UPF Commands

UPF Ranks – Officer:


RANK                                                 SHIP COMMAND


Jr. Lieutenant

Lieutenant                                                    Fighter

Fleet Lieutenant                                      Assault Scout

Lieutenant Commander                  Assault Scout *

Commander                                                               Frigate

Space Commander                              Destroyer

Captain                                                           Light Cruiser

Commodore                                                               Heavy Cruiser/Assault Carrier/Transport

Rear Admiral                                              Battleship

Vice Admiral                                                Task Force

Admiral                                                            Task Force

Star Admiral                                                                Supreme Military Council  **

Fleet Admiral                                              Supreme Military Council


* Normally Lt. Commanders serve as first officers for Frigates and Destroyers but sometimes command Assault Scouts

** Star Admirals will sometimes command groups of Task Forces




Crewman 1st Class

Lance Corporal



Staff Sergeant

Space Sergeant

Master Sergeant

Star Sergeant


The UPF used to have Specialists and Warrant Officers, but they were viewed as confusing when working with the other militaries of the Frontier.  The new, simplified Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Federation Ranks are much more efficient.  Their roles and responsibilities are not solely determined by their rank, but rather by their Command.







Recruiting Command is tasked with the maintenance of personnel levels within the UPF.  They are the lifeblood of the UPF.  They are the first line of defense against infiltration, incompetence and insanity among recruits.  They also, on a positive note, are the first to seek  the truly outstanding candidates that the UPF attracts.  Recruiting Command does its best to identify these individuals, and advise their superiors of their talent.  Recruiting Command also has a robust Marketing Department, which seeks to portray the life of cameraderie and adventure that a UPF career can bring.  Seeing that the compensation and prestige is high, Recruiting Command has an important but relatively easy time.  Recruiting Command is headed by a Rear Admiral with two Commodores assisting. 



Security Command has a myriad of responsibilities, primarily focused on the defense of UPF information, personnel, installation, and equipment assets.  As such, they work closely with all Commands to ensure thorough investigation and fast response times should an issue arise.  Security Command personnel are everything from plain-clothes undercover Agent, to code-breaker / hacker, to uniformed, armored infantry to help other Commands secure their assets.  Security command personnel are among the most vetted of any personnel of the UPF.  They are commanded by an Admiral, with a staff of 5 Commodores, and 3 lower Admirals.  When the Admiral of Security Command gets involved with something personally other than routine management, it is a very serious issue for the UPF.



Robot Command deals primarily with the development, deployment, repair and recovery of the UPF’s thousands of Robots.  They will, if necessary, also assist Computer Command in their duties.  Robot Command personnel are frequently former or future Computer Command personnel, so the two Commands are closely linked through personal connections.  They are led by a Rear Admiral with 2 Commodores assisting.



Training Command deals with all internal educational situations for the UPF.  As a result, they one of the few Commands that works with every single other Command.  Hundreds of hours of holo-lectures are recorded every year by Training Command on topics as wide ranging as Botany, Theoretical Physics, and Explosive Ordnance Disposal.  Training Command staff are all experienced instructors in their fields, and get an additional bonus to their pay to attract the highest quality management and staff.  Training Command also has the most civilians in their ranks – many members of Training Command are instructors on rotation from civilian universities, adjuncting or on permanent UPF faculties.  UPF schools have become among the most respected and admired educational institutions in the Known Galaxy.  1 Rear Admiral is assisted by 4 Commodores in Training Command.



This Command is the smallest in the UPF.  It specializes in exploring sensitive areas of the Galaxy.  While the megacorps dominate the exploration initiatives around the Frontier, these are primarily economically motivated.  The UPF maintains this Command to investigate planets which may have contact with the Sathar.  Exploration Command also contains a Search and Rescue component.  Exploration Command is led by 1 Commodore.



Medical Command deals with the physical and mental well-being of all UPF personnel.  Their doctors, specialists, technicians and facilities are widely regarded as the finest in the Galaxy.  An Admiral heads Medical Command, assisted by a staff of two lower Admirals and six Commodores.



