Generate A System

Sol-likesol-like star. {BR} Sensor show potential habitable planet(s) {BR}
binary star system. {BR} One sol-like star and a companion dwarf star. Sensor show NO habitable planet(s)
binary star system. {BR} Two sol-like stars. Sensor show potential habitable planet(s)
binary star system. {BR} Two dwarf stars. Sensor show NO habitable planet(s)
binary star system. {BR} One giant star and a companion sol-like star. Sensor show potential habitable planet(s)
binary star system. {BR} A giant star and a companion dwarf. Sensor show potential habitable planet(s)
giant star. {BR} Sensor show NO habitable planet(s)
dwarf. {BR} Sensor show NO habitable planet(s)

Dixon's Star
Gruna Goru
Madderly's Star
Scree Fron
Truane's Star
White Light

Some unknown creature, able to life in deep-space {OBJECT} without the need for life-support is found.
No special feature.
An alien device which appears to be a {DEVICE} floats in space {OBJECT}.
The system has been drastically altered or manufactured by unknown beings. {ARTIFICIAL} looms in the forward viewscreen.
Sensors pick up a mirror system. This system has everything that {FRONTIER} has...but without sentient beings.
A flock of space geese trveling in-system.
A space mirage which looks like a {DEVICE}.

orbiting a moon
orbiting a planet
living on a moon
following a comet
orbiting a very large asteroid
in the orbital path of an asteroid field
orbiting the home star


An artificial planet
An artificial planet and artificial moons
An artificial planet
An artificial asteroid belt comprised of unknow origin
A ringworld
A Dyson sphere around the home star
A Dyson ring around a planet

asteroid belt
ice ball

short-period comets
long-peroid comets

asteroid belt
gas belt

{BR}terrestrial planet
{BR}ice dwarf
{BR}ice ball
{BR}heap of rock
{BR}ocean planet
{BR}brown dwarf
{BR}carbonaceous gas planet
{BR}failed rock core
{BR}green house planet

.1 AU
.2 AU
.3 AU
.4 AU
.5 AU
.6 AU
.7 AU
.8 AU
.9 AU
1 AU
1.1 AU
1.2 AU
1.3 AU
1.4 AU
1.5 AU
1.6 AU
1.7 AU
1.8 AU
1.9 AU
2 AU
2.1 AU
2.2 AU
2.3 AU
2.4 AU
2.5 AU
2.6 AU
2.7 AU
2.8 AU
2.9 AU
3 AU
3.1 AU
3.2 AU
3.3 AU
3.4 AU
3.5 AU
3.6 AU
3.7 AU
3.8 AU
3.9 AU
4 AU
4.1 AU
4.2 AU
4.3 AU
4.4 AU
4.5 AU
4.6 AU
4.7 AU
4.8 AU
4.9 AU
5 AU
10 AU
20 AU


As you come out of the Void you see a {SYSTEM}. {BR}{BR}{BR} As sensors sweep the system several celestial objects appear on the scanners. {BR} About {Roll:11d10} {COMETS} appear on the SystemScope along with a single {BELT}. {BR}{BR} There are {Roll:1d10=planet} planets in this system. {PLANETS#planet}. Distances as follows: {DISTANCE#planet}'s. {BR} {BR} SPECIAL FEATURE = {FEATURE} {BR} {BR}

Random Roll Result:

As you come out of the Void you see a binary star system.
Two sol-like stars. Sensor show potential habitable planet(s).

As sensors sweep the system several celestial objects appear on the scanners.
About 53 long-peroid comets appear on the SystemScope along with a single asteroid belt.

There are 9 planets in this system.
failed rock core,
ocean planet,
carbonaceous gas planet,
ice dwarf ,
green house planet,
green house planet,
ice dwarf ,
ocean planet and
heap of rock. Distances as follows: 1.4 AU, 1 AU, 3.9 AU, 1.3 AU, 1.3 AU, 1.5 AU, .6 AU, .2 AU and 4.9 AU's.

SPECIAL FEATURE = The system has been drastically altered or manufactured by unknown beings. An artificial planet and artificial moons looms in the forward viewscreen.