![]() January 12, 2008 - 11:01am | The adventure generator documents require that you be familiar with the coding used in order to edit. If you are not familiar with the coding and don't wish to deal with the coding, you may just provide your suggestions in the forum, and I will be glad to add them to the adventure generator documents myself (Please do not add another person's suggestions to the documents, as multiple people adding other people's suggestions will result in unbalancing the entries). I reserve the right to edit an entry to correct errors and to make it more compatible with the flow of the document. No one else may edit another person's entry without permission for anything more than spelling errors. Please abide by this organization. Below is the coding. Each list must start with the "List:NAME" bracket and end with the "List:End" bracket. DO NOT change the "List:START" bracket or its "List:END" bracket, but you may add story elements between those two brackets. The last list on the page (in this case, the START list) is the list that creates the generator. Do not add lists after the START list. When adding entries, there must not be an empty line between entries in a list, otherwise it will get generated as a blank entry. All lists prior to the last list may reference any list by using the name after the "List:" designation, so that "List:BADGUY" may be referenced as <BADGUY>. That means when the line appears in the generator, "<BADGUY>" will generate an answer based from the BADGUY list. Using an "=" after the reference will give that particular generated result a name, so that <BADGUY=Dumkaupf> will name the result as "Dumkaupf" so that you can put <Dumkaupf> and it will repeat the result from the named generator bracket. This means that if the <BADGUY=Dumkaupf> produces the result "outlaw band", then every time <Dumkaupf> appears, it will also show it as "outlaw band". Otherwise, each time you use <BADGUY>, it will generate a different result. For instance, if you have <BADGUY> at one point in the summary, it may generate the words "outlaw band", but if you use <BADGUY> a second time in the summary, it may generate different words like "unscrupulous smuggler". Study the following list to see an example of how the summary below is generated. <List:STRONGHOLD> <ENEMY> stronghold <ENEMY> base <ENEMY> battle cruiser <ENEMY> war frigate <ENEMY> <List:End> <List:LOCATION> a local city a distant city a local village a distant village a local desert a distant desert an ancient temple an ancient burial grounds a corporate building a government building a local forest a distant forest an ocean a frozen wasteland a moon a local space station a remote space station <WORLD> <List:End> <List:WORLD> Alcazzar Deep Space A Space Station over <WORLD> Hakosoar Histran Ringar Circe Kir'-Kut Starmist Minotaur Lossend Kraatar New Pale Pale Mahg Mar Golloywog Anker Volturnus Hentz Yast Rupert's Hole Triad Cass Laco Inner Reach Outer Reach Groth Terledrom Hargut Ken'zah-Kit Zik-Kit Kawdl-Kit Snowball Moonworld Kdikit Mechano Corpco Exodus Genesis Gran Quivera Morgaine's World Faire Homeworld Ifshna Pi'Ka'Nair T'zaan Forge Hum Larg Stenmar Point Go Osaka Wonma Onmar Ringold Ares Enlil Shang-Ti Asperon Anvil Ontair <List:End> <List:TRAVEL> an emergency transmission from a nearby space station a previously unknown spacial anomaly a distress call from a ship with failing life support an error that puts them far from their intended destination a stranded starship a blockade of the area a ship broadcasting diplomatic identification codes trouble with their sensor array a distress call from a ship under attack a ship broadcasting diplomatic identification codes a warship preparing to attack them a delegation of Rim bosses a ship broadcasting false identification codes a merchant fleet <List:End> <List:PROBLEM> pirates are striking at vital supply freighters in the local space lanes unscrupulous merchants have raised the prices on vital medical supplies several people have been mysteriously murdered over the past month radical religious factions are fighting a holy war with no concern for civilian casualties bounty hunters have been asking questions about the heroes an orbital station has become unstable, and is in danger of falling on a populated area on the world below a <BADGUY> has turned the capitol into a cesspool of crime and corruption the ships of an alien invasion force have been sighted heading this way a great hero has mysteriously vanished a Rim boss's henchmen have been making regular visits to the offices of the local drug manufacturers a coalition of smugglers is organizing to seize control of a peaceful agrarian world a mysterious plague has arisen among the local non-human population an ancient temple has been plundered by thieves a particularly dangerous predator has gotten loose from a private zoo and is preying on the locals a <BADGUY> has slain the local ruler and set himself up as monarch ambitious corporations are engaged in a power struggle over the local worlds several young heroes have been abducted by persons unknown powerful, exotic weapons have been showing up on the local black market a local warlord is raiding isolated settlements in the area for supplies a <BADGUY> has raised an army to overthrow the local government a stellar anomaly threatens to destroy all life in the system <List:End> <List:DANGER> a plague breaks out, and