Computer Command deals with all of the myriad computer systems used by the UPF.  They develop, upgrade, maintain and repair all computer-related equipment.  There are close ties between Computer and Robot Command, as many personnel transfer from one to the other.  They are led by a Rear Admiral with 2 Commodores assisting.



This Command operates all Federation fixed facilities, including the Armed Stations, Fortified Stations, and Fortresses.  They work closely with Construction Command in the proper planning of these bases.  They are familiar with all of the energy management and life support systems used by the UPF.  They are also well versed in security procedures.  Most are combat-ready.  This vital command is led by an Admiral with 3 lower Admirals and 6 Commodores.



This large Command is responsible for all record keeping within the UPF.  They  serve the Admiralty in a most critical function: the presentation of the yearly United Planetary Federation budget to the Planetary Senate.  Admin Command staff assists the Supreme Commander and the Supreme Military Council Admirals for days to prepare for testimony before the Senate.  Admin Command also keeps track of the monumental amount of data that is collected on the hundreds of thousands of UPF personnel serving all over the Known Galaxy.  This command is led by a Vice Admiral and a Rear Admiral with 5 Commodores on staff.



This Command deals with the various comfort and efficiency needs of the UPF.  They have a wide variety of skills and are used to bolster the technical and labor needs of other Commands.  Maintenance Command techs are regularly called up when other tech personnel are wounded, killed, or leave the service.  They provide additional depth and technical support for key operations.  They are led by 6 Commodores.



This Command serves several different functions.  First of all, it is responsible for the relay of data (messages) between various UPF entities all over the Known Galaxy.  When not busy with this vital role, they also assist Intelligence Command in the interception and decryption of all suspicious or hostile messages.  Their techs rove around the galaxy operating and repairing highly sophisticated communications technology.  They are led by a Vice Admiral and 2 Rear Admirals, and 6 Commodores.




This Command is concerned with the replenishment of UPF personnel in regards to all consumables.  Energy, food, ammunition, fuel, equipment – whatever supplies are required for a Federation mission – it is all provided for, as best as possible.  The complex task of moving these mission-vital materials is a full-time job for Logistics Command.  Personnel from this Command, similar to Training Command, have the privilege of working for every other Command in the UPF.  It is led by an Admiral, with 5 lower Admirals and 10 Commodores.



This small Command performs the science functions of the UPF.  Since the most advanced research takes place at public Federation Universities - such as the elite Institute of Port Loren -  Research Command projects focus on secret technologies.  They are constantly working on improving the offensive and defensive systems of the UPF.  They will work with the various Commands when doing combat trials of new equipment.  Their command structure is classified, but is speculated to be a Command with few Admirals, if any.



These personnel are responsible for all craft smaller than Hull Size 1, or use chemical drives, or never leave a system.  All non-combat aircar, jetcopter and intraplantary units fall under Utility Craft Command.  They also pilot the Assault Shuttles launched from the UPF’s Assault Transports, to put troops on the ground of planets anywhere in the Known Galaxy - by the thousands, if need be.  They are led by 12 Commodores.



These are the ground combat specialists of the UPF.  These elite warriors are the finest soldiers in the Galaxy.  The vast majority are already experienced soldiers on their home planets when they join, though not all have combat experience.


Thousands of credits go to paying, equipping, training, motivating, and sustaining each one of these troops.  The Planetary Defense Forces are the fastest growing part of the UPF, as the UPF wants to be prepared to invade Sathar homeworlds with ground troops, should that be viewed as necessary.  Planetary Defense Force Command units will also support local planetary militaries under attack by the Sathar, and are normally used as shock troops when working in coordination with local defenders.  All combat vehicles, such as the myriad combat variants of the Explorer, are held in this Command.  All combat aircar, jetcopter and intraplantary units fall under Planetary Forces Command.


At this time, this is the easiest way to join the UPF.  It is also the easiest way to get killed in the UPF, as mass ground battles with the Sathar, when  they do occur,  inflict massive casualties on this Command.   The Sathar have demonstrated a preference for tactical nuclear weapons in ground combat situations, especially if an engagement is going against them.  An Admiral with a staff of four lower Admirals and ten Commodores command the various units of the Planetary Forces Command. 


