![]() March 9, 2008 - 12:35pm | Hey everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am looking for individuals to help me proof my Star Frontiers Unisystem Conversion. For those who are not aware I am using the Unisystem, the RPG system used in All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Terra Primate and WitchCraft. Since All Tomorrows Zombies has been released I will be using that book for reference along with Terra Primate. If anyone wants to keep me focused and has patience I would really appreciate the help. The current files are located at http://www.unifans.org/ |
![]() March 12, 2008 - 4:12am | Well, I'm personally not a big fan of class systems, but I don't knock them. To each his own. However, I do like for people to get it right when immulating Star Frontiers. So I'll help you with story and nomenclature, starting with the names. I don't know where "Assessor" comes from, but it's not Star Frontiers. If it is a pre-existing unisystem term, that's fine, but in Star Frontiers we call them what they are: spies. In this case, corporate spies. To me, it's a bit supersillious, as an "assessor" is someone who assesses property or assists a court, thus the term "county assessor". That's certainly no spy. "Frontiersman" is a much better term than d20's "Space Monkey," but in Star Frontiers, we have no such thing except in calling them adventurers. "Frontiersman" is preferable. The term "Marauder" is not found in a single place that I know of in Star Frontiers. We call them simply "Pirates". In Star Frontiers, a "Psion" is called a "Mentalist". Some don't like the name, but I think it's one of those things that provides a unique quality to Star Frontiers. I see too that there is a "Psychic" character type. For me, in the Gamma Dawn project, I'm dividing it into "Mentalist Devotee" for the psion who devotes his life to developing disciplines and "Enlightened One" for the character type that simply has a limited capability and doesn't bother developing it much, based on the original Zeb's descriptions. Zebulon's Guide to Frontier Space gives the name "SciSpec" or "Science Specialist" to scientists. Some people aren't a fan of that, so often prefer the original "Biosocialist", though I personally have never been attached to that name. Personally, here's the classes I would divide it into: Cyberneticist (In d20 I would see this as a Prestige class) Medical (or Biological) Specialist Psychosocialist There is no "Techie" in Star Frontiers. Zeb's calls them "TechEx" or "Technical Expert". The original "Technological" doesn't quite lend itself to class naming, and "Technologist" isn't too much better. Regarding this one, I'd split it up into different classes: Computer Expert (or even Computer Tech), Robotics Expert (or Robotics Tech), and Mechanic. I'll discuss the story and racial description aspects later. |
![]() March 15, 2008 - 6:28am | Well, I'm personally not a big fan of class systems, but I don't knock them. To each his own. Well first thing, I am really glad that someone commented on this, I have posted it on other Unisystem boards with some response, but this really helps, and I thank you. What is presented that you called classes is something that maybe confusing to people who don't play Unisystem and for those who do, they are not what is typically presented either. So let me clarify what I have done. In most all Unisystem games, the character generation rules are explained then there is a listing of Archetypes. Archetypes are basically pregenerated characters for players to pick and begin play. What I did was create basic archetypes and leave skill points out to allow for character customization. Some Unisystem fans don't like that, but my players did, so I am still debating on where to go from here. Hope this makes sense now. However, I do like for people to get it right when immulating Star Frontiers. So I'll help you with story and nomenclature, starting with the names. Well I was unsure if I should use the terms in the books or not, but I assume that you prefer them. That makes me feel better and that is a relative easy fix as well. Great comments by the way. In Star Frontiers, a "Psion" is called a "Mentalist". Some don't like the name, but I think it's one of those things that provides a unique quality to Star Frontiers. I see too that there is a "Psychic" character type. For me, in the Gamma Dawn project, I'm dividing it into "Mentalist Devotee" for the psion who devotes his life to developing disciplines and "Enlightened One" for the character type that simply has a limited capability and doesn't bother developing it much, based on the original Zeb's descriptions. I actually had one comment that Mentalists should not even be in Star Frontiers. So this character type is something that may or may-not be in the final version. But I do like what you suggested for Gamma Dawn, its something I personally think should be in Star Frontiers. I'll discuss the story and racial description aspects later. Great, can't wait to see your comments. |