it is only a matter of time before everyone—including the heroes—succumbs they discover that an alien warlord is using one of the planet's satellites as a staging area for a violent invasion a <BADGUY> begins stalking the land, intent on eradicating all "sinners" in a bloody slaughter a horde of dangerous, tiny beasts arrives, devouring everything in their path they learn of a long-hidden superweapon about to wipe out the entire planet opposed religious factions begin to clash in the very same place the heroes are operating geological conditions create wracking tremors throughout the planet a <ENEMY> invasion fleet appears, headed toward the system a <BADGUY> makes his bid to take over the world by violence radical "humans-only" terrorists begin attacking non-human neighborhoods a diabolical computer virus planted by a terrorist hacker threatens to shut down the world's power grid they are ordered to let Republic military personnel deal with the situation <List:End> <List:RACE> Human Human Human Dralasite Dralasite Dralasite Humma S'sessu Osakar Yazirian Yazirian Yazirian Ifshnit Vrusk Vrusk Vrusk Mechanon Zethra Saurian Eorna alien <List:End> <List:RACE or ADDON> <RACE> <ADDON> <List:End> <List:RACE or WORLD or ADDON> <RACE> <WORLD> <ADDON> <List:End> <List:EVIL or ENEMY> <ENEMY> <EVIL> <List:End> <List:ENEMY> Sathar Zuraqqor Sathar Mechanon Sathar alien Sathar <List:End> <List:ADDON> retired local diplomatic helpful benevolent shrewd dying <List:End> <List:EVIL> unscrupulous powerful corrupt unsavory disgruntled malcontented oppressive tyrannical manipulative enemy blood-mad ruthless evil deadly out-of-control homocidal greedy local <List:End> <List:GOODGUY> <RACE or ADDON> smuggler <RACE or ADDON> brawler <RACE or ADDON> bodyguard <RACE or ADDON> investigator <RACE or ADDON> pilot <RACE or ADDON> navigator <RACE or ADDON> mediator <RACE or ADDON> priest <RACE or ADDON> military officer <RACE or ADDON> guide <RACE or ADDON> scoundrel <RACE or ADDON> entertainer young academy cadet <RACE or ADDON> administrator <RACE or ADDON> smuggler <RACE or ADDON> ambassador <RACE or ADDON> scholar <RACE or ADDON> outlaw <RACE or ADDON> explorer <RACE or ADDON> mercenary <RACE or ADDON> merchant old ship's mechanic <RACE or ADDON> racer <RACE or ADDON> militia officer <RACE or ADDON> slicer <RACE or ADDON> gambler <RACE or ADDON> scout <RACE or ADDON> courier <RACE or WORLD or ADDON> princess <RACE or ADDON> ruler <List:End> <List:BADGUY> unscrupulous smuggler outlaw band team of cruel mercenaries ambitious military leader <EVIL or ENEMY> assassin <EVIL> warlord <ENEMY> invasion force pirate lord <EVIL> noble group of renegade fighter pilots team of cruel mercenaries greedy merchant rogue robot enemy group of <ENEMY> agents Rim boss <EVIL> scientist band of bounty hunters <EVIL> senator <EVIL> military commander <EVIL> outlaw alien invader <EVIL> soldier <List:End> <List:RESOLUTION> enlist the help of a <BADGUY> to help them <RESOLUTION> battle a <BADGUY> neutralize a spatial anomaly stop an army of war droids convince a <BADGUY> to negotiate with his enemy battle a <BADGUY> disable or destroy an enemy <STRONGHOLD> battle an army of mind-controlled civilians save the life of a dying hero destroy a trove of ancient powerful artifacts capture or neutralize the leaders of a <ENEMY> occupation force locate and activate a legendary lost war fleet pilot a starship through an asteroid field rescue a <RACE> princess from pirates settle a decades-old feud raise enough money to pay the ransom for a world monarch lead a revolt against <EVIL> rulers capture a <BADGUY> undertake a mission behind enemy lines expose the connection between the villains and a corrupt senator descend into an ancient tomb and retrieve a long-lost relic win a contest of wits and reflexes rescue a group of Mechanons from anti-robot terrorists capture or neutralize the leaders of an enemy occupation force locate and activate a long-forgotten superweapon undergo a series of tests of their bravery and character defeat a <BADGUY> battle a <BADGUY> reprogram a <EVIL> robot save the life of a <BADGUY> bargain with a shrewd <BADGUY> convince warring factions to lay down their weapons rescue a <GOODGUY> from the clutches of a <BADGUY> save the life of a <GOODGUY> <List:End> <List:START> While travelling to <WORLD>, the heroes encounter <TRAVEL>. During the investigation <DANGER>. The problem is <PROBLEM>. Conferring with a <GOODGUY>, the heroes learn that responsibility may lie with a <BADGUY>. The heroes must travel to <LOCATION> to face the danger. The situation is complicated when <DANGER>. To resolve the problem, the heroes must <RESOLUTION>. At <WORLD>, things are not as they seem. The characters are hired by a <GOODGUY> to travel to <LOCATION> in order to <RESOLUTION>... but on the way they realize it's all a trap. The <GOODGUY> that went along with them is a spy working for the <BADGUY> and under orders to keep the heroes from learning the truth! When the players discover that <PROBLEM>, they'll have to face the <ENEMY> to <RESOLUTION> in order to get the help they need. The players are hired by <GOODGUY=Employer> to travel to <LOCATION>. A <GOODGUY=Spy> is sent to accompany them. On their way, they encounter <TRAVEL>. They must face <BADGUY> to <RESOLUTION>. The <Employer> turns out to double-cross the players, ordering his <Spy> to attack them on the way back so he won't have to pay. <List:End> |