The Command, is separated into Army Groups containing at least 3 Armies, Armies containing at least three Corps, and Corps containing at least 3 divisions.  Each division has about 12,000 troops.  Mechanized Infantry and Armor are the two main combat arms, backed by an impressive array of artillery, missiles, and atmospheric/orbital combat craft.  It is expected that the number of Admirals and Commodores will increase as this Command expands.


Lack of interstellar transport is a major problem for projection of this force, as the UPF does not have the transport capacity for anything more than a Corps.  As a result, the Planetary Forces are reliant on the expansion of the SpaceFleet for more (and bigger) Assault Transport ships.  This Command has lobbied for expansion under fierce resistance from the Planetary Senate and the certain members of the Admiralty. 


The other problem for this Command is political.  Some believe that the Sathar worlds should be nuked from orbit and utterly obliterated, without regards to other life on the Sathar homeworlds or a desire to attain any Sathar technology.  Some even question the existence of this Command at all, as it is viewed as a tool of possible direct intervention into the affairs of a Member Planet of the UPF and unnecessary in the war against the Sathar.  As a result, the pace of growth in this Command is slowing, but most Frontier citizens support its growth, if only to support them if invaded by the Sathar.



While Installation Command is responsible for operating fixed UPF facilities, Construction Command is tasked with building them.  Often from very primitive environments and conditions, and sometimes under fire, Construction Command works to create bases for UPF operations.  Some are permanent, such as the Space Station program, and some bases are temporary.  Construction Command works closely with other Commands such as Installation, Computer and Robot to make sure that all of the required structures are provided.  Construction Command is led by a Rear Admiral and four Commodores.



Legal Command deals with any required challenges to UPF activities by the Federation civilian authorities or member planets.  They ensure that UPF personnel obey all laws, but also ensures due process of justice should an accusation come to light.  UPF personnel accused of wrongdoing can expect a vigorous defense provided for them by Legal Command.  A court of justice, with a reputation for being rather strict with its punishment exists to pursue members of the UPF who violate local or interstellar law. 


Legal Command also maintains a robust Public Relations operation.  This Command also deals with the mountains of paperwork associated with the UPF’s dealings with the Planetary Senate, and the wills and other legal documents of UPF personnel.  Legal Command is led by a Vice Admiral, with two Rear Admirals assisting.  6 Commodores also serve in Legal Command.





This secretive Command serves many functions, some of which are unknown to any except the Supreme Command, and certain Planetary Senators.  Intelligence Command focuses on the gathering of enemy intelligence, but will also assist other Commands (such as Security) in defensive measures to protect Federation communications.  They also maintain a small, but highly elite team designed to investigate, detect, and capture/kill Sathar Agents within the UPF.  Intelligence projects and missions are clouded in secrecy.  Its Command structure is unknown, but is believed to have at least 1 full Admiral and a large number of senior officers.



SpaceFleet Command is the most important and prestigious of all.  UPF careers are made and unmade in the SpaceFleet.  For every single slot for ship crews, there are thousands of applicants from around the Galaxy.  Each ship actually has three crews – 1 active duty and 2 reserve.  The active duty crew mans the ship for 60% of the year, and the reserve crews operate the ship for 20% of the time each.  This gives vital rest to the active duty crew and maintains readiness for the other crews, should the SpaceFleet expand, or if the active duty crew is killed in battle.  These reserve crews are normally the stepping-stones to entering the Fleet under active duty. 


The SpaceFleet is the only Command where it is not necessary to rotate; (see below) thus an officer can rise completely through the ranks without ever leaving.  In fact, SpaceFleet officers are promoted more rapidly than officers from any other command.


