allow a continuity to be maintained with the 'historic sovrignty' of 'old-law' and 'natural-sociolgy' shown openly supporting 'new-law' and 'artifical-sociology', in whatever Vruskan form those concepts take. Oh humans!! ![]() ~ anymoose, somewhere on the net... so... if you square a square it becomes a cube... if you square a cube does it become an octoid? |
![]() January 20, 2013 - 5:45pm | Well still going over all this but two things leap out. 1) Vrusk don't mash up their food. It definitely states that Vrusk two larger mandibles hold food while the small ones tear it apart and place it in the mouth. They are omnivores. You can't do that with paste you need chunks. Probably big into stir fry and food cooked in bite sized pieces. They most likely use chop sticks to place the food in their larger mandibles. They are the worst open mouth eaters you could sit next too. 2) They probably never had a hive. Not all insects are hive insects. Only social insects. One of the primary requirements of social insects is a caste system with variations in physical attributes based on jobs and reproduction roles. Vrusk only have two sexes and they are only separated only by the same minor variation that humans have. As stated in the Zurrqqor articles they were social insects with clear divisions. The Vrusk are something else. Another thing is that they only "look" like giant insects. Insects have six limbs, arachnids have eight, Vrusk have ten. Now we could say they were eight limbed creatures who like bees, wasps and other flying insects developed different specialized limbs: wings for bees and arms for Vrusk but still makes them arachnids not insects. Since not all spiders build webs I think a more logical explanation is that Vrusk evolved from a communal spider which did not build webs or they have lost their web making ability see link for more information: http://www.biodiversityexplorer.org/arachnids/spiders/eresidae/stegodyphus.htm One last thing which I never understood. AD says "They also can touch with their antennae." What the heck does that mean? Are their antennae useful for anything other then rubbing up against other beings? Sounds like a great job but where did you say we had to go? |
![]() January 21, 2013 - 1:47am | With internal and external skeletons, vrusk are neither insect or spider, nor are they from a crab like family. Vrusk are an entirely different and alien species. Everyone fixates on the hive structure because of their corporate culture. Potentially their hives were more like hornets, wasps, and communal spiders. They were not like bees. -iggy |
![]() January 21, 2013 - 6:07am | Fixates on the Hive- good way to put it. nothing wrong with using a hive theme/structure/motiff/whatever for the vrusk and yes this practice probably stems from the corporate material in their brief. They are aliens not evolved earth creatures. I like Rat Ts comments though on social spiders though. 2 things: 1. there has been a lot of chatter and content development (not as much as for say yazirians) concerning the hive. If we go in a radically different direction and deep six the hive it will cause some confussion. Thats not to say that we should not go in a different direction if the best thinking on this race dictates that, just a recognition that perhaps its going to cause some confussion and we should recognize that and take steps to minimize it. 2. the word Hive is just a word that a human mouth can pronounce and no doubt its a translation of a vrusk word that is completely inpronouncable. Practically speaking its an English word but this is the point where I would pretend we are really speaking Pan Gal and call it a translation of a vrusk concept into Pan Gal. I would propose that in light of the potential ramification of item #2 above that we keep the work hive and write in to fan cannon that its a poor translation and explain the new concept. To my knowledge the concept of the hive has not really been delved into deeply. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 25, 2013 - 1:55pm | I would agree that keeping the hive associations but actually having the meaning be significantly different would probably be best. Its simply a slang word, if you will, for what Vrusk "hives" were. |
January 25, 2013 - 8:50pm | I always viewed the vrusk hive sort of like an ant colony, and this kind of translates into a business format better than most. But as has been pointed out, the vrusk are really something different than an earth insect or arachnid. No where I have read do the vrusk have a king or queen, and their procreation, as has been pointed out also, amongst themselves, or individual choice. I think that First Lord's first assertion: "Definitely the most complicated race of them all." is correct. If you read the module SF-06" Dark Side of the Moon", it gives you a little insight to the vrusk, but it all focus' on modern vrusk and their desire to serve their company. Nothing really on insight into what they came from socially to get to where they are at. I am in agreement also that "hive" could very well be seen as the slang term for whatever social structure that is come up with. In some ways they remind me of communes that I have read about. There is a higherarchy of leadership based on age and the rest of the community supports the whole, jobs are spread out between everyone. Those with skills or abilities that stand out work those areas and the rest do the grunt work, but all share equally in the bounty of the community. they may not be so idealistc of course, but maybe something along those lines for structure from their past? |