March 19, 2008 - 10:46pm | I can't believe I missed this thread! Grr! I like the Cinematic Unisystem licensed by Eden Studios. It's a solid game system that lends itself very well to cinematic styles of gameplay. I haven't played the less cinematic version present in Witchcraft and others. I have thought before that Cinematic UniSystem would be a good system to make a universal sci-fi or space RPG book in. So your Star Frontiers treatment sounds great. I like Corjay's observations about the archetype names. I don't see a problem with keeping Mentalist in your conversion book, just label it Optional so it fits with established Star Frontiers canon. Yes, many folks who are fans of Star Frontiers disregard the mentalist. I actually don't mind it but would only include it in a campaign if pushed by an eager player, which so far hasn't happened. Are you still working on this, and updating it regularly? Is it possible to have the rules in the book as well so we don't all have to buy other books, or is this a limitation imposed by the site because of legal concerns? 3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our
vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time. |
![]() March 20, 2008 - 8:46pm | I am still working on the project, plan to do some editing this weekend actually. As far as suppling the rules, that would be illegal. Look for Witchcraft on DriveThruRPG.com, it was there as a free download for a long time. |
![]() March 20, 2008 - 11:23pm | JNDenton001 nice to meet you.If I haven't already before?I've spent a good many years over at the Edenstudios boards under the same name I use here. |
![]() March 21, 2008 - 9:13am | By the way, JNDenton, there are several archtypes listed in the earlier issues of the Star Frontiersman that might help you. By the way, while the some d20 story elements are compatible with Star Frontiers, the d20 Star Law description is so far removed from Star Frontiers as to be unrecognizable. So if you're going for the true Star Frontiers feel, use the Star Frontiers version of Star Law. I'm still too busy at the moment to get into the fine story details, but I'll help with tthat as soon as I can. |
![]() March 21, 2008 - 3:04pm | You should have a page on humans (specifically noting the differences btween SF humans and RW humans (like 200 year lifespans, etc). I also am one who is more familiar with Cienmatic Unisystem, and would use BTVS or Army of Darkness as a baseline (since I don't have the non-cinematics) All, in all, a good start. The Zeb's Guide races would be nice.... |
![]() March 21, 2008 - 10:20pm | My bad I forgot to mention the ARmy of Darkness uni. Nice to meet you as well aramis.Do you post over at eden as well? |
![]() March 22, 2008 - 5:42pm | JNDenton001 nice to meet you.If I haven't already before?I've spent a good many years over at the Edenstudios boards under the same name I use here. Yes, I have been a member on the Eden Boards since they started. I have playtested and written for eden in the past but this was a personal project that I wanted to share. |
![]() March 22, 2008 - 5:46pm | By the way, JNDenton, there are several archtypes listed in the earlier issues of the Star Frontiersman that might help you. I'm still too busy at the moment to get into the fine story details, but I'll help with tthat as soon as I can. Thanks for the info, I will have to look through those and make a list. Course I need to edit the names of the ones I have currently. Thanks again for you help. |
![]() March 22, 2008 - 5:52pm | I also am one who is more familiar with Cienmatic Unisystem, and would use BTVS or Army of Darkness as a baseline (since I don't have the non-cinematics) All, in all, a good start. The Zeb's Guide races would be nice.... The Human write up is a great idea, it may work out that with the advantages of SF humans to cost the same as the other alien races, so I may have to edit the character generation rules. I rather use the Classic Unisystem over the Cinematic one mainly for the Sci-fi feel of Star Frontiers. I am not personally fond of the Zeb Guild Aliens, so that is something that is dead last on my to do list. |
![]() March 22, 2008 - 11:49pm | Nice to meet you as well aramis.Do you post over at eden as well? No, I don't. I just recently rediscovered BTVS... grabbed it all as PDF, due to liking what I saw in AoD... Currently running BTVS. |
![]() July 6, 2008 - 6:01am | Hello everyone, small update. I have expanded some of the Archetype Templates with the comments made here and other boards and I am playtesting with a group of players here. I have also, through my playtest group found a great miniature painter. I wanted to share my minis that I have gotten painted. http://www.flickr.com/photos/28285378@N05/show/ There will be more to come within the next month or so. |