SpaceFleet personnel are frequently treated as “rock stars” wherever they go.  Frontier citizens understand that these brave beings put their lives on the line every day, and are suitably appreciative.   All other Commands both admire and are jealous of the quality organization that is the SpaceFleet.  Most of the Admirals on the Joint Services Group and the Supreme Military Council are from the SpaceFleet.  While this practice has come under criticism by some in the Federation Planetary Senate, it is widely regarded as maintaining the focus on the most important role of the UPF – protecting the Known Galaxy from the Sathar.


Recruiting Command personnel keep a running total of the number of applicants received for each position on a UPF ship, (without giving away any vital intelligence, of course.)  These applications run into the thousands.  While some of the Admiralty think that this is a tacky marketing method, none doubt its effectiveness. 



New UPF officers go through extensive training, depending on their Command that they select, subject to the requirements of the UPF.  Nearly 100% of all officers get at one of their three Command options that they select upon graduation from the Gollwin Academy or other Federation sanctioned academic institution.   Special Battlefield Commissions can also be granted, but are usually temporary.


Each officer tours a Command for 3-5 years, depending on the needs of the UPF at that time.  Sometimes a tour will go beyond 5 years, but this is rare.  During wartime, tours are frequently shorter than 3 years.  In any case, after the tour is over, the officer must switch Commands, sometimes with a delay waiting for a spot to open.  Usually the officer can pick his preferred new Command, which is called an Option Transfer. 


Some (the JSG tries to keep it to 10-20% or less) other transfers are Required Transfers, where the officer has no choice as to the new Command.  Required Transfers can happen at any time, even if the officer in question has just started at an Option Command.  Usually this is done to make good a personnel shortage in one Command or another.  New arrivals receive specialized training and are quickly mentored by other senior officers in that Command to fulfill their duties in their new roles as soon as possible.  The only exception to this rule is in SpaceFleet Command.  It is possible for a UPF officer to spend his entire career in the SpaceFleet.


In any other Command aside from SpaceFleet, the highest rank one can realistically attain is Commodore.  There are some officers in the non-Spacefleet Commands that use all of their Optional Transfers rotations in the same Command.  After a period of time, usually twenty years, the officer (usually a full Commander at this point, or higher) will not be transferred.  He is tracked at the Command to become one of its Commodores, and possibly one of the Admirals of that command, if there is one.  No further Command transfers are permitted – including to the SpaceFleet.  The chance of reaching the Supreme Military Council or the Joint Services Group is very low.  The officer becomes a senior specialist manager at that Command.


These officers are referred to by SpaceFleet officers as “lifers”.  Sometimes the “lifers” are looked at as not having much ambition, since they are so dedicated to one Command.  Nevertheless, these Commodores are highly regarded experts in their Command specialty, and are respected by all of the UPF.  Most non-SpaceFleet officer careers end at Commodore.  Some Commodores will serve for many years waiting for a single Rear Admiral slot, which, more often than not, is snatched up by some hotshot from SpaceFleet.


UPF Officers create teams as needed, stitching together resources from the various Commands to accomplish missions.  Seniority structures are rapidly determined by the Joint Services Group (JSG) and are obeyed without discussion or hesitation.  If practicable, the Joint Services Group will solicit opinions from the various Commands as to the hierarchy for a particular task or facility.  However, the JSG is more than capable of determining a command structure within seconds, should the need arise. 


Officers of equal rank are always equal, regardless of time served or any other consideration.  When two officers of equal rank have an issue, the decision is made by the chain of command – normally stopping at a Commodore, if the issue even gets that far.  Every mission, facility and procedure has its own structure and chain of command, and Federation officers are expected to help manage the leadership process for the senior levels.  In the larger facilities, these chains can get complex and confusing but that is part of the challenge of the Redundancy Policy.


Sometimes there is some Command rivalry.  Certain Commands compete with others for resources and respect.  This can result in resistance to the mandates of the chain of command, but some dissent, particularly in peacetime, is tolerated.  Process improvement is welcome, and the UPF is somewhat unusual as a military organization in regards to its upward feedback – particularly among the officer corps.  The UPF takes great care that honest input given by junior officers does not adversely affect their careers.  This process is yet another of recent UPF reforms.  As a result, the senior leadership has a good picture of how their strategies and policies are being implemented, and make adjustments accordingly.




