![]() January 14, 2008 - 1:05pm | Hey folks! Long time lurker, former member of SFDT (my old account info was FUBAR, so I have reincarnated as the Ancient Clikk)... I'm just...ASTONISHED...at all the amazing goodness in this place. It is almost overwhelming. The magazine is phenomenal, and everyone is so into this old game. Love it! Anyhoo...I'll throw this topic out for discussion...anyone know what the heck a Gorlian is? Anyone have a write-up? If not, let's get to work... Perhaps it's a sub-race of Yazirian? Or its a well-know clan/family/gang? Perhaps its like many of the flotsam races of the Frontier - a refugee from the Sathar or an ancient traveller with a bad attitude? Discuss! |
![]() January 14, 2008 - 2:49pm | Gorlian.... ![]() Nothing rings a bell. You suggesting a new race? I like the "ancient traveller with a bad attitude", or at least an attitude. Maybe it thinks it's /above/ the races of the Frontier...and a big bad Yaz puts him in his place. Gorlian travels back to his Home system and wala! A new enemy for the Frontier. ![]() |
![]() January 14, 2008 - 3:15pm | It appears to be a race someone made from GURPS rules. Do a search and the clues will come from http://www.black-tower-of-time.de/gorli/GURPS-WebWorld-statistics.html this is the only spot that I have found for a description. As far as an SF race, nope not one of them. Somebody dreamed it up for their game I suppose. |
![]() January 14, 2008 - 4:17pm | I think he wants to create a new race. Unless I'm wrong and just got the w00t knocked out of me! ![]() |
![]() January 14, 2008 - 4:37pm | Or he is confused on what it is he was saying just like the rest of us get. ![]() No harm ment.. ![]() |
![]() January 14, 2008 - 6:07pm | A new alien? Are these Gorlians like intelligent apes? I'd introduce an alien race into SF, but the galaxy is not ready for another militant invasion force. In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same. |
January 14, 2008 - 6:40pm | There is a reference to Gorlians in the original SF rules as an example; I forgot the exact rule. I remember a Gorlian punches a poor Vrusk. Other than that, they're not fleshed out, but apparently they have very short tempers. I once did a write-up of them; I imagined them as being a gorilla-type species. I'll see if I can dig it out and post. |
![]() January 14, 2008 - 8:29pm | Yeah. I believe that the Gorlian reference appears in the little comic at the start of the AD Basic booklet. Time flies when your having rum. Im a government employee, I dont goof-off. I constructively abuse my time. |
January 15, 2008 - 10:11am | I found this on my hard drive when I searched for Gorlian. I think it's from the html version of the Expanded book: EXAMPLE: Dreevale the Vrusk has just insulted a Gorlian thug by accidentally spilling a drink on him. The Gorlian is very mad. Dreevale decides to try talking his way out of the situation. "Oops, pardon me, my good fellow, how absolutely clumsy of me," the player says. "Here, let me buy you a drink and let's forget about it. Dreevale s Personality score is 40. The referee notes that the Gorlian is mad and wet and itching tor a fight. He tells Dreevale to subtract 20 from his score. Dreevale rolls 91, which is greater than his modified score of 20. The Gorlian punches Dreevale. 3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our
vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time. |
![]() January 15, 2008 - 11:20am | Perhaps as AncientClikk suggested they are a high-gee (gravity) variant of the Yazirians, perhaps from \\Scree Fron\Histran's pre-FTL colonization efforts? The obvious change in terms of their Abilities, in this case, would be to subtract only 5 points from STR/STA and add it to INT/LOG same as always. Adapting to a heavier gravity would make the Gorlians somewhat clumsy compared to their Yazirian cousins and would cause the build up of their musculature. Also, these Gorlians would no longer have their glide membranes, atrophied from lack of use, except perhaps the occasional vestigial membrane running down the Gorlian's ribcage from his or her arms. Battle Rage seems likely (from the example text above) to have remained intact, and Gorlian eyes might have adapted to a brighter source, unless we assume they are from \\Athor\Yast (the closest known/settled/explored high-gee world that the Yazirians might have tried colonizing at STL speeds; an Orange star only marginally brighter than \\Scree Fron's Orange-Red one). Perhaps we could replace the Gliding Special Ability with Perfect Balance (Gorlians get a straight DEX roll to keep their footing where another character would slip and fall) from their maintaining the Yazirian arboreal lifestyle in the higher gravity. Just some quick thoughts while I'm on my lunch. What do you all think? Star Lawman, over and out. "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -- George Bernard Shaw |
