mrgunn March 12, 2008 - 5:24pm | Dear all: In reading through the Star Frontiersman, I noticed virtually all of the new alien races were humanoid. We have Cat people, Rat people, Bat people etc. One of things I liked about SF was that not every race was humanoid, Ul-Mor, Edestekai, Dralasite, Vrusk etc. I think we can do better than cats and rats, let's see what kind of non-humanoid races we can come up with. I have a number of ideas, but I think we need to start with a basic racial premise, as in silicon based life forms, aquatic, gas, etc. Thanks! mRgUnN |
Corjay (not verified) March 18, 2008 - 6:36am | Uh, pretty boys in scarfs and chaps and prancing studs. I remember that. Wish I didn't. |
Oghma March 19, 2008 - 5:43pm | In general I agree that there are too many humanoid aliens. It is something that has always annoyed me about Star Wars and Star Trek. Why would something evolve with two arms, two legs, 5 digits on each appendage, but such radically different heads? Maybe a little fir would help? No, not really. I do have to agree with this comment from Corjay though: I don't think this is especially fair. Just because artists depict them as taking humanoid form, does not detract from the originality of the race for game play. We always found neat ways to use those extra limbs. It was quite useful, for instance, to put an eye cluster on the end of a limb and use it for a periscope. It certainly made staying under cover and shooting easier. I think we may have even made a speed bonus when all four limbs were used as legs. I have always thought that the dralasite did a fantastic job of breaking the humanoid paradign. Realistically, it does make sense for dralasites to take a bipedal form on a frequent basis. While dralasite technology would certainly be a fun conversation for another thread (please give me a link if there is one around here somewhere) the flexability to use any other races tech simply by shifting shape would be a major economic and survival advantage. Dralisite to storkeeper, :[What, you don't have any dralisite space suits?] Store keeper, "Nope, Just human." Dralisite, "[Oh well, I'll just suck this extra arm in and wear one of those.]" Yazirian, "What the heck am I supposed to do?" Store keeper, "What do I care, have those stupid wings removed." Vrusk, "What about me?" Store keeper, "How did you get in here, where did I leave my can of Raid?" So, who comes out best in this little adventure party? |
Corjay (not verified) March 19, 2008 - 6:32pm | LOL. "RAIIIIID!!!!"~*BOOM!* |
jaguar451 March 20, 2008 - 9:19pm | Genetically engineered dolphins on Kithrup.... Although I tend to like core set of Sentient beings in the SF verse. |
Rum Rogue March 20, 2008 - 9:34pm | I prefer my dolphins on rye, with a touch of mustard. (couldnt help it. had to say it) Time flies when your having rum. Im a government employee, I dont goof-off. I constructively abuse my time. |
aramis March 21, 2008 - 4:00pm | Why humanoids? bipedalism is efficient for distance (tho not for speed) per unit energy. Quadrapedalism is most efficient for speed, but not for distance. Hopping is more efficient for distance and speed than bipedal walking, but far less efficient for small distance movements; both are bipedal. binocular vision is the minimum for efficient use of tools; more than 3 is of limited benefit for non-fixed focus eyes. At least one free manipulator is essential for tool use. Two is vastly more efficient, as it allows target and tool to be simultaneously manipulated. 3 or more is redundant; mildly useful Brain in armored case: highly efficient protection Sensory cluster near brain: if the sensory cluster is destroyed, the brain is (pre-culture) pretty worthless, as the organism won't be able to feed itself. Sensory cluster near top of creature: better able to see other things. Brain & sensory cluster as a quasi-limb: allows maximum field of observation for a given set of view angles, while also allowing maximum data from sensory organs to brain. Mouth on sensory appendage: allows mouth to include taste, which makes detection of toxins during eating easier. Adaptive. Increases weight of braincase to support stronger muscles. Also Adaptive. Excessive mouth strength may compromise brain-case capacity... counter-adaptive. Almost all the aliens so far share all these traits. Dralasites are the obvious exception. They are not terribly realistic. Fun, but not realistic. Humanoids and centauroids provide the best solutions for meeting the requisites. |
bioreplica March 30, 2008 - 2:25pm | An NEW alien race I've created for my FUTUR d20 campaign. Could be adapted to the SF d100 Have fun .... THE TECHNOPHAGE The technophage are a race of technologically advanced hunters and gatherers. Their entire society, organized in tribes, is based on the search of new hunting and gathering territories. Equiped with tetrahedral diamond based ships, each tribe roams the galaxy in search of new quartz and carbon mines. Occasionnally tribes will join forces and form a horde against a common enemy. Because they do not breath, in the conventional sens, technophage can adapt to any type of atmosphere. Their ships are pressurized for atmospheric flight only. Once they reach space the «atmosphere is vented». These eight foot tall beings have three 5 foot long legs that connect at the base of a 2 foot long neck which is topped by an oval shaped head. Their jet black flexible exoskeleton skin is an alloy of carbon and quartz. The base of their legs are hard as diamond and have 3 opposable fine manipulators. The head is topped by a crown of nine 1 inch long diamond spikes. Technophages are very hard to surprise because three small yellow eyes provide them with perfect 360° vision. The technophage breathing and digestive systems work in symbiosis. They must constantly eat carbon and quartz to live. Their very small mouth is equipped with powerful jaws that can crush the hardest crystals. Once per hour a gland at the top of the mouth produces a powerful digestive acid that can be spitted up to 15 feet away. The technophage use an accelerated growth program for their offsprings. Once they have been grown to maturity, in the hatchling chamber, the «new born» technophages can immediately take their place in society. The chamber provides them with genetic memory of their entire culture. Each technophage is equipped with a large neck band that acts as a defense and attack system. The device is connected directly to the technophage brain. 1- The neckband projects a 90° energy shield. At the beginning of each round the facing can be modified as a free action. 2- Once/round the neckband's 360° rotating plasma projector can be activate (see plasma rifle) «Language is a virus from outer space» William S. Burroughs |