The UPF is not a Corporation, and this is reflected by the redundancy of personnel, technology, processes, and equipment.  The key concept is to be able to sustain battle damage and casualties while still accomplishing the mission.  As a result, the UPF can appear “bloated” as an organization.  For example, the average UPF robot has 3.6 technicians available to work on it in any given ship or facility.  However, this is not waste, it is depth.  This is an expensive policy in all areas, but is viewed as the most important to ensure mission success. 


A recent proof of the Redundancy policy was during an outbreak of a new strain of Blue Plague at a Federation base at Hargut.  Since Maintenance Command was housed outside the buildings at the base that had the contagion, they were able to suit up and go into the Operations Center safely.  They ensured that the computers remained online, even though all other UPF personnel - including Installation, Communication, Security, Robot and Computer Command - were dead.  As a result, they were able to isolate the virus and destroy it without any more loss of life.  The computers also helped maintain communications with outside Federation facilities, which immediately dispatched as much help as they could.


As a result of a Redundancy in equipment and skills, thousands of lives were saved.  After the initial deaths of over 400 UPF personnel at the base, not a single life was lost once Maintenance Command teams were able to ensure that the computers were running and working to resolve the situation.  Medical and Research Command assets, while billions of kilometers away on distant facilities, were able to fully leverage their expertise, days before their Emergency Response teams even arrived in system.  Their input was critical in ensuring that the Blue Plague did not spread to the local civilian population. 


The Hargut Incident was, and is, viewed as a triumph for the deep skill sets that the UPF inculcates in its members through the Redundancy policy.  It is also viewed as a model for Emergency Response.  Independent computer analysis has revealed that some megacorps and plantetary governments faced with a similar crisis would have lost more lives.  As a result, many new plans, procedures and improvements have been established by these entities using the UPF as a model.



Along the lines of the Redundancy Policy is the Temporary Ranking System.  This is a system of temporary promotion for emergency situations.  For example, if a UPF Frigate crash-lands on a planet and the Boarding Party Commander (rated as a Lieutenant)  is the ranking surviving officer, he will be promoted to Temporary Commander, the minimum rank to command a Frigate.  All courtesies and pay apply to the new Commander, but upon return to regular conditions, the Temporary Commander is returned to Lieutenant.  The time served counts towards his promotion to his next rank (in this example, Fleet Lieutenant.)  “Temp” rank does result in an increase in pay while in effect, and this money is retained by the officer when his normal rank and pay grade are restored.



While UPF officers are of very high caliber, there have been some problems among the Enlisted ranks.  However, these difficulties occurred when the Federation was in its infancy, and Enlisted pay and benefits were poor, especially when compared with the civilian sector.  As a result, many reforms have been enacted by the UPF involving increases in pay, more choice in Command rotations, better benefits (especially for family units) and educational opportunities.


In the beginning of the UPF, the Enlisted Ranks seemed to comprise Spacers that the other organizations (mega-corps and science expeditions, etc) had  rejected.  The conditions and low recruting standards led to poor organizations, low morale, criminal behavior and even a few mutinies.  But that was all before the recent reforms.  Now the situation has been largely reversed and UPF Enlisted positions, especially in the SpaceFleet, are highly prized.  Enlisted personnel have the benefit of shorter tours (2 years normally) and it is usually easy for an Enlisted “billet”  (i.e. position) to be renewed.  Their pay is lower than that of officers, but is in line, if not better, than the pay of an equivalent position in the private sector. 


Advancement in rank is also be somewhat faster than officers.  Enlisted personnel that do change Commands usually get their first choices more than officers, since there are usually more Enlisted billets available.  Command transfers are almost all accompanied by rigorous education and training which is now prized in the civilian sector.  Many companies actively recruit UPF senior Sergeant ranks, as they have extensive skills in managing small groups and building teams.



This organization is both shadowy and majestic at the same time.  All UPF Admirals are highly experienced, educated, and respected officers.  Only the very best are considered for the Admiralty.  Each Admiral has a custom banner and baton with his own personal insignia.  These insignia are carried everywhere the Admiral goes.