![]() January 15, 2008 - 4:56pm | Or maybe it's the type of ship that has a flux capacitor. Wait maybe that's a Delorian. ![]() |
January 15, 2008 - 5:14pm | That passage is odd, but it does not mean there is a whole other Race out there. I would go with one of the previous interpretations that he is a tough Yazirian from a Warrior Clan. Gorlian would seem to relate to a Clan or national identity as opposed to a whole new Race. Yet another example of the SF guys dangling some upsupported thing out there and suddenly we have a whole new Race! From an italicized box rules-example, no less! |
January 15, 2008 - 5:20pm | And welcome aboard, Ancient Clikk. |
![]() January 15, 2008 - 9:28pm | Well remember that David Cook said that there were going to be 13 starfaring races (or was it 17?). The Gorlians could easily and likely (in my mind) have been one of those races. |
![]() January 16, 2008 - 5:41am | I always liked the idea of turning them into a mafia type organization. Time flies when your having rum. Im a government employee, I dont goof-off. I constructively abuse my time. |
January 18, 2008 - 10:40am | I love the idea of the Gorlians being a heavy-gravity variant of Yazirians. That's great! It fits in perfectly with my vision of them; I had imagined them to be physically strong simians, like gorillas. But I had nevered developed their origins. Plus, it fits to have them be from a Warrior clan, and to have Battle Rage. I also like Star Lawman's idea of them having Perfect Balance as a special ability. So, tell you what, this weekend I will dig out my write up of them and rework it, adding in some of these ideas. I know where it is now, I just haven't had time this week to post it. |
January 18, 2008 - 10:54am | And yes, CleanCutRogue did find the passage from AD that I was thinking of, where the wet, angry Gorlian slugs a clumsy Vrusk! |
![]() January 18, 2008 - 12:01pm | Heavy-grav Yazirian? Hmmm...not bad... |
January 21, 2008 - 6:39pm | Here is my original write-up of the Gorlians from years ago. As much as I like the idea of them being a sub-species of Yazirians, I originally envisioned them as one of the 13 (or 17?) races in Frontier space. So I also agree they could be their own species. So, hey, who says we can't have both interpretations? So here is the separate species version, and I'm going to see what I can come up with the simian version. Actually, I forgot that I imagined them as more of a "bull" species, sort of like AD&D Minotaurs. So here is that version. This is very simplistic--my first attempt to create a SF species, so please forgive errors and otherwise novice writing! The Gorlians--an NPC race for the Star Frontiers game
![]() January 22, 2008 - 9:53am | Absolutely love it! All is needed is a picture or two. :-D Gorlians remotely remind me of Sapes found in SF5 "Bugs in the System". Please consider submitting this in the next issue of Refer to: Star Frontiersman |
January 24, 2008 - 7:06am | Thanks! Glad you like it. I will submit it. |
![]() January 24, 2008 - 11:10am | So, hey, who says we can't have both interpretations? Not me, the more ideas we toss around the greater the chance we'll end up with something we like! Thanks for your comments on my quickie thought-experiment, btw. Glad you like it and that it sparked some ideas. So here is the separate species version, and I'm going to see what I can come up with the simian version. Actually, I forgot that I imagined them as more of a "bull" species, sort of like AD&D Minotaurs. So here is that version. I enjoyed your write-up as well, the Society and Customs section really sets your Gorlians apart from the crowd, plus they feel right for the STAR FRONTIERS game I remember playing as a kid and could definitely find a place in the Frontier (I'm envisioning entire mercenary companies of Gorlians... ![]() Star Lawman, over and out. "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." -- George Bernard Shaw |