Admirals have whole staffs that work for them: an Adjutant, an Aide-de-Camp and a Subaltern.  Adjutants are mid-level officers.  The Adjutant is the executive officer of the Admiral and sometimes his second-in-command.  His job is to assist the Admiral directly in all decision making and command responsibilities.  The Aide-de-Camp (or “ADC”) is a junior officer that handles the Admiral’s schedule and other administrative duties.  The Subaltern is a senior enlisted man who assists the ADC and Adjutant, but also will serve as a liaison to the Admiral when issues that may be unique to the Enlisted Ranks are concerned.  They are often consulted to ensure that orders given by the Admiral are not too complicated and are easy for all to understand.


Admirals have certain universal command and leadership talents that enable them to tackle any situation.  They are highly trained managers who know how to take charge, set up a command structure, delegate appropriately, and accomplish the mission.  They are also experienced soldiers fully capable of entering combat if absolutely necessary.


The highest bodies in the UPF are the Supreme Military Council and the Joint Services Group.  The SMC is in overall command of the UPF.  The Supreme Military Council is tasked with grand strategy, intelligence coordination and other command roles within the UPF.  Their decisions are led by the Fleet Admiral, who is the Supreme Commander of the UPF.  This post is currently held by a Vrusk, K’zzr Grilltk.  Grilltk’s policies and reforms have rejuvenated the UPF and its reputation.  Fleet Admiral Grilltk has also been very adept and persuading the civilian authorities, who control the purse strings of the UPF, to increase certain taxes and raise personnel, equipment, and redundancy standards.  His reforms have been universally well-received and almost all fully implemented.


Another important role of the Supreme Military Council is testifying before the civilian authorities, since the UPF requires vast sums of Credits to operate and controls very little of its own money.  Budget time is a very tense period for the SMC, and for the UPF as a whole.  Many days of preparation go into the reports and testimony that the SMC must give to the civilian authorities.  Many Star Admirals wish they were back piloting shuttles at the Academy when faced with a grilling from some disgruntled Senator. 


The Supreme Military Council is selected from the Admirals in the Joint Services Group and elsewhere.  All must be approved by the Planetary Senate.  The Joint Services Group, or JSG, is primarily a logistical and command / control body.  They are responsible for the creation of chains of command at all UPF facilities, stations and ships.  They closely review all promotions, particularly those of senior officer personnel.  For example, all aspiring Captains and Commodores must attend rigorous review boards before the Joint Services Group.  The JSG also constantly reviews doctines, tactics, policies and procedures, always looking to streamline, simplify, increase efficiency and increase combat effectiveness. 


Civilians also play an important role in the UPF.  Locals can be hired to do menial tasks, or even non-combat roles if UPF personnel are lacking (this is rare).  Civilians are a common sight at the Research and Training Commands. The Planetary Senate’s Auditing and Control Committee are particularly dreaded and annoying presences in the UPF.  They investigate infractions on behalf of the Planetary Senate and report solely to Senate authorities, watching for corruption.  Any whiff of impropriety in the UPF will bring down their hammer, and not even the Fleet Admiral himself can order them around!


Today, UPF personnel represent the finest individuals in the Galaxy.  Shortly after the First Sathar War, archaic traditions from legacy military organizations, poor management, and budgeting problems plagued the UPF and SpaceFleet.  Now, Frontier citizens are proud of their mighty United Planetary Federation and its SpaceFleet.  Billions of credits, and millions of hours of work have turned this organization around - into the envy of the Known Galaxy.  Even the megacorps, who used to scoff at the management practices of the UPF, now look to the UPF for new ideas and techniques.  Former UPF personnel are sought after by all manner of Frontier business, scientific, and government institutions.  The UPF is also a model of racial harmony – attracting the best of all Four Races. 


They can be somewhat elitist, but that is common among the elite! 


Supreme Commander:  Fleet Admiral

Supreme Military Council:  8 Star Admirals


Joint Services Chief : Star Admiral

Joint Services Group: 8 Admirals