January 26, 2008 - 1:47pm | And I can see those companies whipped up into a killing frenzy! Thanks-- |
![]() January 26, 2008 - 2:14pm | Sounds like a fun race to play--Cross between a Gorn form Star Trek and Minoatur from D&D. Suggest keeping this brute out of the hands of player that only play fighter types. Sergeant |
February 13, 2008 - 2:40pm | Update: I have submitted the Gorlians to Bill Logan (who is back--yeah!) and he is going to see about getting some artwork done. They may be in the next issue. Sorry I haven't followed up on the "Yazirian-Gorlians"; just haven't had time. |
![]() February 14, 2008 - 7:50pm | Very cool!!! I really like that write up. +20 is an extreme powerhouse.Not sure I would let a pc have more than a +15 bonus though.I think another Idea you could add,would be their movement on normal g planets slightly faster than others due to their upbringing on High g planets(increased muscle mass) hence the strength bonus.Very awesome stuff though.I sure hope some art gets pinned to that write up so I can print it off like an official Race. ![]() |
February 29, 2008 - 2:44pm | Thanks for the advice--definitely not a species that should be in the hands of PCs. I hope they will be in the next issue of SF. |
![]() February 29, 2008 - 2:55pm | I assume so, since I was requested to do the image. |
![]() March 1, 2008 - 11:28am | I assume so, since I was requested to do the image. Thats totally awesome news guys.I'm really looking forward to this one.I love new races/species. |
![]() March 1, 2008 - 8:16pm | Incredible Strength. All Gorlians are capable of incredible acts of strength. All Gorlians get a +20 bonus to their Strength/Stamina scores. When making Strength or Stamina checks, Gorlains get a +20 bonus modifier. Am I understanding that not only do they have a +20 modifier to their actual STR/STA scores but they also have an additional +20 modifier to any STR/STA checks? That really is a humungus defacto bonus, equivalent to something like +40 to STR/STA depending on the type of ability check... such as Melee attacks which would give 1/2 of this enhanced STR bonus plus an additional +20% chance to hit?!? Maybe I just misread, and the intent is (only) to have +20 to the stats and thus to the subsequent effects of STR/STA being enhanced. This would still be strong, but much more balanced. Possibly if you want to demonstrate the effects of a high gravity or high density world, you could give them some sort of damage reduction due to their density (like a permanent Skeinsuit effect).<insert witty comment here> |
March 2, 2008 - 4:54pm | I agree with you, Smoot. If that was what is intended, then it's too much. I playtested this race with my family in two sessions, and am publishing a refined version of it in Issue 8 (nearly complete). I do allow the +20 STR/STA, and also the -20 to INT/LOG, but I include a sidebar that suggests it should only be -10 to INT/LOG and -10 to DEX/RS (large bulky bodies). The +20 to STR/STA was a pretty defining characteristic of the species, but most defining was how terminally stupid they are with typical Intuition and Logic score of only 25. My family didn't believe they'd ever be able to learn new technology or understand other cultures sufficiently to ever coexist with other races in the Frontier. I interpreted the special ability listing as simply stating that the +20 STR/STA is sufficiently powerful as to be considered nearly a "special ability" -- not that the race gets an ADDITIONAL +20 to rolls involving those stats. The resulting +40 that would come from it would be far too powerful. I also translated the tracking ability into a percentage that can be increased with experience points, like all other racial abilities. I made the base percentage equal to a first level Environmentalist's Tracking subskill (40%). 3. We wear sungoggles during the day. Not because the sun affects our
vision, but when you're cool like us the sun shines all the time. |